Streamline Key + Value traits 🌊
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ function! {
parse(header, body, ctx, errors, decos) {
FontFamilyFunc {
body: body!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos),
list: header.args.pos.get_all::<StringLike>(errors).collect(),
list: header.args.pos.get_all::<StringLike>(errors)
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ function! {
parse(header, body, ctx, errors, decos) {
let body = body!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos);
let weight = header.args.pos.get::<Spanned<FontWeight>>(errors)
let weight = header.args.pos.get::<Spanned<(FontWeight, bool)>>(errors)
.map(|Spanned { v: (weight, is_clamped), span }| {
if is_clamped {
errors.push(err!(@Warning: span;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function! {
parse(header, body, ctx, errors, decos) {
AlignFunc {
body: body!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos),
map: PosAxisMap::parse::<AxisKey, AlignmentValue>(errors, &mut header.args),
map: PosAxisMap::parse::<AxisKey>(errors, &mut header.args),
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function! {
DirectionFunc {
body: body!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos),
map: PosAxisMap::parse::<AxisKey, Direction>(errors, &mut header.args),
map: PosAxisMap::parse::<AxisKey>(errors, &mut header.args),
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function! {
parse(header, body, ctx, errors, decos) {
BoxFunc {
body: body!(opt: body, ctx, errors, decos).unwrap_or(SyntaxModel::new()),
extents: AxisMap::parse::<ExtentKey, PSize>(errors, &mut header.args.key),
extents: AxisMap::parse::<ExtentKey>(errors, &mut header.args.key),
debug: header.args.key.get::<bool>(errors, "debug"),
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function! {
body!(nope: body, errors);
PageSizeFunc {
paper: header.args.pos.get::<Paper>(errors),
extents: AxisMap::parse::<ExtentKey, Size>(errors, &mut header.args.key),
extents: AxisMap::parse::<ExtentKey>(errors, &mut header.args.key),
flip: header.args.key.get::<bool>(errors, "flip").unwrap_or(false),
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ impl Tuple {
/// Extract (and remove) the first matching value and remove and generate
/// errors for all previous items that did not match.
pub fn get<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors) -> Option<V::Output> {
pub fn get<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors) -> Option<V> {
while !self.items.is_empty() {
let expr = self.items.remove(0);
let span = expr.span;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ impl Tuple {
/// Extract and return an iterator over all values that match and generate
/// errors for all items that do not match.
pub fn get_all<'a, V: Value>(&'a mut self, errors: &'a mut Errors)
-> impl Iterator<Item=V::Output> + 'a {
-> impl Iterator<Item=V> + 'a {
self.items.drain(..).filter_map(move |expr| {
let span = expr.span;
match V::parse(expr) {
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ impl Object {
/// Inserts an error if the value does not match. If the key is not
/// contained, no error is inserted.
pub fn get<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, key: &str) -> Option<V::Output> {
pub fn get<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, key: &str) -> Option<V> {
let index = self.pairs.iter().position(|pair| pair.key.v.as_str() == key)?;
self.get_index::<V>(errors, index)
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ impl Object {
pub fn get_with_key<K: Key, V: Value>(
&mut self,
errors: &mut Errors,
) -> Option<(K::Output, V::Output)> {
) -> Option<(K, V)> {
for (index, pair) in self.pairs.iter().enumerate() {
let key = Spanned { v: pair.key.v.as_str(), span: pair.key.span };
if let Some(key) = K::parse(key) {
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ impl Object {
pub fn get_all<'a, K: Key, V: Value>(
&'a mut self,
errors: &'a mut Errors,
) -> impl Iterator<Item=(K::Output, V::Output)> + 'a {
) -> impl Iterator<Item=(K, V)> + 'a {
let mut index = 0;
std::iter::from_fn(move || {
if index < self.pairs.len() {
@ -261,14 +261,14 @@ impl Object {
pub fn get_all_spanned<'a, K: Key + 'a, V: Value + 'a>(
&'a mut self,
errors: &'a mut Errors,
) -> impl Iterator<Item=Spanned<(K::Output, V::Output)>> + 'a {
) -> impl Iterator<Item=Spanned<(K, V)>> + 'a {
self.get_all::<Spanned<K>, Spanned<V>>(errors)
.map(|(k, v)| Spanned::new((k.v, v.v), Span::merge(k.span, v.span)))
/// Extract the argument at the given index and insert an error if the value
/// does not match.
fn get_index<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, index: usize) -> Option<V::Output> {
fn get_index<V: Value>(&mut self, errors: &mut Errors, index: usize) -> Option<V> {
let expr = self.pairs.remove(index).value;
let span = expr.span;
match V::parse(expr) {
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ use self::PaddingKey::*;
/// ^^^
/// ```
/// A key type has an associated output type, which is returned when parsing
/// this key from a string. Most of the time, the output type is simply the key
/// itself, as in the implementation for the [`AxisKey`]:
/// # Example implementation
/// An implementation for the `AxisKey` that identifies layouting axes might
/// look as follows:
/// ```
/// # use typstc::syntax::func::Key;
/// # use typstc::syntax::span::Spanned;
@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ use self::PaddingKey::*;
/// # use Axis::*;
/// # use AxisKey::*;
/// impl Key for AxisKey {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self::Output> {
/// fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self> {
/// match key.v {
/// "horizontal" | "h" => Some(Specific(Horizontal)),
/// "vertical" | "v" => Some(Specific(Vertical)),
@ -40,41 +38,28 @@ use self::PaddingKey::*;
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// The axis key would also be useful to identify axes when describing
/// dimensions of objects, as in `width=3cm`, because these are also properties
/// that are stored per axis. However, here the used keyword arguments are
/// actually different (`width` instead of `horizontal`)! Therefore we cannot
/// just use the axis key.
/// To fix this, there is another type [`ExtentKey`] which implements `Key` and
/// has the associated output type axis key. The extent key struct itself has no
/// fields and is only used to extract the axis key. This way, we can specify
/// which argument kind we want without duplicating the type in the background.
pub trait Key {
/// The type to parse into.
type Output: Eq;
pub trait Key: Sized + Eq {
/// Parse a key string into this type if it is valid for it.
fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self>;
/// Parse a key string into the output type if the string is valid for this
/// key.
fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self::Output>;
impl Key for String {
fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self> {
impl<K: Key> Key for Spanned<K> {
type Output = Spanned<K::Output>;
fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self::Output> {
fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self> {
K::parse(key).map(|v| Spanned { v, span: key.span })
/// Implements [`Key`] for types that just need to match on strings.
macro_rules! key {
($type:ty, $output:ty, $($($p:pat)|* => $r:expr),* $(,)?) => {
($type:ty, $($($p:pat)|* => $r:expr),* $(,)?) => {
impl Key for $type {
type Output = $output;
fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self::Output> {
fn parse(key: Spanned<&str>) -> Option<Self> {
match key.v {
$($($p)|* => Some($r)),*,
_ => None,
@ -110,24 +95,31 @@ impl AxisKey {
key!(AxisKey, Self,
"horizontal" | "h" => Specific(Horizontal),
"vertical" | "v" => Specific(Vertical),
"primary" | "p" => Generic(Primary),
"secondary" | "s" => Generic(Secondary),
/// A key which parses into an [`AxisKey`] but uses typical extent keywords
/// A key which is equivalent to a [`AxisKey`] but uses typical extent keywords
/// instead of axis keywords, e.g. `width` instead of `horizontal`.
pub struct ExtentKey;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct ExtentKey(AxisKey);
key!(ExtentKey, AxisKey,
"width" | "w" => Specific(Horizontal),
"height" | "h" => Specific(Vertical),
"primary-size" | "ps" => Generic(Primary),
"secondary-size" | "ss" => Generic(Secondary),
"width" | "w" => ExtentKey(Specific(Horizontal)),
"height" | "h" => ExtentKey(Specific(Vertical)),
"primary-size" | "ps" => ExtentKey(Generic(Primary)),
"secondary-size" | "ss" => ExtentKey(Generic(Secondary)),
impl From<ExtentKey> for AxisKey {
fn from(key: ExtentKey) -> AxisKey {
/// A key which identifies an axis, but alternatively allows for two positional
/// arguments with unspecified axes.
@ -156,7 +148,7 @@ pub enum PaddingKey<Axis> {
Side(Axis, AlignmentValue),
key!(PaddingKey<AxisKey>, Self,
"horizontal" | "h" => Both(Specific(Horizontal)),
"vertical" | "v" => Both(Specific(Vertical)),
"primary" | "p" => Both(Generic(Primary)),
@ -95,18 +95,23 @@ impl<K, V> DedupMap<K, V> where K: Eq {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AxisMap<V>(DedupMap<AxisKey, V>);
impl<V: Clone> AxisMap<V> {
impl<V: Value> AxisMap<V> {
/// Parse an axis map from the object.
pub fn parse<KT: Key<Output=AxisKey>, VT: Value<Output=V>>(
pub fn parse<K>(
errors: &mut Errors,
object: &mut Object,
) -> AxisMap<V> {
let values: Vec<_> = object.get_all_spanned::<KT, VT>(errors).collect();
) -> AxisMap<V> where K: Key + Into<AxisKey> {
let values: Vec<_> = object
.get_all_spanned::<K, V>(errors)
.map(|s||(k, v)| (k.into(), v)))
AxisMap(DedupMap::from_iter(errors, values))
/// Deduplicate from specific or generic to just specific axes.
pub fn dedup(&self, errors: &mut Errors, axes: LayoutAxes) -> DedupMap<SpecificAxis, V> {
pub fn dedup(&self, errors: &mut Errors, axes: LayoutAxes) -> DedupMap<SpecificAxis, V>
where V: Clone {
self.0.dedup(errors, |key, val| (key.to_specific(axes), val.clone()))
@ -116,23 +121,23 @@ impl<V: Clone> AxisMap<V> {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct PosAxisMap<V>(DedupMap<PosAxisKey, V>);
impl<V: Clone> PosAxisMap<V> {
impl<V: Value> PosAxisMap<V> {
/// Parse a positional/axis map from the function arguments.
pub fn parse<KT: Key<Output=AxisKey>, VT: Value<Output=V>>(
pub fn parse<K>(
errors: &mut Errors,
args: &mut FuncArgs,
) -> PosAxisMap<V> {
) -> PosAxisMap<V> where K: Key + Into<AxisKey> {
let mut map = DedupMap::new();
for &key in &[PosAxisKey::First, PosAxisKey::Second] {
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = args.pos.get::<Spanned<VT>>(errors) {
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = args.pos.get::<Spanned<V>>(errors) {
map.insert(errors, Spanned { v: (key, v), span })
let keywords: Vec<_> = args.key
.get_all_spanned::<KT, VT>(errors)
.map(|s||(k, v)| (PosAxisKey::Keyword(k), v)))
.get_all_spanned::<K, V>(errors)
.map(|s||(k, v)| (PosAxisKey::Keyword(k.into()), v)))
map.extend(errors, keywords);
@ -147,7 +152,11 @@ impl<V: Clone> PosAxisMap<V> {
errors: &mut Errors,
axes: LayoutAxes,
mut f: F,
) -> DedupMap<GenericAxis, V> where F: FnMut(&V) -> Option<GenericAxis> {
) -> DedupMap<GenericAxis, V>
F: FnMut(&V) -> Option<GenericAxis>,
V: Clone,
self.0.dedup(errors, |key, val| {
(match key {
PosAxisKey::First => f(val).unwrap_or(GenericAxis::Primary),
@ -171,11 +180,12 @@ impl PaddingMap {
let all = args.pos.get::<Spanned<Defaultable<PSize>>>(errors);
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = all {
map.insert(errors, Spanned { v: (PaddingKey::All, v), span });
map.insert(errors, Spanned { v: (PaddingKey::All, v.into()), span });
let paddings: Vec<_> = args.key
.get_all_spanned::<PaddingKey<AxisKey>, Defaultable<PSize>>(errors)
.map(|s||(k, v)| (k, v.into())))
map.extend(errors, paddings);
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
//! Value types for extracting function arguments.
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use toddle::query::{FontStyle, FontWeight};
use crate::layout::prelude::*;
@ -21,9 +20,8 @@ use self::AlignmentValue::*;
/// ^^^^^ ^^^^^
/// ```
/// Similarly to the [`Key`] trait, this trait has an associated output type
/// which the values are parsed into. Most of the time this is just `Self`, as
/// in the implementation for `bool`:
/// # Example implementation
/// An implementation for `bool` might look as follows:
/// ```
/// # use typstc::err;
/// # use typstc::error::Error;
@ -33,51 +31,24 @@ use self::AlignmentValue::*;
/// # struct Bool; /*
/// impl Value for bool {
/// # */ impl Value for Bool {
/// # type Output = bool; /*
/// type Output = Self;
/// # */
/// fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
/// fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
/// match expr.v {
/// # /*
/// Expr::Bool(b) => Ok(b),
/// # */ Expr::Bool(_) => Ok(Bool),
/// other => Err(err!("expected bool, found {}",,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// However, sometimes the `Output` type is not just `Self`. For example, there
/// is a value called `Defaultable<V>` which acts as follows:
/// ```
/// # use typstc::syntax::func::{FuncArgs, Defaultable};
/// # use typstc::size::Size;
/// # let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
/// # let mut errors = vec![];
/// args.key.get::<Defaultable<Size>>(&mut errors, "size");
/// ```
/// This will yield.
/// ```typst
/// [func: size=2cm] => Some(Size::cm(2.0))
/// [func: size=default] => None
/// ```
/// The type `Defaultable` has no fields and is only used for extracting the
/// option value. This prevents us from having a `Defaultable<V>` type which is
/// essentially simply a bad [`Option`] replacement without the good utility
/// functions.
pub trait Value {
/// The type to parse into.
type Output;
pub trait Value: Sized {
/// Parse an expression into this value or return an error if the expression
/// is valid for this value type.
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error>;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error>;
impl<V: Value> Value for Spanned<V> {
type Output = Spanned<V::Output>;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let span = expr.span;
V::parse(expr).map(|v| Spanned { v, span })
@ -85,11 +56,9 @@ impl<V: Value> Value for Spanned<V> {
/// Implements [`Value`] for types that just need to match on expressions.
macro_rules! value {
($type:ty, $output:ty, $name:expr, $($p:pat => $r:expr),* $(,)?) => {
($type:ty, $name:expr, $($p:pat => $r:expr),* $(,)?) => {
impl Value for $type {
type Output = $output;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
match expr.v {
$($p => Ok($r)),*,
@ -101,59 +70,81 @@ macro_rules! value {
value!(Expr, Self, "expression", e => e);
value!(Expr, "expression", e => e);
value!(Ident, Self, "identifier", Expr::Ident(i) => i);
value!(String, Self, "string", Expr::Str(s) => s);
value!(f64, Self, "number", Expr::Number(n) => n);
value!(bool, Self, "bool", Expr::Bool(b) => b);
value!(Size, Self, "size", Expr::Size(s) => s);
value!(Tuple, Self, "tuple", Expr::Tuple(t) => t);
value!(Object, Self, "object", Expr::Object(o) => o);
value!(Ident, "identifier", Expr::Ident(i) => i);
value!(String, "string", Expr::Str(s) => s);
value!(f64, "number", Expr::Number(n) => n);
value!(bool, "bool", Expr::Bool(b) => b);
value!(Size, "size", Expr::Size(s) => s);
value!(Tuple, "tuple", Expr::Tuple(t) => t);
value!(Object, "object", Expr::Object(o) => o);
value!(ScaleSize, Self, "number or size",
value!(ScaleSize, "number or size",
Expr::Size(size) => ScaleSize::Absolute(size),
Expr::Number(scale) => ScaleSize::Scaled(scale as f32),
/// A value type that matches [`Expr::Ident`] and [`Expr::Str`] and returns a
/// String.
pub struct StringLike;
/// A value type that matches [`Expr::Ident`] and [`Expr::Str`] and implements
/// `Into<String>`.
pub struct StringLike(String);
value!(StringLike, String, "identifier or string",
Expr::Ident(Ident(s)) => s,
Expr::Str(s) => s,
value!(StringLike, "identifier or string",
Expr::Ident(Ident(s)) => StringLike(s),
Expr::Str(s) => StringLike(s),
impl From<StringLike> for String {
fn from(like: StringLike) -> String {
/// A value type that matches the string `"default"` or a value type `V` and
/// returns `Option::Some(V::Output)` for a value and `Option::None` for
/// `"default"`.
pub struct Defaultable<V>(PhantomData<V>);
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use typstc::syntax::func::{FuncArgs, Defaultable};
/// # use typstc::size::Size;
/// # let mut args = FuncArgs::new();
/// # let mut errors = vec![];
/// args.key.get::<Defaultable<Size>>(&mut errors, "size");
/// ```
/// This will yield.
/// ```typst
/// [func: size=default] => None
/// [func: size=2cm] => Some(Size::cm(2.0))
/// ```
pub struct Defaultable<V>(Option<V>);
impl<V: Value> Value for Defaultable<V> {
type Output = Option<V::Output>;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(Defaultable(match expr.v {
Expr::Ident(ident) if ident.as_str() == "default" => None,
_ => Some(V::parse(expr)?)
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
match expr.v {
Expr::Ident(ident) if ident.as_str() == "default" => Ok(None),
_ => V::parse(expr).map(Some)
impl<V> From<Defaultable<V>> for Option<V> {
fn from(defaultable: Defaultable<V>) -> Option<V> {
impl Value for FontStyle {
type Output = Self;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
.ok_or_else(|| err!("invalid font style"))
impl Value for FontWeight {
type Output = (Self, bool);
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
/// The additional boolean specifies whether a number was clamped into the range
/// 100 - 900 to make it a valid font weight.
impl Value for (FontWeight, bool) {
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
match expr.v {
Expr::Number(weight) => {
let weight = weight.round();
@ -177,18 +168,14 @@ impl Value for FontWeight {
impl Value for Paper {
type Output = Self;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
.ok_or_else(|| err!("invalid paper type"))
impl Value for Direction {
type Output = Self;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(match Ident::parse(expr)?.as_str() {
"left-to-right" | "ltr" | "LTR" => LeftToRight,
"right-to-left" | "rtl" | "RTL" => RightToLeft,
@ -261,9 +248,7 @@ impl AlignmentValue {
impl Value for AlignmentValue {
type Output = Self;
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self::Output, Error> {
fn parse(expr: Spanned<Expr>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(match Ident::parse(expr)?.as_str() {
"origin" => Align(Origin),
"center" => Align(Center),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user