Instead of separating functionality into layout and library, everything lives in the library now. This way, related things live side by side and there are no duplicate file names in the two directories.
680 lines
21 KiB
680 lines
21 KiB
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::rc::Rc;
use image::{GenericImageView, Rgba};
use tiny_skia as sk;
use ttf_parser::{GlyphId, OutlineBuilder};
use walkdir::WalkDir;
use typst::diag::Error;
use typst::eval::Value;
use typst::font::Face;
use typst::frame::{Element, Frame, Geometry, Text};
use typst::geom::{
self, Color, Length, Paint, PathElement, Point, RgbaColor, Sides, Size,
use typst::image::Image;
use typst::layout::layout;
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
use typst::layout::PageNode;
use typst::loading::FsLoader;
use typst::parse::Scanner;
use typst::source::SourceFile;
use typst::style::Style;
use typst::syntax::{Pos, Span};
use typst::Context;
const TYP_DIR: &str = "./typ";
const REF_DIR: &str = "./ref";
const PNG_DIR: &str = "./png";
const PDF_DIR: &str = "./pdf";
const FONT_DIR: &str = "../fonts";
fn main() {
let args = Args::new(env::args().skip(1));
let mut filtered = Vec::new();
for entry in WalkDir::new(".").into_iter() {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
if entry.depth() <= 1 {
let src_path = entry.into_path();
if src_path.extension() != Some(OsStr::new("typ")) {
if args.matches(&src_path.to_string_lossy()) {
let len = filtered.len();
if len == 1 {
println!("Running test ...");
} else if len > 1 {
println!("Running {} tests", len);
// We want to have "unbounded" pages, so we allow them to be infinitely
// large and fit them to match their content.
let mut style = Style::default();
style.page_mut().size = Size::new(Length::pt(120.0), Length::inf());
style.page_mut().margins = Sides::splat(Some(Length::pt(10.0).into()));
style.text_mut().size = Length::pt(10.0);
// Hook up an assert function into the global scope.
let mut std = typst::library::new();
std.def_func("test", move |_, args| {
let lhs = args.expect::<Value>("left-hand side")?;
let rhs = args.expect::<Value>("right-hand side")?;
if lhs != rhs {
return Err(Error::boxed(
format!("Assertion failed: {:?} != {:?}", lhs, rhs),
// Create loader and context.
let loader = FsLoader::new().with_path(FONT_DIR).wrap();
let mut ctx = Context::builder().std(std).style(style).build(loader);
// Run all the tests.
let mut ok = true;
for src_path in filtered {
let path = src_path.strip_prefix(TYP_DIR).unwrap();
let png_path = Path::new(PNG_DIR).join(path).with_extension("png");
let ref_path = Path::new(REF_DIR).join(path).with_extension("png");
let pdf_path =
args.pdf.then(|| Path::new(PDF_DIR).join(path).with_extension("pdf"));
ok &= test(
&mut ctx,
if !ok {
struct Args {
filter: Vec<String>,
pdf: bool,
perfect: bool,
impl Args {
fn new(args: impl Iterator<Item = String>) -> Self {
let mut filter = Vec::new();
let mut perfect = false;
let mut pdf = false;
for arg in args {
match arg.as_str() {
"--nocapture" => {}
"--pdf" => pdf = true,
"=" => perfect = true,
_ => filter.push(arg),
Self { filter, pdf, perfect }
fn matches(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
if self.perfect {
self.filter.iter().any(|p| name == p)
} else {
self.filter.is_empty() || self.filter.iter().any(|p| name.contains(p))
fn test(
ctx: &mut Context,
src_path: &Path,
png_path: &Path,
ref_path: &Path,
pdf_path: Option<&Path>,
) -> bool {
let name = src_path.strip_prefix(TYP_DIR).unwrap_or(src_path);
println!("Testing {}", name.display());
let src = fs::read_to_string(src_path).unwrap();
let mut ok = true;
let mut frames = vec![];
let mut line = 0;
let mut compare_ref = true;
let mut compare_ever = false;
let parts: Vec<_> = src.split("\n---").collect();
for (i, &part) in parts.iter().enumerate() {
let is_header = i == 0
&& parts.len() > 1
&& part
.all(|s| s.starts_with("//") || s.chars().all(|c| c.is_whitespace()));
if is_header {
for line in part.lines() {
if line.starts_with("// Ref: false") {
compare_ref = false;
} else {
let (part_ok, compare_here, part_frames) =
test_part(ctx, src_path, part.into(), i, compare_ref, line);
ok &= part_ok;
compare_ever |= compare_here;
line += part.lines().count() + 1;
if compare_ever {
if let Some(pdf_path) = pdf_path {
let pdf_data = typst::export::pdf(ctx, &frames);
fs::write(pdf_path, pdf_data).unwrap();
let canvas = draw(ctx, &frames, 2.0);
if let Ok(ref_pixmap) = sk::Pixmap::load_png(ref_path) {
if canvas != ref_pixmap {
println!(" Does not match reference image. ❌");
ok = false;
} else if !frames.is_empty() {
println!(" Failed to open reference image. ❌");
ok = false;
if ok {
println!("\x1b[1ATesting {} ✔", name.display());
fn test_part(
ctx: &mut Context,
src_path: &Path,
src: String,
i: usize,
compare_ref: bool,
line: usize,
) -> (bool, bool, Vec<Rc<Frame>>) {
let id = ctx.sources.provide(src_path, src);
let source = ctx.sources.get(id);
let (local_compare_ref, mut ref_errors) = parse_metadata(&source);
let compare_ref = local_compare_ref.unwrap_or(compare_ref);
let mut ok = true;
let (frames, mut errors) = match ctx.execute(id) {
Ok(tree) => {
let mut frames = layout(ctx, &tree);
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
(ok &= test_incremental(ctx, i, &tree, &frames));
if !compare_ref {
(frames, vec![])
Err(errors) => (vec![], *errors),
// TODO: Also handle errors from other files.
errors.retain(|error| error.span.source == id);
for error in &mut errors {
// The comparison never fails since all spans are from the same source file.
ref_errors.sort_by(|a, b| a.span.partial_cmp(&b.span).unwrap());
errors.sort_by(|a, b| a.span.partial_cmp(&b.span).unwrap());
if errors != ref_errors {
println!(" Subtest {} does not match expected errors. ❌", i);
ok = false;
let source = ctx.sources.get(id);
for error in errors.iter() {
if error.span.source == id && !ref_errors.contains(error) {
print!(" Not annotated | ");
print_error(&source, line, error);
for error in ref_errors.iter() {
if !errors.contains(error) {
print!(" Not emitted | ");
print_error(&source, line, error);
(ok, compare_ref, frames)
#[cfg(feature = "layout-cache")]
fn test_incremental(
ctx: &mut Context,
i: usize,
tree: &[PageNode],
frames: &[Rc<Frame>],
) -> bool {
let mut ok = true;
let reference = ctx.layouts.clone();
for level in 0 .. reference.levels() {
ctx.layouts = reference.clone();
ctx.layouts.retain(|x| x == level);
if ctx.layouts.is_empty() {
let cached = layout(ctx, tree);
let misses = ctx
.filter(|e| e.level() == level && !e.hit() && e.age() == 2)
if misses > 0 {
" Subtest {} relayout had {} cache misses on level {} of {} ❌",
reference.levels() - 1,
ok = false;
if cached != frames {
println!(" Subtest {} relayout differs from clean pass ❌", i);
ok = false;
ctx.layouts = reference;
fn parse_metadata(source: &SourceFile) -> (Option<bool>, Vec<Error>) {
let mut compare_ref = None;
let mut errors = vec![];
let lines: Vec<_> = source.src().lines().map(str::trim).collect();
for (i, line) in lines.iter().enumerate() {
if line.starts_with("// Ref: false") {
compare_ref = Some(false);
if line.starts_with("// Ref: true") {
compare_ref = Some(true);
let rest = if let Some(rest) = line.strip_prefix("// Error: ") {
} else {
fn num(s: &mut Scanner) -> usize {
s.eat_while(|c| c.is_numeric()).parse().unwrap()
let comments =
lines[i ..].iter().take_while(|line| line.starts_with("//")).count();
let pos = |s: &mut Scanner| -> Pos {
let first = num(s) - 1;
let (delta, column) =
if s.eat_if(':') { (first, num(s) - 1) } else { (0, first) };
let line = (i + comments) + delta;
source.line_column_to_byte(line, column).unwrap().into()
let mut s = Scanner::new(rest);
let start = pos(&mut s);
let end = if s.eat_if('-') { pos(&mut s) } else { start };
let span = Span::new(source.id(), start, end);
errors.push(Error::new(span, s.rest().trim()));
(compare_ref, errors)
fn print_error(source: &SourceFile, line: usize, error: &Error) {
let start_line = 1 + line + source.byte_to_line(error.span.start.to_usize()).unwrap();
let start_col = 1 + source.byte_to_column(error.span.start.to_usize()).unwrap();
let end_line = 1 + line + source.byte_to_line(error.span.end.to_usize()).unwrap();
let end_col = 1 + source.byte_to_column(error.span.end.to_usize()).unwrap();
"Error: {}:{}-{}:{}: {}",
start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, error.message
fn draw(ctx: &Context, frames: &[Rc<Frame>], dpp: f32) -> sk::Pixmap {
let pad = Length::pt(5.0);
let width = 2.0 * pad + frames.iter().map(|l| l.size.w).max().unwrap_or_default();
let height = pad + frames.iter().map(|l| l.size.h + pad).sum::<Length>();
let pixel_width = (dpp * width.to_pt() as f32) as u32;
let pixel_height = (dpp * height.to_pt() as f32) as u32;
if pixel_width > 4000 || pixel_height > 4000 {
"overlarge image: {} by {} ({:?} x {:?})",
pixel_width, pixel_height, width, height,
let mut canvas = sk::Pixmap::new(pixel_width, pixel_height).unwrap();
let ts = sk::Transform::from_scale(dpp, dpp);
let mut origin = Point::splat(pad);
for frame in frames {
let mut paint = sk::Paint::default();
origin.x.to_pt() as f32,
origin.y.to_pt() as f32,
frame.size.w.to_pt() as f32,
frame.size.h.to_pt() as f32,
for (pos, element) in frame.elements() {
let global = origin + pos;
let x = global.x.to_pt() as f32;
let y = global.y.to_pt() as f32;
let ts = ts.pre_translate(x, y);
match *element {
Element::Text(ref text) => {
draw_text(&mut canvas, ts, ctx.fonts.get(text.face_id), text);
Element::Geometry(ref geometry, paint) => {
draw_geometry(&mut canvas, ts, geometry, paint);
Element::Image(id, size) => {
draw_image(&mut canvas, ts, ctx.images.get(id), size);
Element::Link(_, s) => {
let outline = Geometry::Rect(s);
let paint = Paint::Color(Color::Rgba(RgbaColor::new(40, 54, 99, 40)));
draw_geometry(&mut canvas, ts, &outline, paint);
origin.y += frame.size.h + pad;
fn draw_text(canvas: &mut sk::Pixmap, ts: sk::Transform, face: &Face, text: &Text) {
let ttf = face.ttf();
let size = text.size.to_pt() as f32;
let units_per_em = ttf.units_per_em() as f32;
let pixels_per_em = text.size.to_pt() as f32 * ts.sy;
let scale = size / units_per_em;
let mut x = 0.0;
for glyph in &text.glyphs {
let glyph_id = GlyphId(glyph.id);
let offset = x + glyph.x_offset.to_length(text.size).to_pt() as f32;
let ts = ts.pre_translate(offset, 0.0);
if let Some(tree) = ttf
.and_then(|data| std::str::from_utf8(data).ok())
.map(|svg| {
let viewbox = format!("viewBox=\"0 0 {0} {0}\" xmlns", units_per_em);
svg.replace("xmlns", &viewbox)
.and_then(|s| usvg::Tree::from_str(&s, &usvg::Options::default()).ok())
for child in tree.root().children() {
if let usvg::NodeKind::Path(node) = &*child.borrow() {
// SVG is already Y-down, no flipping required.
let ts = convert_usvg_transform(node.transform)
.post_scale(scale, scale)
if let Some(fill) = &node.fill {
let path = convert_usvg_path(&node.data);
let (paint, fill_rule) = convert_usvg_fill(fill);
canvas.fill_path(&path, &paint, fill_rule, ts, None);
} else if let Some(raster) =
ttf.glyph_raster_image(glyph_id, pixels_per_em as u16)
// TODO: Vertical alignment isn't quite right for Apple Color Emoji,
// and maybe also for Noto Color Emoji. And: Is the size calculation
// correct?
let img = Image::parse(&raster.data).unwrap();
let h = text.size;
let w = (img.width() as f64 / img.height() as f64) * h;
let dx = (raster.x as f32) / (img.width() as f32) * size;
let dy = (raster.y as f32) / (img.height() as f32) * size;
let ts = ts.pre_translate(dx, -size - dy);
draw_image(canvas, ts, &img, Size::new(w, h));
} else {
// Otherwise, draw normal outline.
let mut builder = WrappedPathBuilder(sk::PathBuilder::new());
if ttf.outline_glyph(glyph_id, &mut builder).is_some() {
// Flip vertically because font designed coordinate system is Y-up.
let ts = ts.pre_scale(scale, -scale);
let path = builder.0.finish().unwrap();
let mut paint = convert_typst_paint(text.fill);
paint.anti_alias = true;
canvas.fill_path(&path, &paint, sk::FillRule::default(), ts, None);
x += glyph.x_advance.to_length(text.size).to_pt() as f32;
fn draw_geometry(
canvas: &mut sk::Pixmap,
ts: sk::Transform,
geometry: &Geometry,
paint: Paint,
) {
let paint = convert_typst_paint(paint);
let rule = sk::FillRule::default();
match *geometry {
Geometry::Rect(Size { w: width, h: height }) => {
let w = width.to_pt() as f32;
let h = height.to_pt() as f32;
let rect = sk::Rect::from_xywh(0.0, 0.0, w, h).unwrap();
canvas.fill_rect(rect, &paint, ts, None);
Geometry::Ellipse(size) => {
let path = convert_typst_path(&geom::Path::ellipse(size));
canvas.fill_path(&path, &paint, rule, ts, None);
Geometry::Line(target, thickness) => {
let path = {
let mut builder = sk::PathBuilder::new();
builder.line_to(target.x.to_pt() as f32, target.y.to_pt() as f32);
let mut stroke = sk::Stroke::default();
stroke.width = thickness.to_pt() as f32;
canvas.stroke_path(&path, &paint, &stroke, ts, None);
Geometry::Path(ref path) => {
let path = convert_typst_path(path);
canvas.fill_path(&path, &paint, rule, ts, None);
fn draw_image(canvas: &mut sk::Pixmap, ts: sk::Transform, img: &Image, size: Size) {
let mut pixmap = sk::Pixmap::new(img.buf.width(), img.buf.height()).unwrap();
for ((_, _, src), dest) in img.buf.pixels().zip(pixmap.pixels_mut()) {
let Rgba([r, g, b, a]) = src;
*dest = sk::ColorU8::from_rgba(r, g, b, a).premultiply();
let view_width = size.w.to_pt() as f32;
let view_height = size.h.to_pt() as f32;
let scale_x = view_width as f32 / pixmap.width() as f32;
let scale_y = view_height as f32 / pixmap.height() as f32;
let mut paint = sk::Paint::default();
paint.shader = sk::Pattern::new(
sk::Transform::from_scale(scale_x, scale_y),
let rect = sk::Rect::from_xywh(0.0, 0.0, view_width, view_height).unwrap();
canvas.fill_rect(rect, &paint, ts, None);
fn convert_typst_paint(paint: Paint) -> sk::Paint<'static> {
let Paint::Color(Color::Rgba(c)) = paint;
let mut paint = sk::Paint::default();
paint.set_color_rgba8(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a);
fn convert_typst_path(path: &geom::Path) -> sk::Path {
let mut builder = sk::PathBuilder::new();
let f = |v: Length| v.to_pt() as f32;
for elem in &path.0 {
match elem {
PathElement::MoveTo(p) => {
builder.move_to(f(p.x), f(p.y));
PathElement::LineTo(p) => {
builder.line_to(f(p.x), f(p.y));
PathElement::CubicTo(p1, p2, p3) => {
builder.cubic_to(f(p1.x), f(p1.y), f(p2.x), f(p2.y), f(p3.x), f(p3.y));
PathElement::ClosePath => {
fn convert_usvg_transform(transform: usvg::Transform) -> sk::Transform {
let g = |v: f64| v as f32;
let usvg::Transform { a, b, c, d, e, f } = transform;
sk::Transform::from_row(g(a), g(b), g(c), g(d), g(e), g(f))
fn convert_usvg_fill(fill: &usvg::Fill) -> (sk::Paint<'static>, sk::FillRule) {
let mut paint = sk::Paint::default();
paint.anti_alias = true;
match fill.paint {
usvg::Paint::Color(usvg::Color { red, green, blue }) => {
paint.set_color_rgba8(red, green, blue, fill.opacity.to_u8())
usvg::Paint::Link(_) => {}
let rule = match fill.rule {
usvg::FillRule::NonZero => sk::FillRule::Winding,
usvg::FillRule::EvenOdd => sk::FillRule::EvenOdd,
(paint, rule)
fn convert_usvg_path(path: &usvg::PathData) -> sk::Path {
let mut builder = sk::PathBuilder::new();
let f = |v: f64| v as f32;
for seg in path.iter() {
match *seg {
usvg::PathSegment::MoveTo { x, y } => {
builder.move_to(f(x), f(y));
usvg::PathSegment::LineTo { x, y } => {
builder.line_to(f(x), f(y));
usvg::PathSegment::CurveTo { x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y } => {
builder.cubic_to(f(x1), f(y1), f(x2), f(y2), f(x), f(y));
usvg::PathSegment::ClosePath => {
struct WrappedPathBuilder(sk::PathBuilder);
impl OutlineBuilder for WrappedPathBuilder {
fn move_to(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32) {
self.0.move_to(x, y);
fn line_to(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32) {
self.0.line_to(x, y);
fn quad_to(&mut self, x1: f32, y1: f32, x: f32, y: f32) {
self.0.quad_to(x1, y1, x, y);
fn curve_to(&mut self, x1: f32, y1: f32, x2: f32, y2: f32, x: f32, y: f32) {
self.0.cubic_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y);
fn close(&mut self) {