Dan Yeaw 84aeb6c80b
Update docs: rerun quickstart, rename txt to rst, add requirements.txt
- Rename all .txt doc files to .rst to make it more clear that they are
  restructured text.
- Add requirements.txt for Sphinx
- Rerun sphinx-quickstart to make compatible with the latest Sphinx
- Fix module names from gaphor to gaphas
- Fix warnings about incorrect indent following :mod: lines
- Fix TypeError for class Segmant: function object has no attribute

Signed-off-by: Dan Yeaw <>
2018-12-28 17:07:07 -05:00

196 lines
7.8 KiB

State management
A special word should be mentioned about state management. Managing state is
the first step in creating an undo system.
The state system consists of two parts:
1. A basic observer (the ``@observed`` decorator)
2. A reverser
The observer simply dispatches the function called (as ``<function ..>``, not as
``<unbound method..>``!) to each handler registered in an observers list.
>>> from gaphas import state
>>> state.observers.clear()
>>> state.subscribers.clear()
Let's start with creating a Canvas instance and some items:
>>> from gaphas.canvas import Canvas
>>> from gaphas.item import Item
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> item1, item2 = Item(), Item()
For this demonstration let's use the Canvas class (which contains an add/remove
method pair).
It works (see how the add method automatically schedules the item for update):
>>> def handler(event):
... print('event handled', event)
>>> state.observers.add(handler)
>>> canvas.add(item1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
event handled (<function Canvas.add at ...>, (<gaphas.canvas.Canvas object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, None, None), {})
>>> canvas.add(item2, parent=item1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
event handled (<function Canvas.add at ...>, (<gaphas.canvas.Canvas object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...), {})
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
Note that the handler is invoked before the actual call is made. This is
important if you want to store the (old) state for an undo mechanism.
Remember that this observer is just a simple method call notifier and knows
nothing about the internals of the ``Canvas`` class (in this case the
``remove()`` method recursively calls ``remove()`` for each of it's children).
Therefore some careful crafting of methods may be necessary in order to get the
right effect (items should be removed in the right order, child first):
>>> canvas.remove(item1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
event handled (<function Canvas._remove at ...>, (<gaphas.canvas.Canvas object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>), {})
event handled (<function Canvas._remove at ...>, (<gaphas.canvas.Canvas object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>), {})
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
The ``@observed`` decorator can also be applied to properties, as is done in
gaphas/'s Handle class:
>>> from gaphas.solver import Variable
>>> var = Variable()
>>> var.value = 10 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
event handled (<function Variable.set_value at 0x...>, (Variable(0, 20), 10), {})
(this is simply done by observing the setter method).
Off course handlers can be removed as well (only the default revert handler
is present now):
>>> state.observers.remove(handler)
>>> state.observers # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
What should you know:
1. The observer always generates events based on 'function' calls. Even for
class method invocations. This is because, when calling a method (say
Tree.add) it's the ``im_func`` field is executed, which is a function type
2. It's important to know if an event came from invoking a method or a simple
function. With methods, the first argument always is an instance. This can
be handy when writing an undo management systems in case multiple calls
from the same instance do not have to be registered (e.g. if a method
``set_point()`` is called with exact coordinates (in stead of deltas), only
the first call to ``set_point()`` needs to be remembered).
The reverser requires some registration.
1. Property setters should be declared with ``reversible_property()``
2. Method (or function) pairs that implement each others reverse operation
(e.g. add and remove) should be registered as ``reversible_pair()``'s in the
reverser engine.
The reverser will construct a tuple (callable, arguments) which are send
to every handler registered in the subscribers list. Arguments is a
First thing to do is to actually enable the ``revert_handler``:
>>> state.observers.add(state.revert_handler)
This handler is not enabled by default because:
1. it generates quite a bit of overhead if it isn't used anyway
2. you might want to add some additional filtering.
Point 2 may require some explanation. First of all observers have been added
to almost every method that involves a state change. As a result loads of
events are generated. In most cases you're only interested in the first event,
since that one contains the state before it started changing.
Handlers for the reverse events should be registered on the subscribers list:
>>> events = []
>>> def handler(event):
... events.append(event)
... print('event handler', event)
>>> state.subscribers.add(handler)
After that, signals can be received of undoable (reverse-)events:
>>> canvas.add(Item()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
event handler (<function Canvas._remove at ...>, {'self': <gaphas.canvas.Canvas object at 0x...>, 'item': <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>})
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
As you can see this event is constructed of only two parameters: the function
that does the inverse operation of ``add()`` and the arguments that should be
applied to that function.
The inverse operation is easiest performed by the function ``saveapply()``. Of
course an inverse operation is emitting a change event too:
>>> state.saveapply(*events.pop()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
event handler (<function Canvas.add at 0x...>, {'self': <gaphas.canvas.Canvas object at 0x...>, 'item': <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, 'parent': None, 'index': 0})
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
Just handling method pairs is one thing. Handling properties (descriptors) in
a simple fashion is another matter. First of all the original value should
be retrieved before the new value is applied (this is different from applying
the same arguments to another method in order to reverse an operation).
For this a ``reversible_property`` has been introduced. It works just like a
property (in fact it creates a plain old property descriptor), but also
registers the property as being reversible.
>>> var = Variable()
>>> var.value = 10 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
event handler (<function Variable.set_value at 0x...>, {'self': Variable(0, 20), 'value': 0.0})
Handlers can be simply removed:
>>> state.subscribers.remove(handler)
>>> state.observers.remove(state.revert_handler)
What is Observed
As far as Gaphas is concerned, only properties and methods related to the
model (e.g. ``Canvas``, ``Item``) emit state changes. Some extra effort has
been taken to monitor the ``Matrix`` class (which is from Cairo).
``Canvas``: ``add()`` and ``remove()``
``Position``: ``x`` and ``y`` properties
``Handle``: ``connectable``, ``movable``, ``visible``, ``connected_to`` and ``disconnect`` properties
``Item``: ``matrix`` property
``Element``: ``min_height`` and ``min_width`` properties
``Line``: ``line_width``, ``fuzziness``, ``orthogonal`` and ``horizontal`` properties
``Variable``: ``strength`` and ``value`` properties
``Solver``: ``add_constraint()`` and ``remove_constraint()``
``Matrix``: ``invert()``, ``translate()``, ``rotate()`` and ``scale()``
Test cases are described in undo.txt.