2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
""" Beautiful and helpful exceptions
Just ` import better_exceptions ` somewhere . It handles the rest .
Name : better_exceptions
Author : Josh Junon
Email : josh @junon.me
URL : github . com / qix - / better - exceptions
2017-03-23 11:48:27 +08:00
License : Copyright ( c ) 2017 Josh Junon , licensed under the MIT license
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
from __future__ import absolute_import
import ast
import inspect
import keyword
2017-03-22 11:40:05 +01:00
import linecache
2017-03-22 12:30:36 -07:00
import locale
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
2017-03-22 18:41:02 -07:00
from better_exceptions . color import STREAM , SUPPORTS_COLOR
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
def isast ( v ) :
return inspect . isclass ( v ) and issubclass ( v , ast . AST )
2017-03-22 12:30:36 -07:00
ENCODING = locale . getpreferredencoding ( )
PIPE_CHAR = u ' \u2502 '
CAP_CHAR = u ' \u2514 '
try :
except UnicodeEncodeError :
PIPE_CHAR = ' | '
CAP_CHAR = ' -> '
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
COMMENT_REGXP = re . compile ( r ' ((?:(?: " (?:[^ \\ " ]|( \\ \\ )* \\ " )* " )|(?: \' (?:[^ \\ " ]|( \\ \\ )* \\ \' )* \' )|[^#])*)(#.*)$ ' )
' builtins ' : __builtins__ . keys ( ) ,
' keywords ' : [ getattr ( ast , cls ) for cls in dir ( ast ) if keyword . iskeyword ( cls . lower ( ) ) and isast ( getattr ( ast , cls ) ) ] ,
' comment ' : lambda s : ' \x1b [2;37m {} \x1b [m ' . format ( s ) ,
' keyword ' : lambda s : ' \x1b [33;1m {} \x1b [m ' . format ( s ) ,
' builtin ' : lambda s : ' \x1b [35;1m {} \x1b [m ' . format ( s ) ,
' literal ' : lambda s : ' \x1b [31m {} \x1b [m ' . format ( s ) ,
2017-03-22 18:41:02 -07:00
' inspect ' : lambda s : s if not SUPPORTS_COLOR else u ' \x1b [36m {} \x1b [m ' . format ( s ) ,
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
2017-03-12 04:42:57 -07:00
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
def colorize_comment ( source ) :
match = COMMENT_REGXP . match ( source )
if match :
source = ' {} {} ' . format ( match . group ( 1 ) , THEME [ ' comment ' ] ( match . group ( 4 ) ) )
return source
def colorize_tree ( tree , source ) :
2017-03-22 18:41:02 -07:00
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
# quick fail
return source
chunks = [ ]
offset = 0
nodes = [ n for n in ast . walk ( tree ) ]
nnodes = len ( nodes )
def append ( offset , node , s , theme ) :
begin_col = node . col_offset
chunks . append ( source [ offset : begin_col ] )
chunks . append ( THEME [ theme ] ( s ) )
return begin_col + len ( s )
2017-03-22 10:24:37 +01:00
for i in range ( nnodes ) :
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
node = nodes [ i ]
nodecls = node . __class__
nodename = nodecls . __name__
if ' col_offset ' not in dir ( node ) :
# this would probably benefit from using the `parser` module in the future...
if nodecls in AST_ELEMENTS [ ' keywords ' ] :
offset = append ( offset , node , nodename . lower ( ) , ' keyword ' )
if nodecls == ast . Name and node . id in AST_ELEMENTS [ ' builtins ' ] :
offset = append ( offset , node , node . id , ' builtin ' )
if nodecls == ast . Str :
offset = append ( offset , node , " ' {} ' " . format ( node . s ) , ' literal ' )
if nodecls == ast . Num :
offset = append ( offset , node , str ( node . n ) , ' literal ' )
chunks . append ( source [ offset : ] )
return colorize_comment ( ' ' . join ( chunks ) )
def get_relevant_names ( source , tree ) :
return [ node for node in ast . walk ( tree ) if isinstance ( node , ast . Name ) ]
2017-03-12 04:42:57 -07:00
def format_value ( v ) :
v = repr ( v )
if MAX_LENGTH is not None and len ( v ) > MAX_LENGTH :
v = v [ : MAX_LENGTH ] + ' ... '
return v
2017-03-12 04:39:36 -07:00
def get_relevant_values ( source , frame , tree ) :
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
names = get_relevant_names ( source , tree )
values = [ ]
for name in names :
text = name . id
col = name . col_offset
2017-03-22 10:24:37 +01:00
if text in frame . f_locals :
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
val = frame . f_locals . get ( text , None )
2017-03-12 04:42:57 -07:00
values . append ( ( text , col , format_value ( val ) ) )
2017-03-22 10:24:37 +01:00
elif text in frame . f_globals :
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
val = frame . f_globals . get ( text , None )
2017-03-12 04:42:57 -07:00
values . append ( ( text , col , format_value ( val ) ) )
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2017-03-12 04:54:09 -07:00
values . sort ( key = lambda e : e [ 1 ] )
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return values
def get_frame_information ( frame ) :
2017-03-12 04:39:36 -07:00
function = inspect . getframeinfo ( frame ) [ 2 ]
2017-03-22 11:40:05 +01:00
filename = inspect . getsourcefile ( frame )
lineno = frame . f_lineno
2017-03-22 11:47:08 +01:00
source = linecache . getline ( filename , lineno ) . strip ( )
2017-03-22 10:24:37 +01:00
2017-03-12 04:39:36 -07:00
try :
tree = ast . parse ( source , mode = ' exec ' )
except SyntaxError :
return filename , lineno , function , source , source , [ ]
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
2017-03-12 04:39:36 -07:00
relevant_values = get_relevant_values ( source , frame , tree )
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
color_source = colorize_tree ( tree , source )
return filename , lineno , function , source , color_source , relevant_values
def format_frame ( frame ) :
filename , lineno , function , source , color_source , relevant_values = get_frame_information ( frame )
lines = [ color_source ]
2017-03-22 10:24:37 +01:00
for i in reversed ( range ( len ( relevant_values ) ) ) :
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
_ , col , val = relevant_values [ i ]
pipe_cols = [ pcol for _ , pcol , _ in relevant_values [ : i ] ]
line = ' '
index = 0
for pc in pipe_cols :
2017-03-22 12:30:36 -07:00
line + = ( ' ' * ( pc - index ) ) + PIPE_CHAR
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
index = pc + 1
2017-03-22 12:30:36 -07:00
line + = u ' {} {} {} ' . format ( ( ' ' * ( col - index ) ) , CAP_CHAR , val )
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
lines . append ( THEME [ ' inspect ' ] ( line ) )
formatted = ' \n ' . join ( lines )
return ( filename , lineno , function , formatted ) , color_source
def format_traceback ( tb = None ) :
if not tb :
try :
raise Exception ( )
except :
_ , _ , tb = sys . exc_info ( )
frames = [ ]
while tb :
formatted , colored = format_frame ( tb . tb_frame )
final_source = colored
frames . append ( formatted )
tb = tb . tb_next
lines = traceback . format_list ( frames )
return ' ' . join ( lines ) , final_source
2017-03-22 18:41:02 -07:00
def write_stream ( data ) :
2017-03-22 12:30:36 -07:00
data = data . encode ( ENCODING )
if sys . version_info [ 0 ] < 3 :
2017-03-22 18:41:02 -07:00
STREAM . write ( data )
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else :
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STREAM . buffer . write ( data )
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2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
def excepthook ( exc , value , tb ) :
formatted , colored_source = format_traceback ( tb )
if not str ( value ) and exc is AssertionError :
2017-03-22 11:19:45 +01:00
value . args = ( colored_source , )
title = traceback . format_exception_only ( exc , value )
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
2017-03-22 12:30:36 -07:00
full_trace = u ' Traceback (most recent call last): \n {} {} \n ' . format ( formatted , title [ 0 ] . strip ( ) )
2017-03-22 18:41:02 -07:00
write_stream ( full_trace )
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
2017-03-22 11:19:45 +01:00
2017-03-12 04:22:31 -07:00
sys . excepthook = excepthook