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# This is responsible for the fact that certain math functions are grouped
# together into one documentation page although they are not part of any scope.
- name: variants
title: Variants
category: math
path: ["math"]
filter: ["serif", "sans", "frak", "mono", "bb", "cal"]
details: |
Alternate typefaces within formulas.
These functions are distinct from the [`text`] function because math fonts
contain multiple variants of each letter.
- name: styles
title: Styles
category: math
path: ["math"]
filter: ["upright", "italic", "bold"]
details: |
Alternate letterforms within formulas.
These functions are distinct from the [`text`] function because math fonts
contain multiple variants of each letter.
- name: sizes
title: Sizes
category: math
path: ["math"]
filter: ["display", "inline", "script", "sscript"]
details: |
Forced size styles for expressions within formulas.
These functions allow manual configuration of the size of equation elements
to make them look as in a display/inline equation or as if used in a root or
- name: underover
title: Under/Over
category: math
path: ["math"]
filter: [
details: |
Delimiters above or below parts of an equation.
The braces and brackets further allow you to add an optional annotation
below or above themselves.
- name: roots
title: Roots
category: math
path: ["math"]
filter: ["root", "sqrt"]
details: |
Square and non-square roots.
# Example
$ sqrt(3 - 2 sqrt(2)) = sqrt(2) - 1 $
$ root(3, x) $
- name: attach
title: Attach
category: math
path: ["math"]
filter: ["attach", "scripts", "limits"]
details: |
Subscript, superscripts, and limits.
Attachments can be displayed either as sub/superscripts, or limits. Typst
automatically decides which is more suitable depending on the base, but you
can also control this manually with the `scripts` and `limits` functions.
# Example
$ sum_(i=0)^n a_i = 2^(1+i) $
# Syntax
This function also has dedicated syntax for attachments after the base: Use
the underscore (`_`) to indicate a subscript i.e. bottom attachment and the
hat (`^`) to indicate a superscript i.e. top attachment.
- name: lr
title: Left/Right
category: math
path: ["math"]
filter: ["lr", "mid", "abs", "norm", "floor", "ceil", "round"]
details: |
Delimiter matching.
The `lr` function allows you to match two delimiters and scale them with the
content they contain. While this also happens automatically for delimiters
that match syntactically, `lr` allows you to match two arbitrary delimiters
and control their size exactly. Apart from the `lr` function, Typst provides
a few more functions that create delimiter pairings for absolute, ceiled,
and floored values as well as norms.
# Example
$ [a, b/2] $
$ lr(]sum_(x=1)^n] x, size: #50%) $
$ abs((x + y) / 2) $
- name: calc
title: Calculation
category: foundations
path: ["calc"]
details: |
Module for calculations and processing of numeric values.
These definitions are part of the `calc` module and not imported by default.
In addition to the functions listed below, the `calc` module also defines
the constants `pi`, `tau`, `e`, `inf`, and `nan`.
- name: sys
title: System
category: foundations
path: ["sys"]
details: |
Module for system interactions.
This module defines the following items:
- The `sys.version` constant (of type [`version`]) that specifies
the currently active Typst compiler version.
- The `sys.inputs` [dictionary], which makes external inputs
available to the project. An input specified in the command line as
`--input key=value` becomes available under `sys.inputs.key` as
`{"value"}`. To include spaces in the value, it may be enclosed with
single or double quotes.
The value is always of type [string]($str). More complex data
may be parsed manually using functions like [`json.decode`]($json.decode).
- name: sym
title: General
category: symbols
path: ["sym"]
details: |
Named general symbols.
For example, `#sym.arrow` produces the → symbol. Within
[formulas]($category/math), these symbols can be used without the `#sym.`
The `d` in an integral's `dx` can be written as `[$dif x$]`.
Outside math formulas, `dif` can be accessed as `math.dif`.
- name: emoji
title: Emoji
category: symbols
path: ["emoji"]
details: |
Named emoji.
For example, `#emoji.face` produces the 😀 emoji. If you frequently use
certain emojis, you can also import them from the `emoji` module (`[#import
emoji: face]`) to use them without the `#emoji.` prefix.