2.0.0 ----- - Add initial support for SysML - Add support for styling using CSS - Translate to Italian - Improve dmg for macOS - Improve Copy/Paste for nested items - Add new modeling language service - Show the element editor by default - Create completely new data model code generator - Add part and shared associations to tool palette - Remove unused imports, enable flake8 checks - Update App icons - Update animation gif in README - Fix Windows Build Errors caused by Missing ZST Archives - Fix installation on Windows - Add extra diagram item tests - Fix macOS Python version problem - Place UML model and diagram items closer together - Refactor Code Generator to New Module and add CLI - Fix MSYS2 package names and disable system update - Remove CI workaround for console plugin - Move core modelling concepts to a separate package - Convert Some Profile Tests to Pytest 1.2.0 ----- - Improved support for Sequence Diagrams - Support multiple windows - Proper file icons on Mac and Linux - No longer a console on Windows - Support i18n - Improved search in tree view - "Show in Diagram" option in tree view popup menu - Internally, the Gaphor application is no longer a singleton - Overall a lot of code simplification - A fair share of bug fixes 1.1.1 ----- - Reset tool after creation by default - Remove setup.py and MANIFEST.in 1.1.0 ----- - New menu structure, according to the GNOME HIG - Dark theme support - Convert docs to Markdown - Convert strings in to f-string format - Change Windows packaging to use PyInstaller - The Element Editor is now part of the main window - New render mechanism for diagram items - Code is (partly) statically checked by Mypy - Many, many bug fixes 1.0.2 ----- - Remove dependency on zope.component and zope.interface libraries - Fix crash when running Gaphor with Wayland on Linux - Improved font rendering in macOS - Fix exceptions when renaming, deleting, or creating a package or diagram - Disable drag and drop from the selection tool - Fix many GTK deprecation warnings - Convert most tests to Pytest 1.0.1 ----- - Restore the alignment plugin - Fix corruption of Namespace during undo - Start the app as a Gtk.Application - Combine the UIManager service into the ActionManager - Fix Flatpak packages - Refactor the UML module to make it more atomic 1.0.0 ----- - Port to Python 3 - Port from GTK+ 2 and PyGTK to GTK+ 3 with PyGObject - Drop use of etk.docking - Overhaul the README - Add contributing guide and code of conduct - Adopt Black as code formatter - Add CI/CD for Windows, macOS, Linux with Azure-Pipelines and ReadTheDocs 0.17.2 ------ - Improved Python3 compatibility 0.17.1 ------ - Added Russian translation - Pango is used for text rendering, instead of the Cairo toy-api (seriously, that's what the docs say) - Small code improvements 0.17 ---- - New Docking widget layout - Improved componentized services - UIComponent rewrite (due to new interface) - ValueSpecification and subclasses are now treated as attribute. This saves a lot of object construction and Java-ish headaches. 0.16.0 ------ - Guides support from Gaphas 0.7.0 - "hand written" drawing style - Keyboard shortcuts for toolbox selection - Fixed issue in undo transaction handling - Proper dialog when exiting with changed model 0.15.0 ------ - Fixed bugs related to diagrams loading. - Subsystem item is added (part of components). - Partition item, known as swimlanes, is added (part of actions). - Node item can group other nodes, artifacts and components. - Stereotype names shown in stereotype attribute compartments are centered. - Stereotype creating and applying is simplified. - Association ends stereotype editing is supported. - State item supports entry, exit and do activities. 0.14.0 ------ - Reintroduced assembly connections. - Stereotypes can have attributes. - Major speed improvements due to new notification system. 0.13.1 ------ - added desktop file and gaphor icons - update to gaphas 0.4 0.13.0 ------ - Transition to zope events completed. - state machines For a complete set of changes and fixes see: http://gaphor.devjavu.com/query?milestone=Gaphor+0.13.0 0.12.0 ------ - undo/redo fixes - allow to create packages in model tree - improved messages on communication diagrams - improved text align algorithms - tagged values can be reordered and removed (like class attributes and operations) - text entry used to on-diagram editing is much nicer, now 0.11.2 ------ - improved items's connection adapters - fixed comment line, comment, message and lifeline items connection adapters to implement UML specification more closely - items gluing speedup - property page is updated when association or other diagram line connects to appropriate diagram items - removing and reordering of class' attributes and operations is possible again - association name and multiplicity editing improvements 0.11.1 ------ - support gaphas 0.3.0 API - bugfixes 0.11.0 ------ - Sequence diagrams - Non-UML drawing primitives (rectangles, ellipses, lines). - Major performance improvements in Gaphas 0.2.0. - Property editor - Lots of user interface tweaks - Services are loaded through Egg entry points. - New plugin infrastructure, based on setuptools. - gtk.UIManager is now used for menus. 0.10.0 ------ - New undo management system - Setuptools is used for installation and also within Gaphor - Depends on zope.component 3.4 and gaphas 0.1.3 (installed on as-needed basis) - Installable as Python Egg 0.9.0 ----- - New pure-python canvas implementation (gaphas) - Zope Adapters used for item connections - Undo managements temporarily disabled - Added loads of unit tests NOTE: if you have Zope 3 installed it's probably not a good idea to install Gaphor too, since Gaphor tries to install Zope3 packages too. Don't worry, you can run Gaphor perfectly well using the run-gaphor.sh script. 0.8.1 ----- - support for automatic realization dependencies between components and interfaces - provided and required interfaces of component realizing classifiers are visible in Component.{provided,required} derived associations - missing icons added 0.8.0 ----- - actions: flow final, fork, join and object nodes - assembly connector - flows and also initial, flow final and activity final nodes can have names - flows can be split and merged using activity edge connectors - object inspector panel added - pdf file export - gaphorconvert utility, which allows easy batch conversion of diagrams into svg or pdf files - user interface fixes - require gtk+ 2.8.x 0.7.1 ----- - Real UML2 associations; - Stereotypes; - Atrifact and Node types; - Settings of open and closed toolboxes as well as the window size are saved; - Diagrams are shown in bold in the tree view, abstract classes are italic; - Added recent files option; - Keyboard shortcuts can be configured at runtime. - Spanish translation - Python2.4 fixes 0.7.0 ----- - XMI export plugin - Item alignment - Full featured undo mechanism - Copy/paste - usability improvements - require DiaCanvas2 0.14.2 0.6.0 ----- - Enhanced Plugin support - Interfaces - Support for Stereotypes 0.5.0 ----- - Support for UseCases - Plugins - Packages can be reordered - Interfaces 0.4.0 ----- - Support for Actions - Support for Components 0.3.0 ----- - New and improved interface