@ -19,17 +19,19 @@ debug = 0
opt-level = 2
fxhash = "0.2.1"
fxhash = "0.2"
image = { version = "0.23", default-features = false, features = ["png", "jpeg"] }
itertools = "0.10"
miniz_oxide = "0.4"
once_cell = "1"
pdf-writer = "0.4"
rustybuzz = "0.4"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive", "rc"] }
svg2pdf = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["text", "png", "jpeg"] }
ttf-parser = "0.12"
typst-macros = { path = "./macros" }
unicode-bidi = "0.3.5"
unicode-segmentation = "1.8"
unicode-segmentation = "1"
unicode-xid = "0.2"
usvg = { version = "0.19", default-features = false, features = ["text"] }
xi-unicode = "0.3"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Configuration with `page` and `font` functions.
#page(width: 450pt, margins: 1cm)
#set page(width: 450pt, margins: 1cm)
// There are variables and they can take normal values like strings, ...
#let city = "Berlin"
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ use std::path::Path;
use iai::{black_box, main, Iai};
use typst::eval::eval;
use typst::layout::layout;
use typst::loading::MemLoader;
use typst::parse::{parse, Scanner, TokenMode, Tokens};
use typst::source::SourceId;
@ -53,20 +51,14 @@ fn bench_parse(iai: &mut Iai) {
fn bench_eval(iai: &mut Iai) {
let (mut ctx, id) = context();
let ast = ctx.sources.get(id).ast().unwrap();
iai.run(|| eval(&mut ctx, id, &ast).unwrap());
fn bench_to_tree(iai: &mut Iai) {
let (mut ctx, id) = context();
let module = ctx.evaluate(id).unwrap();
iai.run(|| module.template.to_document(ctx.style()));
iai.run(|| ctx.evaluate(id).unwrap());
fn bench_layout(iai: &mut Iai) {
let (mut ctx, id) = context();
let tree = ctx.execute(id).unwrap();
iai.run(|| layout(&mut ctx, &tree));
let module = ctx.evaluate(id).unwrap();
let tree = module.into_root();
iai.run(|| tree.layout(&mut ctx));
@ -75,6 +67,5 @@ main!(
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "typst-macros"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["The Typst Project Developers"]
edition = "2021"
proc-macro = true
proc-macro2 = "1"
quote = "1"
syn = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse_quote;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{Error, Result};
/// Generate node properties.
pub fn properties(_: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let impl_block = syn::parse_macro_input!(item as syn::ItemImpl);
expand(impl_block).unwrap_or_else(|err| err.to_compile_error()).into()
/// Expand a property impl block for a node.
fn expand(mut impl_block: syn::ItemImpl) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
// Split the node type into name and generic type arguments.
let (self_name, self_args) = parse_self(&*impl_block.self_ty)?;
// Rewrite the const items from values to keys.
let mut style_ids = vec![];
let mut modules = vec![];
for item in &mut impl_block.items {
if let syn::ImplItem::Const(item) = item {
let (style_id, module) = process_const(item, &self_name, &self_args)?;
// Here, we use the collected `style_ids` to provide a function that checks
// whether a property belongs to the node.
impl_block.items.insert(0, parse_quote! {
/// Check whether the property with the given type id belongs to `Self`.
pub fn has_property(id: StyleId) -> bool {
// Put everything into a module with a hopefully unique type to isolate
// it from the outside.
let module = quote::format_ident!("{}_types", self_name);
Ok(quote! {
mod #module {
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use crate::eval::{Property, StyleId};
use super::*;
/// Parse the name and generic type arguments of the node type.
fn parse_self(self_ty: &syn::Type) -> Result<(String, Vec<&syn::Type>)> {
// Extract the node type for which we want to generate properties.
let path = match self_ty {
syn::Type::Path(path) => path,
ty => return Err(Error::new(ty.span(), "must be a path type")),
// Split up the type into its name and its generic type arguments.
let last = path.path.segments.last().unwrap();
let self_name = last.ident.to_string();
let self_args = match &last.arguments {
syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(args) => args
.filter_map(|arg| match arg {
syn::GenericArgument::Type(ty) => Some(ty),
_ => None,
_ => vec![],
Ok((self_name, self_args))
/// Process a single const item.
fn process_const(
item: &mut syn::ImplItemConst,
self_name: &str,
self_args: &[&syn::Type],
) -> Result<(syn::Expr, syn::ItemMod)> {
// The type of the property's value is what the user of our macro wrote
// as type of the const ...
let value_ty = &item.ty;
// ... but the real type of the const becomes Key<#key_param>.
let key_param = if self_args.is_empty() {
quote! { #value_ty }
} else {
quote! { (#value_ty, #(#self_args),*) }
// The display name, e.g. `TextNode::STRONG`.
let name = format!("{}::{}", self_name, &item.ident);
// The default value of the property is what the user wrote as
// initialization value of the const.
let default = &item.expr;
// Look for a folding function like `#[fold(u64::add)]`.
let mut combinator = None;
for attr in &item.attrs {
if attr.path.is_ident("fold") {
let fold: syn::Expr = attr.parse_args()?;
combinator = Some(quote! {
fn combine(inner: Self::Value, outer: Self::Value) -> Self::Value {
let f: fn(Self::Value, Self::Value) -> Self::Value = #fold;
f(inner, outer)
// The implementation of the `Property` trait.
let property_impl = quote! {
impl<T: 'static> Property for Key<T> {
type Value = #value_ty;
const NAME: &'static str = #name;
fn default() -> Self::Value {
fn default_ref() -> &'static Self::Value {
static LAZY: Lazy<#value_ty> = Lazy::new(|| #default);
// The module that will contain the `Key` type.
let module_name = &item.ident;
// Generate the style id and module code.
let style_id = parse_quote! { StyleId::of::<#module_name::Key<#key_param>>() };
let module = parse_quote! {
mod #module_name {
use super::*;
pub struct Key<T>(pub PhantomData<T>);
impl<T> Copy for Key<T> {}
impl<T> Clone for Key<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
// Replace type and initializer expression with the `Key`.
item.attrs.retain(|attr| !attr.path.is_ident("fold"));
item.ty = parse_quote! { #module_name::Key<#key_param> };
item.expr = parse_quote! { #module_name::Key(PhantomData) };
Ok((style_id, module))
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter, Write};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::rc::Rc;
use super::{Args, EvalContext, Node, Styles};
use crate::diag::TypResult;
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// A class of [nodes](Node).
/// You can [construct] an instance of a class in Typst code by invoking the
/// class as a callable. This always produces some node, but not necessarily one
/// of fixed type. For example, the `text` constructor does not actually create
/// a [`TextNode`]. Instead it applies styling to whatever node you pass in and
/// returns it structurally unchanged.
/// The arguments you can pass to a class constructor fall into two categories:
/// Data that is inherent to the instance (e.g. the text of a heading) and style
/// properties (e.g. the fill color of a heading). As the latter are often
/// shared by many instances throughout a document, they can also be
/// conveniently configured through class's [`set`] rule. Then, they apply to
/// all nodes that are instantiated into the template where the `set` was
/// executed.
/// ```typst
/// This is normal.
/// [
/// #set text(weight: "bold")
/// #set heading(fill: blue)
/// = A blue & bold heading
/// ]
/// Normal again.
/// ```
/// [construct]: Self::construct
/// [`TextNode`]: crate::library::TextNode
/// [`set`]: Self::set
pub struct Class(Rc<Inner<dyn Bounds>>);
/// The unsized structure behind the [`Rc`].
struct Inner<T: ?Sized> {
name: EcoString,
shim: T,
impl Class {
/// Create a new class.
pub fn new<T>(name: EcoString) -> Self
T: Construct + Set + 'static,
// By specializing the shim to `T`, its vtable will contain T's
// `Construct` and `Set` impls (through the `Bounds` trait), enabling us
// to use them in the class's methods.
Self(Rc::new(Inner { name, shim: Shim::<T>(PhantomData) }))
/// The name of the class.
pub fn name(&self) -> &EcoString {
/// Construct an instance of the class.
/// This parses both property and data arguments (in this order) and styles
/// the node constructed from the data with the style properties.
pub fn construct(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
let mut styles = Styles::new();
self.set(args, &mut styles)?;
let node = self.0.shim.construct(ctx, args)?;
/// Execute the class's set rule.
/// This parses property arguments and writes the resulting styles into the
/// given style map. There are no further side effects.
pub fn set(&self, args: &mut Args, styles: &mut Styles) -> TypResult<()> {
self.0.shim.set(args, styles)
impl Debug for Class {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("<class ")?;
impl PartialEq for Class {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// We cast to thin pointers for comparison because we don't want to
// compare vtables (there can be duplicate vtables across codegen units).
Rc::as_ptr(&self.0) as *const (),
Rc::as_ptr(&other.0) as *const (),
/// Construct an instance of a class.
pub trait Construct {
/// Construct an instance of this class from the arguments.
/// This is passed only the arguments that remain after execution of the
/// class's set rule.
fn construct(ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node>;
/// Set style properties of a class.
pub trait Set {
/// Parse the arguments and insert style properties of this class into the
/// given style map.
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut Styles) -> TypResult<()>;
/// Rewires the operations available on a class in an object-safe way. This is
/// only implemented by the zero-sized `Shim` struct.
trait Bounds {
fn construct(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node>;
fn set(&self, args: &mut Args, styles: &mut Styles) -> TypResult<()>;
struct Shim<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T> Bounds for Shim<T>
T: Construct + Set,
fn construct(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
T::construct(ctx, args)
fn set(&self, args: &mut Args, styles: &mut Styles) -> TypResult<()> {
T::set(args, styles)
@ -6,21 +6,24 @@ mod array;
mod dict;
mod value;
mod styles;
mod capture;
mod class;
mod function;
mod node;
mod ops;
mod scope;
mod template;
mod walk;
pub use array::*;
pub use capture::*;
pub use class::*;
pub use dict::*;
pub use function::*;
pub use node::*;
pub use scope::*;
pub use template::*;
pub use styles::*;
pub use value::*;
pub use walk::*;
use std::cell::RefMut;
use std::collections::HashMap;
@ -33,6 +36,8 @@ use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
use crate::diag::{At, Error, StrResult, Trace, Tracepoint, TypResult};
use crate::geom::{Angle, Fractional, Length, Relative};
use crate::image::ImageStore;
use crate::layout::RootNode;
use crate::library::{self, TextNode};
use crate::loading::Loader;
use crate::source::{SourceId, SourceStore};
use crate::syntax::ast::*;
@ -40,20 +45,30 @@ use crate::syntax::{Span, Spanned};
use crate::util::{EcoString, RefMutExt};
use crate::Context;
/// Evaluate a parsed source file into a module.
pub fn eval(ctx: &mut Context, source: SourceId, markup: &Markup) -> TypResult<Module> {
let mut ctx = EvalContext::new(ctx, source);
let template = markup.eval(&mut ctx)?;
Ok(Module { scope: ctx.scopes.top, template })
/// An evaluated module, ready for importing or instantiation.
/// An evaluated module, ready for importing or conversion to a root layout
/// tree.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Module {
/// The top-level definitions that were bound in this module.
pub scope: Scope,
/// The template defined by this module.
pub template: Template,
/// The module's layoutable contents.
pub node: Node,
impl Module {
/// Convert this module's node into a layout tree.
pub fn into_root(self) -> RootNode {
/// Evaluate an expression.
pub trait Eval {
/// The output of evaluating the expression.
type Output;
/// Evaluate the expression to the output value.
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output>;
/// The context for evaluation.
@ -70,8 +85,8 @@ pub struct EvalContext<'a> {
pub modules: HashMap<SourceId, Module>,
/// The active scopes.
pub scopes: Scopes<'a>,
/// The currently built template.
pub template: Template,
/// The active styles.
pub styles: Styles,
impl<'a> EvalContext<'a> {
@ -84,7 +99,7 @@ impl<'a> EvalContext<'a> {
route: vec![source],
modules: HashMap::new(),
scopes: Scopes::new(Some(&ctx.std)),
template: Template::new(),
styles: Styles::new(),
@ -115,18 +130,20 @@ impl<'a> EvalContext<'a> {
// Prepare the new context.
let new_scopes = Scopes::new(self.scopes.base);
let old_scopes = mem::replace(&mut self.scopes, new_scopes);
let prev_scopes = mem::replace(&mut self.scopes, new_scopes);
let prev_styles = mem::take(&mut self.styles);
// Evaluate the module.
let template = ast.eval(self).trace(|| Tracepoint::Import, span)?;
let node = ast.eval(self).trace(|| Tracepoint::Import, span)?;
// Restore the old context.
let new_scopes = mem::replace(&mut self.scopes, old_scopes);
let new_scopes = mem::replace(&mut self.scopes, prev_scopes);
self.styles = prev_styles;
// Save the evaluated module.
let module = Module { scope: new_scopes.top, template };
let module = Module { scope: new_scopes.top, node };
self.modules.insert(id, module);
@ -145,29 +162,108 @@ impl<'a> EvalContext<'a> {
/// Evaluate an expression.
pub trait Eval {
/// The output of evaluating the expression.
type Output;
/// Evaluate the expression to the output value.
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output>;
impl Eval for Markup {
type Output = Template;
type Output = Node;
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
let prev = mem::take(&mut ctx.template);
mem::replace(&mut ctx.template, prev)
let prev = mem::take(&mut ctx.styles);
let nodes = self.nodes();
let upper = nodes.size_hint().1.unwrap_or_default();
let mut seq = Vec::with_capacity(upper);
for piece in nodes {
seq.push((piece.eval(ctx)?, ctx.styles.clone()));
ctx.styles = prev;
impl Eval for MarkupNode {
type Output = Node;
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
Ok(match self {
Self::Space => Node::Space,
Self::Linebreak => Node::Linebreak,
Self::Parbreak => Node::Parbreak,
Self::Strong => {
Self::Emph => {
Self::Text(text) => Node::Text(text.clone()),
Self::Raw(raw) => raw.eval(ctx)?,
Self::Math(math) => math.eval(ctx)?,
Self::Heading(heading) => heading.eval(ctx)?,
Self::List(list) => list.eval(ctx)?,
Self::Enum(enum_) => enum_.eval(ctx)?,
Self::Expr(expr) => expr.eval(ctx)?.show(),
impl Eval for RawNode {
type Output = Node;
fn eval(&self, _: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
let text = Node::Text(self.text.clone()).monospaced();
Ok(if self.block {
} else {
impl Eval for MathNode {
type Output = Node;
fn eval(&self, _: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
let text = Node::Text(self.formula.trim().into()).monospaced();
Ok(if self.display {
} else {
impl Eval for HeadingNode {
type Output = Node;
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
Ok(Node::block(library::HeadingNode {
child: self.body().eval(ctx)?.into_block(),
level: self.level(),
impl Eval for ListNode {
type Output = Node;
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
Ok(Node::block(library::ListNode {
child: self.body().eval(ctx)?.into_block(),
labelling: library::Unordered,
impl Eval for EnumNode {
type Output = Node;
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
Ok(Node::block(library::ListNode {
child: self.body().eval(ctx)?.into_block(),
labelling: library::Ordered(self.number()),
impl Eval for Expr {
type Output = Value;
@ -177,7 +273,7 @@ impl Eval for Expr {
Self::Ident(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::Array(v) => v.eval(ctx).map(Value::Array),
Self::Dict(v) => v.eval(ctx).map(Value::Dict),
Self::Template(v) => v.eval(ctx).map(Value::Template),
Self::Template(v) => v.eval(ctx).map(Value::Node),
Self::Group(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::Block(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::Call(v) => v.eval(ctx),
@ -186,6 +282,7 @@ impl Eval for Expr {
Self::Unary(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::Binary(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::Let(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::Set(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::If(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::While(v) => v.eval(ctx),
Self::For(v) => v.eval(ctx),
@ -244,7 +341,7 @@ impl Eval for DictExpr {
impl Eval for TemplateExpr {
type Output = Template;
type Output = Node;
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
@ -372,9 +469,15 @@ impl Eval for CallExpr {
Value::Class(class) => {
let node = class.construct(ctx, &mut args)?;
v => bail!(
"expected function or collection, found {}",
"expected callable or collection, found {}",
@ -541,6 +644,19 @@ impl Eval for LetExpr {
impl Eval for SetExpr {
type Output = Value;
fn eval(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<Self::Output> {
let class = self.class();
let class = class.eval(ctx)?.cast::<Class>().at(class.span())?;
let mut args = self.args().eval(ctx)?;
class.set(&mut args, &mut ctx.styles)?;
impl Eval for IfExpr {
type Output = Value;
@ -665,7 +781,7 @@ impl Eval for IncludeExpr {
let resolved = path.eval(ctx)?.cast::<EcoString>().at(path.span())?;
let file = ctx.import(&resolved, path.span())?;
let module = &ctx.modules[&file];
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::iter::Sum;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign};
use super::Styles;
use crate::diag::StrResult;
use crate::geom::SpecAxis;
use crate::layout::{Layout, PackedNode, RootNode};
use crate::library::{
FlowChild, FlowNode, PageNode, ParChild, ParNode, PlacedNode, SpacingKind,
SpacingNode, TextNode,
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// A partial representation of a layout node.
/// A node is a composable intermediate representation that can be converted
/// into a proper layout node by lifting it to a [block-level](PackedNode) or
/// [root node](RootNode).
/// When you write `[Hi] + [you]` in Typst, this type's [`Add`] implementation
/// is invoked. There, multiple nodes are combined into a single
/// [`Sequence`](Self::Sequence) node.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)]
pub enum Node {
/// A word space.
/// A line break.
/// A paragraph break.
/// A page break.
/// Plain text.
/// Spacing.
Spacing(SpecAxis, SpacingKind),
/// An inline node.
/// A block node.
/// A page node.
/// Multiple nodes with attached styles.
/// For example, the Typst template `[Hi *you!*]` would result in the
/// sequence:
/// ```ignore
/// Sequence([
/// (Text("Hi"), {}),
/// (Space, {}),
/// (Text("you!"), { TextNode::STRONG: true }),
/// ])
/// ```
/// A sequence may contain nested sequences (meaning this variant
/// effectively allows nodes to form trees). All nested sequences can
/// equivalently be represented as a single flat sequence, but allowing
/// nesting doesn't hurt since we can just recurse into the nested sequences
/// during packing. Also, in theory, this allows better complexity when
/// adding (large) sequence nodes (just like for a text rope).
Sequence(Vec<(Self, Styles)>),
impl Node {
/// Create an empty node.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Create an inline-level node.
pub fn inline<T>(node: T) -> Self
T: Layout + Debug + Hash + 'static,
/// Create a block-level node.
pub fn block<T>(node: T) -> Self
T: Layout + Debug + Hash + 'static,
/// Style this node.
pub fn styled(self, styles: Styles) -> Self {
match self {
Self::Inline(inline) => Self::Inline(inline.styled(styles)),
Self::Block(block) => Self::Block(block.styled(styles)),
Self::Page(page) => Self::Page(page.styled(styles)),
other => Self::Sequence(vec![(other, styles)]),
/// Style this node in monospace.
pub fn monospaced(self) -> Self {
self.styled(Styles::one(TextNode::MONOSPACE, true))
/// Lift to a type-erased block-level node.
pub fn into_block(self) -> PackedNode {
if let Node::Block(packed) = self {
} else {
let mut packer = Packer::new(false);
packer.walk(self, Styles::new());
/// Lift to a root layout tree node.
pub fn into_root(self) -> RootNode {
let mut packer = Packer::new(true);
packer.walk(self, Styles::new());
/// Repeat this node `n` times.
pub fn repeat(&self, n: i64) -> StrResult<Self> {
let count = usize::try_from(n)
.map_err(|_| format!("cannot repeat this template {} times", n))?;
// TODO(style): Make more efficient.
Ok(Self::Sequence(vec![(self.clone(), Styles::new()); count]))
impl Default for Node {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Add for Node {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
// TODO(style): Make more efficient.
Self::Sequence(vec![(self, Styles::new()), (rhs, Styles::new())])
impl AddAssign for Node {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
*self = mem::take(self) + rhs;
impl Sum for Node {
fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = Self>>(iter: I) -> Self {
Self::Sequence(iter.map(|n| (n, Styles::new())).collect())
/// Packs a [`Node`] into a flow or root node.
struct Packer {
/// Whether this packer produces a root node.
top: bool,
/// The accumulated page nodes.
pages: Vec<PageNode>,
/// The accumulated flow children.
flow: Builder<FlowChild>,
/// The accumulated paragraph children.
par: Builder<ParChild>,
impl Packer {
/// Start a new node-packing session.
fn new(top: bool) -> Self {
Self {
pages: vec![],
flow: Builder::default(),
par: Builder::default(),
/// Finish up and return the resulting flow.
fn into_block(mut self) -> PackedNode {
/// Finish up and return the resulting root node.
fn into_root(mut self) -> RootNode {
/// Consider a node with the given styles.
fn walk(&mut self, node: Node, styles: Styles) {
match node {
Node::Space => {
// A text space is "soft", meaning that it can be eaten up by
// adjacent line breaks or explicit spacings.
self.par.last.soft(ParChild::text(' ', styles));
Node::Linebreak => {
// A line break eats up surrounding text spaces.
self.push_inline(ParChild::text('\n', styles));
Node::Parbreak => {
// An explicit paragraph break is styled according to the active
// styles (`Some(_)`) whereas paragraph breaks forced by
// incompatibility take their styles from the preceding
// paragraph.
Node::Pagebreak => {
// We must set the flow styles after the page break such that an
// empty page created by two page breaks in a row has styles at
// all.
self.flow.styles = styles;
Node::Text(text) => {
self.push_inline(ParChild::text(text, styles));
Node::Spacing(SpecAxis::Horizontal, kind) => {
// Just like a line break, explicit horizontal spacing eats up
// surrounding text spaces.
self.push_inline(ParChild::Spacing(SpacingNode { kind, styles }));
Node::Spacing(SpecAxis::Vertical, kind) => {
// Explicit vertical spacing ends the current paragraph and then
// discards the paragraph break.
.push(FlowChild::Spacing(SpacingNode { kind, styles }));
Node::Inline(inline) => {
Node::Block(block) => {
Node::Page(page) => {
if self.top {
} else {
let flow = page.child.styled(page.styles);
Node::Sequence(list) => {
// For a list of nodes, we apply the list's styles to each node
// individually.
for (node, mut inner) in list {
self.walk(node, inner);
/// Insert an inline-level element into the current paragraph.
fn push_inline(&mut self, child: ParChild) {
if let Some(child) = self.par.last.any() {
// The node must be both compatible with the current page and the
// current paragraph.
/// Push a paragraph child, coalescing text nodes with compatible styles.
fn push_coalescing(&mut self, child: ParChild) {
if let ParChild::Text(right) = &child {
if let Some(ParChild::Text(left)) = self.par.children.last_mut() {
if left.styles.compatible(&right.styles, TextNode::has_property) {
/// Insert a block-level element into the current flow.
fn push_block(&mut self, node: PackedNode) {
let placed = node.is::<PlacedNode>();
// Prevent paragraph spacing between the placed node and the paragraph
// below it.
if placed {
/// Advance to the next paragraph.
fn parbreak(&mut self, break_styles: Option<Styles>) {
// Erase any styles that will be inherited anyway.
let Builder { mut children, styles, .. } = mem::take(&mut self.par);
for child in &mut children {
// For explicit paragraph breaks, `break_styles` is already `Some(_)`.
// For page breaks due to incompatibility, we fall back to the styles
// of the preceding paragraph.
let break_styles = break_styles.unwrap_or_else(|| styles.clone());
// We don't want empty paragraphs.
if !children.is_empty() {
// The paragraph's children are all compatible with the page, so the
// paragraph is too, meaning we don't need to check or intersect
// anything here.
let par = ParNode(children).pack().styled(styles);
// Insert paragraph spacing.
/// Advance to the next page.
fn pagebreak(&mut self) {
if self.top {
// Take the flow and erase any styles that will be inherited anyway.
let Builder { mut children, styles, .. } = mem::take(&mut self.flow);
for child in &mut children {
let flow = FlowNode(children).pack();
let page = PageNode { child: flow, styles };
/// Break to a new paragraph if the `styles` contain paragraph styles that
/// are incompatible with the current paragraph.
fn make_par_compatible(&mut self, styles: &Styles) {
if self.par.children.is_empty() {
self.par.styles = styles.clone();
if !self.par.styles.compatible(&styles, ParNode::has_property) {
self.par.styles = styles.clone();
/// Break to a new page if the `styles` contain page styles that are
/// incompatible with the current flow.
fn make_flow_compatible(&mut self, styles: &Styles) {
if self.flow.children.is_empty() && self.par.children.is_empty() {
self.flow.styles = styles.clone();
if self.top && !self.flow.styles.compatible(&styles, PageNode::has_property) {
self.flow.styles = styles.clone();
/// Container for building a flow or paragraph.
struct Builder<T> {
/// The intersection of the style properties of all `children`.
styles: Styles,
/// The accumulated flow or paragraph children.
children: Vec<T>,
/// The kind of thing that was last added.
last: Last<T>,
impl<T> Default for Builder<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
styles: Styles::new(),
children: vec![],
last: Last::None,
/// The kind of node that was last added to a flow or paragraph. A small finite
/// state machine used to coalesce spaces.
/// Soft nodes can only exist when surrounded by `Any` nodes. Not at the
/// start, end or next to hard nodes. This way, spaces at start and end of
/// paragraphs and next to `#h(..)` goes away.
enum Last<N> {
/// Start state, nothing there.
/// Text or a block node or something.
/// Hard nodes: Linebreaks and explicit spacing.
/// Soft nodes: Word spaces and paragraph breaks. These are saved here
/// temporarily and then applied once an `Any` node appears.
impl<N> Last<N> {
/// Transition into the `Any` state and return a soft node to really add
/// now if currently in `Soft` state.
fn any(&mut self) -> Option<N> {
match mem::replace(self, Self::Any) {
Self::Soft(soft) => Some(soft),
_ => None,
/// Transition into the `Soft` state, but only if in `Any`. Otherwise, the
/// soft node is discarded.
fn soft(&mut self, soft: N) {
if let Self::Any = self {
*self = Self::Soft(soft);
/// Transition into the `Hard` state, discarding a possibly existing soft
/// node and preventing further soft nodes from being added.
fn hard(&mut self) {
*self = Self::Hard;
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ pub fn join(lhs: Value, rhs: Value) -> StrResult<Value> {
(Str(a), Str(b)) => Str(a + b),
(Array(a), Array(b)) => Array(a + b),
(Dict(a), Dict(b)) => Dict(a + b),
(Template(a), Template(b)) => Template(a + b),
(Template(a), Str(b)) => Template(a + b),
(Str(a), Template(b)) => Template(a + b),
(Node(a), Node(b)) => Node(a + b),
(Node(a), Str(b)) => Node(a + super::Node::Text(b)),
(Str(a), Node(b)) => Node(super::Node::Text(a) + b),
(a, b) => mismatch!("cannot join {} with {}", a, b),
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ pub fn add(lhs: Value, rhs: Value) -> StrResult<Value> {
(Str(a), Str(b)) => Str(a + b),
(Array(a), Array(b)) => Array(a + b),
(Dict(a), Dict(b)) => Dict(a + b),
(Template(a), Template(b)) => Template(a + b),
(Template(a), Str(b)) => Template(a + b),
(Str(a), Template(b)) => Template(a + b),
(Node(a), Node(b)) => Node(a + b),
(Node(a), Str(b)) => Node(a + super::Node::Text(b)),
(Str(a), Node(b)) => Node(super::Node::Text(a) + b),
(a, b) => {
if let (Dyn(a), Dyn(b)) = (&a, &b) {
@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ pub fn mul(lhs: Value, rhs: Value) -> StrResult<Value> {
(Int(a), Str(b)) => Str(repeat_str(b, a)?),
(Array(a), Int(b)) => Array(a.repeat(b)?),
(Int(a), Array(b)) => Array(b.repeat(a)?),
(Template(a), Int(b)) => Template(a.repeat(b)?),
(Int(a), Template(b)) => Template(b.repeat(a)?),
(Node(a), Int(b)) => Node(a.repeat(b)?),
(Int(a), Node(b)) => Node(b.repeat(a)?),
(a, b) => mismatch!("cannot multiply {} with {}", a, b),
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ pub fn equal(lhs: &Value, rhs: &Value) -> bool {
(Str(a), Str(b)) => a == b,
(Array(a), Array(b)) => a == b,
(Dict(a), Dict(b)) => a == b,
(Template(a), Template(b)) => a == b,
(Node(a), Node(b)) => a == b,
(Func(a), Func(b)) => a == b,
(Dyn(a), Dyn(b)) => a == b,
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::iter;
use std::rc::Rc;
use super::{Args, EvalContext, Function, Value};
use super::{Args, Class, Construct, EvalContext, Function, Set, Value};
use crate::diag::TypResult;
use crate::util::EcoString;
@ -88,15 +88,6 @@ impl Scope {
self.values.insert(var.into(), Rc::new(cell));
/// Define a constant function.
pub fn def_func<F>(&mut self, name: impl Into<EcoString>, f: F)
F: Fn(&mut EvalContext, &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> + 'static,
let name = name.into();
self.def_const(name.clone(), Function::new(Some(name), f));
/// Define a mutable variable with a value.
pub fn def_mut(&mut self, var: impl Into<EcoString>, value: impl Into<Value>) {
self.values.insert(var.into(), Rc::new(RefCell::new(value.into())));
@ -107,6 +98,24 @@ impl Scope {
self.values.insert(var.into(), slot);
/// Define a constant function.
pub fn def_func<F>(&mut self, name: &str, f: F)
F: Fn(&mut EvalContext, &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> + 'static,
let name = EcoString::from(name);
self.def_const(name.clone(), Function::new(Some(name), f));
/// Define a constant class.
pub fn def_class<T>(&mut self, name: &str)
T: Construct + Set + 'static,
let name = EcoString::from(name);
self.def_const(name.clone(), Class::new::<T>(name));
/// Look up the value of a variable.
pub fn get(&self, var: &str) -> Option<&Slot> {
@ -120,6 +129,7 @@ impl Scope {
impl Debug for Scope {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("Scope ")?;
.entries(self.values.iter().map(|(k, v)| (k, v.borrow())))
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::rc::Rc;
// TODO(style): Possible optimizations:
// - Ref-count map for cheaper cloning and smaller footprint
// - Store map in `Option` to make empty maps non-allocating
// - Store small properties inline
/// A map of style properties.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct Styles {
map: Vec<(StyleId, Entry)>,
impl Styles {
/// Create a new, empty style map.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { map: vec![] }
/// Whether this map contains no styles.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Create a style map with a single property-value pair.
pub fn one<P: Property>(key: P, value: P::Value) -> Self {
let mut styles = Self::new();
styles.set(key, value);
/// Set the value for a style property.
pub fn set<P: Property>(&mut self, key: P, value: P::Value) {
let id = StyleId::of::<P>();
for pair in &mut self.map {
if pair.0 == id {
let prev = pair.1.downcast::<P::Value>().unwrap();
let folded = P::combine(value, prev.clone());
pair.1 = Entry::new(key, folded);
self.map.push((id, Entry::new(key, value)));
/// Set a value for a style property if it is `Some(_)`.
pub fn set_opt<P: Property>(&mut self, key: P, value: Option<P::Value>) {
if let Some(value) = value {
self.set(key, value);
/// Toggle a boolean style property.
pub fn toggle<P: Property<Value = bool>>(&mut self, key: P) {
let id = StyleId::of::<P>();
for (i, pair) in self.map.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if pair.0 == id {
self.map.push((id, Entry::new(key, true)));
/// Get the value of a copyable style property.
/// Returns the property's default value if the map does not contain an
/// entry for it.
pub fn get<P: Property>(&self, key: P) -> P::Value
P::Value: Copy,
.map(|&v| P::combine(v, P::default()))
/// Get a reference to a style property.
/// Returns a reference to the property's default value if the map does not
/// contain an entry for it.
pub fn get_ref<P: Property>(&self, key: P) -> &P::Value {
self.get_direct(key).unwrap_or_else(|| P::default_ref())
/// Get a reference to a style directly in this map (no default value).
fn get_direct<P: Property>(&self, _: P) -> Option<&P::Value> {
.find(|pair| pair.0 == StyleId::of::<P>())
.and_then(|pair| pair.1.downcast())
/// Create new styles combining `self` with `outer`.
/// Properties from `self` take precedence over the ones from `outer`.
pub fn chain(&self, outer: &Self) -> Self {
let mut styles = self.clone();
/// Apply styles from `outer` in-place.
/// Properties from `self` take precedence over the ones from `outer`.
pub fn apply(&mut self, outer: &Self) {
'outer: for pair in &outer.map {
for (id, entry) in &mut self.map {
if pair.0 == *id {
continue 'outer;
/// Keep only those styles that are not also in `other`.
pub fn erase(&mut self, other: &Self) {
self.map.retain(|a| other.map.iter().all(|b| a != b));
/// Keep only those styles that are also in `other`.
pub fn intersect(&mut self, other: &Self) {
self.map.retain(|a| other.map.iter().any(|b| a == b));
/// Whether two style maps are equal when filtered down to the given
/// properties.
pub fn compatible<F>(&self, other: &Self, filter: F) -> bool
F: Fn(StyleId) -> bool,
// TODO(style): Filtered length + one direction equal should suffice.
let f = |e: &&(StyleId, Entry)| filter(e.0);
self.map.iter().filter(f).all(|pair| other.map.contains(pair))
&& other.map.iter().filter(f).all(|pair| self.map.contains(pair))
impl Debug for Styles {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if f.alternate() {
for pair in &self.map {
writeln!(f, "{:#?}", pair.1)?;
} else {
f.write_str("Styles ")?;
f.debug_set().entries(self.map.iter().map(|pair| &pair.1)).finish()
impl PartialEq for Styles {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.compatible(other, |_| true)
/// An entry for a single style property.
pub(crate) struct Entry(Rc<dyn Bounds>);
impl Entry {
fn new<P: Property>(key: P, value: P::Value) -> Self {
Self(Rc::new((key, value)))
fn downcast<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
fn apply(&mut self, outer: &Self) {
*self = self.0.combine(outer);
impl Debug for Entry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl PartialEq for Entry {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl Hash for Entry {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
trait Bounds: 'static {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
fn dyn_fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result;
fn dyn_eq(&self, other: &Entry) -> bool;
fn hash64(&self) -> u64;
fn combine(&self, outer: &Entry) -> Entry;
// `P` is always zero-sized. We only implement the trait for a pair of key and
// associated value so that `P` is a constrained type parameter that we can use
// in `dyn_fmt` to access the property's name. This way, we can effectively
// store the property's name in its vtable instead of having an actual runtime
// string somewhere in `Entry`.
impl<P: Property> Bounds for (P, P::Value) {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn dyn_fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if f.alternate() {
write!(f, "#[{} = {:?}]", P::NAME, self.1)
} else {
write!(f, "{}: {:?}", P::NAME, self.1)
fn dyn_eq(&self, other: &Entry) -> bool {
if let Some(other) = other.downcast::<P::Value>() {
&self.1 == other
} else {
fn hash64(&self) -> u64 {
// No need to hash the TypeId since there's only one
// valid value type per property.
fn combine(&self, outer: &Entry) -> Entry {
let outer = outer.downcast::<P::Value>().unwrap();
let combined = P::combine(self.1.clone(), outer.clone());
Entry::new(self.0, combined)
/// Style property keys.
/// This trait is not intended to be implemented manually, but rather through
/// the `#[properties]` proc-macro.
pub trait Property: Copy + 'static {
/// The type of value that is returned when getting this property from a
/// style map. For example, this could be [`Length`](crate::geom::Length)
/// for a `WIDTH` property.
type Value: Debug + Clone + PartialEq + Hash + 'static;
/// The name of the property, used for debug printing.
const NAME: &'static str;
/// The default value of the property.
fn default() -> Self::Value;
/// A static reference to the default value of the property.
/// This is automatically implemented through lazy-initialization in the
/// `#[properties]` macro. This way, expensive defaults don't need to be
/// recreated all the time.
fn default_ref() -> &'static Self::Value;
/// Fold the property with an outer value.
/// For example, this would combine a relative font size with an outer
/// absolute font size.
fn combine(inner: Self::Value, outer: Self::Value) -> Self::Value {
/// A unique identifier for a style property.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct StyleId(TypeId);
impl StyleId {
/// The style id of the property.
pub fn of<P: Property>() -> Self {
@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign};
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::diag::StrResult;
use crate::geom::{Align, Dir, Length, Linear, Paint, Sides, Size, SpecAxis};
use crate::layout::{Layout, PackedNode};
use crate::library::{
Decoration, DocumentNode, FlowChild, FlowNode, PageNode, ParChild, ParNode,
PlacedNode, Spacing,
use crate::style::Style;
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// A template value: `[*Hi* there]`.
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct Template(Rc<Vec<TemplateNode>>);
/// One node in a template.
enum TemplateNode {
/// A word space.
/// A line break.
/// A paragraph break.
/// A page break.
/// Plain text.
/// Spacing.
Spacing(SpecAxis, Spacing),
/// A decorated template.
Decorated(Decoration, Template),
/// An inline node builder.
Inline(Rc<dyn Fn(&Style) -> PackedNode>),
/// A block node builder.
Block(Rc<dyn Fn(&Style) -> PackedNode>),
/// Save the current style.
/// Restore the last saved style.
/// A function that can modify the current style.
Modify(Rc<dyn Fn(&mut Style)>),
impl Template {
/// Create a new, empty template.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Create a template from a builder for an inline-level node.
pub fn from_inline<F, T>(f: F) -> Self
F: Fn(&Style) -> T + 'static,
T: Layout + Debug + Hash + 'static,
let node = TemplateNode::Inline(Rc::new(move |s| f(s).pack()));
/// Create a template from a builder for a block-level node.
pub fn from_block<F, T>(f: F) -> Self
F: Fn(&Style) -> T + 'static,
T: Layout + Debug + Hash + 'static,
let node = TemplateNode::Block(Rc::new(move |s| f(s).pack()));
/// Add a word space to the template.
pub fn space(&mut self) {
/// Add a line break to the template.
pub fn linebreak(&mut self) {
/// Add a paragraph break to the template.
pub fn parbreak(&mut self) {
/// Add a page break to the template.
pub fn pagebreak(&mut self, keep: bool) {
/// Add text to the template.
pub fn text(&mut self, text: impl Into<EcoString>) {
/// Add text, but in monospace.
pub fn monospace(&mut self, text: impl Into<EcoString>) {
self.modify(|style| style.text_mut().monospace = true);
/// Add spacing along an axis.
pub fn spacing(&mut self, axis: SpecAxis, spacing: Spacing) {
self.make_mut().push(TemplateNode::Spacing(axis, spacing));
/// Register a restorable snapshot.
pub fn save(&mut self) {
/// Ensure that later nodes are untouched by style modifications made since
/// the last snapshot.
pub fn restore(&mut self) {
/// Modify the style.
pub fn modify<F>(&mut self, f: F)
F: Fn(&mut Style) + 'static,
/// Return a new template which is modified from start to end.
pub fn modified<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
F: Fn(&mut Style) + 'static,
let mut wrapper = Self::new();
wrapper += self;
/// Add a decoration to all contained nodes.
pub fn decorate(self, deco: Decoration) -> Self {
Self(Rc::new(vec![TemplateNode::Decorated(deco, self)]))
/// Pack the template into a layout node.
pub fn pack(&self, style: &Style) -> PackedNode {
if let [TemplateNode::Block(f)] = self.0.as_slice() {
} else {
let mut builder = Builder::new(style, false);
/// Build the layout tree resulting from instantiating the template with the
/// given style.
pub fn to_document(&self, style: &Style) -> DocumentNode {
let mut builder = Builder::new(style, true);
/// Repeat this template `n` times.
pub fn repeat(&self, n: i64) -> StrResult<Self> {
let count = usize::try_from(n)
.and_then(|n| self.0.len().checked_mul(n))
.ok_or_else(|| format!("cannot repeat this template {} times", n))?;
/// Return a mutable reference to the inner vector.
fn make_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<TemplateNode> {
Rc::make_mut(&mut self.0)
impl Debug for Template {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl PartialEq for Template {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
Rc::ptr_eq(&self.0, &other.0)
impl Add for Template {
type Output = Self;
fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
self += rhs;
impl AddAssign for Template {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Template) {
let sink = Rc::make_mut(&mut self.0);
match Rc::try_unwrap(rhs.0) {
Ok(source) => sink.extend(source),
Err(rc) => sink.extend(rc.iter().cloned()),
impl Add<EcoString> for Template {
type Output = Self;
fn add(mut self, rhs: EcoString) -> Self::Output {
Rc::make_mut(&mut self.0).push(TemplateNode::Text(rhs));
impl Add<Template> for EcoString {
type Output = Template;
fn add(self, mut rhs: Template) -> Self::Output {
Rc::make_mut(&mut rhs.0).insert(0, TemplateNode::Text(self));
/// Transforms from template to layout representation.
struct Builder {
/// The current style.
style: Style,
/// Snapshots of the style.
snapshots: Vec<Style>,
/// The finished page nodes.
finished: Vec<PageNode>,
/// When we are building the top-level layout trees, this contains metrics
/// of the page. While building a flow, this is `None`.
page: Option<PageBuilder>,
/// The currently built flow of paragraphs.
flow: FlowBuilder,
impl Builder {
/// Create a new builder with a base style.
fn new(style: &Style, pages: bool) -> Self {
Self {
style: style.clone(),
snapshots: vec![],
finished: vec![],
page: pages.then(|| PageBuilder::new(style, true)),
flow: FlowBuilder::new(style),
/// Build a template.
fn template(&mut self, template: &Template) {
for node in template.0.iter() {
/// Build a template node.
fn node(&mut self, node: &TemplateNode) {
match node {
TemplateNode::Save => self.snapshots.push(self.style.clone()),
TemplateNode::Restore => {
let style = self.snapshots.pop().unwrap();
let newpage = style.page != self.style.page;
self.style = style;
if newpage {
self.pagebreak(true, false);
TemplateNode::Space => self.space(),
TemplateNode::Linebreak => self.linebreak(),
TemplateNode::Parbreak => self.parbreak(),
TemplateNode::Pagebreak(keep) => self.pagebreak(*keep, true),
TemplateNode::Text(text) => self.text(text),
TemplateNode::Spacing(axis, amount) => self.spacing(*axis, *amount),
TemplateNode::Decorated(deco, template) => {
TemplateNode::Inline(f) => self.inline(f(&self.style)),
TemplateNode::Block(f) => self.block(f(&self.style)),
TemplateNode::Modify(f) => f(&mut self.style),
/// Push a word space into the active paragraph.
fn space(&mut self) {
self.flow.par.push_soft(self.make_text_node(' '));
/// Apply a forced line break.
fn linebreak(&mut self) {
/// Apply a forced paragraph break.
fn parbreak(&mut self) {
let amount = self.style.par_spacing();
/// Apply a forced page break.
fn pagebreak(&mut self, keep: bool, hard: bool) {
if let Some(builder) = &mut self.page {
let page = mem::replace(builder, PageBuilder::new(&self.style, hard));
let flow = mem::replace(&mut self.flow, FlowBuilder::new(&self.style));
self.finished.extend(page.build(flow.build(), keep));
/// Push text into the active paragraph.
fn text(&mut self, text: impl Into<EcoString>) {
/// Push an inline node into the active paragraph.
fn inline(&mut self, node: PackedNode) {
/// Push a block node into the active flow, finishing the active paragraph.
fn block(&mut self, node: PackedNode) {
let mut is_placed = false;
if let Some(placed) = node.downcast::<PlacedNode>() {
is_placed = true;
// This prevents paragraph spacing after the placed node if it
// is completely out-of-flow.
if placed.out_of_flow() {
self.flow.last = Last::None;
// This prevents paragraph spacing between the placed node and
// the paragraph below it.
if is_placed {
self.flow.last = Last::None;
/// Push spacing into the active paragraph or flow depending on the `axis`.
fn spacing(&mut self, axis: SpecAxis, spacing: Spacing) {
match axis {
SpecAxis::Vertical => {
SpecAxis::Horizontal => {
/// Finish building and return the created flow.
fn build_flow(self) -> FlowNode {
/// Finish building and return the created layout tree.
fn build_document(mut self) -> DocumentNode {
self.pagebreak(true, false);
DocumentNode { pages: self.finished }
/// Construct a text node with the given text and settings from the current
/// style.
fn make_text_node(&self, text: impl Into<EcoString>) -> ParChild {
ParChild::Text(text.into(), Rc::clone(&self.style.text))
struct PageBuilder {
size: Size,
padding: Sides<Linear>,
fill: Option<Paint>,
hard: bool,
impl PageBuilder {
fn new(style: &Style, hard: bool) -> Self {
Self {
size: style.page.size,
padding: style.page.margins(),
fill: style.page.fill,
fn build(self, child: FlowNode, keep: bool) -> Option<PageNode> {
let Self { size, padding, fill, hard } = self;
(!child.children.is_empty() || (keep && hard)).then(|| PageNode {
child: child.pack().padded(padding),
struct FlowBuilder {
children: Vec<FlowChild>,
last: Last<FlowChild>,
par: ParBuilder,
impl FlowBuilder {
fn new(style: &Style) -> Self {
Self {
children: vec![],
last: Last::None,
par: ParBuilder::new(style),
fn push(&mut self, child: FlowChild) {
fn push_soft(&mut self, child: FlowChild) {
fn push_hard(&mut self, child: FlowChild) {
fn finish_par(&mut self, style: &Style) {
let par = mem::replace(&mut self.par, ParBuilder::new(style));
if let Some(par) = par.build() {
fn build(self) -> FlowNode {
let Self { mut children, par, mut last } = self;
if let Some(par) = par.build() {
FlowNode { children }
struct ParBuilder {
dir: Dir,
align: Align,
leading: Length,
children: Vec<ParChild>,
last: Last<ParChild>,
impl ParBuilder {
fn new(style: &Style) -> Self {
Self {
dir: style.par.dir,
align: style.par.align,
leading: style.leading(),
children: vec![],
last: Last::None,
fn push(&mut self, child: ParChild) {
if let Some(soft) = self.last.any() {
fn push_soft(&mut self, child: ParChild) {
fn push_hard(&mut self, child: ParChild) {
fn push_inner(&mut self, child: ParChild) {
if let ParChild::Text(text2, style2) = &child {
if let Some(ParChild::Text(text1, style1)) = self.children.last_mut() {
if Rc::ptr_eq(style1, style2) {
fn build(self) -> Option<FlowChild> {
let Self { dir, align, leading, children, .. } = self;
.then(|| FlowChild::Node(ParNode { dir, align, leading, children }.pack()))
/// Finite state machine for spacing coalescing.
enum Last<N> {
impl<N> Last<N> {
fn any(&mut self) -> Option<N> {
match mem::replace(self, Self::Any) {
Self::Soft(soft) => Some(soft),
_ => None,
fn soft(&mut self, soft: N) {
if let Self::Any = self {
*self = Self::Soft(soft);
fn hard(&mut self) {
*self = Self::None;
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
use std::any::Any;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::rc::Rc;
use super::{ops, Array, Dict, Function, Template};
use super::{ops, Array, Class, Dict, Function, Node};
use crate::diag::StrResult;
use crate::geom::{Angle, Color, Fractional, Length, Linear, Relative, RgbaColor};
use crate::layout::Layout;
use crate::syntax::Spanned;
use crate::util::EcoString;
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ pub enum Value {
/// A length: `12pt`, `3cm`.
/// An angle: `1.5rad`, `90deg`.
/// An angle: `1.5rad`, `90deg`.
/// A relative value: `50%`.
@ -40,15 +42,33 @@ pub enum Value {
/// A dictionary value: `(color: #f79143, pattern: dashed)`.
/// A template value: `[*Hi* there]`.
/// A node value: `[*Hi* there]`.
/// An executable function.
/// A class of nodes.
/// A dynamic value.
impl Value {
/// Create an inline-level node value.
pub fn inline<T>(node: T) -> Self
T: Layout + Debug + Hash + 'static,
/// Create a block-level node value.
pub fn block<T>(node: T) -> Self
T: Layout + Debug + Hash + 'static,
/// The name of the stored value's type.
pub fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
@ -66,8 +86,9 @@ impl Value {
Self::Str(_) => EcoString::TYPE_NAME,
Self::Array(_) => Array::TYPE_NAME,
Self::Dict(_) => Dict::TYPE_NAME,
Self::Template(_) => Template::TYPE_NAME,
Self::Node(_) => Node::TYPE_NAME,
Self::Func(_) => Function::TYPE_NAME,
Self::Class(_) => Class::TYPE_NAME,
Self::Dyn(v) => v.type_name(),
@ -80,14 +101,28 @@ impl Value {
/// Join the value with another value.
pub fn join(self, rhs: Self) -> StrResult<Self> {
ops::join(self, rhs)
/// Return the debug representation of the value.
pub fn repr(&self) -> EcoString {
format_eco!("{:?}", self)
/// Join the value with another value.
pub fn join(self, rhs: Self) -> StrResult<Self> {
ops::join(self, rhs)
/// Return the display representation of the value.
pub fn show(self) -> Node {
match self {
Value::None => Node::new(),
Value::Int(v) => Node::Text(format_eco!("{}", v)),
Value::Float(v) => Node::Text(format_eco!("{}", v)),
Value::Str(v) => Node::Text(v),
Value::Node(v) => v,
// For values which can't be shown "naturally", we print the
// representation in monospace.
v => Node::Text(v.repr()).monospaced(),
@ -114,8 +149,9 @@ impl Debug for Value {
Self::Str(v) => Debug::fmt(v, f),
Self::Array(v) => Debug::fmt(v, f),
Self::Dict(v) => Debug::fmt(v, f),
Self::Template(v) => Debug::fmt(v, f),
Self::Node(_) => f.pad("<template>"),
Self::Func(v) => Debug::fmt(v, f),
Self::Class(v) => Debug::fmt(v, f),
Self::Dyn(v) => Debug::fmt(v, f),
@ -354,14 +390,15 @@ primitive! { f64: "float", Float, Int(v) => v as f64 }
primitive! { Length: "length", Length }
primitive! { Angle: "angle", Angle }
primitive! { Relative: "relative", Relative }
primitive! { Linear: "linear", Linear, Length(v) => v.into(), Relative(v) => v.into() }
primitive! { Fractional: "fractional", Fractional }
primitive! { Linear: "relative length", Linear, Length(v) => v.into(), Relative(v) => v.into() }
primitive! { Fractional: "fractional length", Fractional }
primitive! { Color: "color", Color }
primitive! { EcoString: "string", Str }
primitive! { Array: "array", Array }
primitive! { Dict: "dictionary", Dict }
primitive! { Template: "template", Template }
primitive! { Node: "template", Node }
primitive! { Function: "function", Func }
primitive! { Class: "class", Class }
impl Cast<Value> for Value {
fn is(_: &Value) -> bool {
@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use super::{Eval, EvalContext, Template, Value};
use crate::diag::TypResult;
use crate::geom::Spec;
use crate::layout::Layout;
use crate::library::{GridNode, ParChild, ParNode, TrackSizing};
use crate::syntax::ast::*;
use crate::util::{BoolExt, EcoString};
/// Walk markup, filling the currently built template.
pub trait Walk {
/// Walk the node.
fn walk(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<()>;
impl Walk for Markup {
fn walk(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<()> {
for node in self.nodes() {
impl Walk for MarkupNode {
fn walk(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<()> {
match self {
Self::Space => ctx.template.space(),
Self::Linebreak => ctx.template.linebreak(),
Self::Parbreak => ctx.template.parbreak(),
Self::Strong => ctx.template.modify(|s| s.text_mut().strong.flip()),
Self::Emph => ctx.template.modify(|s| s.text_mut().emph.flip()),
Self::Text(text) => ctx.template.text(text),
Self::Raw(raw) => raw.walk(ctx)?,
Self::Math(math) => math.walk(ctx)?,
Self::Heading(heading) => heading.walk(ctx)?,
Self::List(list) => list.walk(ctx)?,
Self::Enum(enum_) => enum_.walk(ctx)?,
Self::Expr(expr) => match expr.eval(ctx)? {
Value::None => {}
Value::Int(v) => ctx.template.text(format_eco!("{}", v)),
Value::Float(v) => ctx.template.text(format_eco!("{}", v)),
Value::Str(v) => ctx.template.text(v),
Value::Template(v) => ctx.template += v,
// For values which can't be shown "naturally", we print the
// representation in monospace.
other => ctx.template.monospace(other.repr()),
impl Walk for RawNode {
fn walk(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<()> {
if self.block {
if self.block {
impl Walk for MathNode {
fn walk(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<()> {
if self.display {
if self.display {
impl Walk for HeadingNode {
fn walk(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<()> {
let level = self.level();
let body = self.body().eval(ctx)?;
ctx.template.modify(move |style| {
let text = style.text_mut();
let upscale = (1.6 - 0.1 * level as f64).max(0.75);
text.size *= upscale;
text.strong = true;
ctx.template += body;
impl Walk for ListNode {
fn walk(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<()> {
let body = self.body().eval(ctx)?;
walk_item(ctx, EcoString::from('•'), body);
impl Walk for EnumNode {
fn walk(&self, ctx: &mut EvalContext) -> TypResult<()> {
let body = self.body().eval(ctx)?;
let label = format_eco!("{}.", self.number().unwrap_or(1));
walk_item(ctx, label, body);
fn walk_item(ctx: &mut EvalContext, label: EcoString, body: Template) {
ctx.template += Template::from_block(move |style| {
let label = Layout::pack(ParNode {
dir: style.par.dir,
align: style.par.align,
leading: style.leading(),
children: vec![ParChild::Text(label.clone(), Rc::clone(&style.text))],
let spacing = style.text.size / 2.0;
GridNode {
tracks: Spec::new(vec![TrackSizing::Auto; 2], vec![]),
gutter: Spec::new(vec![TrackSizing::Linear(spacing.into())], vec![]),
children: vec![label, body.pack(style)],
@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ impl Face {
/// Look up a vertical metric at the given font size.
pub fn vertical_metric(&self, metric: VerticalFontMetric, size: Length) -> Length {
match metric {
VerticalFontMetric::Ascender => self.ascender.to_length(size),
VerticalFontMetric::CapHeight => self.cap_height.to_length(size),
VerticalFontMetric::XHeight => self.x_height.to_length(size),
VerticalFontMetric::Ascender => self.ascender.resolve(size),
VerticalFontMetric::CapHeight => self.cap_height.resolve(size),
VerticalFontMetric::XHeight => self.x_height.resolve(size),
VerticalFontMetric::Baseline => Length::zero(),
VerticalFontMetric::Descender => self.descender.to_length(size),
VerticalFontMetric::Descender => self.descender.resolve(size),
VerticalFontMetric::Linear(v) => v.resolve(size),
@ -107,6 +107,11 @@ impl Frame {
wrapper.push(Point::zero(), Element::Group(group));
*self = wrapper;
/// Link the whole frame to a resource.
pub fn link(&mut self, url: impl Into<String>) {
self.push(Point::zero(), Element::Link(url.into(), self.size));
impl Debug for Frame {
@ -171,14 +176,19 @@ pub struct Text {
pub face_id: FaceId,
/// The font size.
pub size: Length,
/// The width of the text run.
pub width: Length,
/// Glyph color.
pub fill: Paint,
/// The glyphs.
pub glyphs: Vec<Glyph>,
impl Text {
/// The width of the text run.
pub fn width(&self) -> Length {
self.glyphs.iter().map(|g| g.x_advance.resolve(self.size)).sum()
/// A glyph in a run of shaped text.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Glyph {
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ impl Em {
/// Convert to a length at the given font size.
pub fn to_length(self, font_size: Length) -> Length {
pub fn resolve(self, font_size: Length) -> Length {
self.get() * font_size
@ -36,6 +36,16 @@ impl Linear {
self.rel.resolve(length) + self.abs
/// Compose with another linear.
/// The resulting linear is (self ∘ inner)(x) = self(inner(x)).
pub fn compose(self, inner: Self) -> Self {
Self {
rel: self.rel * inner.rel,
abs: self.rel.resolve(inner.abs) + self.abs,
/// Whether both parts are zero.
pub fn is_zero(self) -> bool {
self.rel.is_zero() && self.abs.is_zero()
@ -155,10 +165,7 @@ impl Mul<Linear> for f64 {
type Output = Linear;
fn mul(self, other: Linear) -> Linear {
Linear {
rel: self * other.rel,
abs: self * other.abs,
other * self
@ -15,44 +15,30 @@ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::eval::Styles;
use crate::font::FontStore;
use crate::frame::Frame;
use crate::geom::{Align, Linear, Point, Sides, Spec, Transform};
use crate::geom::{Align, Linear, Point, Sides, Size, Spec, Transform};
use crate::image::ImageStore;
use crate::library::{AlignNode, DocumentNode, PadNode, SizedNode, TransformNode};
use crate::library::{AlignNode, PadNode, PageNode, SizedNode, TransformNode};
use crate::Context;
/// Layout a document node into a collection of frames.
pub fn layout(ctx: &mut Context, node: &DocumentNode) -> Vec<Rc<Frame>> {
let mut ctx = LayoutContext::new(ctx);
node.layout(&mut ctx)
/// The root layout node, a document consisting of top-level page runs.
pub struct RootNode(pub Vec<PageNode>);
impl RootNode {
/// Layout the document into a sequence of frames, one per page.
pub fn layout(&self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Vec<Rc<Frame>> {
let mut ctx = LayoutContext::new(ctx);
self.0.iter().flat_map(|node| node.layout(&mut ctx)).collect()
/// The context for layouting.
pub struct LayoutContext<'a> {
/// Stores parsed font faces.
pub fonts: &'a mut FontStore,
/// Stores decoded images.
pub images: &'a mut ImageStore,
/// Caches layouting artifacts.
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
pub layouts: &'a mut LayoutCache,
/// How deeply nested the current layout tree position is.
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
pub level: usize,
impl<'a> LayoutContext<'a> {
/// Create a new layout context.
pub fn new(ctx: &'a mut Context) -> Self {
Self {
fonts: &mut ctx.fonts,
images: &mut ctx.images,
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
layouts: &mut ctx.layouts,
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
level: 0,
impl Debug for RootNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("Root ")?;
@ -75,26 +61,82 @@ pub trait Layout {
PackedNode {
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
hash: {
let mut state = fxhash::FxHasher64::default();
self.type_id().hash(&mut state);
self.hash(&mut state);
hash: self.hash64(),
node: Rc::new(self),
styles: Styles::new(),
/// A packed layouting node with precomputed hash.
/// The context for layouting.
pub struct LayoutContext<'a> {
/// Stores parsed font faces.
pub fonts: &'a mut FontStore,
/// Stores decoded images.
pub images: &'a mut ImageStore,
/// Caches layouting artifacts.
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
pub layouts: &'a mut LayoutCache,
/// The inherited style properties.
// TODO(style): This probably shouldn't be here.
pub styles: Styles,
/// How deeply nested the current layout tree position is.
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
pub level: usize,
impl<'a> LayoutContext<'a> {
/// Create a new layout context.
pub fn new(ctx: &'a mut Context) -> Self {
Self {
fonts: &mut ctx.fonts,
images: &mut ctx.images,
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
layouts: &mut ctx.layouts,
styles: ctx.styles.clone(),
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
level: 0,
/// A layout node that produces an empty frame.
/// The packed version of this is returned by [`PackedNode::default`].
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct EmptyNode;
impl Layout for EmptyNode {
fn layout(
_: &mut LayoutContext,
regions: &Regions,
) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
let size = regions.expand.select(regions.current, Size::zero());
let mut cts = Constraints::new(regions.expand);
cts.exact = regions.current.filter(regions.expand);
/// A packed layouting node with style properties and a precomputed hash.
pub struct PackedNode {
/// The type-erased node.
node: Rc<dyn Bounds>,
/// A precomputed hash for the node.
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
hash: u64,
/// The node's styles.
pub styles: Styles,
impl PackedNode {
/// Check whether the contained node is a specific layout node.
pub fn is<T: 'static>(&self) -> bool {
/// Try to downcast to a specific layout node.
pub fn downcast<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
@ -103,6 +145,16 @@ impl PackedNode {
/// Style the node with styles from a style map.
pub fn styled(mut self, styles: Styles) -> Self {
if self.styles.is_empty() {
self.styles = styles;
} else {
/// Force a size for this node.
pub fn sized(self, sizing: Spec<Option<Linear>>) -> Self {
if sizing.any(Option::is_some) {
@ -156,12 +208,20 @@ impl Layout for PackedNode {
regions: &Regions,
) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "layout-cache"))]
return self.node.layout(ctx, regions);
return self.layout_impl(ctx, regions);
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
ctx.layouts.get(self.hash, regions).unwrap_or_else(|| {
let hash = {
let mut state = fxhash::FxHasher64::default();
self.hash(&mut state);
ctx.styles.hash(&mut state);
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
ctx.layouts.get(hash, regions).unwrap_or_else(|| {
ctx.level += 1;
let frames = self.node.layout(ctx, regions);
let frames = self.layout_impl(ctx, regions);
ctx.level -= 1;
let entry = FramesEntry::new(frames.clone(), ctx.level);
@ -177,7 +237,7 @@ impl Layout for PackedNode {
panic!("constraints did not match regions they were created for");
ctx.layouts.insert(self.hash, entry);
ctx.layouts.insert(hash, entry);
@ -190,30 +250,74 @@ impl Layout for PackedNode {
impl Hash for PackedNode {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, _state: &mut H) {
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "layout-cache"))]
impl PackedNode {
/// Layout the node without checking the cache.
fn layout_impl(
ctx: &mut LayoutContext,
regions: &Regions,
) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
let new = self.styles.chain(&ctx.styles);
let prev = std::mem::replace(&mut ctx.styles, new);
let frames = self.node.layout(ctx, regions);
ctx.styles = prev;
impl Default for PackedNode {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Debug for PackedNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if f.alternate() {
impl PartialEq for PackedNode {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
Rc::as_ptr(&self.node) as *const () == Rc::as_ptr(&other.node) as *const ()
impl Hash for PackedNode {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
// Hash the node.
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "layout-cache"))]
// Hash the styles.
trait Bounds: Layout + Debug + 'static {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
fn hash64(&self) -> u64;
impl<T> Bounds for T
T: Layout + Debug + 'static,
T: Layout + Hash + Debug + 'static,
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn hash64(&self) -> u64 {
// Also hash the TypeId since nodes with different types but
// equal data should be different.
let mut state = fxhash::FxHasher64::default();
self.type_id().hash(&mut state);
self.hash(&mut state);
@ -2,30 +2,32 @@
//! # Steps
//! - **Parsing:** The parsing step first transforms a plain string into an
//! [iterator of tokens][tokens]. This token stream is [parsed] into [markup].
//! The syntactical structures describing markup and embedded code can be
//! found in the [syntax] module.
//! [iterator of tokens][tokens]. This token stream is [parsed] into a
//! [green tree]. The green tree itself is untyped, but a typed layer over it
//! is provided in the [AST] module.
//! - **Evaluation:** The next step is to [evaluate] the markup. This produces a
//! [module], consisting of a scope of values that were exported by the code
//! and a template with the contents of the module. This template can be
//! instantiated with a style to produce a layout tree, a high-level, fully
//! styled representation, rooted in the [document node]. The nodes of this
//! tree are self-contained and order-independent and thus much better suited
//! for layouting than the raw markup.
//! and a [node] with the contents of the module. This node can be converted
//! into a [layout tree], a hierarchical, styled representation of the
//! document. The nodes of this tree are well structured and order-independent
//! and thus much better suited for layouting than the raw markup.
//! - **Layouting:** Next, the tree is [layouted] into a portable version of the
//! typeset document. The output of this is a collection of [`Frame`]s (one
//! per page), ready for exporting.
//! per page), ready for exporting. This step is supported by an incremental
//! [cache] that enables reuse of intermediate layouting results.
//! - **Exporting:** The finished layout can be exported into a supported
//! format. Currently, the only supported output format is [PDF].
//! [tokens]: parse::Tokens
//! [parsed]: parse::parse
//! [markup]: syntax::ast::Markup
//! [evaluate]: eval::eval
//! [green tree]: syntax::GreenNode
//! [AST]: syntax::ast
//! [evaluate]: Context::evaluate
//! [module]: eval::Module
//! [layout tree]: layout::LayoutTree
//! [document node]: library::DocumentNode
//! [layouted]: layout::layout
//! [node]: eval::Node
//! [layout tree]: layout::RootNode
//! [layouted]: layout::RootNode::layout
//! [cache]: layout::LayoutCache
//! [PDF]: export::pdf
@ -44,22 +46,19 @@ pub mod library;
pub mod loading;
pub mod parse;
pub mod source;
pub mod style;
pub mod syntax;
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::diag::TypResult;
use crate::eval::{Module, Scope};
use crate::eval::{Eval, EvalContext, Module, Scope, Styles};
use crate::font::FontStore;
use crate::frame::Frame;
use crate::image::ImageStore;
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
use crate::layout::{EvictionPolicy, LayoutCache};
use crate::library::DocumentNode;
use crate::loading::Loader;
use crate::source::{SourceId, SourceStore};
use crate::style::Style;
/// The core context which holds the loader, configuration and cached artifacts.
pub struct Context {
@ -76,8 +75,8 @@ pub struct Context {
pub layouts: LayoutCache,
/// The standard library scope.
std: Scope,
/// The default style.
style: Style,
/// The default styles.
styles: Styles,
impl Context {
@ -96,21 +95,21 @@ impl Context {
/// A read-only reference to the style.
pub fn style(&self) -> &Style {
/// A read-only reference to the styles.
pub fn styles(&self) -> &Styles {
/// Evaluate a source file and return the resulting module.
/// Returns either a module containing a scope with top-level bindings and a
/// layoutable node or diagnostics in the form of a vector of error message
/// with file and span information.
pub fn evaluate(&mut self, id: SourceId) -> TypResult<Module> {
let ast = self.sources.get(id).ast()?;
eval::eval(self, id, &ast)
/// Execute a source file and produce the resulting page nodes.
pub fn execute(&mut self, id: SourceId) -> TypResult<DocumentNode> {
let module = self.evaluate(id)?;
let markup = self.sources.get(id).ast()?;
let mut ctx = EvalContext::new(self, id);
let node = markup.eval(&mut ctx)?;
Ok(Module { scope: ctx.scopes.top, node })
/// Typeset a source file into a collection of layouted frames.
@ -119,8 +118,9 @@ impl Context {
/// diagnostics in the form of a vector of error message with file and span
/// information.
pub fn typeset(&mut self, id: SourceId) -> TypResult<Vec<Rc<Frame>>> {
let tree = self.execute(id)?;
let frames = layout::layout(self, &tree);
let module = self.evaluate(id)?;
let tree = module.into_root();
let frames = tree.layout(self);
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ impl Context {
/// This struct is created by [`Context::builder`].
pub struct ContextBuilder {
std: Option<Scope>,
style: Option<Style>,
styles: Option<Styles>,
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
policy: EvictionPolicy,
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ impl ContextBuilder {
/// The initial properties for page size, font selection and so on.
pub fn style(mut self, style: Style) -> Self {
self.style = Some(style);
/// The default properties for page size, font selection and so on.
pub fn styles(mut self, styles: Styles) -> Self {
self.styles = Some(styles);
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ impl ContextBuilder {
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
layouts: LayoutCache::new(self.policy, self.max_size),
std: self.std.unwrap_or_else(library::new),
style: self.style.unwrap_or_default(),
styles: self.styles.unwrap_or_default(),
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ impl Default for ContextBuilder {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
std: None,
style: None,
styles: None,
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
policy: EvictionPolicy::default(),
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
@ -1,29 +1,19 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use super::ParNode;
/// `align`: Configure the alignment along the layouting axes.
pub fn align(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
castable! {
Expected: "1d or 2d alignment",
@align: Align => {
let mut aligns = Spec::default();
aligns.set(align.axis(), Some(*align));
@aligns: Spec<Align> => aligns.map(Some),
let aligns: Spec<_> = args.expect("alignment")?;
let body: Node = args.expect("body")?;
let mut styles = Styles::new();
if let Some(align) = aligns.x {
styles.set(ParNode::ALIGN, align);
let aligns = args.expect::<Spec<_>>("alignment")?;
let body = args.expect::<Template>("body")?;
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_block(move |style| {
let mut style = style.clone();
if let Some(x) = aligns.x {
style.par_mut().align = x;
/// A node that aligns its child.
@ -67,3 +57,19 @@ impl Layout for AlignNode {
dynamic! {
Align: "alignment",
castable! {
Expected: "1d or 2d alignment",
@align: Align => {
let mut aligns = Spec::default();
aligns.set(align.axis(), Some(*align));
@aligns: Spec<Align> => aligns.map(Some),
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// `strike`: Typeset striken-through text.
pub fn strike(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
line_impl(args, LineKind::Strikethrough)
/// `underline`: Typeset underlined text.
pub fn underline(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
line_impl(args, LineKind::Underline)
/// `overline`: Typeset text with an overline.
pub fn overline(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
line_impl(args, LineKind::Overline)
fn line_impl(args: &mut Args, kind: LineKind) -> TypResult<Value> {
let stroke = args.named("stroke")?.or_else(|| args.find());
let thickness = args.named::<Linear>("thickness")?.or_else(|| args.find());
let offset = args.named("offset")?;
let extent = args.named("extent")?.unwrap_or_default();
let body: Template = args.expect("body")?;
LineDecoration { kind, stroke, thickness, offset, extent },
/// `link`: Typeset text as a link.
pub fn link(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let url = args.expect::<EcoString>("url")?;
let body = args.find().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut template = Template::new();
/// A decoration for a frame.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Decoration {
/// A link to an external resource.
/// An underline/strikethrough/overline decoration.
impl Decoration {
/// Apply a decoration to a child's frame.
pub fn apply(&self, ctx: &LayoutContext, frame: &mut Frame) {
match self {
Decoration::Link(href) => {
let link = Element::Link(href.to_string(), frame.size);
frame.push(Point::zero(), link);
Decoration::Line(line) => {
line.apply(ctx, frame);
/// Defines a line that is positioned over, under or on top of text.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LineDecoration {
/// The kind of line.
pub kind: LineKind,
/// Stroke color of the line, defaults to the text color if `None`.
pub stroke: Option<Paint>,
/// Thickness of the line's strokes (dependent on scaled font size), read
/// from the font tables if `None`.
pub thickness: Option<Linear>,
/// Position of the line relative to the baseline (dependent on scaled font
/// size), read from the font tables if `None`.
pub offset: Option<Linear>,
/// Amount that the line will be longer or shorter than its associated text
/// (dependent on scaled font size).
pub extent: Linear,
/// The kind of line decoration.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum LineKind {
/// A line under text.
/// A line through text.
/// A line over text.
impl LineDecoration {
/// Apply a line decoration to a all text elements in a frame.
pub fn apply(&self, ctx: &LayoutContext, frame: &mut Frame) {
for i in 0 .. frame.elements.len() {
let (pos, child) = &frame.elements[i];
if let Element::Text(text) = child {
let face = ctx.fonts.get(text.face_id);
let metrics = match self.kind {
LineKind::Underline => face.underline,
LineKind::Strikethrough => face.strikethrough,
LineKind::Overline => face.overline,
let thickness = self
.map(|s| s.resolve(text.size))
let stroke = Stroke {
paint: self.stroke.unwrap_or(text.fill),
let offset = self
.map(|s| s.resolve(text.size))
let extent = self.extent.resolve(text.size);
let subpos = Point::new(pos.x - extent, pos.y + offset);
let target = Point::new(text.width + 2.0 * extent, Length::zero());
let shape = Shape::stroked(Geometry::Line(target), stroke);
frame.push(subpos, Element::Shape(shape));
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use super::PageNode;
/// The root layout node, a document consisting of top-level page runs.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct DocumentNode {
/// The page runs.
pub pages: Vec<PageNode>,
impl DocumentNode {
/// Layout the document into a sequence of frames, one per page.
pub fn layout(&self, ctx: &mut LayoutContext) -> Vec<Rc<Frame>> {
self.pages.iter().flat_map(|node| node.layout(ctx)).collect()
@ -1,50 +1,14 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{AlignNode, ParNode, PlacedNode, Spacing};
/// `flow`: A vertical flow of paragraphs and other layout nodes.
pub fn flow(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
enum Child {
castable! {
Expected: "linear, fractional or template",
Value::Length(v) => Self::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v.into())),
Value::Relative(v) => Self::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v.into())),
Value::Linear(v) => Self::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v)),
Value::Fractional(v) => Self::Spacing(Spacing::Fractional(v)),
Value::Template(v) => Self::Any(v),
let children: Vec<Child> = args.all().collect();
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_block(move |style| {
let children = children
.map(|child| match child {
Child::Spacing(spacing) => FlowChild::Spacing(*spacing),
Child::Any(node) => FlowChild::Node(node.pack(style)),
FlowNode { children }
use super::{AlignNode, ParNode, PlacedNode, SpacingKind, SpacingNode, TextNode};
/// A vertical flow of content consisting of paragraphs and other layout nodes.
/// This node is reponsible for layouting both the top-level content flow and
/// the contents of boxes.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct FlowNode {
/// The children that compose the flow. There are different kinds of
/// children for different purposes.
pub children: Vec<FlowChild>,
pub struct FlowNode(pub Vec<FlowChild>);
impl Layout for FlowNode {
fn layout(
@ -56,19 +20,54 @@ impl Layout for FlowNode {
impl Debug for FlowNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("Flow ")?;
/// A child of a flow node.
pub enum FlowChild {
/// A paragraph/block break.
/// Vertical spacing between other children.
/// An arbitrary node.
impl FlowChild {
/// A reference to the child's styles.
pub fn styles(&self) -> &Styles {
match self {
Self::Break(styles) => styles,
Self::Spacing(node) => &node.styles,
Self::Node(node) => &node.styles,
/// A mutable reference to the child's styles.
pub fn styles_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Styles {
match self {
Self::Break(styles) => styles,
Self::Spacing(node) => &mut node.styles,
Self::Node(node) => &mut node.styles,
impl Debug for FlowChild {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Spacing(spacing) => spacing.fmt(f),
Self::Break(styles) => {
if f.alternate() {
write!(f, "Break")
Self::Spacing(node) => node.fmt(f),
Self::Node(node) => node.fmt(f),
@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ impl<'a> FlowLayouter<'a> {
regions.expand.y = false;
Self {
children: &flow.children,
children: &flow.0,
@ -132,15 +131,21 @@ impl<'a> FlowLayouter<'a> {
/// Layout all children.
fn layout(mut self, ctx: &mut LayoutContext) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
for child in self.children {
match *child {
FlowChild::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v)) => {
match child {
FlowChild::Break(styles) => {
let chain = styles.chain(&ctx.styles);
let em = chain.get(TextNode::SIZE).abs;
let amount = chain.get(ParNode::SPACING).resolve(em);
FlowChild::Spacing(Spacing::Fractional(v)) => {
self.fr += v;
FlowChild::Node(ref node) => {
FlowChild::Spacing(node) => match node.kind {
SpacingKind::Linear(v) => self.layout_absolute(v),
SpacingKind::Fractional(v) => {
self.fr += v;
FlowChild::Node(node) => {
if self.regions.is_full() {
@ -166,18 +171,25 @@ impl<'a> FlowLayouter<'a> {
/// Layout a node.
fn layout_node(&mut self, ctx: &mut LayoutContext, node: &PackedNode) {
// Placed nodes that are out of flow produce placed items which aren't
// aligned later.
if let Some(placed) = node.downcast::<PlacedNode>() {
let frame = node.layout(ctx, &self.regions).remove(0);
if placed.out_of_flow() {
let frame = node.layout(ctx, &self.regions).remove(0);
// How to align the node.
let aligns = Spec::new(
// For non-expanding paragraphs it is crucial that we align the
// whole paragraph according to its internal alignment.
node.downcast::<ParNode>().map_or(Align::Left, |par| par.align),
if node.is::<ParNode>() {
} else {
// Vertical align node alignment is respected by the flow node.
.and_then(|aligned| aligned.aligns.y)
@ -235,7 +247,7 @@ impl<'a> FlowLayouter<'a> {
output.push_frame(pos, frame);
FlowItem::Placed(frame) => {
output.push_frame(Point::with_y(offset), frame);
output.push_frame(Point::zero(), frame);
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ pub fn grid(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
Value::Relative(v) => vec![TrackSizing::Linear(v.into())],
Value::Linear(v) => vec![TrackSizing::Linear(v)],
Value::Fractional(v) => vec![TrackSizing::Fractional(v)],
Value::Int(count) => vec![TrackSizing::Auto; count.max(0) as usize],
Value::Int(v) => vec![TrackSizing::Auto; Value::Int(v).cast()?],
Value::Array(values) => values
.filter_map(|v| v.cast().ok())
@ -39,15 +39,11 @@ pub fn grid(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let children: Vec<Template> = args.all().collect();
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_block(move |style| {
GridNode {
tracks: tracks.clone(),
gutter: gutter.clone(),
children: children.iter().map(|child| child.pack(style)).collect(),
Ok(Value::block(GridNode {
children: args.all().map(Node::into_block).collect(),
/// A node that arranges its children in a grid.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{FontFamily, TextNode};
/// A section heading.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct HeadingNode {
/// The node that produces the heading's contents.
pub child: PackedNode,
/// The logical nesting depth of the section, starting from one. In the
/// default style, this controls the text size of the heading.
pub level: usize,
impl HeadingNode {
/// The heading's font family.
pub const FAMILY: Smart<String> = Smart::Auto;
/// The fill color of heading in the text. Just the surrounding text color
/// if `auto`.
pub const FILL: Smart<Paint> = Smart::Auto;
impl Construct for HeadingNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Ok(Node::block(Self {
child: args.expect::<Node>("body")?.into_block(),
level: args.named("level")?.unwrap_or(1),
impl Set for HeadingNode {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut Styles) -> TypResult<()> {
styles.set_opt(Self::FAMILY, args.named("family")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::FILL, args.named("fill")?);
impl Layout for HeadingNode {
fn layout(
ctx: &mut LayoutContext,
regions: &Regions,
) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
let upscale = (1.6 - 0.1 * self.level as f64).max(0.75);
ctx.styles.set(TextNode::STRONG, true);
ctx.styles.set(TextNode::SIZE, Relative::new(upscale).into());
if let Smart::Custom(family) = ctx.styles.get_ref(Self::FAMILY) {
let list: Vec<_> = std::iter::once(FontFamily::named(family))
ctx.styles.set(TextNode::FAMILY_LIST, list);
if let Smart::Custom(fill) = ctx.styles.get(Self::FILL) {
ctx.styles.set(TextNode::FILL, fill);
self.child.layout(ctx, regions)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use std::io;
use super::prelude::*;
use super::LinkNode;
use crate::diag::Error;
use crate::image::ImageId;
@ -20,9 +21,9 @@ pub fn image(ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_inline(move |_| {
ImageNode { id, fit }.pack().sized(Spec::new(width, height))
ImageNode { id, fit }.pack().sized(Spec::new(width, height)),
/// An image node.
@ -85,6 +86,11 @@ impl Layout for ImageNode {
// Apply link if it exists.
if let Some(url) = ctx.styles.get_ref(LinkNode::URL) {
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
use super::prelude::*;
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// `link`: Link text or other elements.
pub fn link(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let url: String = args.expect::<EcoString>("url")?.into();
let body = args.find().unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut text = url.as_str();
for prefix in ["mailto:", "tel:"] {
text = text.trim_start_matches(prefix);
body.styled(Styles::one(LinkNode::URL, Some(url))),
/// Host for link styles.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct LinkNode;
impl LinkNode {
/// An URL to link to.
pub const URL: Option<String> = None;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
use std::hash::Hash;
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{GridNode, TextNode, TrackSizing};
/// An unordered or ordered list.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ListNode<L> {
/// The node that produces the item's body.
pub child: PackedNode,
/// The list labelling style -- unordered or ordered.
pub labelling: L,
impl<L: Labelling> ListNode<L> {
/// The indentation of each item's label.
pub const LABEL_INDENT: Linear = Relative::new(0.0).into();
/// The space between the label and the body of each item.
pub const BODY_INDENT: Linear = Relative::new(0.5).into();
impl<L: Labelling> Construct for ListNode<L> {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
.map(|node: Node| {
Node::block(Self {
child: node.into_block(),
labelling: L::default(),
impl<L: Labelling> Set for ListNode<L> {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut Styles) -> TypResult<()> {
styles.set_opt(Self::LABEL_INDENT, args.named("label-indent")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::BODY_INDENT, args.named("body-indent")?);
impl<L: Labelling> Layout for ListNode<L> {
fn layout(
ctx: &mut LayoutContext,
regions: &Regions,
) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
let em = ctx.styles.get(TextNode::SIZE).abs;
let label_indent = ctx.styles.get(Self::LABEL_INDENT).resolve(em);
let body_indent = ctx.styles.get(Self::BODY_INDENT).resolve(em);
let columns = vec![
let children = vec![
GridNode {
tracks: Spec::new(columns, vec![]),
gutter: Spec::default(),
.layout(ctx, regions)
/// How to label a list.
pub trait Labelling: Debug + Default + Hash + 'static {
/// Return the item's label.
fn label(&self) -> EcoString;
/// Unordered list labelling style.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Hash)]
pub struct Unordered;
impl Labelling for Unordered {
fn label(&self) -> EcoString {
/// Ordered list labelling style.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Hash)]
pub struct Ordered(pub Option<usize>);
impl Labelling for Ordered {
fn label(&self) -> EcoString {
format_eco!("{}.", self.0.unwrap_or(1))
@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
//! definitions.
mod align;
mod deco;
mod document;
mod flow;
mod grid;
mod heading;
mod image;
mod link;
mod list;
mod pad;
mod page;
mod par;
@ -23,10 +24,15 @@ mod utility;
/// Helpful imports for creating library functionality.
mod prelude {
pub use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
pub use std::rc::Rc;
pub use typst_macros::properties;
pub use crate::diag::{At, TypResult};
pub use crate::eval::{Args, EvalContext, Smart, Template, Value};
pub use crate::eval::{
Args, Construct, EvalContext, Node, Property, Set, Smart, Styles, Value,
pub use crate::frame::*;
pub use crate::geom::*;
pub use crate::layout::*;
@ -36,10 +42,11 @@ mod prelude {
pub use self::image::*;
pub use align::*;
pub use deco::*;
pub use document::*;
pub use flow::*;
pub use grid::*;
pub use heading::*;
pub use link::*;
pub use list::*;
pub use pad::*;
pub use page::*;
pub use par::*;
@ -54,28 +61,38 @@ pub use utility::*;
use crate::eval::{Scope, Value};
use crate::geom::*;
use crate::style::FontFamily;
/// Construct a scope containing all standard library definitions.
pub fn new() -> Scope {
let mut std = Scope::new();
// Text.
std.def_func("font", font);
std.def_func("par", par);
// Classes.
// Text functions.
// TODO(style): These should be classes, once that works for inline nodes.
std.def_func("strike", strike);
std.def_func("underline", underline);
std.def_func("overline", overline);
std.def_func("link", link);
// Layout.
std.def_func("page", page);
// Break and spacing functions.
std.def_func("pagebreak", pagebreak);
std.def_func("parbreak", parbreak);
std.def_func("linebreak", linebreak);
std.def_func("h", h);
std.def_func("v", v);
// Layout functions.
// TODO(style): Decide which of these should be classes
// (and which of their properties should be settable).
std.def_func("box", box_);
std.def_func("block", block);
std.def_func("flow", flow);
std.def_func("stack", stack);
std.def_func("grid", grid);
std.def_func("pad", pad);
@ -84,15 +101,13 @@ pub fn new() -> Scope {
std.def_func("move", move_);
std.def_func("scale", scale);
std.def_func("rotate", rotate);
// Elements.
std.def_func("image", image);
std.def_func("rect", rect);
std.def_func("square", square);
std.def_func("ellipse", ellipse);
std.def_func("circle", circle);
// Utility.
// Utility functions.
std.def_func("assert", assert);
std.def_func("type", type_);
std.def_func("repr", repr);
@ -110,14 +125,15 @@ pub fn new() -> Scope {
std.def_func("len", len);
std.def_func("sorted", sorted);
// Colors.
// Predefined colors.
// TODO: More colors.
std.def_const("white", RgbaColor::WHITE);
std.def_const("black", RgbaColor::BLACK);
std.def_const("eastern", RgbaColor::new(0x23, 0x9D, 0xAD, 0xFF));
std.def_const("conifer", RgbaColor::new(0x9f, 0xEB, 0x52, 0xFF));
std.def_const("forest", RgbaColor::new(0x43, 0xA1, 0x27, 0xFF));
// Arbitrary constants.
// Other constants.
std.def_const("ltr", Dir::LTR);
std.def_const("rtl", Dir::RTL);
std.def_const("ttb", Dir::TTB);
@ -139,17 +155,20 @@ dynamic! {
Dir: "direction",
dynamic! {
Align: "alignment",
dynamic! {
FontFamily: "font family",
Value::Str(string) => Self::Named(string.to_lowercase()),
castable! {
Expected: "color",
Value::Color(color) => Paint::Solid(color),
castable! {
Expected: "non-negative integer",
Value::Int(int) => int.try_into().map_err(|_| "must be at least zero")?,
castable! {
Expected: "string",
Value::Str(string) => string.into(),
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ pub fn pad(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let top = args.named("top")?;
let right = args.named("right")?;
let bottom = args.named("bottom")?;
let body: Template = args.expect("body")?;
let body: Node = args.expect("body")?;
let padding = Sides::new(
@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ pub fn pad(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_block(move |style| {
/// A node that adds padding to its child.
@ -1,115 +1,405 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::str::FromStr;
use super::prelude::*;
use crate::style::{Paper, PaperClass};
/// `page`: Configure pages.
pub fn page(ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
castable! {
Expected: "string",
Value::Str(string) => Paper::from_name(&string).ok_or("unknown paper")?,
let paper = args.named::<Paper>("paper")?.or_else(|| args.find());
let width = args.named::<Smart<_>>("width")?;
let height = args.named::<Smart<_>>("height")?;
let flip = args.named("flip")?;
let margins = args.named("margins")?;
let left = args.named("left")?;
let top = args.named("top")?;
let right = args.named("right")?;
let bottom = args.named("bottom")?;
let fill = args.named("fill")?;
ctx.template.modify(move |style| {
let page = style.page_mut();
if let Some(paper) = paper {
page.class = paper.class();
page.size = paper.size();
if let Some(width) = width {
page.class = PaperClass::Custom;
page.size.x = width.unwrap_or(Length::inf());
if let Some(height) = height {
page.class = PaperClass::Custom;
page.size.y = height.unwrap_or(Length::inf());
if flip.unwrap_or(false) {
std::mem::swap(&mut page.size.x, &mut page.size.y);
if let Some(margins) = margins {
page.margins = Sides::splat(margins);
if let Some(left) = left {
page.margins.left = left;
if let Some(top) = top {
page.margins.top = top;
if let Some(right) = right {
page.margins.right = right;
if let Some(bottom) = bottom {
page.margins.bottom = bottom;
if let Some(fill) = fill {
page.fill = fill;
use super::PadNode;
/// `pagebreak`: Start a new page.
pub fn pagebreak(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let mut template = Template::new();
/// Layouts its children onto one or multiple pages.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
/// Layouts its child onto one or multiple pages.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct PageNode {
/// The size of the page.
pub size: Size,
/// The background fill.
pub fill: Option<Paint>,
/// The node that produces the actual pages.
/// The node producing the content.
pub child: PackedNode,
/// The page's styles.
pub styles: Styles,
impl PageNode {
/// The unflipped width of the page.
pub const WIDTH: Smart<Length> = Smart::Custom(Paper::default().width());
/// The unflipped height of the page.
pub const HEIGHT: Smart<Length> = Smart::Custom(Paper::default().height());
/// The class of paper. Defines the default margins.
pub const CLASS: PaperClass = Paper::default().class();
/// Whether the page is flipped into landscape orientation.
pub const FLIPPED: bool = false;
/// The left margin.
pub const LEFT: Smart<Linear> = Smart::Auto;
/// The right margin.
pub const RIGHT: Smart<Linear> = Smart::Auto;
/// The top margin.
pub const TOP: Smart<Linear> = Smart::Auto;
/// The bottom margin.
pub const BOTTOM: Smart<Linear> = Smart::Auto;
/// The page's background color.
pub const FILL: Option<Paint> = None;
impl Construct for PageNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
Ok(Node::Page(Self {
child: args.expect::<Node>("body")?.into_block(),
styles: Styles::new(),
impl Set for PageNode {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut Styles) -> TypResult<()> {
if let Some(paper) = args.named::<Paper>("paper")?.or_else(|| args.find()) {
styles.set(Self::CLASS, paper.class());
styles.set(Self::WIDTH, Smart::Custom(paper.width()));
styles.set(Self::HEIGHT, Smart::Custom(paper.height()));
if let Some(width) = args.named("width")? {
styles.set(Self::CLASS, PaperClass::Custom);
styles.set(Self::WIDTH, width);
if let Some(height) = args.named("height")? {
styles.set(Self::CLASS, PaperClass::Custom);
styles.set(Self::HEIGHT, height);
let margins = args.named("margins")?;
styles.set_opt(Self::FLIPPED, args.named("flipped")?);
styles.set_opt(Self::LEFT, args.named("left")?.or(margins));
styles.set_opt(Self::TOP, args.named("top")?.or(margins));
styles.set_opt(Self::RIGHT, args.named("right")?.or(margins));
styles.set_opt(Self::BOTTOM, args.named("bottom")?.or(margins));
styles.set_opt(Self::FILL, args.named("fill")?);
impl PageNode {
/// Style the node with styles from a style map.
pub fn styled(mut self, styles: Styles) -> Self {
/// Layout the page run into a sequence of frames, one per page.
pub fn layout(&self, ctx: &mut LayoutContext) -> Vec<Rc<Frame>> {
let prev = ctx.styles.clone();
ctx.styles = self.styles.chain(&ctx.styles);
// When one of the lengths is infinite the page fits its content along
// that axis.
let expand = self.size.map(Length::is_finite);
let regions = Regions::repeat(self.size, self.size, expand);
let width = ctx.styles.get(Self::WIDTH).unwrap_or(Length::inf());
let height = ctx.styles.get(Self::HEIGHT).unwrap_or(Length::inf());
let mut size = Size::new(width, height);
if ctx.styles.get(Self::FLIPPED) {
std::mem::swap(&mut size.x, &mut size.y);
// Determine the margins.
let class = ctx.styles.get(Self::CLASS);
let default = class.default_margins();
let padding = Sides {
left: ctx.styles.get(Self::LEFT).unwrap_or(default.left),
right: ctx.styles.get(Self::RIGHT).unwrap_or(default.right),
top: ctx.styles.get(Self::TOP).unwrap_or(default.top),
bottom: ctx.styles.get(Self::BOTTOM).unwrap_or(default.bottom),
// Pad the child.
let padded = PadNode { child: self.child.clone(), padding }.pack();
// Layout the child.
let expand = size.map(Length::is_finite);
let regions = Regions::repeat(size, size, expand);
let mut frames: Vec<_> =
self.child.layout(ctx, ®ions).into_iter().map(|c| c.item).collect();
padded.layout(ctx, ®ions).into_iter().map(|c| c.item).collect();
// Add background fill if requested.
if let Some(fill) = self.fill {
if let Some(fill) = ctx.styles.get(Self::FILL) {
for frame in &mut frames {
let shape = Shape::filled(Geometry::Rect(frame.size), fill);
Rc::make_mut(frame).prepend(Point::zero(), Element::Shape(shape));
ctx.styles = prev;
impl Debug for PageNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if f.alternate() {
/// Specification of a paper.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Paper {
/// The broad class this paper belongs to.
class: PaperClass,
/// The width of the paper in millimeters.
width: f64,
/// The height of the paper in millimeters.
height: f64,
impl Paper {
/// The class of the paper.
pub fn class(self) -> PaperClass {
/// The width of the paper.
pub fn width(self) -> Length {
/// The height of the paper.
pub fn height(self) -> Length {
impl Default for Paper {
fn default() -> Self {
castable! {
Expected: "string",
Value::Str(string) => Paper::from_str(&string).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?,
/// Defines default margins for a class of related papers.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum PaperClass {
impl PaperClass {
/// The default margins for this page class.
fn default_margins(self) -> Sides<Linear> {
let f = |r| Relative::new(r).into();
let s = |l, t, r, b| Sides::new(f(l), f(t), f(r), f(b));
match self {
Self::Custom => s(0.1190, 0.0842, 0.1190, 0.0842),
Self::Base => s(0.1190, 0.0842, 0.1190, 0.0842),
Self::US => s(0.1760, 0.1092, 0.1760, 0.0910),
Self::Newspaper => s(0.0455, 0.0587, 0.0455, 0.0294),
Self::Book => s(0.1200, 0.0852, 0.1500, 0.0965),
/// Defines paper constants and a paper parsing implementation.
macro_rules! papers {
($(($var:ident: $class:ident, $width:expr, $height: expr, $($pats:tt)*))*) => {
/// Predefined papers.
/// Each paper is parsable from its name in kebab-case.
impl Paper {
$(pub const $var: Self = Self {
class: PaperClass::$class,
width: $width,
height: $height,
impl FromStr for Paper {
type Err = ParsePaperError;
fn from_str(name: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match name.to_lowercase().as_str() {
$($($pats)* => Ok(Self::$var),)*
_ => Err(ParsePaperError),
/// The error when parsing a [`Paper`] from a string fails.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ParsePaperError;
impl Display for ParsePaperError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.pad("invalid paper name")
impl std::error::Error for ParsePaperError {}
// All paper sizes in mm.
// Resources:
// - https://papersizes.io/
// - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_size
// - https://www.theedkins.co.uk/jo/units/oldunits/print.htm
// - https://vintagepaper.co/blogs/news/traditional-paper-sizes
papers! {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ISO 216 A Series
(A0: Base, 841.0, 1189.0, "a0")
(A1: Base, 594.0, 841.0, "a1")
(A2: Base, 420.0, 594.0, "a2")
(A3: Base, 297.0, 420.0, "a3")
(A4: Base, 210.0, 297.0, "a4")
(A5: Base, 148.0, 210.0, "a5")
(A6: Book, 105.0, 148.0, "a6")
(A7: Base, 74.0, 105.0, "a7")
(A8: Base, 52.0, 74.0, "a8")
(A9: Base, 37.0, 52.0, "a9")
(A10: Base, 26.0, 37.0, "a10")
(A11: Base, 18.0, 26.0, "a11")
// ISO 216 B Series
(ISO_B1: Base, 707.0, 1000.0, "iso-b1")
(ISO_B2: Base, 500.0, 707.0, "iso-b2")
(ISO_B3: Base, 353.0, 500.0, "iso-b3")
(ISO_B4: Base, 250.0, 353.0, "iso-b4")
(ISO_B5: Book, 176.0, 250.0, "iso-b5")
(ISO_B6: Book, 125.0, 176.0, "iso-b6")
(ISO_B7: Base, 88.0, 125.0, "iso-b7")
(ISO_B8: Base, 62.0, 88.0, "iso-b8")
// ISO 216 C Series
(ISO_C3: Base, 324.0, 458.0, "iso-c3")
(ISO_C4: Base, 229.0, 324.0, "iso-c4")
(ISO_C5: Base, 162.0, 229.0, "iso-c5")
(ISO_C6: Base, 114.0, 162.0, "iso-c6")
(ISO_C7: Base, 81.0, 114.0, "iso-c7")
(ISO_C8: Base, 57.0, 81.0, "iso-c8")
// DIN D Series (extension to ISO)
(DIN_D3: Base, 272.0, 385.0, "din-d3")
(DIN_D4: Base, 192.0, 272.0, "din-d4")
(DIN_D5: Base, 136.0, 192.0, "din-d5")
(DIN_D6: Base, 96.0, 136.0, "din-d6")
(DIN_D7: Base, 68.0, 96.0, "din-d7")
(DIN_D8: Base, 48.0, 68.0, "din-d8")
// SIS (used in academia)
(SIS_G5: Base, 169.0, 239.0, "sis-g5")
(SIS_E5: Base, 115.0, 220.0, "sis-e5")
// ANSI Extensions
(ANSI_A: Base, 216.0, 279.0, "ansi-a")
(ANSI_B: Base, 279.0, 432.0, "ansi-b")
(ANSI_C: Base, 432.0, 559.0, "ansi-c")
(ANSI_D: Base, 559.0, 864.0, "ansi-d")
(ANSI_E: Base, 864.0, 1118.0, "ansi-e")
// ANSI Architectural Paper
(ARCH_A: Base, 229.0, 305.0, "arch-a")
(ARCH_B: Base, 305.0, 457.0, "arch-b")
(ARCH_C: Base, 457.0, 610.0, "arch-c")
(ARCH_D: Base, 610.0, 914.0, "arch-d")
(ARCH_E1: Base, 762.0, 1067.0, "arch-e1")
(ARCH_E: Base, 914.0, 1219.0, "arch-e")
// JIS B Series
(JIS_B0: Base, 1030.0, 1456.0, "jis-b0")
(JIS_B1: Base, 728.0, 1030.0, "jis-b1")
(JIS_B2: Base, 515.0, 728.0, "jis-b2")
(JIS_B3: Base, 364.0, 515.0, "jis-b3")
(JIS_B4: Base, 257.0, 364.0, "jis-b4")
(JIS_B5: Base, 182.0, 257.0, "jis-b5")
(JIS_B6: Base, 128.0, 182.0, "jis-b6")
(JIS_B7: Base, 91.0, 128.0, "jis-b7")
(JIS_B8: Base, 64.0, 91.0, "jis-b8")
(JIS_B9: Base, 45.0, 64.0, "jis-b9")
(JIS_B10: Base, 32.0, 45.0, "jis-b10")
(JIS_B11: Base, 22.0, 32.0, "jis-b11")
// SAC D Series
(SAC_D0: Base, 764.0, 1064.0, "sac-d0")
(SAC_D1: Base, 532.0, 760.0, "sac-d1")
(SAC_D2: Base, 380.0, 528.0, "sac-d2")
(SAC_D3: Base, 264.0, 376.0, "sac-d3")
(SAC_D4: Base, 188.0, 260.0, "sac-d4")
(SAC_D5: Base, 130.0, 184.0, "sac-d5")
(SAC_D6: Base, 92.0, 126.0, "sac-d6")
// ISO 7810 ID
(ISO_ID_1: Base, 85.6, 53.98, "iso-id-1")
(ISO_ID_2: Base, 74.0, 105.0, "iso-id-2")
(ISO_ID_3: Base, 88.0, 125.0, "iso-id-3")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Asia
(ASIA_F4: Base, 210.0, 330.0, "asia-f4")
// Japan
(JP_SHIROKU_BAN_4: Base, 264.0, 379.0, "jp-shiroku-ban-4")
(JP_SHIROKU_BAN_5: Base, 189.0, 262.0, "jp-shiroku-ban-5")
(JP_SHIROKU_BAN_6: Base, 127.0, 188.0, "jp-shiroku-ban-6")
(JP_KIKU_4: Base, 227.0, 306.0, "jp-kiku-4")
(JP_KIKU_5: Base, 151.0, 227.0, "jp-kiku-5")
(JP_BUSINESS_CARD: Base, 91.0, 55.0, "jp-business-card")
// China
(CN_BUSINESS_CARD: Base, 90.0, 54.0, "cn-business-card")
// Europe
(EU_BUSINESS_CARD: Base, 85.0, 55.0, "eu-business-card")
// French Traditional (AFNOR)
(FR_TELLIERE: Base, 340.0, 440.0, "fr-tellière")
(FR_COURONNE_ECRITURE: Base, 360.0, 460.0, "fr-couronne-écriture")
(FR_COURONNE_EDITION: Base, 370.0, 470.0, "fr-couronne-édition")
(FR_RAISIN: Base, 500.0, 650.0, "fr-raisin")
(FR_CARRE: Base, 450.0, 560.0, "fr-carré")
(FR_JESUS: Base, 560.0, 760.0, "fr-jésus")
// United Kingdom Imperial
(UK_BRIEF: Base, 406.4, 342.9, "uk-brief")
(UK_DRAFT: Base, 254.0, 406.4, "uk-draft")
(UK_FOOLSCAP: Base, 203.2, 330.2, "uk-foolscap")
(UK_QUARTO: Base, 203.2, 254.0, "uk-quarto")
(UK_CROWN: Base, 508.0, 381.0, "uk-crown")
(UK_BOOK_A: Book, 111.0, 178.0, "uk-book-a")
(UK_BOOK_B: Book, 129.0, 198.0, "uk-book-b")
// Unites States
(US_LETTER: US, 215.9, 279.4, "us-letter")
(US_LEGAL: US, 215.9, 355.6, "us-legal")
(US_TABLOID: US, 279.4, 431.8, "us-tabloid")
(US_EXECUTIVE: US, 184.15, 266.7, "us-executive")
(US_FOOLSCAP_FOLIO: US, 215.9, 342.9, "us-foolscap-folio")
(US_STATEMENT: US, 139.7, 215.9, "us-statement")
(US_LEDGER: US, 431.8, 279.4, "us-ledger")
(US_OFICIO: US, 215.9, 340.36, "us-oficio")
(US_GOV_LETTER: US, 203.2, 266.7, "us-gov-letter")
(US_GOV_LEGAL: US, 215.9, 330.2, "us-gov-legal")
(US_BUSINESS_CARD: Base, 88.9, 50.8, "us-business-card")
(US_DIGEST: Book, 139.7, 215.9, "us-digest")
(US_TRADE: Book, 152.4, 228.6, "us-trade")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Other
(NEWSPAPER_COMPACT: Newspaper, 280.0, 430.0, "newspaper-compact")
(NEWSPAPER_BERLINER: Newspaper, 315.0, 470.0, "newspaper-berliner")
(NEWSPAPER_BROADSHEET: Newspaper, 381.0, 578.0, "newspaper-broadsheet")
(PRESENTATION_16_9: Base, 297.0, 167.0625, "presentation-16-9")
(PRESENTATION_4_3: Base, 280.0, 210.0, "presentation-4-3")
@ -6,75 +6,81 @@ use unicode_bidi::{BidiInfo, Level};
use xi_unicode::LineBreakIterator;
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{shape, Decoration, ShapedText, Spacing};
use crate::style::TextStyle;
use super::{shape, ShapedText, SpacingKind, SpacingNode, TextNode};
use crate::util::{EcoString, RangeExt, RcExt, SliceExt};
/// `par`: Configure paragraphs.
pub fn par(ctx: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let spacing = args.named("spacing")?;
let leading = args.named("leading")?;
/// `parbreak`: Start a new paragraph.
pub fn parbreak(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let mut dir =
.map(|iso: EcoString| match iso.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"ar" | "he" | "fa" | "ur" | "ps" | "yi" => Dir::RTL,
"en" | "fr" | "de" => Dir::LTR,
_ => Dir::LTR,
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = args.named::<Spanned<Dir>>("dir")? {
if v.axis() != SpecAxis::Horizontal {
bail!(span, "must be horizontal");
dir = Some(v);
let mut align = None;
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = args.named::<Spanned<Align>>("align")? {
if v.axis() != SpecAxis::Horizontal {
bail!(span, "must be horizontal");
align = Some(v);
ctx.template.modify(move |style| {
let par = style.par_mut();
if let Some(dir) = dir {
par.dir = dir;
par.align = if dir == Dir::LTR { Align::Left } else { Align::Right };
if let Some(align) = align {
par.align = align;
if let Some(leading) = leading {
par.leading = leading;
if let Some(spacing) = spacing {
par.spacing = spacing;
/// `linebreak`: Start a new line.
pub fn linebreak(_: &mut EvalContext, _: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
/// A node that arranges its children into a paragraph.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ParNode {
/// The text direction (either LTR or RTL).
pub dir: Dir,
/// How to align text in its line.
pub align: Align,
/// The spacing to insert between each line.
pub leading: Length,
/// The children to be arranged in a paragraph.
pub children: Vec<ParChild>,
pub struct ParNode(pub Vec<ParChild>);
impl ParNode {
/// The direction for text and inline objects.
pub const DIR: Dir = Dir::LTR;
/// How to align text and inline objects in their line.
pub const ALIGN: Align = Align::Left;
/// The spacing between lines (dependent on scaled font size).
pub const LEADING: Linear = Relative::new(0.65).into();
/// The spacing between paragraphs (dependent on scaled font size).
pub const SPACING: Linear = Relative::new(1.2).into();
impl Construct for ParNode {
fn construct(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Node> {
// Lift to a block so that it doesn't merge with adjacent stuff.
impl Set for ParNode {
fn set(args: &mut Args, styles: &mut Styles) -> TypResult<()> {
let spacing = args.named("spacing")?;
let leading = args.named("leading")?;
let mut dir =
.map(|iso: EcoString| match iso.to_lowercase().as_str() {
"ar" | "he" | "fa" | "ur" | "ps" | "yi" => Dir::RTL,
"en" | "fr" | "de" => Dir::LTR,
_ => Dir::LTR,
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = args.named::<Spanned<Dir>>("dir")? {
if v.axis() != SpecAxis::Horizontal {
bail!(span, "must be horizontal");
dir = Some(v);
let mut align = None;
if let Some(Spanned { v, span }) = args.named::<Spanned<Align>>("align")? {
if v.axis() != SpecAxis::Horizontal {
bail!(span, "must be horizontal");
align = Some(v);
if let (Some(dir), None) = (dir, align) {
align = Some(if dir == Dir::LTR { Align::Left } else { Align::Right });
styles.set_opt(Self::DIR, dir);
styles.set_opt(Self::ALIGN, align);
styles.set_opt(Self::LEADING, leading);
styles.set_opt(Self::SPACING, spacing);
impl Layout for ParNode {
@ -87,7 +93,7 @@ impl Layout for ParNode {
let text = self.collect_text();
// Find out the BiDi embedding levels.
let bidi = BidiInfo::new(&text, Level::from_dir(self.dir));
let bidi = BidiInfo::new(&text, Level::from_dir(ctx.styles.get(Self::DIR)));
// Prepare paragraph layout by building a representation on which we can
// do line breaking without layouting each and every line from scratch.
@ -123,38 +129,63 @@ impl ParNode {
/// The string representation of each child.
fn strings(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
self.children.iter().map(|child| match child {
self.0.iter().map(|child| match child {
ParChild::Spacing(_) => " ",
ParChild::Text(ref piece, ..) => piece,
ParChild::Node(..) => "\u{FFFC}",
ParChild::Decorate(_) | ParChild::Undecorate => "",
ParChild::Text(ref node) => &node.text,
ParChild::Node(_) => "\u{FFFC}",
impl Debug for ParNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("Par ")?;
/// A child of a paragraph node.
pub enum ParChild {
/// Spacing between other nodes.
/// A run of text and how to align it in its line.
Text(EcoString, Rc<TextStyle>),
/// Any child node and how to align it in its line.
/// A decoration that applies until a matching `Undecorate`.
/// The end of a decoration.
impl ParChild {
/// Create a text child.
pub fn text(text: impl Into<EcoString>, styles: Styles) -> Self {
Self::Text(TextNode { text: text.into(), styles })
/// A reference to the child's styles.
pub fn styles(&self) -> &Styles {
match self {
Self::Spacing(node) => &node.styles,
Self::Text(node) => &node.styles,
Self::Node(node) => &node.styles,
/// A mutable reference to the child's styles.
pub fn styles_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Styles {
match self {
Self::Spacing(node) => &mut node.styles,
Self::Text(node) => &mut node.styles,
Self::Node(node) => &mut node.styles,
impl Debug for ParChild {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Spacing(v) => write!(f, "Spacing({:?})", v),
Self::Text(text, _) => write!(f, "Text({:?})", text),
Self::Spacing(node) => node.fmt(f),
Self::Text(node) => node.fmt(f),
Self::Node(node) => node.fmt(f),
Self::Decorate(deco) => write!(f, "Decorate({:?})", deco),
Self::Undecorate => write!(f, "Undecorate"),
@ -172,8 +203,6 @@ struct ParLayouter<'a> {
items: Vec<ParItem<'a>>,
/// The ranges of the items in `bidi.text`.
ranges: Vec<Range>,
/// The decorations and the ranges they span.
decos: Vec<(Range, &'a Decoration)>,
/// Range of a substring of text.
@ -201,22 +230,22 @@ impl<'a> ParLayouter<'a> {
) -> Self {
let mut items = vec![];
let mut ranges = vec![];
let mut starts = vec![];
let mut decos = vec![];
// Layout the children and collect them into items.
for (range, child) in par.ranges().zip(&par.children) {
match *child {
ParChild::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v)) => {
let resolved = v.resolve(regions.current.x);
ParChild::Spacing(Spacing::Fractional(v)) => {
ParChild::Text(_, ref style) => {
for (range, child) in par.ranges().zip(&par.0) {
match child {
ParChild::Spacing(node) => match node.kind {
SpacingKind::Linear(v) => {
let resolved = v.resolve(regions.current.x);
SpacingKind::Fractional(v) => {
ParChild::Text(node) => {
// TODO: Also split by language and script.
let mut cursor = range.start;
for (level, group) in bidi.levels[range].group_by_key(|&lvl| lvl) {
@ -224,41 +253,27 @@ impl<'a> ParLayouter<'a> {
cursor += group.len();
let subrange = start .. cursor;
let text = &bidi.text[subrange.clone()];
let shaped = shape(ctx, text, style, level.dir());
let styles = node.styles.chain(&ctx.styles);
let shaped = shape(&mut ctx.fonts, text, styles, level.dir());
ParChild::Node(ref node) => {
ParChild::Node(node) => {
let size = Size::new(regions.current.x, regions.base.y);
let pod = Regions::one(size, regions.base, Spec::splat(false));
let frame = node.layout(ctx, &pod).remove(0);
ParChild::Decorate(ref deco) => {
starts.push((range.start, deco));
ParChild::Undecorate => {
if let Some((start, deco)) = starts.pop() {
decos.push((start .. range.end, deco));
for (start, deco) in starts {
decos.push((start .. bidi.text.len(), deco));
let em = ctx.styles.get(TextNode::SIZE).abs;
let align = ctx.styles.get(ParNode::ALIGN);
let leading = ctx.styles.get(ParNode::LEADING).resolve(em);
Self {
align: par.align,
leading: par.leading,
Self { align, leading, bidi, items, ranges }
/// Find first-fit line breaks and build the paragraph.
@ -430,7 +445,7 @@ impl<'a> LineLayout<'a> {
// empty string.
if !range.is_empty() || rest.is_empty() {
// Reshape that part.
let reshaped = shaped.reshape(ctx, range);
let reshaped = shaped.reshape(&mut ctx.fonts, range);
last = Some(ParItem::Text(reshaped));
@ -451,7 +466,7 @@ impl<'a> LineLayout<'a> {
// Reshape if necessary.
if range.len() < shaped.text.len() {
if !range.is_empty() {
let reshaped = shaped.reshape(ctx, range);
let reshaped = shaped.reshape(&mut ctx.fonts, range);
first = Some(ParItem::Text(reshaped));
@ -504,28 +519,19 @@ impl<'a> LineLayout<'a> {
let mut output = Frame::new(size);
output.baseline = Some(self.baseline);
for (range, item) in self.reordered() {
let mut position = |mut frame: Frame| {
// Decorate.
for (deco_range, deco) in &self.par.decos {
if deco_range.contains(&range.start) {
deco.apply(ctx, &mut frame);
for item in self.reordered() {
let mut position = |frame: Frame| {
let x = offset + self.par.align.resolve(remaining);
let y = self.baseline - frame.baseline();
offset += frame.size.x;
// Add to the line's frame.
output.merge_frame(Point::new(x, y), frame);
match *item {
ParItem::Absolute(v) => offset += v,
match item {
ParItem::Absolute(v) => offset += *v,
ParItem::Fractional(v) => offset += v.resolve(self.fr, remaining),
ParItem::Text(ref shaped) => position(shaped.build()),
ParItem::Frame(ref frame) => position(frame.clone()),
ParItem::Text(shaped) => position(shaped.build(&ctx.fonts)),
ParItem::Frame(frame) => position(frame.clone()),
@ -533,7 +539,7 @@ impl<'a> LineLayout<'a> {
/// Iterate through the line's items in visual order.
fn reordered(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Range, &ParItem<'a>)> {
fn reordered(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ParItem<'a>> {
// The bidi crate doesn't like empty lines.
let (levels, runs) = if !self.line.is_empty() {
// Find the paragraph that contains the line.
@ -548,7 +554,7 @@ impl<'a> LineLayout<'a> {
// Compute the reordered ranges in visual order (left to right).
self.par.bidi.visual_runs(para, self.line.clone())
} else {
(vec![], vec![])
@ -565,7 +571,7 @@ impl<'a> LineLayout<'a> {
.map(move |idx| (self.ranges[idx].clone(), self.get(idx).unwrap()))
.map(move |idx| self.get(idx).unwrap())
/// Find the index of the item whose range contains the `text_offset`.
@ -6,27 +6,22 @@ pub fn place(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let aligns = args.find().unwrap_or(Spec::new(Some(Align::Left), None));
let tx = args.named("dx")?.unwrap_or_default();
let ty = args.named("dy")?.unwrap_or_default();
let body: Template = args.expect("body")?;
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_block(move |style| {
PlacedNode {
child: body.pack(style).moved(Point::new(tx, ty)).aligned(aligns),
let body: Node = args.expect("body")?;
body.into_block().moved(Point::new(tx, ty)).aligned(aligns),
/// A node that places its child absolutely.
#[derive(Debug, Hash)]
pub struct PlacedNode {
/// The node to be placed.
pub child: PackedNode,
pub struct PlacedNode(pub PackedNode);
impl PlacedNode {
/// Whether this node wants to be placed relative to its its parent's base
/// origin. instead of relative to the parent's current flow/cursor
/// position.
pub fn out_of_flow(&self) -> bool {
.map_or(false, |node| node.aligns.y.is_some())
@ -48,7 +43,7 @@ impl Layout for PlacedNode {
Regions::one(regions.base, regions.base, expand)
let mut frames = self.child.layout(ctx, &pod);
let mut frames = self.0.layout(ctx, &pod);
let Constrained { item: frame, cts } = &mut frames[0];
// If expansion is off, zero all sizes so that we don't take up any
@ -56,13 +51,6 @@ impl Layout for PlacedNode {
let target = regions.expand.select(regions.current, Size::zero());
Rc::make_mut(frame).resize(target, Align::LEFT_TOP);
// Place relative to parent's base origin by offsetting our elements by
// the negative cursor position.
if out_of_flow {
let offset = (regions.current - regions.base).to_point();
// Set base constraint because our pod size is base and exact
// constraints if we needed to expand or offset.
*cts = Constraints::new(regions.expand);
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use std::f64::consts::SQRT_2;
use super::prelude::*;
use super::LinkNode;
/// `rect`: A rectangle with optional content.
pub fn rect(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
@ -76,20 +77,15 @@ fn shape_impl(
// The shape's contents.
let body = args.find::<Template>();
let child = args
.map(|body: Node| body.into_block().padded(Sides::splat(padding)));
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_inline(move |style| {
ShapeNode {
child: body
.map(|body| body.pack(style).padded(Sides::splat(padding))),
.sized(Spec::new(width, height))
ShapeNode { kind, fill, stroke, child }
.sized(Spec::new(width, height)),
/// Places its child into a sizable and fillable shape.
@ -154,9 +150,10 @@ impl Layout for ShapeNode {
frames = vec![Frame::new(size).constrain(Constraints::tight(regions))];
let frame = Rc::make_mut(&mut frames[0].item);
// Add fill and/or stroke.
if self.fill.is_some() || self.stroke.is_some() {
let frame = Rc::make_mut(&mut frames[0].item);
let geometry = match self.kind {
ShapeKind::Square | ShapeKind::Rect => Geometry::Rect(frame.size),
ShapeKind::Circle | ShapeKind::Ellipse => Geometry::Ellipse(frame.size),
@ -171,6 +168,11 @@ impl Layout for ShapeNode {
frame.prepend(Point::zero(), Element::Shape(shape));
// Apply link if it exists.
if let Some(url) = ctx.styles.get_ref(LinkNode::URL) {
@ -4,18 +4,16 @@ use super::prelude::*;
pub fn box_(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let width = args.named("width")?;
let height = args.named("height")?;
let body: Template = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_inline(move |style| {
body.pack(style).sized(Spec::new(width, height))
let body: Node = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
body.into_block().sized(Spec::new(width, height)),
/// `block`: Place content into the flow.
pub fn block(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let body: Template = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_block(move |style| {
let body: Node = args.find().unwrap_or_default();
/// A node that sizes its child.
@ -2,21 +2,41 @@ use super::prelude::*;
/// `h`: Horizontal spacing.
pub fn h(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let mut template = Template::new();
template.spacing(SpecAxis::Horizontal, args.expect("spacing")?);
/// `v`: Vertical spacing.
pub fn v(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
let mut template = Template::new();
template.spacing(SpecAxis::Vertical, args.expect("spacing")?);
/// Explicit spacing in a flow or paragraph.
pub struct SpacingNode {
/// The kind of spacing.
pub kind: SpacingKind,
/// The spacing's styles.
pub styles: Styles,
impl Debug for SpacingNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if f.alternate() {
write!(f, "{:?}", self.kind)
/// Kinds of spacing.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Spacing {
pub enum SpacingKind {
/// A length stated in absolute values and/or relative to the parent's size.
/// A length that is the fraction of the remaining free space in the parent.
@ -24,7 +44,7 @@ pub enum Spacing {
castable! {
Expected: "linear or fractional",
Value::Length(v) => Self::Linear(v.into()),
Value::Relative(v) => Self::Linear(v.into()),
@ -1,54 +1,31 @@
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use super::prelude::*;
use super::{AlignNode, Spacing};
use super::{AlignNode, SpacingKind, SpacingNode};
/// `stack`: Stack children along an axis.
pub fn stack(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
enum Child {
castable! {
Expected: "linear, fractional or template",
Value::Length(v) => Self::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v.into())),
Value::Relative(v) => Self::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v.into())),
Value::Linear(v) => Self::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v)),
Value::Fractional(v) => Self::Spacing(Spacing::Fractional(v)),
Value::Template(v) => Self::Any(v),
let dir = args.named("dir")?.unwrap_or(Dir::TTB);
let spacing = args.named("spacing")?;
let list: Vec<Child> = args.all().collect();
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_block(move |style| {
let mut children = vec![];
let mut delayed = None;
let mut children = vec![];
let mut deferred = None;
// Build the list of stack children.
for child in &list {
match child {
Child::Spacing(v) => {
delayed = None;
Child::Any(child) => {
if let Some(v) = delayed {
let node = child.pack(style);
delayed = spacing;
// Build the list of stack children.
for child in args.all() {
match child {
StackChild::Spacing(_) => deferred = None,
StackChild::Node(_) => {
if let Some(v) = deferred {
deferred = spacing;
StackNode { dir, children }
Ok(Value::block(StackNode { dir, children }))
/// A node that stacks its children.
@ -74,20 +51,37 @@ impl Layout for StackNode {
pub enum StackChild {
/// Spacing between other nodes.
/// An arbitrary node.
impl StackChild {
/// Create a spacing node from a spacing kind.
pub fn spacing(kind: SpacingKind) -> Self {
Self::Spacing(SpacingNode { kind, styles: Styles::new() })
impl Debug for StackChild {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Spacing(spacing) => spacing.fmt(f),
Self::Spacing(node) => node.fmt(f),
Self::Node(node) => node.fmt(f),
castable! {
Expected: "linear, fractional or template",
Value::Length(v) => Self::spacing(SpacingKind::Linear(v.into())),
Value::Relative(v) => Self::spacing(SpacingKind::Linear(v.into())),
Value::Linear(v) => Self::spacing(SpacingKind::Linear(v)),
Value::Fractional(v) => Self::spacing(SpacingKind::Fractional(v)),
Value::Node(v) => Self::Node(v.into_block()),
/// Performs stack layout.
struct StackLayouter<'a> {
/// The stack node to layout.
@ -148,15 +142,15 @@ impl<'a> StackLayouter<'a> {
/// Layout all children.
fn layout(mut self, ctx: &mut LayoutContext) -> Vec<Constrained<Rc<Frame>>> {
for child in &self.stack.children {
match *child {
StackChild::Spacing(Spacing::Linear(v)) => {
StackChild::Spacing(Spacing::Fractional(v)) => {
self.fr += v;
StackChild::Node(ref node) => {
match child {
StackChild::Spacing(node) => match node.kind {
SpacingKind::Linear(v) => self.layout_absolute(v),
SpacingKind::Fractional(v) => {
self.fr += v;
StackChild::Node(node) => {
if self.regions.is_full() {
@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ pub fn rotate(_: &mut EvalContext, args: &mut Args) -> TypResult<Value> {
fn transform_impl(args: &mut Args, transform: Transform) -> TypResult<Value> {
let body: Template = args.expect("body")?;
let body: Node = args.expect("body")?;
let origin = args
Ok(Value::Template(Template::from_inline(move |style| {
body.pack(style).transformed(transform, origin)
body.into_block().transformed(transform, origin),
/// A node that transforms its child without affecting layout.
@ -110,12 +110,13 @@ fn markup_node(p: &mut Parser, at_start: &mut bool) {
// Hashtag + keyword / identifier.
| NodeKind::Let
| NodeKind::Set
| NodeKind::If
| NodeKind::While
| NodeKind::For
| NodeKind::Import
| NodeKind::Include => {
let stmt = matches!(token, NodeKind::Let | NodeKind::Import);
let stmt = matches!(token, NodeKind::Let | NodeKind::Set | NodeKind::Import);
let group = if stmt { Group::Stmt } else { Group::Expr };
@ -265,6 +266,7 @@ fn primary(p: &mut Parser, atomic: bool) -> ParseResult {
// Keywords.
Some(NodeKind::Let) => let_expr(p),
Some(NodeKind::Set) => set_expr(p),
Some(NodeKind::If) => if_expr(p),
Some(NodeKind::While) => while_expr(p),
Some(NodeKind::For) => for_expr(p),
@ -507,45 +509,40 @@ fn block(p: &mut Parser) {
/// Parse a function call.
fn call(p: &mut Parser, callee: Marker) -> ParseResult {
callee.perform(p, NodeKind::Call, |p| match p.peek_direct() {
Some(NodeKind::LeftParen | NodeKind::LeftBracket) => {
args(p, true);
_ => {
p.expected_at("argument list");
callee.perform(p, NodeKind::Call, |p| args(p, true, true))
/// Parse the arguments to a function call.
fn args(p: &mut Parser, allow_template: bool) {
fn args(p: &mut Parser, direct: bool, brackets: bool) -> ParseResult {
match if direct { p.peek_direct() } else { p.peek() } {
Some(NodeKind::LeftParen) => {}
Some(NodeKind::LeftBracket) if brackets => {}
_ => {
p.expected("argument list");
return Err(());
p.perform(NodeKind::CallArgs, |p| {
if !allow_template || p.peek_direct() == Some(&NodeKind::LeftParen) {
if p.at(&NodeKind::LeftParen) {
while allow_template && p.peek_direct() == Some(&NodeKind::LeftBracket) {
while brackets && p.peek_direct() == Some(&NodeKind::LeftBracket) {
/// Parse a with expression.
fn with_expr(p: &mut Parser, marker: Marker) -> ParseResult {
marker.perform(p, NodeKind::WithExpr, |p| {
if p.at(&NodeKind::LeftParen) {
args(p, false);
} else {
p.expected("argument list");
args(p, false, false)
@ -587,6 +584,15 @@ fn let_expr(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
/// Parse a set expression.
fn set_expr(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
p.perform(NodeKind::SetExpr, |p| {
args(p, true, false)
/// Parse an if expresion.
fn if_expr(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
p.perform(NodeKind::IfExpr, |p| {
@ -612,8 +618,7 @@ fn while_expr(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
p.perform(NodeKind::WhileExpr, |p| {
@ -624,8 +629,7 @@ fn for_expr(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
@ -664,9 +668,7 @@ fn import_expr(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
@ -674,8 +676,7 @@ fn import_expr(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
fn include_expr(p: &mut Parser) -> ParseResult {
p.perform(NodeKind::IncludeExpr, |p| {
@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// Eat, debug-asserting that the token is the given one.
pub fn eat_assert(&mut self, t: &NodeKind) {
debug_assert_eq!(self.peek(), Some(t));
@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// to `end_group`.
/// This panics if the current token does not start the given group.
pub fn start_group(&mut self, kind: Group) {
self.groups.push(GroupEntry { kind, prev_mode: self.tokens.mode() });
self.tokens.set_mode(match kind {
@ -220,6 +222,7 @@ impl<'s> Parser<'s> {
/// End the parsing of a group.
/// This panics if no group was started.
pub fn end_group(&mut self) {
let group_mode = self.tokens.mode();
let group = self.groups.pop().expect("no started group");
@ -527,6 +527,7 @@ fn keyword(ident: &str) -> Option<NodeKind> {
"or" => NodeKind::Or,
"with" => NodeKind::With,
"let" => NodeKind::Let,
"set" => NodeKind::Set,
"if" => NodeKind::If,
"else" => NodeKind::Else,
"for" => NodeKind::For,
@ -149,7 +149,12 @@ impl SourceFile {
Self::new(SourceId(0), Path::new(""), src.into())
/// The file's abstract syntax tree.
/// The root node of the file's untyped green tree.
pub fn root(&self) -> &Rc<GreenNode> {
/// The root node of the file's typed abstract syntax tree.
pub fn ast(&self) -> TypResult<Markup> {
let red = RedNode::from_root(self.root.clone(), self.id);
let errors = red.errors();
@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
//! Style properties.
mod paper;
pub use paper::*;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::rc::Rc;
use ttf_parser::Tag;
use crate::eval::Smart;
use crate::font::*;
use crate::geom::*;
use crate::util::EcoString;
/// Defines a set of properties a template can be instantiated with.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Style {
/// The page settings.
pub page: Rc<PageStyle>,
/// The paragraph settings.
pub par: Rc<ParStyle>,
/// The current text settings.
pub text: Rc<TextStyle>,
impl Style {
/// Access the `page` style mutably.
pub fn page_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PageStyle {
Rc::make_mut(&mut self.page)
/// Access the `par` style mutably.
pub fn par_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ParStyle {
Rc::make_mut(&mut self.par)
/// Access the `text` style mutably.
pub fn text_mut(&mut self) -> &mut TextStyle {
Rc::make_mut(&mut self.text)
/// The resolved line spacing.
pub fn leading(&self) -> Length {
/// The resolved paragraph spacing.
pub fn par_spacing(&self) -> Length {
impl Default for Style {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
page: Rc::new(PageStyle::default()),
par: Rc::new(ParStyle::default()),
text: Rc::new(TextStyle::default()),
/// Defines style properties of pages.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct PageStyle {
/// The class of this page.
pub class: PaperClass,
/// The width and height of the page.
pub size: Size,
/// The amount of white space on each side of the page. If a side is set to
/// `None`, the default for the paper class is used.
pub margins: Sides<Smart<Linear>>,
/// The background fill of the page.
pub fill: Option<Paint>,
impl PageStyle {
/// The resolved margins.
pub fn margins(&self) -> Sides<Linear> {
let default = self.class.default_margins();
Sides {
left: self.margins.left.unwrap_or(default.left),
top: self.margins.top.unwrap_or(default.top),
right: self.margins.right.unwrap_or(default.right),
bottom: self.margins.bottom.unwrap_or(default.bottom),
impl Default for PageStyle {
fn default() -> Self {
let paper = Paper::A4;
Self {
class: paper.class(),
size: paper.size(),
margins: Sides::splat(Smart::Auto),
fill: None,
/// Defines style properties of paragraphs.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct ParStyle {
/// The direction for text and inline objects.
pub dir: Dir,
/// How to align text and inline objects in their line.
pub align: Align,
/// The spacing between lines (dependent on scaled font size).
pub leading: Linear,
/// The spacing between paragraphs (dependent on scaled font size).
pub spacing: Linear,
impl Default for ParStyle {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
dir: Dir::LTR,
align: Align::Left,
leading: Relative::new(0.65).into(),
spacing: Relative::new(1.2).into(),
/// Defines style properties of text.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct TextStyle {
/// The font size.
pub size: Length,
/// The selected font variant (the final variant also depends on `strong`
/// and `emph`).
pub variant: FontVariant,
/// The top end of the text bounding box.
pub top_edge: VerticalFontMetric,
/// The bottom end of the text bounding box.
pub bottom_edge: VerticalFontMetric,
/// Glyph color.
pub fill: Paint,
/// A list of font families with generic class definitions (the final
/// family list also depends on `monospace`).
pub families: Rc<FamilyStyle>,
/// OpenType features.
pub features: Rc<FontFeatures>,
/// The amount of space that should be added between character.
pub tracking: Em,
/// Whether 300 extra font weight should be added to what is defined by the
/// `variant`.
pub strong: bool,
/// Whether the the font style defined by the `variant` should be inverted.
pub emph: bool,
/// Whether a monospace font should be preferred.
pub monospace: bool,
/// Whether font fallback to a base list should occur.
pub fallback: bool,
impl TextStyle {
/// The resolved variant with `strong` and `emph` factored in.
pub fn variant(&self) -> FontVariant {
let mut variant = self.variant;
if self.strong {
variant.weight = variant.weight.thicken(300);
if self.emph {
variant.style = match variant.style {
FontStyle::Normal => FontStyle::Italic,
FontStyle::Italic => FontStyle::Normal,
FontStyle::Oblique => FontStyle::Normal,
/// The resolved family iterator.
pub fn families(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> + Clone {
let head = if self.monospace {
} else {
let core = self.families.list.iter().flat_map(move |family| {
match family {
FontFamily::Named(name) => std::slice::from_ref(name),
FontFamily::Serif => &self.families.serif,
FontFamily::SansSerif => &self.families.sans_serif,
FontFamily::Monospace => &self.families.monospace,
let tail = if self.fallback {
} else {
/// Access the `families` style mutably.
pub fn families_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FamilyStyle {
Rc::make_mut(&mut self.families)
/// Access the font `features` mutably.
pub fn features_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FontFeatures {
Rc::make_mut(&mut self.features)
impl Default for TextStyle {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
size: Length::pt(11.0),
variant: FontVariant {
style: FontStyle::Normal,
weight: FontWeight::REGULAR,
stretch: FontStretch::NORMAL,
top_edge: VerticalFontMetric::CapHeight,
bottom_edge: VerticalFontMetric::Baseline,
fill: RgbaColor::BLACK.into(),
families: Rc::new(FamilyStyle::default()),
features: Rc::new(FontFeatures::default()),
tracking: Em::zero(),
strong: false,
emph: false,
monospace: false,
fallback: true,
/// Font list with family definitions.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct FamilyStyle {
/// The user-defined list of font families.
pub list: Vec<FontFamily>,
/// Definition of serif font families.
pub serif: Vec<EcoString>,
/// Definition of sans-serif font families.
pub sans_serif: Vec<EcoString>,
/// Definition of monospace font families used for raw text.
pub monospace: Vec<EcoString>,
/// Base fonts that are tried as last resort.
pub base: Vec<EcoString>,
impl Default for FamilyStyle {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
list: vec![FontFamily::SansSerif],
serif: vec!["ibm plex serif".into()],
sans_serif: vec!["ibm plex sans".into()],
monospace: vec!["ibm plex mono".into()],
base: vec![
"ibm plex sans".into(),
"latin modern math".into(),
"twitter color emoji".into(),
/// A generic or named font family.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum FontFamily {
/// A family that has "serifs", small strokes attached to letters.
/// A family in which glyphs do not have "serifs", small attached strokes.
/// A family in which (almost) all glyphs are of equal width.
/// A specific family with a name.
impl Debug for FontFamily {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
f.pad(match self {
Self::Serif => "serif",
Self::SansSerif => "sans-serif",
Self::Monospace => "monospace",
Self::Named(s) => s,
/// Whether various kinds of ligatures should appear.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct FontFeatures {
/// Whether to apply kerning ("kern").
pub kerning: bool,
/// Whether the text should use small caps. ("smcp")
pub smallcaps: bool,
/// Whether to apply stylistic alternates. ("salt")
pub alternates: bool,
/// Which stylistic set to apply. ("ss01" - "ss20")
pub stylistic_set: Option<StylisticSet>,
/// Configuration of ligature features.
pub ligatures: LigatureFeatures,
/// Configuration of numbers features.
pub numbers: NumberFeatures,
/// Raw OpenType features to apply.
pub raw: Vec<(Tag, u32)>,
impl Default for FontFeatures {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
kerning: true,
smallcaps: false,
alternates: false,
stylistic_set: None,
ligatures: LigatureFeatures::default(),
numbers: NumberFeatures::default(),
raw: vec![],
/// A stylistic set in a font face.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct StylisticSet(u8);
impl StylisticSet {
/// Creates a new set, clamping to 1-20.
pub fn new(index: u8) -> Self {
Self(index.clamp(1, 20))
/// Get the value, guaranteed to be 1-20.
pub fn get(self) -> u8 {
/// Whether various kinds of ligatures should appear.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct LigatureFeatures {
/// Standard ligatures. ("liga", "clig")
pub standard: bool,
/// Ligatures that should be used sparringly. ("dlig")
pub discretionary: bool,
/// Historical ligatures. ("hlig")
pub historical: bool,
impl Default for LigatureFeatures {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
standard: true,
discretionary: false,
historical: false,
/// Defines the style of numbers.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct NumberFeatures {
/// Whether to use lining or old-style numbers.
pub type_: Smart<NumberType>,
/// Whether to use proportional or tabular numbers.
pub width: Smart<NumberWidth>,
/// How to position numbers vertically.
pub position: NumberPosition,
/// Whether to have a slash through the zero glyph. ("zero")
pub slashed_zero: bool,
/// Whether to convert fractions. ("frac")
pub fractions: bool,
impl Default for NumberFeatures {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
type_: Smart::Auto,
width: Smart::Auto,
position: NumberPosition::Normal,
slashed_zero: false,
fractions: false,
/// Which kind of numbers / figures to select.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum NumberType {
/// Numbers that fit well with capital text. ("lnum")
/// Numbers that fit well into flow of upper- and lowercase text. ("onum")
/// The width of numbers / figures.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum NumberWidth {
/// Number widths are glyph specific. ("pnum")
/// All numbers are of equal width / monospaced. ("tnum")
/// How to position numbers.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum NumberPosition {
/// Numbers are positioned on the same baseline as text.
/// Numbers are smaller and placed at the bottom. ("subs")
/// Numbers are smaller and placed at the top. ("sups")
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
use crate::geom::{Length, Linear, Relative, Sides, Size};
/// Specification of a paper.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Paper {
/// The broad class this paper belongs to.
class: PaperClass,
/// The width of the paper in millimeters.
width: f64,
/// The height of the paper in millimeters.
height: f64,
/// Defines default margins for a class of related papers.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum PaperClass {
impl PaperClass {
/// The default margins for this page class.
pub fn default_margins(self) -> Sides<Linear> {
let f = |r| Relative::new(r).into();
let s = |l, t, r, b| Sides::new(f(l), f(t), f(r), f(b));
match self {
Self::Custom => s(0.1190, 0.0842, 0.1190, 0.0842),
Self::Base => s(0.1190, 0.0842, 0.1190, 0.0842),
Self::US => s(0.1760, 0.1092, 0.1760, 0.0910),
Self::Newspaper => s(0.0455, 0.0587, 0.0455, 0.0294),
Self::Book => s(0.1200, 0.0852, 0.1500, 0.0965),
macro_rules! papers {
($(($var:ident: $class:ident, $width:expr, $height: expr, $($pats:tt)*))*) => {
impl Paper {
/// Parse a paper from its name.
/// Both lower and upper case are fine.
pub fn from_name(name: &str) -> Option<Self> {
match name.to_lowercase().as_str() {
$($($pats)* => Some(Self::$var),)*
_ => None,
/// The class of the paper.
pub fn class(self) -> PaperClass {
/// The size of the paper.
pub fn size(self) -> Size {
Size::new(Length::mm(self.width), Length::mm(self.height))
/// Predefined papers.
/// Each paper is parsable from its name in kebab-case.
impl Paper {
$(papers!(@$var, stringify!($($pats)*), $class, $width, $height);)*
(@$var:ident, $names:expr, $class:ident, $width:expr, $height:expr) => {
pub const $var: Self = Self {
class: PaperClass::$class,
width: $width,
height: $height,
// All paper sizes in mm.
// Resources:
// - https://papersizes.io/
// - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_size
// - https://www.theedkins.co.uk/jo/units/oldunits/print.htm
// - https://vintagepaper.co/blogs/news/traditional-paper-sizes
papers! {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ISO 216 A Series
(A0: Base, 841.0, 1189.0, "a0")
(A1: Base, 594.0, 841.0, "a1")
(A2: Base, 420.0, 594.0, "a2")
(A3: Base, 297.0, 420.0, "a3")
(A4: Base, 210.0, 297.0, "a4")
(A5: Base, 148.0, 210.0, "a5")
(A6: Book, 105.0, 148.0, "a6")
(A7: Base, 74.0, 105.0, "a7")
(A8: Base, 52.0, 74.0, "a8")
(A9: Base, 37.0, 52.0, "a9")
(A10: Base, 26.0, 37.0, "a10")
(A11: Base, 18.0, 26.0, "a11")
// ISO 216 B Series
(ISO_B1: Base, 707.0, 1000.0, "iso-b1")
(ISO_B2: Base, 500.0, 707.0, "iso-b2")
(ISO_B3: Base, 353.0, 500.0, "iso-b3")
(ISO_B4: Base, 250.0, 353.0, "iso-b4")
(ISO_B5: Book, 176.0, 250.0, "iso-b5")
(ISO_B6: Book, 125.0, 176.0, "iso-b6")
(ISO_B7: Base, 88.0, 125.0, "iso-b7")
(ISO_B8: Base, 62.0, 88.0, "iso-b8")
// ISO 216 C Series
(ISO_C3: Base, 324.0, 458.0, "iso-c3")
(ISO_C4: Base, 229.0, 324.0, "iso-c4")
(ISO_C5: Base, 162.0, 229.0, "iso-c5")
(ISO_C6: Base, 114.0, 162.0, "iso-c6")
(ISO_C7: Base, 81.0, 114.0, "iso-c7")
(ISO_C8: Base, 57.0, 81.0, "iso-c8")
// DIN D Series (extension to ISO)
(DIN_D3: Base, 272.0, 385.0, "din-d3")
(DIN_D4: Base, 192.0, 272.0, "din-d4")
(DIN_D5: Base, 136.0, 192.0, "din-d5")
(DIN_D6: Base, 96.0, 136.0, "din-d6")
(DIN_D7: Base, 68.0, 96.0, "din-d7")
(DIN_D8: Base, 48.0, 68.0, "din-d8")
// SIS (used in academia)
(SIS_G5: Base, 169.0, 239.0, "sis-g5")
(SIS_E5: Base, 115.0, 220.0, "sis-e5")
// ANSI Extensions
(ANSI_A: Base, 216.0, 279.0, "ansi-a")
(ANSI_B: Base, 279.0, 432.0, "ansi-b")
(ANSI_C: Base, 432.0, 559.0, "ansi-c")
(ANSI_D: Base, 559.0, 864.0, "ansi-d")
(ANSI_E: Base, 864.0, 1118.0, "ansi-e")
// ANSI Architectural Paper
(ARCH_A: Base, 229.0, 305.0, "arch-a")
(ARCH_B: Base, 305.0, 457.0, "arch-b")
(ARCH_C: Base, 457.0, 610.0, "arch-c")
(ARCH_D: Base, 610.0, 914.0, "arch-d")
(ARCH_E1: Base, 762.0, 1067.0, "arch-e1")
(ARCH_E: Base, 914.0, 1219.0, "arch-e")
// JIS B Series
(JIS_B0: Base, 1030.0, 1456.0, "jis-b0")
(JIS_B1: Base, 728.0, 1030.0, "jis-b1")
(JIS_B2: Base, 515.0, 728.0, "jis-b2")
(JIS_B3: Base, 364.0, 515.0, "jis-b3")
(JIS_B4: Base, 257.0, 364.0, "jis-b4")
(JIS_B5: Base, 182.0, 257.0, "jis-b5")
(JIS_B6: Base, 128.0, 182.0, "jis-b6")
(JIS_B7: Base, 91.0, 128.0, "jis-b7")
(JIS_B8: Base, 64.0, 91.0, "jis-b8")
(JIS_B9: Base, 45.0, 64.0, "jis-b9")
(JIS_B10: Base, 32.0, 45.0, "jis-b10")
(JIS_B11: Base, 22.0, 32.0, "jis-b11")
// SAC D Series
(SAC_D0: Base, 764.0, 1064.0, "sac-d0")
(SAC_D1: Base, 532.0, 760.0, "sac-d1")
(SAC_D2: Base, 380.0, 528.0, "sac-d2")
(SAC_D3: Base, 264.0, 376.0, "sac-d3")
(SAC_D4: Base, 188.0, 260.0, "sac-d4")
(SAC_D5: Base, 130.0, 184.0, "sac-d5")
(SAC_D6: Base, 92.0, 126.0, "sac-d6")
// ISO 7810 ID
(ISO_ID_1: Base, 85.6, 53.98, "iso-id-1")
(ISO_ID_2: Base, 74.0, 105.0, "iso-id-2")
(ISO_ID_3: Base, 88.0, 125.0, "iso-id-3")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Asia
(ASIA_F4: Base, 210.0, 330.0, "asia-f4")
// Japan
(JP_SHIROKU_BAN_4: Base, 264.0, 379.0, "jp-shiroku-ban-4")
(JP_SHIROKU_BAN_5: Base, 189.0, 262.0, "jp-shiroku-ban-5")
(JP_SHIROKU_BAN_6: Base, 127.0, 188.0, "jp-shiroku-ban-6")
(JP_KIKU_4: Base, 227.0, 306.0, "jp-kiku-4")
(JP_KIKU_5: Base, 151.0, 227.0, "jp-kiku-5")
(JP_BUSINESS_CARD: Base, 91.0, 55.0, "jp-business-card")
// China
(CN_BUSINESS_CARD: Base, 90.0, 54.0, "cn-business-card")
// Europe
(EU_BUSINESS_CARD: Base, 85.0, 55.0, "eu-business-card")
// French Traditional (AFNOR)
(FR_TELLIERE: Base, 340.0, 440.0, "fr-tellière")
(FR_COURONNE_ECRITURE: Base, 360.0, 460.0, "fr-couronne-écriture")
(FR_COURONNE_EDITION: Base, 370.0, 470.0, "fr-couronne-édition")
(FR_RAISIN: Base, 500.0, 650.0, "fr-raisin")
(FR_CARRE: Base, 450.0, 560.0, "fr-carré")
(FR_JESUS: Base, 560.0, 760.0, "fr-jésus")
// United Kingdom Imperial
(UK_BRIEF: Base, 406.4, 342.9, "uk-brief")
(UK_DRAFT: Base, 254.0, 406.4, "uk-draft")
(UK_FOOLSCAP: Base, 203.2, 330.2, "uk-foolscap")
(UK_QUARTO: Base, 203.2, 254.0, "uk-quarto")
(UK_CROWN: Base, 508.0, 381.0, "uk-crown")
(UK_BOOK_A: Book, 111.0, 178.0, "uk-book-a")
(UK_BOOK_B: Book, 129.0, 198.0, "uk-book-b")
// Unites States
(US_LETTER: US, 215.9, 279.4, "us-letter")
(US_LEGAL: US, 215.9, 355.6, "us-legal")
(US_TABLOID: US, 279.4, 431.8, "us-tabloid")
(US_EXECUTIVE: US, 184.15, 266.7, "us-executive")
(US_FOOLSCAP_FOLIO: US, 215.9, 342.9, "us-foolscap-folio")
(US_STATEMENT: US, 139.7, 215.9, "us-statement")
(US_LEDGER: US, 431.8, 279.4, "us-ledger")
(US_OFICIO: US, 215.9, 340.36, "us-oficio")
(US_GOV_LETTER: US, 203.2, 266.7, "us-gov-letter")
(US_GOV_LEGAL: US, 215.9, 330.2, "us-gov-legal")
(US_BUSINESS_CARD: Base, 88.9, 50.8, "us-business-card")
(US_DIGEST: Book, 139.7, 215.9, "us-digest")
(US_TRADE: Book, 152.4, 228.6, "us-trade")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Other
(NEWSPAPER_COMPACT: Newspaper, 280.0, 430.0, "newspaper-compact")
(NEWSPAPER_BERLINER: Newspaper, 315.0, 470.0, "newspaper-berliner")
(NEWSPAPER_BROADSHEET: Newspaper, 381.0, 578.0, "newspaper-broadsheet")
(PRESENTATION_16_9: Base, 297.0, 167.0625, "presentation-16-9")
(PRESENTATION_4_3: Base, 280.0, 210.0, "presentation-4-3")
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
//! A typed layer over the red-green tree.
//! The AST is rooted in the [`Markup`] node.
use std::ops::Deref;
@ -211,6 +213,8 @@ pub enum Expr {
/// A let expression: `let x = 1`.
/// A set expression: `set text(...)`.
/// An if-else expression: `if x { y } else { z }`.
/// A while loop expression: `while x { y }`.
@ -238,6 +242,7 @@ impl TypedNode for Expr {
NodeKind::Closure => node.cast().map(Self::Closure),
NodeKind::WithExpr => node.cast().map(Self::With),
NodeKind::LetExpr => node.cast().map(Self::Let),
NodeKind::SetExpr => node.cast().map(Self::Set),
NodeKind::IfExpr => node.cast().map(Self::If),
NodeKind::WhileExpr => node.cast().map(Self::While),
NodeKind::ForExpr => node.cast().map(Self::For),
@ -262,6 +267,7 @@ impl TypedNode for Expr {
Self::Closure(v) => v.as_red(),
Self::With(v) => v.as_red(),
Self::Let(v) => v.as_red(),
Self::Set(v) => v.as_red(),
Self::If(v) => v.as_red(),
Self::While(v) => v.as_red(),
Self::For(v) => v.as_red(),
@ -279,6 +285,7 @@ impl Expr {
| Self::Call(_)
| Self::Let(_)
| Self::Set(_)
| Self::If(_)
| Self::While(_)
| Self::For(_)
@ -837,6 +844,25 @@ impl LetExpr {
node! {
/// A set expression: `set text(...)`.
impl SetExpr {
/// The class to set style properties for.
pub fn class(&self) -> Ident {
self.0.cast_first_child().expect("set expression is missing class")
/// The style properties to set.
pub fn args(&self) -> CallArgs {
.expect("set expression is missing argument list")
node! {
/// An import expression: `import a, b, c from "utils.typ"`.
@ -96,22 +96,23 @@ impl Category {
NodeKind::EnDash => Some(Category::Shortcut),
NodeKind::EmDash => Some(Category::Shortcut),
NodeKind::Escape(_) => Some(Category::Escape),
NodeKind::Let => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::If => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Else => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::For => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::In => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::While => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Break => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Continue => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Return => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Import => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Include => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::From => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Not => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::And => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Or => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::With => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Let => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Set => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::If => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Else => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::While => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::For => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::In => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Break => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Continue => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Return => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Import => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::From => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Include => Some(Category::Keyword),
NodeKind::Plus => Some(Category::Operator),
NodeKind::Star => Some(Category::Operator),
NodeKind::Slash => Some(Category::Operator),
@ -139,6 +140,7 @@ impl Category {
NodeKind::WithExpr => Some(Category::Function),
NodeKind::SetExpr => Some(Category::Function),
NodeKind::Call => Some(Category::Function),
_ => Some(Category::Variable),
@ -161,21 +163,22 @@ impl Category {
NodeKind::Array => None,
NodeKind::Dict => None,
NodeKind::Named => None,
NodeKind::Template => None,
NodeKind::Group => None,
NodeKind::Block => None,
NodeKind::Unary => None,
NodeKind::Binary => None,
NodeKind::Call => None,
NodeKind::CallArgs => None,
NodeKind::Spread => None,
NodeKind::Closure => None,
NodeKind::ClosureParams => None,
NodeKind::Spread => None,
NodeKind::Template => None,
NodeKind::Block => None,
NodeKind::ForExpr => None,
NodeKind::WhileExpr => None,
NodeKind::IfExpr => None,
NodeKind::LetExpr => None,
NodeKind::WithExpr => None,
NodeKind::LetExpr => None,
NodeKind::SetExpr => None,
NodeKind::IfExpr => None,
NodeKind::WhileExpr => None,
NodeKind::ForExpr => None,
NodeKind::ForPattern => None,
NodeKind::ImportExpr => None,
NodeKind::ImportItems => None,
@ -83,19 +83,15 @@ impl Default for Green {
impl Debug for Green {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}: {}", self.kind(), self.len())?;
if let Self::Node(n) = self {
if !n.children.is_empty() {
f.write_str(" ")?;
match self {
Self::Node(node) => node.fmt(f),
Self::Token(token) => token.fmt(f),
/// An inner node in the untyped green tree.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct GreenNode {
/// Node metadata.
data: GreenData,
@ -145,8 +141,19 @@ impl From<Rc<GreenNode>> for Green {
impl Debug for GreenNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if !self.children.is_empty() {
f.write_str(" ")?;
/// Data shared between inner and leaf nodes.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct GreenData {
/// What kind of node this is (each kind would have its own struct in a
/// strongly typed AST).
@ -178,6 +185,12 @@ impl From<GreenData> for Green {
impl Debug for GreenData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}: {}", self.kind, self.len)
/// A owned wrapper for a green node with span information.
/// Owned variant of [`RedRef`]. Can be [cast](Self::cast) to an AST node.
@ -465,6 +478,8 @@ pub enum NodeKind {
/// The `let` keyword.
/// The `set` keyword.
/// The `if` keyword.
/// The `else` keyword.
@ -552,8 +567,12 @@ pub enum NodeKind {
/// A named pair: `thickness: 3pt`.
/// A template expression: `[*Hi* there!]`.
/// A grouped expression: `(1 + 2)`.
/// A block expression: `{ let x = 1; x + 2 }`.
/// A unary operation: `-x`.
/// A binary operation: `a + b`.
@ -562,39 +581,37 @@ pub enum NodeKind {
/// A function call's argument list: `(x, y)`.
/// Spreaded arguments or a parameter sink: `..x`.
/// A closure expression: `(x, y) => z`.
/// A closure's parameters: `(x, y)`.
/// A parameter sink: `..x`.
/// A template expression: `[*Hi* there!]`.
/// A block expression: `{ let x = 1; x + 2 }`.
/// A for loop expression: `for x in y { ... }`.
/// A while loop expression: `while x { ... }`.
/// An if expression: `if x { ... }`.
/// A with expression: `f with (x, y: 1)`.
/// A let expression: `let x = 1`.
/// The `with` expression: `with (1)`.
/// A set expression: `set text(...)`.
/// An if-else expression: `if x { y } else { z }`.
/// A while loop expression: `while x { ... }`.
/// A for loop expression: `for x in y { ... }`.
/// A for loop's destructuring pattern: `x` or `x, y`.
/// The import expression: `import x from "foo.typ"`.
/// An import expression: `import a, b, c from "utils.typ"`.
/// Items to import: `a, b, c`.
/// The include expression: `include "foo.typ"`.
/// An include expression: `include "chapter1.typ"`.
/// Two slashes followed by inner contents, terminated with a newline:
/// `//<str>\n`.
/// A line comment, two slashes followed by inner contents, terminated with
/// a newline: `//<str>\n`.
/// A slash and a star followed by inner contents, terminated with a star
/// and a slash: `/*<str>*/`.
/// A block comment, a slash and a star followed by inner contents,
/// terminated with a star and a slash: `/*<str>*/`.
/// The comment can contain nested block comments.
@ -616,11 +633,6 @@ pub enum ErrorPos {
impl NodeKind {
/// Whether this is some kind of parenthesis.
pub fn is_paren(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::LeftParen | Self::RightParen)
/// Whether this is some kind of bracket.
pub fn is_bracket(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::LeftBracket | Self::RightBracket)
@ -631,6 +643,11 @@ impl NodeKind {
matches!(self, Self::LeftBrace | Self::RightBrace)
/// Whether this is some kind of parenthesis.
pub fn is_paren(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::LeftParen | Self::RightParen)
/// Whether this is some kind of error.
pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, NodeKind::Error(_, _) | NodeKind::Unknown(_))
@ -672,6 +689,7 @@ impl NodeKind {
Self::None => "`none`",
Self::Auto => "`auto`",
Self::Let => "keyword `let`",
Self::Set => "keyword `set`",
Self::If => "keyword `if`",
Self::Else => "keyword `else`",
Self::For => "keyword `for`",
@ -712,21 +730,22 @@ impl NodeKind {
Self::Array => "array",
Self::Dict => "dictionary",
Self::Named => "named argument",
Self::Template => "template",
Self::Group => "group",
Self::Block => "block",
Self::Unary => "unary expression",
Self::Binary => "binary expression",
Self::Call => "call",
Self::CallArgs => "call arguments",
Self::Spread => "parameter sink",
Self::Closure => "closure",
Self::ClosureParams => "closure parameters",
Self::Spread => "parameter sink",
Self::Template => "template",
Self::Block => "block",
Self::ForExpr => "for-loop expression",
Self::WhileExpr => "while-loop expression",
Self::IfExpr => "`if` expression",
Self::LetExpr => "`let` expression",
Self::WithExpr => "`with` expression",
Self::LetExpr => "`let` expression",
Self::SetExpr => "`set` expression",
Self::IfExpr => "`if` expression",
Self::WhileExpr => "while-loop expression",
Self::ForExpr => "for-loop expression",
Self::ForPattern => "for-loop destructuring pattern",
Self::ImportExpr => "`import` expression",
Self::ImportItems => "import items",
@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ impl Pretty for Expr {
Self::Closure(v) => v.pretty(p),
Self::With(v) => v.pretty(p),
Self::Let(v) => v.pretty(p),
Self::Set(v) => v.pretty(p),
Self::If(v) => v.pretty(p),
Self::While(v) => v.pretty(p),
Self::For(v) => v.pretty(p),
@ -444,6 +445,16 @@ impl Pretty for LetExpr {
impl Pretty for SetExpr {
fn pretty(&self, p: &mut Printer) {
p.push_str("set ");
impl Pretty for IfExpr {
fn pretty(&self, p: &mut Printer) {
p.push_str("if ");
@ -639,6 +650,7 @@ mod tests {
// Control flow.
roundtrip("#let x = 1 + 2");
roundtrip("#let f(x) = y");
roundtrip("#set text(size: 12pt)");
roundtrip("#if x [y] else [z]");
roundtrip("#if x {} else if y {} else {}");
roundtrip("#while x {y}");
@ -13,18 +13,6 @@ use std::ops::Range;
use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;
/// Additional methods for booleans.
pub trait BoolExt {
/// Toggle the value of the bool in place.
fn flip(&mut self);
impl BoolExt for bool {
fn flip(&mut self) {
*self = !*self;
/// Additional methods for options.
pub trait OptionExt<T> {
/// Sets `other` as the value if `self` is `None` or if it contains a value
@ -15,9 +15,19 @@ Running the integration tests (the tests in this directory).
cargo test --test typeset
Running all tests whose names contain the word `filter`.
Running all tests whose paths contain the string `page` or `stack`.
cargo test --test typeset filter
cargo test --test typeset page stack
Running a test with the exact filename `page.typ`.
cargo test --test typeset -- --exact page.typ
Debug-printing the layout trees for all executed tests.
cargo test --test typeset -- --debug empty.typ
To make the integration tests go faster they don't generate PDFs by default.
@ -39,3 +49,24 @@ oxipng -o max path/to/image.png
# All images
oxipng -r -o max tests/ref
## Shorthand for running tests
If you want to have a quicker way to run the tests, consider adding a shortcut
to your shell profile so that you can simply write something like:
tests --debug empty.typ
### PowerShell
Open your PowerShell profile by executing `notepad $profile`.
function tests {
cargo test --test typeset -- $args
### Bash
Open your Bash configuration by executing `nano ~/.bashrc`.
alias tests="cargo test --test typeset --"
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 9.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.1 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 182 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 182 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.1 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.7 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 78 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 78 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 31 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 33 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.5 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 18 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 9.2 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.8 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.8 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 6.4 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.9 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 53 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 53 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 6.3 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.9 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 812 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 968 B |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 878 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 22 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.6 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.0 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.6 KiB |
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
// Ref: true
// Ommitted space.
#let f() = {}
// Call return value of function with body.
#let f(x, body) = (y) => [#x] + body + [#y]
@ -44,25 +45,25 @@
// Error: 2-6 expected function or collection, found boolean
// Error: 2-6 expected callable or collection, found boolean
#let x = "x"
// Error: 1-3 expected function or collection, found string
// Error: 1-3 expected callable or collection, found string
#let f(x) = x
// Error: 1-6 expected function or collection, found integer
// Error: 1-6 expected callable or collection, found integer
#let f(x) = x
// Error: 1-6 expected function or collection, found template
// Error: 1-6 expected callable or collection, found template
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Test include statements.
#page(width: 200pt)
#set page(width: 200pt)
= Document
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
{not ()}
// Error: 2-18 cannot apply '<=' to linear and relative
// Error: 2-18 cannot apply '<=' to relative length and relative
{30% + 1pt <= 40%}
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
// Linears cannot be divided by themselves.
if type(v) != "linear" {
if type(v) != "relative length" {
test(v / v, 1.0)
test(v / v == 1, true)
@ -130,12 +130,14 @@
#test(test == test, true)
#test((() => {}) == (() => {}), false)
// Templates also compare by identity.
// Templates compare by shallow equality.
#let t = [a]
#test(t == t, true)
#test([] == [], false)
#test([] == [], true)
#test([a] == [a], true)
#test([] == [a], false)
#test([a] == [a], false)
#test([[a]] == [a], false)
#test(box[] == box[], false)
// Test comparison operators.
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
// Test standard argument overriding.
let font(style: "normal", weight: "regular") = {
let f(style: "normal", weight: "regular") = {
"(style: " + style + ", weight: " + weight + ")"
let myfont(..args) = font(weight: "bold", ..args)
test(myfont(), "(style: normal, weight: bold)")
test(myfont(weight: "black"), "(style: normal, weight: black)")
test(myfont(style: "italic"), "(style: italic, weight: bold)")
let myf(..args) = f(weight: "bold", ..args)
test(myf(), "(style: normal, weight: bold)")
test(myf(weight: "black"), "(style: normal, weight: black)")
test(myf(style: "italic"), "(style: italic, weight: bold)")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#page(width: 450pt, margins: 1cm)
#set page(width: 450pt, margins: 1cm)
*Technische Universität Berlin* #h(1fr) *WiSe 2019/2020* \
*Fakultät II, Institut for Mathematik* #h(1fr) Woche 3 \
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Ola Nordmann, John Doe
==== 3. Übungsblatt Computerorientierte Mathematik II #v(4mm)
==== 3. Übungsblatt Computerorientierte Mathematik II
*Abgabe: 03.05.2019* (bis 10:10 Uhr in MA 001) #v(4mm)
*Alle Antworten sind zu beweisen.*
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Test alignment.
#page(height: 100pt)
#set page(height: 100pt)
#stack(dir: ltr,
align(left, square(size: 15pt, fill: eastern)),
align(center, square(size: 20pt, fill: eastern)),
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Apart
// Test block over multiple pages.
#page(height: 60pt)
#set page(height: 60pt)
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#let cell(width, color) = rect(width: width, height: 2cm, fill: color)
#page(width: 100pt, height: 140pt)
#set page(width: 100pt, height: 140pt)
columns: (auto, 1fr, 3fr, 0.25cm, 3%, 2mm + 10%),
cell(0.5cm, rgb("2a631a")),
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
#page(height: 3cm, margins: 0pt)
#set page(height: 3cm, margins: 0pt)
columns: (1fr,),
rows: (1fr, auto, 2fr),
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Test using the `grid` function to create a finance table.
#page(width: 12cm, height: 2.5cm)
#set page(width: 12cm, height: 2.5cm)
columns: 5,
column-gutter: (2fr, 1fr, 1fr),
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Test grid cells that overflow to the next region.
#page(width: 5cm, height: 3cm)
#set page(width: 5cm, height: 3cm)
columns: 2,
row-gutter: 8pt,
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
// Test a column that starts overflowing right after another row/column did
// that.
#page(width: 5cm, height: 2cm)
#set page(width: 5cm, height: 2cm)
columns: 4 * (1fr,),
row-gutter: 10pt,
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
// Test two columns in the same row overflowing by a different amount.
#page(width: 5cm, height: 2cm)
#set page(width: 5cm, height: 2cm)
columns: 3 * (1fr,),
row-gutter: 8pt,
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
// Test grid within a grid, overflowing.
#page(width: 5cm, height: 2.25cm)
#set page(width: 5cm, height: 2.25cm)
columns: 4 * (1fr,),
row-gutter: 10pt,
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
// Test partition of `fr` units before and after multi-region layout.
#page(width: 5cm, height: 4cm)
#set page(width: 5cm, height: 4cm)
columns: 2 * (1fr,),
rows: (1fr, 2fr, auto, 1fr, 1cm),
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
// Test that all three kinds of rows use the correct bases.
#page(height: 4cm, margins: 0cm)
#set page(height: 4cm, margins: 0cm)
rows: (1cm, 1fr, 1fr, auto),
rect(height: 50%, width: 100%, fill: conifer),
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Test that trailing linebreak doesn't overflow the region.
#page(height: 2cm)
#set page(height: 2cm)
Hello \
Hello \
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
// Test that broken cell expands vertically.
#page(height: 2.25cm)
#set page(height: 2.25cm)
columns: 2,
gutter: 10pt,
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// Load an RGB JPEG image.
#page(height: 60pt)
#set page(height: 60pt)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// Test all three fit modes.
#page(height: 50pt, margins: 0pt)
#set page(height: 50pt, margins: 0pt)
columns: (1fr, 1fr, 1fr),
rows: 100%,
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
// Does not fit to remaining height of page.
#page(height: 60pt)
#set page(height: 60pt)
Stuff \
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Hi #box(pad(left: 10pt)[A]) there
// Test that the pad node doesn't consume the whole region.
#page(height: 6cm)
#set page(height: 6cm)
#pad(10pt, image("../../res/tiger.jpg"))
@ -2,33 +2,33 @@
// Set width and height.
#page(width: 80pt, height: 80pt)
[#page(width: 40pt) High]
[#page(height: 40pt) Wide]
#set page(width: 80pt, height: 80pt)
[#set page(width: 40pt);High]
[#set page(height: 40pt);Wide]
// Set all margins at once.
#page(margins: 5pt)
#set page(margins: 5pt)
#place(top + left)[TL]
#place(bottom + right)[BR]
// Set individual margins.
#page(height: 40pt)
[#page(left: 0pt) #align(left)[Left]]
[#page(right: 0pt) #align(right)[Right]]
[#page(top: 0pt) #align(top)[Top]]
[#page(bottom: 0pt) #align(bottom)[Bottom]]
#set page(height: 40pt)
[#set page(left: 0pt); #align(left)[Left]]
[#set page(right: 0pt); #align(right)[Right]]
[#set page(top: 0pt); #align(top)[Top]]
[#set page(bottom: 0pt); #align(bottom)[Bottom]]
// Ensure that specific margins override general margins.
[#page(margins: 0pt, left: 20pt) Overriden]
[#set page(margins: 0pt, left: 20pt); Overriden]
// Flipped predefined paper.
[#page(paper: "a11", flip: true) Flipped A11]
[#set page(paper: "a11", flipped: true);Flipped A11]
#page(width: 80pt, height: 40pt, fill: eastern)
#font(15pt, "Roboto", fill: white, smallcaps: true)[Typst]
#set page(width: 80pt, height: 40pt, fill: eastern)
#text(15pt, "Roboto", fill: white, smallcaps: true)[Typst]
#page(width: 40pt, fill: none, margins: auto, top: 10pt)
#set page(width: 40pt, fill: none, margins: auto, top: 10pt)
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
First of two
#page(height: 40pt)
#set page(height: 40pt)
Second of two
// Make sure that you can't do page related stuff in a container.
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ A
#set page("a4")
@ -22,13 +23,13 @@ D
// Test a combination of pages with bodies and normal content.
#page(width: 80pt, height: 30pt)
#set page(width: 80pt, height: 30pt)
[#page() First]
[#page() Second]
Fi[#set page(width: 80pt);rst]
[#set page(width: 70pt); Second]
[#page(height: 25pt)]
#page(height: 20pt)[]
[#page() Seventh]
[#set page(); Seventh]
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
// Test placing a background image on a page.
#page(paper: "a10", flip: true)
#font(fill: white)
#set page(paper: "a10", flipped: true)
#set text(fill: white)
dx: -10pt,
dy: -10pt,
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
// Test the `place` function.
#set page("a8")
#place(bottom + center)[© Typst]
= Placement
@ -20,3 +23,13 @@ the line breaks still had to be inserted manually.
#place(center, dx: 7pt, dy: 5pt)[Hello]
Hello #h(1fr) Hello
// Test how the placed node interacts with paragraph spacing around it.
#set page("a8", height: 60pt)
#place(bottom + right)[Placed]
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
// Test relative width and height and size that is smaller
// than default size.
#page(width: 120pt, height: 70pt)
#set page(width: 120pt, height: 70pt)
#square(width: 50%, align(bottom)[A])
#square(height: 50%)
#box(stack(square(size: 10pt), 5pt, square(size: 10pt, [B])))
// Test alignment in automatically sized square and circle.
#set text(8pt)
#square(padding: 4pt)[
Hey there, #align(center + bottom, rotate(180deg, [you!]))
@ -23,19 +23,19 @@
// Test square that is limited by region size.
#page(width: 20pt, height: 10pt, margins: 0pt)
#set page(width: 20pt, height: 10pt, margins: 0pt)
#stack(dir: ltr, square(fill: forest), square(fill: conifer))
// Test different ways of sizing.
#page(width: 120pt, height: 40pt)
#set page(width: 120pt, height: 40pt)
#circle(radius: 5pt)
#circle(width: 10%)
#circle(height: 50%)
// Test square that is overflowing due to its aspect ratio.
#page(width: 40pt, height: 20pt, margins: 5pt)
#set page(width: 40pt, height: 20pt, margins: 5pt)
#square(width: 100%)
#square(width: 100%)[Hello]
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Center-aligned rect in auto-sized circle.
Rect in auto-sized circle. \
#circle(fill: forest,
rect(fill: conifer, stroke: white, padding: 4pt)[
#set text(8pt)
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Expanded by height.
// Test relative sizing.
#let centered(body) = align(center + horizon, body)
#font(fill: white)
#set text(fill: white)
#rect(width: 100pt, height: 50pt, fill: rgb("aaa"), centered[
#circle(radius: 10pt, fill: eastern, centered[A]) // D=20pt
#circle(height: 60%, fill: eastern, centered[B]) // D=30pt
@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ Rect in ellipse in fixed rect. \
Auto-sized ellipse. \
#ellipse(fill: conifer, stroke: forest, thickness: 3pt, padding: 3pt)[
#set text(8pt)
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#page(width: 150pt)
#set page(width: 150pt)
// Fit to text.
#rect(fill: conifer, padding: 3pt)[Textbox]
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// Test auto-sized square.
#square(fill: eastern, padding: 5pt)[
#font(fill: white, weight: "bold")
#set text(fill: white, weight: "bold")
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
// Test text overflowing height.
#page(width: 75pt, height: 100pt)
#set page(width: 75pt, height: 100pt)
#square(fill: conifer)[
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
// Test that square does not overflow page.
#page(width: 100pt, height: 75pt)
#set page(width: 100pt, height: 75pt)
#square(fill: conifer)[
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?