200 lines
3.3 KiB
200 lines
3.3 KiB
// Test closures.
// Ref: false
// Don't parse closure directly in content.
// Ref: true
#let x = "x"
// Should output `x => y`.
#x => y
// Basic closure without captures.
let adder = (x, y) => x + y
test(adder(2, 3), 5)
// Pass closure as argument and return closure.
// Also uses shorthand syntax for a single argument.
let chain = (f, g) => (x) => f(g(x))
let f = x => x + 1
let g = x => 2 * x
let h = chain(f, g)
test(h(2), 5)
// Capture environment.
let mark = "!"
let greet = {
let hi = "Hi"
name => {
hi + ", " + name + mark
test(greet("Typst"), "Hi, Typst!")
// Changing the captured variable after the closure definition has no effect.
mark = "?"
test(greet("Typst"), "Hi, Typst!")
// Redefined variable.
let x = 1
let f() = {
let x = x + 2
test(f(), 3)
// Import bindings.
let b = "module.typ"
let f() = {
import b: b
test(f(), 1)
// For loop bindings.
let v = (1, 2, 3)
let f() = {
let s = 0
for v in v { s += v }
test(f(), 6)
// Let + closure bindings.
let g = "hi"
let f() = {
let g() = "bye"
test(f(), "bye")
// Parameter bindings.
let x = 5
let g() = {
let f(x, y: x) = x + y
test(g()(8), 13)
// Don't leak environment.
// Error: 16-17 unknown variable: x
let func() = x
let x = "hi"
// Too few arguments.
let types(x, y) = "[" + type(x) + ", " + type(y) + "]"
test(types(14%, 12pt), "[ratio, length]")
// Error: 13-21 missing argument: y
test(types("nope"), "[string, none]")
// Too many arguments.
let f(x) = x + 1
// Error: 8-13 unexpected argument
f(1, "two", () => x)
// Named arguments.
let greet(name, birthday: false) = {
if birthday { "Happy Birthday, " } else { "Hey, " } + name + "!"
test(greet("Typst"), "Hey, Typst!")
test(greet("Typst", birthday: true), "Happy Birthday, Typst!")
// Error: 23-35 unexpected argument: whatever
test(greet("Typst", whatever: 10))
// Parameter unpacking.
#let f((a, b), ..c) = (a, b, c)
#test(f((1, 2), 3, 4), (1, 2, (3, 4)))
#let f((k: a, b), c: 3, (d,)) = (a, b, c, d)
#test(f((k: 1, b: 2), (4,)), (1, 2, 3, 4))
// Error: 22-23 duplicate parameter: a
#let f((a: b), (c,), a) = none
// Error: 8-14 expected identifier, found array
#let f((a, b): 0) = none
// Error: 10-19 expected identifier, found destructuring pattern
#let f(..(a, b: c)) = none
// Error: 10-16 expected identifier, found array
#let f(..(a, b)) = none
// Error: 10-19 expected identifier, found destructuring pattern
#let f(..(a, b: c)) = none
// Error: 11-12 duplicate parameter: x
#let f(x, x) = none
// Error: 14-15 duplicate parameter: a
// Error: 23-24 duplicate parameter: b
// Error: 35-36 duplicate parameter: b
#let f(a, b, a: none, b: none, c, b) = none
// Error: 13-14 duplicate parameter: a
#let f(a, ..a) = none
// Error: 7-17 expected identifier, named pair or argument sink, found keyed pair
#((a, "named": b) => none)
// Error: 10-15 expected identifier, found string
#let foo("key": b) = key
// Error: 10-14 expected identifier, found `none`
#let foo(none: b) = key
// Error: 11 expected comma
#let foo(_: 3) = none