- Rename all .txt doc files to .rst to make it more clear that they are restructured text. - Add requirements.txt for Sphinx - Rerun sphinx-quickstart to make compatible with the latest Sphinx version. - Fix module names from gaphor to gaphas - Fix warnings about incorrect indent following :mod: lines - Fix TypeError for class Segmant: function object has no attribute '__mro__' Signed-off-by: Dan Yeaw <dan@yeaw.me>
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437 lines
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Undo - implementing basic undo behaviour with Gaphas
This document describes a basic undo system and tests Gaphas' classes with this
This document contains a set of test cases that is used to prove that it really
See state.txt about how state is recorded.
.. contents::
For this to work, some boilerplate has to be configured:
>>> from gaphas import state
>>> state.observers.clear()
>>> state.subscribers.clear()
>>> undo_list = []
>>> redo_list = []
>>> def undo_handler(event):
... undo_list.append(event)
>>> state.observers.add(state.revert_handler)
>>> state.subscribers.add(undo_handler)
This simple undo function will revert all states collected in the undo_list:
>>> def undo():
... apply_me = list(undo_list)
... del undo_list[:]
... apply_me.reverse()
... for e in apply_me:
... state.saveapply(*e)
... redo_list[:] = undo_list[:]
... del undo_list[:]
Undo functionality tests
The following sections contain most of the basis unit tests for undo
tree.py: Tree
Tree has no observed methods.
matrix.py: Matrix
Matrix is used by Item classes.
>>> from gaphas.matrix import Matrix
>>> m = Matrix()
>>> m
Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
translate(tx, ty):
>>> m.translate(12, 16)
>>> m
Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 12, 16)
>>> undo()
>>> m
Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
scale(sx, sy):
>>> m.scale(1.5, 1.5)
>>> m
Matrix(1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0)
>>> undo()
>>> m
Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
>>> def matrix_approx(m):
... a = []
... for i in tuple(m):
... if -1e-10 < i < 1e-10: i=0
... a.append(i)
... return tuple(a)
>>> m.rotate(0.5)
>>> m
Matrix(0.877583, 0.479426, -0.479426, 0.877583, 0, 0)
>>> undo()
>>> matrix_approx(m)
(1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0)
Okay, nearly, close enough IMHO...
>>> m = Matrix()
>>> m.translate(12, 10)
>>> m.scale(1.5, 1.5)
>>> m.rotate(0.5)
>>> m
Matrix(1.31637, 0.719138, -0.719138, 1.31637, 12, 10)
>>> m.invert()
>>> m
Matrix(0.585055, -0.319617, 0.319617, 0.585055, -10.2168, -2.01515)
>>> undo()
>>> matrix_approx(m)
(1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0)
Again, rotate does not result in an exact match, but it's close enough.
>>> undo_list
canvas.py: Canvas
>>> from gaphas import Canvas, Item
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
>>> item = Item()
>>> canvas.add(item)
The ``request_update()`` method is observed:
>>> len(undo_list)
>>> canvas.request_update(item)
>>> len(undo_list)
On the canvas only ``add()`` and ``remove()`` are monitored:
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> item.canvas is canvas
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
>>> item.canvas is None
>>> canvas.add(item)
>>> del undo_list[:]
>>> canvas.remove(item)
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> undo_list
Parent-child relationships are restored as well:
>>> child = Item()
>>> canvas.add(child, parent=item)
>>> child.canvas is canvas
>>> canvas.get_parent(child) is item
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> undo()
>>> child.canvas is None
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> child in canvas.get_all_items()
Now redo the previous undo action:
>>> undo_list[:] = redo_list[:]
>>> undo()
>>> child.canvas is canvas
>>> canvas.get_parent(child) is item
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
Remove also works when items are removed recursively (an item and it's
>>> child = Item()
>>> canvas.add(child, parent=item)
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> del undo_list[:]
>>> canvas.remove(item)
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>, <gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
>>> canvas.get_children(item) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<gaphas.item.Item object at 0x...>]
As well as the reparent() method:
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> class NameItem(Item):
... def __init__(self, name):
... super(NameItem, self).__init__()
... self.name = name
... def __repr__(self):
... return '<%s>' % self.name
>>> ni1 = NameItem('a')
>>> canvas.add(ni1)
>>> ni2 = NameItem('b')
>>> canvas.add(ni2)
>>> ni3 = NameItem('c')
>>> canvas.add(ni3, parent=ni1)
>>> ni4 = NameItem('d')
>>> canvas.add(ni4, parent=ni3)
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
[<a>, <c>, <d>, <b>]
>>> del undo_list[:]
>>> canvas.reparent(ni3, parent=ni2)
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
[<a>, <b>, <c>, <d>]
>>> len(undo_list)
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
[<a>, <c>, <d>, <b>]
Redo should work too:
>>> undo_list[:] = redo_list[:]
>>> undo()
>>> canvas.get_all_items()
[<a>, <b>, <c>, <d>]
Undo/redo a connection: see gaphas/tests/test_undo.py
connector.py: Handle
Changing the Handle's position is reversible:
>>> from gaphas import Handle
>>> handle = Handle()
>>> handle.pos = 10, 12
>>> handle.pos
<Position object on (10, 12)>
>>> undo()
>>> handle.pos
<Position object on (0, 0)>
As are all other properties:
>>> handle.connectable, handle.movable, handle.visible
(False, True, True)
>>> handle.connectable = True
>>> handle.movable = False
>>> handle.visible = False
>>> handle.connectable, handle.movable, handle.visible
(True, False, False)
And now undo the whole lot at once:
>>> undo()
>>> handle.connectable, handle.movable, handle.visible
(False, True, True)
item.py: Item
The basic Item properties are canvas and matrix. Canvas has been tested before,
while testing the Canvas class.
The Matrix has been tested in section matrix.py: Matrix.
item.py: Element
An element has ``min_height`` and ``min_width`` properties.
>>> from gaphas import Element
>>> e = Element()
>>> e.min_height, e.min_width
(Variable(10, 100), Variable(10, 100))
>>> e.min_height, e.min_width = 30, 40
>>> e.min_height, e.min_width
(Variable(30, 100), Variable(40, 100))
>>> undo()
>>> e.min_height, e.min_width
(Variable(0, 100), Variable(0, 100))
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> canvas.add(e)
>>> undo()
>>> e.canvas
item.py: Line
A line has the following properties: ``line_width``, ``fuzziness``,
``orthogonal`` and ``horizontal``. Each one of then is observed for changes:
>>> from gaphas import Line
>>> from gaphas.segment import Segment
>>> l = Line()
Let's first add a segment to the line, to test orthogonal lines as well.
>>> segment = Segment(l, None)
>>> _ = segment.split_segment(0)
>>> l.line_width, l.fuzziness, l.orthogonal, l.horizontal
(2, 0, False, False)
Now change the properties:
>>> l.line_width = 4
>>> l.fuzziness = 2
>>> l.orthogonal = True
>>> l.horizontal = True
>>> l.line_width, l.fuzziness, l.orthogonal, l.horizontal
(4, 2, True, True)
And undo the changes:
>>> undo()
>>> l.line_width, l.fuzziness, l.orthogonal, l.horizontal
(2, 0, False, False)
In addition to those properties, line segments can be split and merged.
>>> l.handles()[1].pos = 10, 10
>>> l.handles()
[<Handle object on (0, 0)>, <Handle object on (10, 10)>]
This is our basis for further testing.
>>> del undo_list[:]
>>> Segment(l, None).split_segment(0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
([<Handle object on (5, 5)>], [<gaphas.connector.LinePort object at 0x...>])
>>> l.handles()
[<Handle object on (0, 0)>, <Handle object on (5, 5)>, <Handle object on (10, 10)>]
The opposite operation is performed with the merge_segment() method:
>>> undo()
>>> l.handles()
[<Handle object on (0, 0)>, <Handle object on (10, 10)>]
Also creation and removal of connected lines is recorded and can be undone:
>>> canvas = Canvas()
>>> def real_connect(hitem, handle, item):
... def real_disconnect():
... pass
... canvas.connect_item(hitem, handle, item, port=None, constraint=None, callback=real_disconnect)
>>> b0 = Item()
>>> canvas.add(b0)
>>> b1 = Item()
>>> canvas.add(b1)
>>> l = Line()
>>> canvas.add(l)
>>> real_connect(l, l.handles()[0], b0)
>>> real_connect(l, l.handles()[1], b1)
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[0]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Connection(item=<gaphas.item.Line object at 0x...>)
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[1]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Connection(item=<gaphas.item.Line object at 0x...>)
Clear already collected undo data:
>>> del undo_list[:]
Now remove the line from the canvas:
>>> canvas.remove(l)
The handles are disconnected:
>>> l.canvas
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[0])
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[1])
Undoing the remove() action should put everything back in place again:
>>> undo()
>>> l.canvas # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<gaphas.canvas.Canvas object at 0x...>
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[0]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Connection(item=<gaphas.item.Line object at 0x...>)
>>> canvas.get_connection(l.handles()[1]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Connection(item=<gaphas.item.Line object at 0x...>)
solver.py: Variable
Variable's strength and value properties are observed:
>>> from gaphas.solver import Variable
>>> v = Variable()
>>> v.value = 10
>>> v.strength = 100
>>> v
Variable(10, 100)
>>> undo()
>>> v
Variable(0, 20)
solver.py: Solver
Solvers ``add_constraint()`` and ``remove_constraint()`` are observed.
>>> from gaphas.solver import Solver
>>> from gaphas.constraint import EquationConstraint
>>> s = Solver()
>>> a, b = Variable(1.0), Variable(2.0)
>>> s.add_constraint(EquationConstraint(lambda a,b: a+b, a=a, b=b))
EquationConstraint(<lambda>, a=Variable(1, 20), b=Variable(2, 20))
>>> list(s.constraints_with_variable(a))
[EquationConstraint(<lambda>, a=Variable(1, 20), b=Variable(2, 20))]
>>> undo()
>>> list(s.constraints_with_variable(a))
>>> undo_list[:] = redo_list[:]
>>> undo()
>>> list(s.constraints_with_variable(a))
[EquationConstraint(<lambda>, a=Variable(1, 20), b=Variable(2, 20))]