#set page(width: 15em) // In the following example, the space between 》! and ? should be squeezed. // because zh-CN follows GB style #set text(lang: "zh", region: "CN", font: "Noto Serif CJK SC") 原来,你也玩《原神》!? // However, in the following example, the space between 》! and ? should not be squeezed. // because zh-TW does not follow GB style #set text(lang: "zh", region: "TW", font: "Noto Serif CJK TC") 原來,你也玩《原神》! ? --- #set text(lang: "zh", region: "CN", font: "Noto Serif CJK SC") 《书名〈章节〉》 // the space between 〉 and 》 should be squeezed 〔茸毛〕:很细的毛 // the space between 〕 and : should be squeezed --- #set page(width: 21em) #set text(lang: "zh", region: "CN", font: "Noto Serif CJK SC") // These examples contain extensive use of Chinese punctuation marks, // from 《Which parentheses should be used when applying parentheses?》. // link: https://archive.md/2bb1N (〔中〕医、〔中〕药、技)系列评审 (长三角[长江三角洲])(GB/T 16159—2012《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》) 【爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)】物理学家 〔(2009)民申字第1622号〕 “江南海北长相忆,浅水深山独掩扉。”([唐]刘长卿《会赦后酬主簿所问》) 参看1378页〖象形文字〗。(《现代汉语词典》修订本)