- replace {Operation,Property}.parse with UML.parse generic function
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ from gaphor.UML.uml2 import *
from gaphor.UML.elementfactory import ElementFactory
from gaphor.UML import modelfactory as model
from gaphor.UML.umlfmt import format
from gaphor.UML.umllex import parse
@ -153,19 +153,9 @@ Property.navigability = property(property_navigability, doc=property_navigabilit
del property_navigability
override Property.parse
from umllex import parse_property
Property.parse = parse_property
del parse_property
override Operation.type
Operation.type = derivedunion('type', DataType, 0, 1)
override Operation.parse
from umllex import parse_operation
Operation.parse = parse_operation
del parse_operation
override Lifeline.parse
from umllex import parse_lifeline
Lifeline.parse = parse_lifeline
@ -12,7 +12,19 @@ __all__ = [
import re
import gaphor
from simplegeneric import generic
#from gaphor.UML import uml2 as UML
import uml2 as UML
def parse(el, text):
Parser for an UML element.
raise NotImplemented('Parsing routine for type %s not implemented yet' \
% type(el))
# Visibility (optional) ::= '+' | '-' | '#'
vis_subpat = r'\s*(?P<vis>[-+#])?'
@ -75,176 +87,176 @@ parameter_pat = compile(r'^' + dir_subpat + name_subpat + type_subpat + default_
# [name] [: type]
lifeline_pat = compile('^' + name_subpat + type_subpat + garbage_subpat)
def _set_visibility(self, vis):
def _set_visibility(el, vis):
if vis == '+':
self.visibility = 'public'
el.visibility = 'public'
elif vis == '#':
self.visibility = 'protected'
el.visibility = 'protected'
elif vis == '~':
self.visibility = 'package'
el.visibility = 'package'
elif vis == '-':
self.visibility = 'private'
el.visibility = 'private'
del self.visibility
del el.visibility
except AttributeError:
def parse_attribute(self, s):
def parse_attribute(el, s):
Parse string s in the property. Tagged values, multiplicity and stuff
like that is altered to reflect the data in the property string.
m = attribute_pat.match(s)
if not m or m.group('garbage'):
self.name = s
del self.visibility
del self.isDerived
if self.typeValue:
self.typeValue.value = None
if self.lowerValue:
self.lowerValue.value = None
if self.upperValue:
self.upperValue.value = None
if self.defaultValue:
self.defaultValue.value = None
el.name = s
del el.visibility
del el.isDerived
if el.typeValue:
el.typeValue.value = None
if el.lowerValue:
el.lowerValue.value = None
if el.upperValue:
el.upperValue.value = None
if el.defaultValue:
el.defaultValue.value = None
from uml2 import LiteralSpecification
g = m.group
create = self._factory.create
_set_visibility(self, g('vis'))
self.isDerived = g('derived') and True or False
self.name = g('name')
if not self.typeValue:
self.typeValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
self.typeValue.value = g('type')
if not self.lowerValue:
self.lowerValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
self.lowerValue.value = g('mult_l')
if not self.upperValue:
self.upperValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
self.upperValue.value = g('mult_u')
if not self.defaultValue:
self.defaultValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
self.defaultValue.value = g('default')
create = el._factory.create
_set_visibility(el, g('vis'))
el.isDerived = g('derived') and True or False
el.name = g('name')
if not el.typeValue:
el.typeValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
el.typeValue.value = g('type')
if not el.lowerValue:
el.lowerValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
el.lowerValue.value = g('mult_l')
if not el.upperValue:
el.upperValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
el.upperValue.value = g('mult_u')
if not el.defaultValue:
el.defaultValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
el.defaultValue.value = g('default')
# Skip tags: should do something with stereotypes?
#tags = g('tags')
#if tags:
# for t in map(str.strip, tags.split(',')):
# tv = create(LiteralSpecification)
# tv = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
# tv.value = t
# self.taggedValue = tv
# el.taggedValue = tv
def parse_association_end(self, s):
def parse_association_end(el, s):
Parse the text at one end of an association. The association end holds
two strings. It is automattically figured out which string is fed to the
from uml2 import LiteralSpecification
create = self._factory.create
create = el._factory.create
# if no name, then clear as there could be some garbage
# due to previous parsing (i.e. '[1'
m = association_end_name_pat.match(s)
if m and not m.group('name'):
self.name = None
el.name = None
# clear also multiplicity if no characters in ``s``
m = association_end_mult_pat.match(s)
if m and not m.group('mult_u'):
if self.upperValue:
self.upperValue.value = None
if el.upperValue:
el.upperValue.value = None
if m and m.group('mult_u') or m.group('tags'):
g = m.group
if not self.lowerValue:
self.lowerValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
self.lowerValue.value = g('mult_l')
if not self.upperValue:
self.upperValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
self.upperValue.value = g('mult_u')
if not el.lowerValue:
el.lowerValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
el.lowerValue.value = g('mult_l')
if not el.upperValue:
el.upperValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
el.upperValue.value = g('mult_u')
#tags = g('tags')
#if tags:
# for t in map(str.strip, tags.split(',')):
# tv = create(LiteralSpecification)
# tv = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
# tv.value = t
# self.taggedValue = tv
# el.taggedValue = tv
m = association_end_name_pat.match(s)
g = m.group
if g('garbage'):
self.name = s
del self.visibility
del self.isDerived
el.name = s
del el.visibility
del el.isDerived
_set_visibility(self, g('vis'))
self.isDerived = g('derived') and True or False
self.name = g('name')
_set_visibility(el, g('vis'))
el.isDerived = g('derived') and True or False
el.name = g('name')
# Optionally, the multiplicity and tagged values may be defined:
if g('mult_l'):
if not self.lowerValue:
self.lowerValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
self.lowerValue.value = g('mult_l')
if not el.lowerValue:
el.lowerValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
el.lowerValue.value = g('mult_l')
if g('mult_u'):
if not g('mult_l') and self.lowerValue:
self.lowerValue.value = None
if not self.upperValue:
self.upperValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
self.upperValue.value = g('mult_u')
if not g('mult_l') and el.lowerValue:
el.lowerValue.value = None
if not el.upperValue:
el.upperValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
el.upperValue.value = g('mult_u')
#tags = g('tags')
#if tags:
# while self.taggedValue:
# self.taggedValue[0].unlink()
# while el.taggedValue:
# el.taggedValue[0].unlink()
# for t in map(str.strip, tags.split(',')):
# tv = create(LiteralSpecification)
# tv = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
# tv.value = t
# self.taggedValue = tv
# el.taggedValue = tv
def parse_property(self, s):
if self.association:
parse_association_end(self, s)
def parse_property(el, s):
if el.association:
parse_association_end(el, s)
parse_attribute(self, s)
parse_attribute(el, s)
def parse_operation(self, s):
def parse_operation(el, s):
Parse string s in the operation. Tagged values, parameters and
visibility is altered to reflect the data in the operation string.
from uml2 import Parameter, LiteralSpecification
m = operation_pat.match(s)
if not m or m.group('garbage'):
self.name = s
del self.visibility
map(Parameter.unlink, list(self.returnResult))
map(Parameter.unlink, list(self.formalParameter))
el.name = s
del el.visibility
map(UML.Parameter.unlink, list(el.returnResult))
map(UML.Parameter.unlink, list(el.formalParameter))
g = m.group
create = self._factory.create
_set_visibility(self, g('vis'))
self.name = g('name')
if not self.returnResult:
self.returnResult = create(Parameter)
p = self.returnResult[0]
create = el._factory.create
_set_visibility(el, g('vis'))
el.name = g('name')
if not el.returnResult:
el.returnResult = create(UML.Parameter)
p = el.returnResult[0]
p.direction = 'return'
if not p.typeValue:
p.typeValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
p.typeValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
p.typeValue.value = g('type')
if not p.lowerValue:
p.lowerValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
p.lowerValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
p.lowerValue.value = g('mult_l')
if not p.upperValue:
p.upperValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
p.upperValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
p.upperValue.value = g('mult_u')
# FIXME: Maybe add to Operation.ownedRule?
#tags = g('tags')
#if tags:
# for t in map(str.strip, tags.split(',')):
# tv = create(LiteralSpecification)
# tv = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
# tv.value = t
# p.taggedValue = tv
@ -256,40 +268,40 @@ def parse_operation(self, s):
g = m.group
p = self.formalParameter[pindex]
p = el.formalParameter[pindex]
except IndexError:
p = create(Parameter)
p = create(UML.Parameter)
p.direction = g('dir') or 'in'
p.name = g('name')
if not p.typeValue:
p.typeValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
p.typeValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
p.typeValue.value = g('type')
if not p.lowerValue:
p.lowerValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
p.lowerValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
p.lowerValue.value = g('mult_l')
if not p.upperValue:
p.upperValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
p.upperValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
p.upperValue.value = g('mult_u')
if not p.defaultValue:
p.defaultValue = create(LiteralSpecification)
p.defaultValue = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
p.defaultValue.value = g('default')
#tags = g('tags')
#if tags:
# for t in map(str.strip, tags.split(',')):
# tv = create(LiteralSpecification)
# tv = create(UML.LiteralSpecification)
# tv.value = t
# p.taggedValue = tv
self.formalParameter = p
el.formalParameter = p
# Do the next parameter:
params = g('rest')
pindex += 1
# Remove remaining parameters:
for fp in self.formalParameter[pindex:]:
for fp in el.formalParameter[pindex:]:
def parse_lifeline(self, s):
def parse_lifeline(el, s):
Parse string s in a lifeline. If a class is defined and can be found
in the datamodel, then a class is connected to the lifelines 'represents'
@ -298,24 +310,23 @@ def parse_lifeline(self, s):
m = lifeline_pat.match(s)
g = m.group
if not m or g('garbage'):
self.name = s
if hasattr(self, 'represents'):
del self.represents
el.name = s
if hasattr(el, 'represents'):
del el.represents
from uml2 import LiteralSpecification
self.name = g('name') + ": "
el.name = g('name') + ": "
t = g('type')
if t:
self.name += ': ' + t
el.name += ': ' + t
# In the near future the data model should be extended with
# Lifeline.represents: ConnectableElement
def render_lifeline(self):
def render_lifeline(el):
return self.name
return el.name
# vim:sw=4:et:ai
@ -140,10 +140,8 @@ class CompartmentItemEditor(object):
return None
def update_text(self, text):
if hasattr(self._edit.subject, 'parse'):
return self._edit.subject.parse(text)
self._item.subject.name = text
UML.parse(self._edit.subject, text)
#self._item.subject.name = text
def key_pressed(self, pos, key):
@ -184,10 +182,8 @@ class AssociationItemEditor(object):
return None
def update_text(self, text):
if hasattr(self._edit.subject, 'parse'):
return self._edit.subject.parse(text)
self._item.subject.name = text
UML.parse(self._edit.subject, text)
#self._item.subject.name = text
def key_pressed(self, pos, key):
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ from gaphor.diagram import items
from zope import interface, component
from gaphor import UML
from gaphor.UML.interfaces import IAttributeChangeEvent
from gaphor.UML.umllex import parse_attribute
import gaphas.item
from gaphas.decorators import async
@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ class ClassAttributes(EditableTreeModel):
def _set_object_value(self, row, col, value):
attr = row[-1]
if col == 0:
UML.parse(attr, value)
row[0] = UML.format(attr)
elif col == 1:
attr.isStatic = not attr.isStatic
@ -248,7 +247,7 @@ class ClassOperations(EditableTreeModel):
def _set_object_value(self, row, col, value):
operation = row[-1]
if col == 0:
UML.parse(operation, value)
row[0] = UML.format(operation)
elif col == 1:
operation.isStatic = not operation.isStatic
@ -1159,7 +1158,7 @@ Enter attribute name and multiplicity, for example
def _on_end_name_change(self, entry):
UML.parse(self.subject, entry.get_text())
def _on_visibility_change(self, combo):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user