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80 lines
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from gaphor import UML
from gaphor.application import distribution
from gaphor.storage import storage
from gaphor.tests import TestCase
from gaphor.UML.actions import ActionItem, FlowItem
class ActionIssueTestCase(TestCase):
def test_it(self):
"""Test an issue when loading a freshly created action diagram."""
ef = self.element_factory
modeling_language = self.modeling_language
path = distribution().locate_file("test-models/action-issue.gaphor")
storage.load(path, ef, modeling_language)
actions = ef.lselect(UML.Action)
flows = ef.lselect(UML.ControlFlow)
assert 3 == len(actions)
assert 3 == len(flows)
# Actions live in partitions:
partitions = ef.lselect(UML.ActivityPartition)
assert 2 == len(partitions)
# Okay, so far the data model is saved correctly. Now, how do the
# handles behave?
diagrams = ef.lselect(UML.Diagram)
assert 1 == len(diagrams)
canvas = diagrams[0].canvas
assert 7 == len(canvas.get_all_items())
# Part, Act, Act, Act, Flow, Flow, Flow
for e in actions + flows:
assert 1 == len(e.presentation), e
for i in canvas.select(lambda e: isinstance(e, (FlowItem, ActionItem))):
assert i.subject, i
# Loaded as:
# actions[0] --> flows[0, 1]
# flows[0, 2] --> actions[1]
# flows[1] --> actions[2] --> flows[2]
# start element:
assert actions[0].outgoing[0] is flows[0]
assert actions[0].outgoing[1] is flows[1]
assert actions[2].outgoing[0] is flows[2]
assert not actions[0].incoming
(cinfo,) = canvas.get_connections(handle=flows[0].presentation[0].head)
assert cinfo.connected is actions[0].presentation[0]
(cinfo,) = canvas.get_connections(handle=flows[1].presentation[0].head)
assert cinfo.connected is actions[0].presentation[0]
# Intermediate element:
assert actions[2].incoming[0] is flows[1]
assert actions[2].outgoing[0] is flows[2]
(cinfo,) = canvas.get_connections(handle=flows[1].presentation[0].tail)
assert cinfo.connected is actions[2].presentation[0]
(cinfo,) = canvas.get_connections(handle=flows[2].presentation[0].head)
assert cinfo.connected is actions[2].presentation[0]
# Final element:
assert actions[1].incoming[0] is flows[0]
assert actions[1].incoming[1] is flows[2]
(cinfo,) = canvas.get_connections(handle=flows[0].presentation[0].tail)
assert cinfo.connected is actions[1].presentation[0]
(cinfo,) = canvas.get_connections(handle=flows[2].presentation[0].tail)
assert cinfo.connected is actions[1].presentation[0]
# Test the parent-child connectivity
for a in actions:
(p,) = a.inPartition
assert p
assert canvas.get_parent(a.presentation[0])
assert canvas.get_parent(a.presentation[0]) is p.presentation[0]