Adjust (and overengineer) benchmarks

This commit is contained in:
Laurenz 2021-06-30 00:39:22 +02:00
parent 96563ccb42
commit ff0e3442ef
2 changed files with 139 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -5,9 +5,13 @@ authors = ["The Typst Project Developers"]
edition = "2018"
publish = false
default = ["layout-cache"]
layout-cache = ["typst/layout-cache"]
criterion = "0.3"
typst = { path = ".." }
criterion = { version = "0.3", features = ["html_reports"] }
typst = { path = "..", default-features = false, features = ["fs"] }
name = "typst"

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@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::path::Path;
use std::rc::Rc;
use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
use typst::eval::eval;
use typst::exec::exec;
use typst::cache::Cache;
use typst::eval::{eval, Module, Scope};
use typst::exec::{exec, State};
use typst::export::pdf;
use typst::layout::layout;
use typst::layout::{self, layout, Frame};
use typst::loading::FsLoader;
use typst::parse::parse;
use typst::syntax;
use typst::typeset;
const FONT_DIR: &str = "../fonts";
@ -16,42 +19,144 @@ const TYP_DIR: &str = "../tests/typ";
const CASES: &[&str] = &["coma.typ", "text/basic.typ"];
fn benchmarks(c: &mut Criterion) {
let mut loader = FsLoader::new();
let mut cache = typst::cache::Cache::new(&loader);
let scope = typst::library::new();
let state = typst::exec::State::default();
let ctx = Context::new();
for case in CASES {
let path = Path::new(TYP_DIR).join(case);
let name = path.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy();
let src = std::fs::read_to_string(&path).unwrap();
let case = Case::new(src, ctx.clone());
/// Bench with all caches.
macro_rules! bench {
($step:literal: $code:expr) => {
($step:literal, setup = |$cache:ident| $setup:expr, code = $code:expr $(,)?) => {
c.bench_function(&format!("{}-{}", $step, name), |b| {
b.iter(|| {
|| {
let mut borrowed = ctx.borrow_mut();
let $cache = &mut borrowed.cache;
|_| $code,
($step:literal, $code:expr) => {
c.bench_function(&format!("{}-{}", $step, name), |b| b.iter(|| $code));
// Prepare intermediate results, run warm and fill caches.
let src = std::fs::read_to_string(&path).unwrap();
let tree = Rc::new(parse(&src).output);
let evaluated = eval(&mut loader, &mut cache, Some(&path), tree.clone(), &scope);
let executed = exec(&evaluated.output.template, state.clone());
let layouted = layout(&mut loader, &mut cache, &executed.output);
bench!("parse", case.parse());
bench!("eval", case.eval());
bench!("exec", case.exec());
// Bench!
bench!("parse": parse(&src));
bench!("eval": eval(&mut loader, &mut cache, Some(&path), tree.clone(), &scope));
bench!("exec": exec(&evaluated.output.template, state.clone()));
bench!("layout": layout(&mut loader, &mut cache, &executed.output));
bench!("typeset": typeset(&mut loader, &mut cache, Some(&path), &src, &scope, state.clone()));
bench!("pdf": pdf(&cache, &layouted));
#[cfg(not(feature = "layout-cache"))]
bench!("layout", case.layout());
bench!("typeset", case.typeset());
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
setup = |cache| cache.layout.clear(),
code = case.layout(),
setup = |cache| cache.layout.clear(),
code = case.typeset(),
bench!("layout-cached", case.layout());
bench!("typeset-cached", case.typeset());
bench!("pdf", case.pdf());
/// The context required for benchmarking a case.
struct Context {
loader: FsLoader,
cache: Cache,
impl Context {
fn new() -> Rc<RefCell<Self>> {
let mut loader = FsLoader::new();
let cache = Cache::new(&loader);
Rc::new(RefCell::new(Self { loader, cache }))
/// A test case with prepared intermediate results.
struct Case {
ctx: Rc<RefCell<Context>>,
src: String,
scope: Scope,
state: State,
ast: Rc<syntax::Tree>,
module: Module,
tree: layout::Tree,
frames: Vec<Rc<Frame>>,
impl Case {
fn new(src: impl Into<String>, ctx: Rc<RefCell<Context>>) -> Self {
let mut borrowed = ctx.borrow_mut();
let Context { loader, cache } = &mut *borrowed;
let scope = typst::library::new();
let state = typst::exec::State::default();
let src = src.into();
let ast = Rc::new(parse(&src).output);
let module = eval(loader, cache, None, ast.clone(), &scope).output;
let tree = exec(&module.template, state.clone()).output;
let frames = layout(loader, cache, &tree);
Self {
fn parse(&self) -> syntax::Tree {
fn eval(&self) -> Module {
let mut borrowed = self.ctx.borrow_mut();
let Context { loader, cache } = &mut *borrowed;
eval(loader, cache, None, self.ast.clone(), &self.scope).output
fn exec(&self) -> layout::Tree {
exec(&self.module.template, self.state.clone()).output
fn layout(&self) -> Vec<Rc<Frame>> {
let mut borrowed = self.ctx.borrow_mut();
let Context { loader, cache } = &mut *borrowed;
layout(loader, cache, &self.tree)
fn typeset(&self) -> Vec<Rc<Frame>> {
let mut borrowed = self.ctx.borrow_mut();
let Context { loader, cache } = &mut *borrowed;
let state = self.state.clone();
typeset(loader, cache, None, &self.src, &self.scope, state).output
fn pdf(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let ctx = self.ctx.borrow();
pdf(&ctx.cache, &self.frames)