Refine and rename layouting types 🛀

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2019-12-12 23:33:26 +01:00
parent ff107cf3e7
commit f549914ff8
12 changed files with 317 additions and 372 deletions

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@ -12,13 +12,7 @@ mod macros;
/// Useful imports for creating your own functions.
pub mod prelude {
pub use crate::func::{Scope, ParseFunc, LayoutFunc, Command, Commands};
pub use crate::layout::{
layout_tree, Layout, MultiLayout,
LayoutContext, LayoutSpace, LayoutSpaces, LayoutExpansion,
LayoutAxes, Axis, GenericAxisKind, SpecificAxisKind,
LayoutAlignment, Alignment,
SpacingKind, LayoutResult,
pub use crate::layout::prelude::*;
pub use crate::syntax::{
parse, ParseContext, ParseResult,
SyntaxTree, FuncCall, FuncArgs, PosArg, KeyArg,
@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ pub enum Command<'a> {
AddSpacing(Size, SpacingKind, GenericAxisKind),
AddSpacing(Size, SpacingKind, GenericAxis),
@ -149,13 +143,13 @@ impl Scope {
/// Associate the given name with a type that is parseable into a function.
pub fn add<F>(&mut self, name: &str)
where F: ParseFunc<Meta=()> + LayoutFunc + 'static {
self.add_with_metadata::<F, ()>(name, ());
self.add_with_metadata::<F>(name, ());
/// Add a parseable type with additional metadata that is given to the
/// parser (other than the default of `()`).
pub fn add_with_metadata<F, T>(&mut self, name: &str, metadata: T)
where F: ParseFunc<Meta=T> + LayoutFunc + 'static, T: 'static + Clone {
pub fn add_with_metadata<F>(&mut self, name: &str, metadata: <F as ParseFunc>::Meta)
where F: ParseFunc + LayoutFunc + 'static {
Box::new(move |a, b, c| {

View File

@ -13,6 +13,20 @@ mod flex;
mod stack;
mod text;
/// Common types for layouting.
pub mod prelude {
pub use super::{
layout_tree, LayoutResult,
MultiLayout, Layout, LayoutContext, LayoutSpaces, LayoutSpace,
LayoutExpansion, LayoutAxes, GenericAxis, SpecificAxis, Direction,
LayoutAlignment, Alignment, SpacingKind,
pub use GenericAxis::*;
pub use SpecificAxis::*;
pub use Direction::*;
pub use Alignment::*;
/// Different kinds of layouters (fully re-exported).
pub mod layouters {
pub use super::tree::layout_tree;
@ -23,6 +37,7 @@ pub mod layouters {
pub use self::actions::{LayoutAction, LayoutActions};
pub use self::layouters::*;
pub use self::prelude::*;
/// The result type for layouting.
pub type LayoutResult<T> = crate::TypesetResult<T>;
@ -56,6 +71,34 @@ impl Layout {
/// Layout components that can be serialized.
pub trait Serialize {
/// Serialize the data structure into an output writable.
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, f: &mut W) -> io::Result<()>;
impl Serialize for Layout {
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, f: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
writeln!(f, "{:.4} {:.4}", self.dimensions.x.to_pt(), self.dimensions.y.to_pt())?;
writeln!(f, "{}", self.actions.len())?;
for action in &self.actions {
impl Serialize for MultiLayout {
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, f: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
writeln!(f, "{}", self.len())?;
for layout in self {
/// The general context for layouting.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct LayoutContext<'a, 'p> {
@ -66,12 +109,16 @@ pub struct LayoutContext<'a, 'p> {
pub style: &'a LayoutStyle,
/// The spaces to layout in.
pub spaces: LayoutSpaces,
/// Whether to repeat the last space or quit with an error if more space
/// would be needed.
pub repeat: bool,
/// The initial axes along which content is laid out.
pub axes: LayoutAxes,
/// The alignment of the finished layout.
pub alignment: LayoutAlignment,
/// Whether this layouting process handles the top-level pages.
pub top_level: bool,
/// Whether the layout that is to be created will be nested in a parent
/// container.
pub nested: bool,
/// Whether to debug render a box around the layout.
pub debug: bool,
@ -89,7 +136,7 @@ pub struct LayoutSpace {
/// Whether to expand the dimensions of the resulting layout to the full
/// dimensions of this space or to shrink them to fit the content for the
/// horizontal and vertical axis.
pub expand: LayoutExpansion,
pub expansion: LayoutExpansion,
impl LayoutSpace {
@ -109,7 +156,7 @@ impl LayoutSpace {
LayoutSpace {
dimensions: self.usable(),
padding: SizeBox::ZERO,
expand: LayoutExpansion::new(false, false),
expansion: LayoutExpansion::new(false, false),
@ -130,195 +177,125 @@ impl LayoutExpansion {
/// The axes along which the content is laid out.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LayoutAxes {
pub primary: Axis,
pub secondary: Axis,
pub primary: Direction,
pub secondary: Direction,
impl LayoutAxes {
pub fn new(primary: Axis, secondary: Axis) -> LayoutAxes {
if primary.is_horizontal() == secondary.is_horizontal() {
panic!("LayoutAxes::new: invalid parallel axes {:?} and {:?}", primary, secondary);
pub fn new(primary: Direction, secondary: Direction) -> LayoutAxes {
if primary.axis() == secondary.axis() {
panic!("LayoutAxes::new: invalid aligned axes {:?} and {:?}",
primary, secondary);
LayoutAxes { primary, secondary }
/// Return the specified generic axis.
pub fn generic(&self, axis: GenericAxisKind) -> Axis {
/// Return the direction of the specified generic axis.
pub fn get_generic(self, axis: GenericAxis) -> Direction {
match axis {
GenericAxisKind::Primary => self.primary,
GenericAxisKind::Secondary => self.secondary,
Primary => self.primary,
Secondary => self.secondary,
/// Return the specified specific axis.
pub fn specific(&self, axis: SpecificAxisKind) -> Axis {
/// Returns the generic axis kind which is the horizontal axis.
pub fn horizontal(&self) -> GenericAxisKind {
match self.primary.is_horizontal() {
true => GenericAxisKind::Primary,
false => GenericAxisKind::Secondary,
/// Returns the generic axis kind which is the vertical axis.
pub fn vertical(&self) -> GenericAxisKind {
/// Returns the specific axis kind which is the primary axis.
pub fn primary(&self) -> SpecificAxisKind {
match self.primary.is_horizontal() {
true => SpecificAxisKind::Horizontal,
false => SpecificAxisKind::Vertical,
/// Returns the specific axis kind which is the secondary axis.
pub fn secondary(&self) -> SpecificAxisKind {
/// Returns the generic alignment corresponding to left-alignment.
pub fn left(&self) -> Alignment {
let positive = match self.primary.is_horizontal() {
true => self.primary.is_positive(),
false => self.secondary.is_positive(),
if positive { Alignment::Origin } else { Alignment::End }
/// Returns the generic alignment corresponding to right-alignment.
pub fn right(&self) -> Alignment {
/// Returns the generic alignment corresponding to top-alignment.
pub fn top(&self) -> Alignment {
let positive = match self.primary.is_horizontal() {
true => self.secondary.is_positive(),
false => self.primary.is_positive(),
if positive { Alignment::Origin } else { Alignment::End }
/// Returns the generic alignment corresponding to bottom-alignment.
pub fn bottom(&self) -> Alignment {
/// Return the direction of the specified specific axis.
pub fn get_specific(self, axis: SpecificAxis) -> Direction {
impl Default for LayoutAxes {
fn default() -> LayoutAxes {
LayoutAxes {
primary: Axis::LeftToRight,
secondary: Axis::TopToBottom,
/// The two generic layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum GenericAxis {
impl GenericAxis {
/// The specific version of this axis in the given system of axes.
pub fn to_specific(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> SpecificAxis {
/// The other axis.
pub fn inv(self) -> GenericAxis {
match self {
Primary => Secondary,
Secondary => Primary,
/// The two specific layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum SpecificAxis {
impl SpecificAxis {
/// The generic version of this axis in the given system of axes.
pub fn to_generic(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> GenericAxis {
if self == axes.primary.axis() { Primary } else { Secondary }
/// The other axis.
pub fn inv(self) -> SpecificAxis {
match self {
Horizontal => Vertical,
Vertical => Horizontal,
/// Directions along which content is laid out.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Axis {
pub enum Direction {
impl Axis {
/// Whether this is a horizontal axis.
pub fn is_horizontal(&self) -> bool {
impl Direction {
/// The specific axis this direction belongs to.
pub fn axis(self) -> SpecificAxis {
match self {
Axis::LeftToRight | Axis::RightToLeft => true,
Axis::TopToBottom | Axis::BottomToTop => false,
LeftToRight | RightToLeft => Horizontal,
TopToBottom | BottomToTop => Vertical,
/// Whether this axis points into the positive coordinate direction.
pub fn is_positive(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_positive(self) -> bool {
match self {
Axis::LeftToRight | Axis::TopToBottom => true,
Axis::RightToLeft | Axis::BottomToTop => false,
LeftToRight | TopToBottom => true,
RightToLeft | BottomToTop => false,
/// The inverse axis.
pub fn inv(&self) -> Axis {
pub fn inv(self) -> Direction {
match self {
Axis::LeftToRight => Axis::RightToLeft,
Axis::RightToLeft => Axis::LeftToRight,
Axis::TopToBottom => Axis::BottomToTop,
Axis::BottomToTop => Axis::TopToBottom,
LeftToRight => RightToLeft,
RightToLeft => LeftToRight,
TopToBottom => BottomToTop,
BottomToTop => TopToBottom,
/// The direction factor for this axis.
/// The factor for this direction.
/// - 1 if the axis is positive.
/// - -1 if the axis is negative.
pub fn factor(&self) -> i32 {
/// - `1` if the direction is positive.
/// - `-1` if the direction is negative.
pub fn factor(self) -> i32 {
if self.is_positive() { 1 } else { -1 }
/// The two generic kinds of layouting axes.
/// Where to align a layout in a container.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum GenericAxisKind {
impl GenericAxisKind {
/// The specific version of this axis in the given system of axes.
pub fn specific(&self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> SpecificAxisKind {
match self {
GenericAxisKind::Primary => axes.primary(),
GenericAxisKind::Secondary => axes.secondary(),
/// The other axis.
pub fn inv(&self) -> GenericAxisKind {
match self {
GenericAxisKind::Primary => GenericAxisKind::Secondary,
GenericAxisKind::Secondary => GenericAxisKind::Primary,
/// The two specific kinds of layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum SpecificAxisKind {
impl SpecificAxisKind {
/// The generic version of this axis in the given system of axes.
pub fn generic(&self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> GenericAxisKind {
match self {
SpecificAxisKind::Horizontal => axes.horizontal(),
SpecificAxisKind::Vertical => axes.vertical(),
/// The other axis.
pub fn inv(&self) -> SpecificAxisKind {
match self {
SpecificAxisKind::Horizontal => SpecificAxisKind::Vertical,
SpecificAxisKind::Vertical => SpecificAxisKind::Horizontal,
/// The place to put a layout in a container.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LayoutAlignment {
pub primary: Alignment,
pub secondary: Alignment,
@ -328,6 +305,14 @@ impl LayoutAlignment {
pub fn new(primary: Alignment, secondary: Alignment) -> LayoutAlignment {
LayoutAlignment { primary, secondary }
/// Return the alignment of the specified generic axis.
pub fn get(self, axis: GenericAxis) -> Alignment {
match axis {
Primary => self.primary,
Secondary => self.secondary,
/// Where to align content.
@ -340,21 +325,15 @@ pub enum Alignment {
impl Alignment {
/// The inverse alignment.
pub fn inv(&self) -> Alignment {
pub fn inv(self) -> Alignment {
match self {
Alignment::Origin => Alignment::End,
Alignment::Center => Alignment::Center,
Alignment::End => Alignment::Origin,
Origin => End,
Center => Center,
End => Origin,
impl Default for Alignment {
fn default() -> Alignment {
/// Whitespace between boxes with different interaction properties.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SpacingKind {
@ -380,38 +359,10 @@ enum LastSpacing {
impl LastSpacing {
/// The size of the soft space if this is a soft space or zero otherwise.
fn soft_or_zero(&self) -> Size {
fn soft_or_zero(self) -> Size {
match self {
LastSpacing::Soft(space, _) => *space,
LastSpacing::Soft(space, _) => space,
_ => Size::ZERO,
/// Layout components that can be serialized.
pub trait Serialize {
/// Serialize the data structure into an output writable.
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, f: &mut W) -> io::Result<()>;
impl Serialize for Layout {
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, f: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
writeln!(f, "{:.4} {:.4}", self.dimensions.x.to_pt(), self.dimensions.y.to_pt())?;
writeln!(f, "{}", self.actions.len())?;
for action in &self.actions {
impl Serialize for MultiLayout {
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, f: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
writeln!(f, "{}", self.len())?;
for layout in self {

View File

@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ impl StackLayouter {
// A hard space is simply an empty box.
SpacingKind::Hard => {
// Reduce the spacing such that it definitely fits.
let dimensions = Size2D::with_y(spacing);
self.update_metrics(dimensions);, Layout {
dimensions: dimensions.specialized(self.ctx.axes),
alignment: LayoutAlignment::default(),
alignment: LayoutAlignment::new(Origin, Origin),
actions: vec![]
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ impl StackLayouter {
/// Whether the given alignment is still allowed according to the rulers.
fn alignment_allowed(&mut self, axis: Axis, alignment: Alignment) -> bool {
alignment >= *
&& alignment <=
fn alignment_allowed(&mut self, direction: Direction, alignment: Alignment) -> bool {
alignment >= *
&& alignment <=
/// Update the size metrics to reflect that a layout or spacing with the
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ impl StackLayouter { = size.specialized(axes); = extra.specialized(axes);
* -= dimensions.y;
* -= dimensions.y;
/// Change the layouting axes used by this layouter.
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ impl StackLayouter {
let mut spaces = smallvec![LayoutSpace {
padding: SizeBox::ZERO,
expand: LayoutExpansion::new(false, false),
expansion: LayoutExpansion::new(false, false),
for space in &self.ctx.spaces[self.next_space()..] {
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ impl StackLayouter {
/// The usable size along the primary axis.
pub fn primary_usable(&self) -> Size {
/// Whether the current layout space (not subspace) is empty.
@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ impl StackLayouter {
// expand if necessary.)
let usable = space.usable();
if space.expand.horizontal { = usable.x; }
if space.expand.vertical { = usable.y; }
if space.expansion.horizontal { = usable.x; }
if space.expansion.vertical { = usable.y; }
let dimensions =;
@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ impl StackLayouter {
// layout uses up space from the origin to the end. Thus, it reduces
// the usable space for following layouts at it's origin by its
// extent along the secondary axis.
*bound.get_mut(*axes, GenericAxisKind::Secondary, Alignment::Origin)
+= axes.secondary.factor() * layout.dimensions.secondary(*axes);
*bound.get_mut(*axes, Secondary, Origin)
+= axes.secondary.factor() * layout.dimensions.get_secondary(*axes);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ //
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ impl StackLayouter {
// The `x` field stores the maximal primary extent in one axis-aligned
// run, while the `y` fields stores the accumulated secondary extent.
let mut extent = Size2D::ZERO;
let mut rotated = false;
let mut rotation = Vertical;
for (bound, entry) in bounds.iter_mut().zip(& {
let (axes, layout) = entry;
@ -324,17 +324,16 @@ impl StackLayouter {
// (`extent.x`) dictates how much secondary extent the whole run
// had. This value is thus stored in `extent.y`. The primary extent
// is reset for this new axis-aligned run.
let is_horizontal = axes.secondary.is_horizontal();
if is_horizontal != rotated {
if rotation != axes.secondary.axis() {
extent.y = extent.x;
extent.x = Size::ZERO;
rotated = is_horizontal;
rotation = axes.secondary.axis();
// We reduce the bounding box of this layout at it's end by the
// accumulated secondary extent of all layouts we have seen so far,
// which are the layouts after this one since we iterate reversed.
*bound.get_mut(*axes, GenericAxisKind::Secondary, Alignment::End)
*bound.get_mut(*axes, Secondary, End)
-= axes.secondary.factor() * extent.y;
// Then, we add this layout's secondary extent to the accumulator.
@ -404,10 +403,10 @@ impl Space {
extra: Size2D::ZERO,
rulers: Rulers {
top: Alignment::Origin,
bottom: Alignment::Origin,
left: Alignment::Origin,
right: Alignment::Origin,
top: Origin,
bottom: Origin,
left: Origin,
right: Origin,
last_spacing: LastSpacing::Hard,
@ -415,12 +414,12 @@ impl Space {
impl Rulers {
fn get(&mut self, axis: Axis) -> &mut Alignment {
match axis {
Axis::TopToBottom => &mut,
Axis::BottomToTop => &mut self.bottom,
Axis::LeftToRight => &mut self.left,
Axis::RightToLeft => &mut self.right,
fn get(&mut self, direction: Direction) -> &mut Alignment {
match direction {
TopToBottom => &mut,
BottomToTop => &mut self.bottom,
LeftToRight => &mut self.left,
RightToLeft => &mut self.right,

View File

@ -76,13 +76,10 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TreeLayouter<'a, 'p> {
fn layout_func(&mut self, func: &FuncCall) -> LayoutResult<()> {
let spaces = self.stack.remaining();
let commands = func.0.layout(LayoutContext {
loader: self.ctx.loader,
style: &,
top_level: false,
spaces: self.stack.remaining(),
nested: true,
debug: true,
.. self.ctx
@ -103,8 +100,8 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TreeLayouter<'a, 'p> {
Add(layout) => self.stack.add(layout)?,
AddMultiple(layouts) => self.stack.add_multiple(layouts)?,
AddSpacing(space, kind, axis) => match axis {
GenericAxisKind::Primary => {},
GenericAxisKind::Secondary => self.stack.add_spacing(space, kind),
Primary => {},
Secondary => self.stack.add_spacing(space, kind),
FinishLine => {},
@ -114,8 +111,8 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TreeLayouter<'a, 'p> {
SetTextStyle(style) => = style,
SetPageStyle(style) => {
if !self.ctx.top_level {
error!("the page style cannot only be altered from a top-level context");
if self.ctx.nested {
error!("page style cannot be altered in nested context");
} = style;
@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ impl<'a, 'p> TreeLayouter<'a, 'p> {
LayoutSpace {
dimensions: style.dimensions,
padding: style.margins,
expand: LayoutExpansion::new(true, true),
expansion: LayoutExpansion::new(true, true),
], true);

View File

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ impl<'p> Typesetter<'p> {
/// Layout a syntax tree and return the produced layout.
pub fn layout(&self, tree: &SyntaxTree) -> LayoutResult<MultiLayout> {
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
LayoutContext {
@ -98,12 +99,13 @@ impl<'p> Typesetter<'p> {
style: &,
spaces: smallvec![LayoutSpace {
expand: LayoutExpansion::new(true, true),
expansion: LayoutExpansion::new(true, true),
axes: LayoutAxes::default(),
alignment: LayoutAlignment::default(),
top_level: true,
repeat: true,
axes: LayoutAxes::new(LeftToRight, TopToBottom),
alignment: LayoutAlignment::new(Origin, Origin),
nested: false,
debug: false,

View File

@ -34,20 +34,20 @@ function! {
let map =|key, alignment| {
let axis = match key {
Key::First => alignment.axis(axes, GenericAxisKind::Primary),
Key::Second => alignment.axis(axes, GenericAxisKind::Secondary),
Key::Axis(AxisKey::Primary) => GenericAxisKind::Primary,
Key::Axis(AxisKey::Secondary) => GenericAxisKind::Secondary,
Key::Axis(AxisKey::Horizontal) => axes.horizontal(),
Key::Axis(AxisKey::Vertical) => axes.vertical(),
Key::First => alignment.axis(axes, Primary),
Key::Second => alignment.axis(axes, Secondary),
Key::Axis(AxisKey::Primary) => Primary,
Key::Axis(AxisKey::Secondary) => Secondary,
Key::Axis(AxisKey::Horizontal) => Horizontal.to_generic(axes),
Key::Axis(AxisKey::Vertical) => Vertical.to_generic(axes),
let alignment = alignment.generic(axes, axis)?;
let alignment = alignment.to_generic(axes, axis)?;
Ok((axis, alignment))
map.with(GenericAxisKind::Primary, |&val| ctx.alignment.primary = val);
map.with(GenericAxisKind::Secondary, |&val| ctx.alignment.secondary = val);
map.with(Primary, |&val| ctx.alignment.primary = val);
map.with(Secondary, |&val| ctx.alignment.secondary = val);
match &self.body {
Some(body) => vec![AddMultiple(layout_tree(&body, ctx)?)],

View File

@ -21,15 +21,13 @@ function! {
layout(self, mut ctx) {
use SpecificAxisKind::*;
ctx.debug = self.debug;
let space = &mut ctx.spaces[0];, |axis, p| {
let entity = match axis {
Horizontal => { space.expand.horizontal = true; &mut space.dimensions.x },
Vertical => { space.expand.vertical = true; &mut space.dimensions.y },
Horizontal => { space.expansion.horizontal = true; &mut space.dimensions.x },
Vertical => { space.expansion.vertical = true; &mut space.dimensions.y },
*entity = p.concretize(*entity)

View File

@ -5,25 +5,25 @@ use super::keys::AxisKey;
function! {
/// `direction`: Sets the directions of the layouting axes.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Direction {
pub struct DirectionChange {
body: Option<SyntaxTree>,
map: ConsistentMap<AxisKey, Axis>,
map: ConsistentMap<AxisKey, Direction>,
parse(args, body, ctx) {
let mut map = ConsistentMap::new();
map.add_opt_span(AxisKey::Primary, args.get_pos_opt::<Axis>()?)?;
map.add_opt_span(AxisKey::Secondary, args.get_pos_opt::<Axis>()?)?;
map.add_opt_span(AxisKey::Primary, args.get_pos_opt::<Direction>()?)?;
map.add_opt_span(AxisKey::Secondary, args.get_pos_opt::<Direction>()?)?;
for arg in args.keys() {
let axis = AxisKey::from_ident(&arg.v.key)?;
let value = Axis::from_expr(arg.v.value)?;
let value = Direction::from_expr(arg.v.value)?;
map.add(axis, value)?;
Direction {
DirectionChange {
body: parse!(optional: body, ctx),
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ function! {
let map =|key, &direction| {
Ok((match key {
AxisKey::Primary => GenericAxisKind::Primary,
AxisKey::Secondary => GenericAxisKind::Secondary,
AxisKey::Horizontal => axes.horizontal(),
AxisKey::Vertical => axes.vertical(),
AxisKey::Primary => Primary,
AxisKey::Secondary => Secondary,
AxisKey::Horizontal => Horizontal.to_generic(axes),
AxisKey::Vertical => Vertical.to_generic(axes),
}, direction))
map.with(GenericAxisKind::Primary, |&val| ctx.axes.primary = val);
map.with(GenericAxisKind::Secondary, |&val| ctx.axes.secondary = val);
map.with(Primary, |&val| ctx.axes.primary = val);
map.with(Secondary, |&val| ctx.axes.secondary = val);
if ctx.axes.primary.is_horizontal() == ctx.axes.secondary.is_horizontal() {
if ctx.axes.primary.axis() == ctx.axes.secondary.axis() {
"aligned primary and secondary axes: `{}`, `{}`",
format!("{:?}", ctx.axes.primary).to_lowercase(),

View File

@ -39,33 +39,26 @@ pub enum AxisKey {
impl AxisKey {
/// The generic version of this axis key in the given system of axes.
pub fn generic(&self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> GenericAxisKind {
pub fn to_generic(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> GenericAxis {
match self {
AxisKey::Primary => GenericAxisKind::Primary,
AxisKey::Secondary => GenericAxisKind::Secondary,
AxisKey::Vertical => axes.vertical(),
AxisKey::Horizontal => axes.horizontal(),
AxisKey::Primary => Primary,
AxisKey::Secondary => Secondary,
AxisKey::Vertical => Vertical.to_generic(axes),
AxisKey::Horizontal => Horizontal.to_generic(axes),
/// The specific version of this axis key in the given system of axes.
pub fn specific(&self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> SpecificAxisKind {
pub fn to_specific(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> SpecificAxis {
match self {
AxisKey::Primary => axes.primary(),
AxisKey::Secondary => axes.secondary(),
AxisKey::Vertical => SpecificAxisKind::Vertical,
AxisKey::Horizontal => SpecificAxisKind::Horizontal,
AxisKey::Primary => Primary.to_specific(axes),
AxisKey::Secondary => Secondary.to_specific(axes),
AxisKey::Vertical => Vertical,
AxisKey::Horizontal => Horizontal,
kind!(AxisKey, "axis",
"horizontal" => AxisKey::Horizontal,
"vertical" => AxisKey::Vertical,
"primary" => AxisKey::Primary,
"secondary" => AxisKey::Secondary,
/// An argument key which describes a target alignment.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum AlignmentKey {
@ -81,29 +74,35 @@ pub enum AlignmentKey {
impl AlignmentKey {
/// The generic axis this alignment key corresopnds to in the given system
/// of layouting axes. Falls back to `default` if the alignment is generic.
pub fn axis(&self, axes: LayoutAxes, default: GenericAxisKind) -> GenericAxisKind {
pub fn axis(self, axes: LayoutAxes, default: GenericAxis) -> GenericAxis {
use AlignmentKey::*;
match self {
Origin | Center | End => default,
Left | Right => axes.horizontal(),
Top | Bottom => axes.vertical(),
Left | Right => Horizontal.to_generic(axes),
Top | Bottom => Vertical.to_generic(axes),
/// The generic version of this alignment in the given system of layouting
/// axes. Returns an error if the alignment is invalid for the given axis.
pub fn generic(&self, axes: LayoutAxes, axis: GenericAxisKind) -> LayoutResult<Alignment> {
use AlignmentKey::*;
/// axes.
/// Returns an error if the alignment is invalid for the given axis.
pub fn to_generic(self, axes: LayoutAxes, axis: GenericAxis) -> LayoutResult<Alignment> {
let specific = axis.to_specific(axes);
Ok(match (self, specific) {
(AlignmentKey::Origin, _) => Origin,
(AlignmentKey::Center, _) => Center,
(AlignmentKey::End, _) => End,
(AlignmentKey::Left, Horizontal) | (AlignmentKey::Top, Vertical) => {
if axes.get_specific(specific).is_positive() { Origin } else { End }
(AlignmentKey::Right, Horizontal) | (AlignmentKey::Bottom, Vertical) => {
if axes.get_specific(specific).is_positive() { End } else { Origin }
let horizontal = axis == axes.horizontal();
Ok(match self {
Origin => Alignment::Origin,
Center => Alignment::Center,
End => Alignment::End,
Left if horizontal => axes.left(),
Right if horizontal => axes.right(),
Top if !horizontal =>,
Bottom if !horizontal => axes.bottom(),
_ => error!(
"invalid alignment `{}` for {} axis",
format!("{:?}", self).to_lowercase(),
@ -114,31 +113,20 @@ impl AlignmentKey {
/// The specific version of this alignment in the given system of layouting
/// axes.
pub fn specific(&self, axes: LayoutAxes, axis: SpecificAxisKind) -> AlignmentKey {
pub fn to_specific(self, axes: LayoutAxes, axis: SpecificAxis) -> AlignmentKey {
use AlignmentKey::*;
use SpecificAxisKind::*;
let positive = axes.specific(axis).is_positive();
let positive = axes.get_specific(axis).is_positive();
match (self, axis, positive) {
(Origin, Horizontal, true) | (End, Horizontal, false) => Left,
(End, Horizontal, true) | (Origin, Horizontal, false) => Right,
(Origin, Vertical, true) | (End, Vertical, false) => Top,
(End, Vertical, true) | (Origin, Vertical, false) => Bottom,
_ => *self,
_ => self,
kind!(AlignmentKey, "alignment",
"left" => AlignmentKey::Left,
"top" => AlignmentKey::Top,
"right" => AlignmentKey::Right,
"bottom" => AlignmentKey::Bottom,
"origin" => AlignmentKey::Origin,
"center" => AlignmentKey::Center,
"end" => AlignmentKey::End,
/// An argument key which identifies a margin or padding target.
/// A is the used axis type.
@ -152,30 +140,47 @@ pub enum PaddingKey<A> {
AxisAligned(A, AlignmentKey),
kind!(AxisKey, "axis",
"horizontal" | "h" => AxisKey::Horizontal,
"vertical" | "v" => AxisKey::Vertical,
"primary" | "p" => AxisKey::Primary,
"secondary" | "s" => AxisKey::Secondary,
kind!(AlignmentKey, "alignment",
"left" => AlignmentKey::Left,
"top" => AlignmentKey::Top,
"right" => AlignmentKey::Right,
"bottom" => AlignmentKey::Bottom,
"origin" => AlignmentKey::Origin,
"center" => AlignmentKey::Center,
"end" => AlignmentKey::End,
kind!(PaddingKey<AxisKey>, "axis or side",
"horizontal" => PaddingKey::Axis(AxisKey::Horizontal),
"vertical" => PaddingKey::Axis(AxisKey::Vertical),
"primary" => PaddingKey::Axis(AxisKey::Primary),
"secondary" => PaddingKey::Axis(AxisKey::Secondary),
"horizontal" | "h" => PaddingKey::Axis(AxisKey::Horizontal),
"vertical" | "v" => PaddingKey::Axis(AxisKey::Vertical),
"primary" | "p" => PaddingKey::Axis(AxisKey::Primary),
"secondary" | "s" => PaddingKey::Axis(AxisKey::Secondary),
"left" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Horizontal, AlignmentKey::Left),
"right" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Horizontal, AlignmentKey::Right),
"top" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Vertical, AlignmentKey::Top),
"bottom" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Vertical, AlignmentKey::Bottom),
"left" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Horizontal, AlignmentKey::Left),
"right" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Horizontal, AlignmentKey::Right),
"top" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Vertical, AlignmentKey::Top),
"bottom" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Vertical, AlignmentKey::Bottom),
"primary-origin" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Primary, AlignmentKey::Origin),
"primary-end" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Primary, AlignmentKey::End),
"secondary-origin" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Secondary, AlignmentKey::Origin),
"secondary-end" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Secondary, AlignmentKey::End),
"primary-origin" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Primary, AlignmentKey::Origin),
"primary-end" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Primary, AlignmentKey::End),
"secondary-origin" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Secondary, AlignmentKey::Origin),
"secondary-end" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Secondary, AlignmentKey::End),
"horizontal-origin" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Horizontal, AlignmentKey::Origin),
"horizontal-end" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Horizontal, AlignmentKey::End),
"vertical-origin" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Vertical, AlignmentKey::Origin),
"vertical-end" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Vertical, AlignmentKey::End),
"horizontal-end" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Horizontal, AlignmentKey::End),
"vertical-origin" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Vertical, AlignmentKey::Origin),
"vertical-end" => PaddingKey::AxisAligned(AxisKey::Vertical, AlignmentKey::End),
kind!(Axis, "direction",
"ltr" => Axis::LeftToRight,
"rtl" => Axis::RightToLeft,
"ttb" => Axis::TopToBottom,
"btt" => Axis::BottomToTop,
kind!(Direction, "direction",
"left-to-right" | "ltr" => LeftToRight,
"right-to-left" | "rtl" => RightToLeft,
"top-to-bottom" | "ttb" => TopToBottom,
"bottom-to-top" | "btt" => BottomToTop,

View File

@ -84,10 +84,11 @@ impl<E: ExpressionKind + Copy> ExtentMap<E> {
for arg in args.keys() {
let key = match arg.v.key.v.0.as_str() {
"width" | "w" => AxisKey::Horizontal,
"height" | "h" => AxisKey::Vertical,
"primary-size" | "ps" => AxisKey::Primary,
"width" | "w" => AxisKey::Horizontal,
"height" | "h" => AxisKey::Vertical,
"primary-size" | "ps" => AxisKey::Primary,
"secondary-size" | "ss" => AxisKey::Secondary,
_ => if enforce {
error!("expected dimension")
} else {
@ -111,22 +112,22 @@ impl<E: ExpressionKind + Copy> ExtentMap<E> {
size: F
) -> LayoutResult<()> where F: Fn(&E) -> Size {
let map = self.dedup(axes)?;
map.with(SpecificAxisKind::Horizontal, |val| dimensions.x = size(val));
map.with(SpecificAxisKind::Vertical, |val| dimensions.y = size(val));
map.with(Horizontal, |val| dimensions.x = size(val));
map.with(Vertical, |val| dimensions.y = size(val));
/// Map from any axis key to the specific axis kind.
pub fn apply_with<F>(&self, axes: LayoutAxes, mut f: F) -> LayoutResult<()>
where F: FnMut(SpecificAxisKind, &E) {
where F: FnMut(SpecificAxis, &E) {
for (&key, value) in self.dedup(axes)?.iter() {
f(key, value);
fn dedup(&self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> LayoutResult<ConsistentMap<SpecificAxisKind, E>> {
self.0.dedup(|key, &val| Ok((key.specific(axes), val)))
fn dedup(&self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> LayoutResult<ConsistentMap<SpecificAxis, E>> {
self.0.dedup(|key, &val| Ok((key.to_specific(axes), val)))
@ -165,17 +166,17 @@ impl PaddingMap {
let map = self.0.dedup(|key, &val| {
Ok((match key {
All => All,
Axis(axis) => Axis(axis.specific(axes)),
Axis(axis) => Axis(axis.to_specific(axes)),
AxisAligned(axis, alignment) => {
let axis = axis.specific(axes);
AxisAligned(axis, alignment.specific(axes, axis))
let axis = axis.to_specific(axes);
AxisAligned(axis, alignment.to_specific(axes, axis))
}, val))
map.with(All, |&val| padding.set_all(val));
map.with(Axis(SpecificAxisKind::Horizontal), |&val| padding.set_horizontal(val));
map.with(Axis(SpecificAxisKind::Vertical), |&val| padding.set_vertical(val));
map.with(Axis(Horizontal), |&val| padding.set_horizontal(val));
map.with(Axis(Vertical), |&val| padding.set_vertical(val));
for (key, &val) in map.iter() {
if let AxisAligned(_, alignment) = key {

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ pub fn std() -> Scope {
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ pub fn std() -> Scope {
std.add_with_metadata::<Spacing, Option<AxisKey>>("spacing", None);
std.add_with_metadata::<Spacing>("spacing", None);
for (name, key) in &[("h", AxisKey::Horizontal), ("v", AxisKey::Vertical)] {
std.add_with_metadata::<Spacing, Option<AxisKey>>(name, Some(*key));
std.add_with_metadata::<Spacing>(name, Some(*key));
for (name, class) in &[
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ pub fn std() -> Scope {
("italic", FontClass::Italic),
("mono", FontClass::Monospace),
] {
std.add_with_metadata::<StyleChange, FontClass>(name, class.clone());
std.add_with_metadata::<StyleChange>(name, class.clone());
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ function! {
layout(self, ctx) {
let axis = self.axis.generic(ctx.axes);
let axis = self.axis.to_generic(ctx.axes);
let spacing = self.spacing.concretize(;
vec![AddSpacing(spacing, SpacingKind::Hard, axis)]

View File

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ use std::iter::Sum;
use std::ops::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
use crate::layout::{LayoutAxes, Axis, GenericAxisKind, LayoutAlignment, Alignment};
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
/// A general spacing type.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
@ -59,11 +58,10 @@ impl Size {
/// Set this size to the minimum of itself and the other size.
pub fn min_eq(&mut self, other: Size) { *self = self.min(other); }
/// The anchor position along the given axis for an item with the given
/// The anchor position along the given direction for an item with the given
/// alignment in a container with this size.
pub fn anchor(self, alignment: Alignment, axis: Axis) -> Size {
use Alignment::*;
match (axis.is_positive(), alignment) {
pub fn anchor(self, alignment: Alignment, direction: Direction) -> Size {
match (direction.is_positive(), alignment) {
(true, Origin) | (false, End) => Size::ZERO,
(_, Center) => self / 2,
(true, End) | (false, Origin) => self,
@ -120,23 +118,23 @@ impl Size2D {
pub fn with_all(s: Size) -> Size2D { Size2D { x: s, y: s } }
/// Access the primary size of this specialized 2D-size.
pub fn primary(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Size {
if axes.primary.is_horizontal() { self.x } else { self.y }
pub fn get_primary(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Size {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { self.x } else { self.y }
/// Access the primary size of this specialized 2D-size mutably.
pub fn primary_mut(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> &mut Size {
if axes.primary.is_horizontal() { &mut self.x } else { &mut self.y }
pub fn get_primary_mut(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> &mut Size {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { &mut self.x } else { &mut self.y }
/// Access the secondary size of this specialized 2D-size.
pub fn secondary(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Size {
if axes.primary.is_horizontal() { self.y } else { self.x }
pub fn get_secondary(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Size {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { self.y } else { self.x }
/// Access the secondary size of this specialized 2D-size mutably.
pub fn secondary_mut(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> &mut Size {
if axes.primary.is_horizontal() { &mut self.y } else { &mut self.x }
pub fn get_secondary_mut(&mut self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> &mut Size {
if axes.primary.axis() == Horizontal { &mut self.y } else { &mut self.x }
/// Returns the generalized version of a `Size2D` dependent on the layouting
@ -144,9 +142,9 @@ impl Size2D {
/// - `x` describes the primary axis instead of the horizontal one.
/// - `y` describes the secondary axis instead of the vertical one.
pub fn generalized(self, axes: LayoutAxes) -> Size2D {
match axes.primary.is_horizontal() {
true => self,
false => Size2D { x: self.y, y: self.x },
match axes.primary.axis() {
Horizontal => self,
Vertical => Size2D { x: self.y, y: self.x },
@ -249,19 +247,19 @@ impl SizeBox {
/// alignment.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self,
axes: LayoutAxes,
axis: GenericAxisKind,
axis: GenericAxis,
alignment: Alignment,
) -> &mut Size {
let mut normalized = axes.generic(axis);
if alignment == Alignment::End {
let mut normalized = axes.get_generic(axis);
if alignment == End {
normalized = normalized.inv();
match normalized {
Axis::LeftToRight => &mut self.left,
Axis::RightToLeft => &mut self.right,
Axis::TopToBottom => &mut,
Axis::BottomToTop => &mut self.bottom,
LeftToRight => &mut self.left,
RightToLeft => &mut self.right,
TopToBottom => &mut,
BottomToTop => &mut self.bottom,