130 lines
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130 lines
5.3 KiB
This is a file with custom definitions for Gaphor's data model.
Parts are separated by '%%' (no training spaces) on a line.
Comment parts start with 'comment' on the line below the percentage
symbols, 'override' is used to define a overridden variable.
Overrides may in their turn derive from other properties, in that case
the 'derives' keyword may be used. It's only useful to declare the
associations (and other derived properties) an overridden value depends
on, since attributes have been written anyway. Note that no smart things
wrt inheritance is done.
override Element
from gaphor.core.modeling import Element
override Comment
from gaphor.core.modeling import Comment
override Element.ownedComment
# Defined in Core model
override Comment.annotatedElement
# Defined in Core model
override NamedElement
from gaphor.core.modeling import NamedElement
override PackageableElement
from gaphor.core.modeling import PackageableElement
override Diagram
from gaphor.core.modeling import Diagram
override Transition
# Invert order of superclasses to avoid MRO issues
class Transition(RedefinableElement, NamedElement):
kind: enumeration
container: relation_one[Region]
source: relation_one[Vertex]
target: relation_one[Vertex]
effect: relation_one[Behavior]
guard: relation_one[Constraint]
redefinitionContext: relation_many[Classifier]
redefinedTransition: relation_many[Transition]
override MultiplicityElement.lower(MultiplicityElement.lowerValue): attribute[str]
MultiplicityElement.lower = MultiplicityElement.lowerValue
override MultiplicityElement.upper(MultiplicityElement.upperValue): attribute[str]
MultiplicityElement.upper = MultiplicityElement.upperValue
override Association.endType(Association.memberEnd, Property.type): derived[Type]
# References the classifiers that are used as types of the ends of the
# association.
Association.endType = derived(Association, 'endType', Type, 0, '*', lambda self: [end.type for end in self.memberEnd if end])
override Class.extension(Extension.metaclass): property
# See https://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.5/PDF, section, page 219
# It defines `Extension.allInstances()`, which basically means we have to query the element factory.
# TODO: use those as soon as Extension.metaclass can be used.
#Class.extension = derived(Class, 'extension', Extension, 0, '*', class_extension, Extension.metaclass)
Class.extension = property(lambda self: self.model.lselect(lambda e: e.isKindOf(Extension) and self is e.metaclass), doc=\
"""References the Extensions that specify additional properties of the
metaclass. The property is derived from the extensions whose memberEnds
are typed by the Class.""")
override Extension.metaclass(Extension.ownedEnd, Association.memberEnd): property
# defined in umloverrides.py
override Classifier.inheritedMember: derivedunion[NamedElement]
Classifier.inheritedMember = derivedunion(Classifier, 'inheritedMember', NamedElement, 0, '*')
override Classifier.general(Generalization.general): derived[Classifier]
Classifier.general = derived(Classifier, 'general', Classifier, 0, '*', lambda self: [g.general for g in self.generalization])
override Class.superClass: derived[Classifier]
Class.superClass = Classifier.general
override Namespace.importedMember: derivedunion[PackageableElement]
Namespace.importedMember = derivedunion(Namespace, 'importedMember', PackageableElement, 0, '*')
override Property.opposite(Property.association, Association.memberEnd): relation_one[Optional[Property]]
# defined in umloverrides.py
override Property.isComposite(Property.aggregation): derived[bool]
Property.isComposite = derived(Property, 'isComposite', bool, 0, 1, lambda obj: [obj.aggregation == 'composite'])
override Constraint.context: derivedunion[Namespace]
Constraint.context = derivedunion(Constraint, 'context', Namespace, 0, 1)
override Property.navigability(Property.opposite, Property.association): derived[Optional[bool]]
# defined in umloverrides.py
override Operation.type: derivedunion[DataType]
Operation.type = derivedunion(Operation, 'type', DataType, 0, 1)
override Lifeline.parse: Callable[[Lifeline, str], None]
# defined in umloverrides.py
override Lifeline.render: Callable[[Lifeline], str]
# defined in umloverrides.py
override Component.provided: property
# defined in umloverrides.py
override Component.required: property
# defined in umloverrides.py
override Message.messageKind: property
# defined in umloverrides.py
override StructuredClassifier.part: property
StructuredClassifier.part = property(lambda self: tuple(a for a in self.ownedAttribute if a.isComposite), doc="""
Properties owned by a classifier by composition.
override ExecutionSpecification.start(ExecutionSpecification.executionOccurrenceSpecification): relation_one[ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification]
ExecutionSpecification.start = derived(ExecutionSpecification, 'start', OccurrenceSpecification, 0, 1,
lambda obj: [eos for i, eos in enumerate(obj.executionOccurrenceSpecification) if i == 0])
override ExecutionSpecification.finish(ExecutionSpecification.executionOccurrenceSpecification): relation_one[ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification]
ExecutionSpecification.finish = derived(ExecutionSpecification, 'finish', OccurrenceSpecification, 0, 1,
lambda obj: [eos for i, eos in enumerate(obj.executionOccurrenceSpecification) if i == 1])