2020-05-22 22:34:33 +02:00

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API reference
The API can be separated into a [Model-View-Controller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller) with these three parts:
1. The Model, including the canvas and items
2. The View, called view
3. The Controller, called tools
Canvas and Items
Class: ``gaphas.canvas.Canvas``
The ``Canvas`` is a container for items.
.. code-block: python
canvas = Canvas()
Class: ``gaphas.item.Item``
Base class (or interface) for items on a ``Canvas``.
.. code-block: python
item = Item()
- ``matrix``: The item's transformation matrix
- ``canvas``: The canvas, which owns an item
- ``constraints``: list of item constraints, automatically registered when the item is added to a canvas; may be extended in subclasses
Class: ``gaphas.connector.Handle``
Handles are used to support modifications of Items.
If the handle is connected to an item, the ``connected_to`` property should refer to the item. A ``disconnect`` handler should
be provided that handles the required disconnect behaviour, for example, cleaning up the constraints and ``connected_to``.
- pos (``gaphas.connector.Position``): The position of the item, default value is (0, 0).
- strength (int): The strength of the handle to use in the constraint solver; default value is NORMAL, which is 20.
- connectable (bool): Makes the handle connectable to other items; default value is False.
- movable (bool): Makes the handle moveable; default value is True.
.. code-block: python
handle = Handle((10, 10), connectable=True)
Class: ``gaphas.connector.LinePort``
The Line Port is part of an item that provides a line between two handles.
- start (``gaphas.connector.Position``): The start position of the line.
- end (``gaphas.connector.Position``): The end position of the line.
.. code-block: python
p1, p2 = (0.0, 0.0), (100.0, 100.0)
port = LinePort(p1, p2)
Class: ``gaphas.connector.PointPort``
The Point Port connects the handle to an item using a port at the location of the handle.
.. code-block: python
h = Handle((10, 10))
port = PointPort(h.pos)
Class: ``gaphas.solver.Solver``
A Solver solves constraints.
.. code-block: python
a, b, c = Variable(1.0), Variable(2.0), Variable(3.0)
solver = Solver()
c_eq = EquationConstraint(lambda a,b: a+b, a=a, b=b)
Class: ``gaphas.constraint.EqualsConstraint``
Make 'a' and 'b' equal.
.. code-block: python
a, b = Variable(1.0), Variable(2.0)
eq = EqualsConstraint(a, b)
Class: ``gaphas.constraint.LessThanConstraint``
Ensure one variable stays smaller than another.
.. code-block: python
a, b = Variable(3.0), Variable(2.0)
lt = LessThanConstraint(smaller=a, bigger=b)
Class: ``gaphas.constraint.CenterConstraint``
Ensures a Variable is kept between two other variables.
.. code-block: python
a, b, center = Variable(1.0), Variable(3.0), Variable()
eq = CenterConstraint(a, b, center)
Class: ``gaphas.constraint.EquationConstraint``
Solve a linear equation.
.. code-block: python
a, b, c = Variable(), Variable(4), Variable(5)
cons = EquationConstraint(lambda a, b, c: a + b - c, a=a, b=b, c=c)
Class: ``gaphas.constraint.BalanceConstraint``
Keeps three variables in line, maintaining a specific ratio.
.. code-block: python
a, b, c = Variable(2.0), Variable(3.0), Variable(2.3, WEAK)
bc = BalanceConstraint(band=(a,b), v=c)
c.value = 2.4
Class: ``gaphas.constraint.LineConstraint``
Solves the equation where a line is connected to a line or side at a specific point.
.. code-block: python
line = (Variable(0), Variable(0)), (Variable(30), Variable(20))
point = (Variable(15), Variable(4))
lc = LineConstraint(line=line, point=point)
### View
Class: ``gaphas.view.View``
View class for ``gaphas.canvas.Canvas`` objects.
.. code-block: python
canvas = Canvas()
view = View(canvas=canvas)
Class: ``gaphas.view.GtkView``
GTK+ widget for rendering a ``gaphas.canvas.Canvas`` to a screen.
.. code-block: python
canvas = Canvas()
win = Gtk.Window()
view = GtkView(canvas=canvas)
Class: ``gaphas.painter.PainterChain``
Chain up a set of painters.
.. code-block: python
view.painter = (
Class: ``gaphas.painter.DrawContext``
Special context for drawing the item. It contains a cairo context and properties like selected and focused.
- **kwargs: Optional cairo properties for a context.
.. code-block: python
selected=(item in view.selected_items),
focused=(item is view.focused_item),
hovered=(item is view.hovered_item),
dropzone=(item is view.dropzone_item),
Class: ``gaphas.painter.ItemPainter``
Painter to draw an item.
.. code-block: python
svgview = View(view.canvas)
svgview.painter = ItemPainter()
Class: ``gaphas.painter.CairoBoundingBoxContext``
It is used to intercept ``stroke()``, ``fill()``, and other context operations so that the bounding box of the item involved can be calculated.
- cairo (cairo.Context): The cairo context to intercept.
.. code-block: python
cairo = CairoBoundingBoxContext(cairo)
Class: ``gaphas.painter.BoundingBoxPainter``
A type of ItemPainter which is used to calculate the bounding boxes (in canvas coordinates) for the items.
.. code-block: python
view.bounding_box_painter = BoundingBoxPainter()
Class: ``gaphas.painter.HandlePainter``
Draw handles of items that are marked as selected in the view.
Class: ``gaphas.painter.ToolPainter``
Allows the Tool defined on a view to conduct drawing.
Class: ``gaphas.painter.FocusedItemPainter``
Used to draw on top of all the other layers for the focused item.
### Tools
Interacting with the Canvas is done through tools. Tools tell _what_ has to be done (like moving). To make an element move aspects are defined. Aspects tell how the behaviour has to be performed.
Class: ``gaphas.tools.ToolChain``
Used to chain tools together. For example, chain a HoverTool, HandleTool, and SelectionTool in order to combine their functionality in to a new tool.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the tool chain.
.. code-block: python
Class: ``gaphas.tools.HoverTool``
Makes the item under the mouse cursor the hovered item.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the tool; default is None.
Class: ``gaphas.tools.ItemTool``
Does selection and dragging of items.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the tool; default is None.
Class: ``gaphas.tools.HandleTool``
Tool to move handles around.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the tool; default is None.
Class: ``gaphas.tools.RubberbandTool``
Allows the user to drag a "rubber band" for selecting items in an area.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the tool; default is None.
Class: ``gaphas.tools.PanTool``
Captures drag events with the middle mouse button and uses them to translate the Canvas within the view.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the tool; default is None.
Class: ``gaphas.tools.ZoomTool``
Tool for zooming using two different user inputs:
1. Ctrl + middle-mouse dragging in the up and down direction
2. Ctrl + mouse-wheel
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the tool; default is None.
Class: ``gaphas.tools.PlacementTool``
Tool for placing items on the Canvas.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the tool.
- factory (factory object): A Canvas item factory for creating new items.
- handle_tool (``gaphas.tools.HandleTool``): The handle tool to use.
- handle_index (int): The index of the handle to be used by the handle tool.
.. code-block: python
def on_clicked(button):
view.tool.grab(PlacementTool(view, factory(view, MyLine), HandleTool(), 1))
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ItemFinder``
Find an item on the Canvas.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use in order to search for an item.
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ItemSelection``
Manages selection and unselection of items.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item to set as focused or unfocused.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to focus or unfocus on.
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ItemInMotion``
Manages motion of an item.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item to move.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to to use for move coordinates.
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ItemHandleFinder``
Finds handles.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to get the handle at the position from.
.. code-block: python
canvas = Canvas()
line = Line()
view = View(canvas)
finder = HandleFinder(line, view)
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ElementHandleSelection``
Selects the handle of a ``gaphas.item.Element``.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The Element item that the handle belongs to.
- handle (``gaphas.connector.Handle``): The handle to select or unselect.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view that can be used to apply the cursor to.
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ItemHandleInMotion``
Move a handle.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item that the handle belongs to.
- handle (``gaphas.connector.Handle``): The handle to move.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the coordinate system.
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ItemConnector``
Connect or disconnect an item's handle to another item or port.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item that the handle belongs to.
- handle (``gaphas.connector.Handle``): The handle to connect.
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ItemConnectionSink``
Makes an item a sink, which is another item that an item's handle is connected to like a connected item or port.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item to look for ports on.
- port (``gaphas.connector.Port``): The port to use as the sink.
Class: ``gaphas.aspects.ItemPaintFocused``
Paints on top of all items, just for the focused item and only when it's hovered (see
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The focused item.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to paint with.
### Extended Behaviour
By importing the following modules, extra behaviour is added to the default view behaviour.
Class: ``gaphas.segment.LineSegment``
Split and merge line segments.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item of the segment.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use for the split coordinate system.
Class: ``gaphas.segment.SegmentHandleFinder``
Extends the ``gaphas.aspects.ItemHandleFinder`` to find a handle on a line, and create a new handle if the mouse is located between two handles. The position aligns with the points drawn by the SegmentPainter.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to get the handle at the position from.
Class: ``gaphas.segment.SegmentHandleSelection``
Extends the ``gaphas.aspects.ItemHandleSelection`` to merge segments if the handle is released.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item that the handle belongs to.
- handle (``gaphas.connector.Handle``): The handle to select or unselect.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to use to apply the cursor to.
Class: ``gaphas.segment.LineSegmentPainter``
This painter draws pseudo-handles on a ``gaphas.item.Line`` by extending ``gaphas.aspects.ItemPaintFocused``. Each line can be split by dragging those points, which will result in a new handle.
ConnectHandleTool takes care of performing the user interaction required for this feature.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The focused item.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view to paint with.
Class: ``gaphas.guide.ElementGuide``
Provides a guide to align items for ``gaphas.item.Element``.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item to provide guides for.
Class: ``gaphas.guide.LineGuide``
Provides a guide to align items for ``gaphas.item.Line``.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item to provide guides for.
Class: ``gaphas.guide.GuidedItemInMotion``
Move the item and lock the position of any element that's located at the same position.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item to move.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view with guides to use for move coordinates.
.. code-block:: python
canvas = Canvas()
view = GtkView(canvas)
element = Element()
guider = GuidedItemInMotion(element, view)
guider.start_move((0, 0))
Class: ``gaphas.guide.GuidedItemHandleInMotion``
Move a handle and lock the position of any element that's located at the same position.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The item that the handle belongs to.
- handle (``gaphas.connector.Handle``): The handle to move.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view with guides to use for the coordinate system.
Class: ``gaphas.guide.GuidePainter``
Paints on top of all items with guides, just for the focused item and only when it's hovered.
- item (``gaphas.item.Item``): The focused item.
- view (``gaphas.view.View``): The view with guides to paint with.
Class: ``gaphas.tree.Tree``
A Tree structure with the nodes stored in a depth-first order.
.. code-block:: python
tree = Tree()
tree.add("node2", parent="node1")
Class: ``gaphas.matrix.Matrix``
Adds @observed messages on state changes to the cairo.Matrix.
- xx (float): xx component of the affine transformation
- yx (float): yx component of the affine transformation
- xy (float): xy component of the affine transformation
- yy (float): yy component of the affine transformation
- x0 (float): X translation component of the affine transformation
- y0 (float): Y translation component of the affine transformation
.. code-block:: python
matrix = Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
Class: ``gaphas.table.Table``
Table is a storage class that can be used to store information, like one would in a database table, with indexes on the desired "columns." It includes indexing and is optimized for lookups.
- columns (tuple): The columns of the table.
- index (tuple):
.. code-block:: python
from collections import namedtuple
C = namedtuple('C', "foo bar baz")
s = Table(C, (2,))
Class: ``gaphas.quadtree.Quadtree``
A quadtree is a tree data structure in which each internal node has up to four children. Quadtrees are most often used to partition a two
- bounds (tuple): The boundaries of the quadtree (x, y, width, height).
- capacity (int); The number of elements in one tree bucket; default is 10.
.. code-block:: python
qtree = Quadtree((0, 0, 100, 100))
Class: ``gaphas.geometry.Rectangle``
Rectangle object which can be added (union), substituted (intersection), and points and rectangles can be tested to be in the rectangle.
- x (int): X position of the rectangle.
- y (int): Y position of the rectangle.
- width (int): Width of the rectangle.
- height (int): Hiehgt of the rectangle.
.. code-block:: python
rect = Rectangle(1, 1, 5, 5)
Decorator: ``@AsyncIO``
Schedule an idle handler at a given priority.
- single (bool): Schedules the decorated function to be called only a single time.
- timeout (int): The time between calls of the decorated function.
- priority (int): The GLib.PRIORITY constant to set the event priority.
.. code-block:: python
@AsyncIO(single=True, timeout=60)
def c2(self):
print('idle-c2', GLib.main_depth())
Decorator: ``@nonrecursive``
Enforces a function or method to not be executed recursively.
.. code-block:: python
class A(object):
def a(self, x=1):
Decorator: ``@recursive``
Limits the recursion for a specific function.
- limit (int): The limit for the number of recursive loops a function can be called; default is 10000.
.. code-block:: python
def a(self, x=0):