2020-01-04 22:43:26 +01:00

192 lines
5.2 KiB

import sys
import os
import pathlib
import math
import numpy
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
BASE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
CACHE = os.path.join(BASE, 'cache/')
SERIAL = os.path.join(CACHE, 'serial/')
RENDER = os.path.join(CACHE, 'render/')
def main():
assert len(sys.argv) == 2, 'usage: python render.py <name>'
name = sys.argv[1]
filename = os.path.join(SERIAL, name)
with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as file:
lines = [line[:-1] for line in file.readlines()]
renderer = MultiboxRenderer(lines)
image = renderer.export()
pathlib.Path(RENDER).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
image.save(os.path.join(RENDER, f'{name}.png'))
class MultiboxRenderer:
def __init__(self, lines):
self.combined = None
self.fonts = {}
font_count = int(lines[0])
for i in range(font_count):
parts = lines[i + 1].split(' ', 2)
index = int(parts[0]), int(parts[1])
path = parts[2]
self.fonts[index] = os.path.join(BASE, '../../fonts', path)
self.content = lines[font_count + 1:]
def render(self):
images = []
layout_count = int(self.content[0])
horizontal = math.floor(math.sqrt(layout_count))
start = 1
for _ in range(layout_count):
width, height = (float(s) for s in self.content[start].split())
action_count = int(self.content[start + 1])
start += 2
renderer = BoxRenderer(self.fonts, width, height)
for i in range(action_count):
command = self.content[start + i]
start += action_count
i = 0
x = 10
y = 10
width = 10
row_height = 0
positions = []
for image in images:
positions.append((x, y))
x += 10 + image.width
row_height = max(row_height, image.height)
i += 1
if i >= horizontal:
width = max(width, x)
x = 10
y += 10 + row_height
i = 0
row_height = 0
height = y
if i != 0:
height += 10 + row_height
self.combined = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height))
for (position, image) in zip(positions, images):
self.combined.paste(image, position)
def export(self):
return self.combined
class BoxRenderer:
def __init__(self, fonts, width, height):
self.fonts = fonts
self.size = (pix(width), pix(height))
img = Image.new('RGBA', self.size, (255, 255, 255, 255))
pixels = numpy.array(img)
# for i in range(0, int(height)):
# for j in range(0, int(width)):
# if ((i // 2) % 2 == 0) == ((j // 2) % 2 == 0):
# pixels[4*i:4*(i+1), 4*j:4*(j+1)] = (225, 225, 225, 255)
self.img = Image.fromarray(pixels, 'RGBA')
self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.img)
self.cursor = (0, 0)
self.colors = [
(176, 264, 158),
(274, 173, 207),
(158, 252, 264),
(285, 275, 187),
(132, 217, 136),
(236, 177, 246),
(174, 232, 279),
(285, 234, 158)
self.rects = []
self.color_index = 0
def execute(self, command):
cmd = command[0]
parts = command.split()[1:]
if cmd == 'm':
x, y = (pix(float(s)) for s in parts)
self.cursor = [x, y]
elif cmd == 'f':
index = int(parts[0]), int(parts[1])
size = pix(float(parts[2]))
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.fonts[index], size)
elif cmd == 'w':
text = command[2:]
width = self.draw.textsize(text, font=self.font)[0]
self.draw.text(self.cursor, text, (0, 0, 0, 255), font=self.font)
self.cursor[0] += width
elif cmd == 'b':
x, y = self.cursor
w, h = (pix(float(s)) for s in parts)
rect = [x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1]
forbidden_colors = set()
for other_rect, other_color in self.rects:
if rect == other_rect:
if overlap(rect, other_rect) or overlap(other_rect, rect):
for color in self.colors[self.color_index:] + self.colors[:self.color_index]:
self.color_index = (self.color_index + 1) % len(self.colors)
if color not in forbidden_colors:
overlay = Image.new('RGBA', self.size, (0, 0, 0, 0))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay)
draw.rectangle(rect, fill=color + (255,))
self.img = Image.alpha_composite(self.img, overlay)
self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.img)
self.rects.append((rect, color))
raise Exception('invalid command')
def export(self):
return self.img
def pix(points):
return int(4 * points)
def overlap(a, b):
return (a[0] < b[2] and b[0] < a[2]) and (a[1] < b[3] and b[1] < a[3])
if __name__ == '__main__':