Dan Yeaw 84aeb6c80b
Update docs: rerun quickstart, rename txt to rst, add requirements.txt
- Rename all .txt doc files to .rst to make it more clear that they are
  restructured text.
- Add requirements.txt for Sphinx
- Rerun sphinx-quickstart to make compatible with the latest Sphinx
- Fix module names from gaphor to gaphas
- Fix warnings about incorrect indent following :mod: lines
- Fix TypeError for class Segmant: function object has no attribute

Signed-off-by: Dan Yeaw <>
2018-12-28 17:07:07 -05:00

437 lines
11 KiB

Undo - implementing basic undo behaviour with Gaphas
This document describes a basic undo system and tests Gaphas' classes with this
This document contains a set of test cases that is used to prove that it really
See state.txt about how state is recorded.
.. contents::
For this to work, some boilerplate has to be configured:
>>> from gaphas import state
>>> state.observers.clear()
>>> state.subscribers.clear()
>>> undo_list = []
>>> redo_list = []
>>> def undo_handler(event):
... undo_list.append(event)
>>> state.observers.add(state.revert_handler)
>>> state.subscribers.add(undo_handler)
This simple undo function will revert all states collected in the undo_list:
>>> def undo():
... apply_me = list(undo_list)
... del undo_list[:]
... apply_me.reverse()
... for e in apply_me:
... state.saveapply(*e)
... redo_list[:] = undo_list[:]
... del undo_list[:]
Undo functionality tests
The following sections contain most of the basis unit tests for undo
management. Tree
Tree has no observed methods. Matrix
Matrix is used by Item classes.
>>> from gaphas.matrix import Matrix
>>> m = Matrix()
>>> m
Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
translate(tx, ty):
>>> m.translate(12, 16)
>>> m
Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 12, 16)
>>> undo()
>>> m
Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
scale(sx, sy):
>>> m.scale(1.5, 1.5)
>>> m
Matrix(1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0)
>>> undo()
>>> m
Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
>>> def matrix_approx(m):
... a = []
... for i in tuple(m):
... if -1e-10 < i < 1e-10: i=0
... a.append(i)
... return tuple(a)
>>> m.rotate(0.5)
>>> m
Matrix(0.877583, 0.479426, -0.479426, 0.877583, 0, 0)
>>> undo()
>>> matrix_approx(m)
(1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0)
Okay, nearly, close enough IMHO...
>>> m = Matrix()
>>> m.translate(12, 10)
>>> m.scale(1.5, 1.5)
>>> m.rotate(0.5)
>>> m
Matrix(1.31637, 0.719138, -0.719138, 1.31637, 12, 10)
>>> m.invert()
>>> m
Matrix(0.585055, -0.319617, 0.319617, 0.585055, -10.2168, -2.01515)
>>> undo()
>>> matrix_approx(m)
(1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0)
Again, rotate does not result in an exact match, but it's close enough.
>>> undo_list
[] Canvas
>>> from gaphas import Canvas, Item
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
>>> item = Item()
>>> canvas.add(item)
The ``request_update()`` method is observed:
>>> len(undo_list)
>>> canvas.request_update(item)
>>> len(undo_list)
On the canvas only ``add()`` and ``remove()`` are monitored:
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> item.canvas is canvas
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
>>> item.canvas is None
>>> canvas.add(item)
>>> del undo_list[:]
>>> canvas.remove(item)
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> undo_list
Parent-child relationships are restored as well:
>>> child = Item()
>>> canvas.add(child, parent=item)
>>> child.canvas is canvas
>>> canvas.get_parent(child) is item
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> undo()
>>> child.canvas is None
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> child in canvas.get_all_items()
Now redo the previous undo action:
>>> undo_list[:] = redo_list[:]
>>> undo()
>>> child.canvas is canvas
>>> canvas.get_parent(child) is item
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
Remove also works when items are removed recursively (an item and it's
>>> child = Item()
>>> canvas.add(child, parent=item)
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> del undo_list[:]
>>> canvas.remove(item)
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> canvas.get_children(item) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
As well as the reparent() method:
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> class NameItem(Item):
... def __init__(self, name):
... super(NameItem, self).__init__()
... = name
... def __repr__(self):
... return '<%s>' %
>>> ni1 = NameItem('a')
>>> canvas.add(ni1)
>>> ni2 = NameItem('b')
>>> canvas.add(ni2)
>>> ni3 = NameItem('c')
>>> canvas.add(ni3, parent=ni1)
>>> ni4 = NameItem('d')
>>> canvas.add(ni4, parent=ni3)
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
[<a>, <c>, <d>, <b>]
>>> del undo_list[:]
>>> canvas.reparent(ni3, parent=ni2)
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
[<a>, <b>, <c>, <d>]
>>> len(undo_list)
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
[<a>, <c>, <d>, <b>]
Redo should work too:
>>> undo_list[:] = redo_list[:]
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
[<a>, <b>, <c>, <d>]
Undo/redo a connection: see gaphas/tests/ Handle
Changing the Handle's position is reversible:
>>> from gaphas import Handle
>>> handle = Handle()
>>> handle.pos = 10, 12
>>> handle.pos
<Position object on (10, 12)>
>>> undo()
>>> handle.pos
<Position object on (0, 0)>
As are all other properties:
>>> handle.connectable, handle.movable, handle.visible
(False, True, True)
>>> handle.connectable = True
>>> handle.movable = False
>>> handle.visible = False
>>> handle.connectable, handle.movable, handle.visible
(True, False, False)
And now undo the whole lot at once:
>>> undo()
>>> handle.connectable, handle.movable, handle.visible
(False, True, True) Item
The basic Item properties are canvas and matrix. Canvas has been tested before,
while testing the Canvas class.
The Matrix has been tested in section Matrix. Element
An element has ``min_height`` and ``min_width`` properties.
>>> from gaphas import Element
>>> e = Element()
>>> e.min_height, e.min_width
(Variable(10, 100), Variable(10, 100))
>>> e.min_height, e.min_width = 30, 40
>>> e.min_height, e.min_width
(Variable(30, 100), Variable(40, 100))
>>> undo()
>>> e.min_height, e.min_width
(Variable(0, 100), Variable(0, 100))
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> canvas.add(e)
>>> undo()
>>> e.canvas Line
A line has the following properties: ``line_width``, ``fuzziness``,
``orthogonal`` and ``horizontal``. Each one of then is observed for changes:
>>> from gaphas import Line
>>> from gaphas.segment import Segment
>>> l = Line()
Let's first add a segment to the line, to test orthogonal lines as well.
>>> segment = Segment(l, None)
>>> _ = segment.split_segment(0)
>>> l.line_width, l.fuzziness, l.orthogonal, l.horizontal
(2, 0, False, False)
Now change the properties:
>>> l.line_width = 4
>>> l.fuzziness = 2
>>> l.orthogonal = True
>>> l.horizontal = True
>>> l.line_width, l.fuzziness, l.orthogonal, l.horizontal
(4, 2, True, True)
And undo the changes:
>>> undo()
>>> l.line_width, l.fuzziness, l.orthogonal, l.horizontal
(2, 0, False, False)
In addition to those properties, line segments can be split and merged.
>>> l.handles()[1].pos = 10, 10
>>> l.handles()
[<Handle object on (0, 0)>, <Handle object on (10, 10)>]
This is our basis for further testing.
>>> del undo_list[:]
>>> Segment(l, None).split_segment(0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
([<Handle object on (5, 5)>], [<gaphas.connector.LinePort object at 0x...>])
>>> l.handles()
[<Handle object on (0, 0)>, <Handle object on (5, 5)>, <Handle object on (10, 10)>]
The opposite operation is performed with the merge_segment() method:
>>> undo()
>>> l.handles()
[<Handle object on (0, 0)>, <Handle object on (10, 10)>]
Also creation and removal of connected lines is recorded and can be undone:
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> def real_connect(hitem, handle, item):
... def real_disconnect():
... pass
... canvas.connect_item(hitem, handle, item, port=None, constraint=None, callback=real_disconnect)
>>> b0 = Item()
>>> canvas.add(b0)
>>> b1 = Item()
>>> canvas.add(b1)
>>> l = Line()
>>> canvas.add(l)
>>> real_connect(l, l.handles()[0], b0)
>>> real_connect(l, l.handles()[1], b1)
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[0]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Connection(item=<gaphas.item.Line object at 0x...>)
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[1]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Connection(item=<gaphas.item.Line object at 0x...>)
Clear already collected undo data:
>>> del undo_list[:]
Now remove the line from the canvas:
>>> canvas.remove(l)
The handles are disconnected:
>>> l.canvas
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[0])
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[1])
Undoing the remove() action should put everything back in place again:
>>> undo()
>>> l.canvas # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<gaphas.canvas.Canvas object at 0x...>
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[0]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Connection(item=<gaphas.item.Line object at 0x...>)
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[1]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Connection(item=<gaphas.item.Line object at 0x...>) Variable
Variable's strength and value properties are observed:
>>> from gaphas.solver import Variable
>>> v = Variable()
>>> v.value = 10
>>> v.strength = 100
>>> v
Variable(10, 100)
>>> undo()
>>> v
Variable(0, 20) Solver
Solvers ``add_constraint()`` and ``remove_constraint()`` are observed.
>>> from gaphas.solver import Solver
>>> from gaphas.constraint import EquationConstraint
>>> s = Solver()
>>> a, b = Variable(1.0), Variable(2.0)
>>> s.add_constraint(EquationConstraint(lambda a,b: a+b, a=a, b=b))
EquationConstraint(<lambda>, a=Variable(1, 20), b=Variable(2, 20))
>>> list(s.constraints_with_variable(a))
[EquationConstraint(<lambda>, a=Variable(1, 20), b=Variable(2, 20))]
>>> undo()
>>> list(s.constraints_with_variable(a))
>>> undo_list[:] = redo_list[:]
>>> undo()
>>> list(s.constraints_with_variable(a))
[EquationConstraint(<lambda>, a=Variable(1, 20), b=Variable(2, 20))]