192 lines
5.4 KiB
192 lines
5.4 KiB
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs::{File, create_dir_all, read_dir, read_to_string};
use std::io::{BufWriter, Write};
use std::panic;
use std::process::Command;
use futures_executor::block_on;
use typstc::Typesetter;
use typstc::layout::{MultiLayout, Serialize};
use typstc::size::{Size, Size2D};
use typstc::style::PageStyle;
use typstc::toddle::query::FileSystemFontProvider;
use typstc::export::pdf::PdfExporter;
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let opts = Options::parse();
let tests: Vec<_> = read_dir("tests/layouts/")?.collect();
let mut filtered = Vec::new();
for entry in tests {
let path = entry?.path();
if path.extension() != Some(OsStr::new("typ")) {
let name = path
.file_stem().ok_or("expected file stem")?
if opts.matches(&name) {
let src = read_to_string(&path)?;
filtered.push((name, src));
let len = filtered.len();
println!("Running {} test{}", len, if len > 1 { "s" } else { "" });
for (name, src) in filtered {
panic::catch_unwind(|| {
if let Err(e) = test(&name, &src) {
println!("error: {}", e);
/// Create a _PDF_ with a name from the source code.
fn test(name: &str, src: &str) -> Result<()> {
println!("Testing: {}.", name);
let mut typesetter = Typesetter::new();
typesetter.set_page_style(PageStyle {
dimensions: Size2D::with_all(Size::pt(250.0)),
.. PageStyle::default()
let provider = FileSystemFontProvider::from_index("../fonts/index.json")?;
let font_paths = provider.paths();
let layouts = match compile(&typesetter, src) {
Some(layouts) => layouts,
None => return Ok(()),
// Compute the font's paths.
let mut fonts = HashMap::new();
let loader = typesetter.loader().borrow();
for layout in &layouts {
for index in layout.find_used_fonts() {
fonts.entry(index).or_insert_with(|| {
let p = loader.get_provider_and_index(index.id).1;
// Write the serialized layout file.
let path = format!("tests/cache/serial/{}", name);
let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(path)?);
// Write the font mapping into the serialization file.
writeln!(file, "{}", fonts.len())?;
for (index, path) in fonts.iter() {
writeln!(file, "{} {} {}", index.id, index.variant, path)?;
layouts.serialize(&mut file)?;
// Render the layout into a PNG.
.expect("failed to run python renderer");
// Write the PDF file.
let path = format!("tests/cache/pdf/{}.pdf", name);
let file = BufWriter::new(File::create(path)?);
let exporter = PdfExporter::new();
exporter.export(&layouts, typesetter.loader(), file)?;
/// Compile the source code with the typesetter.
fn compile(typesetter: &Typesetter, src: &str) -> Option<MultiLayout> {
#[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] {
use std::time::Instant;
// Warmup.
let warmup_start = Instant::now();
let is_ok = block_on(typesetter.typeset(&src)).is_ok();
let warmup_end = Instant::now();
// Only continue if the typesetting was successful.
if is_ok {
let start = Instant::now();
let tree = typesetter.parse(&src).unwrap();
let mid = Instant::now();
let end = Instant::now();
println!(" - cold start: {:?}", warmup_end - warmup_start);
println!(" - warmed up: {:?}", end - start);
println!(" - parsing: {:?}", mid - start);
println!(" - layouting: {:?}", end - mid);
match block_on(typesetter.typeset(&src)) {
Ok(layouts) => Some(layouts),
Err(err) => {
println!(" - compilation failed: {}", err);
/// Command line options.
struct Options {
filter: Vec<String>,
perfect: bool,
impl Options {
/// Parse the options from the environment arguments.
fn parse() -> Options {
let mut perfect = false;
let mut filter = Vec::new();
for arg in std::env::args().skip(1) {
match arg.as_str() {
"--nocapture" => {},
"=" => perfect = true,
_ => filter.push(arg),
Options { filter, perfect }
/// Whether a given test should be executed.
fn matches(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
match self.perfect {
true => self.filter.iter().any(|p| name == p),
false => self.filter.is_empty()
|| self.filter.iter().any(|p| name.contains(p))