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Actions, menu items, toolbars and toolboxes
The GTK+ structure is like this::
The do_activate signal is emitted when an action is activated.
Where it should lead:
* Actions should be coded closer to the object they are working on
- main actions - not dependent on GUI components (load/save/new/quit)
- main actions dependent on GUI component (sub-windows, console)
- Item actions, act either on a diagram, the selected or focused item
or no item.
- diagram actions (zoom, grid) work on active diagram (tab)
- menus and actions for diagram items through adapters
* Actions should behave more like adapters. E.g. when a popup menu is created
for an Association item, the menu actions should present themselves in the
context of that menu item (with toggles set right).
- Could be registered as adapters with a name.
* Each window has its own action group (every item with a menu?)
* One toplevel UIManager per window or one per application/gui_manager?
* Normal actions can be modeled as functions. If an action is sensitive or
visible depends on the state in the action. Hence we require the update()
* create services for for "dynamic" menus (e.g. recent files/stereotypes)
Solution for simple actions
For an action to actually be useful a piece of menu xml is needed.
Hence an interface IActionProvider has to be defined::
class IActionProvider(interface.Interface):
menu_xml = interface.Attribute("The menu XML")
action_group = interface.Attribute("The accompanying ActionGroup")
Support for actions can be arranged by decorating actions with an :ref:`@action <action_doc>`
decorator and let the class create an ActionGroup using some
actionGroup factory function (no inheritance needed here).
Note that ActionGroup is a GTK class and should technically only be used in the
gaphor.ui package.
Autonom controllers can be defined, which provide a piece of functionality.
They can register handlers in order to update their state.
Maybe it's nice to configure those through the egg-info system. I suppose
gaphor.service will serve well (as they need to be initialized anyway)
* also inherit IActionProvider from IService?
xx = gaphor.actions.whatever:SomeActionProviderClass
.. _action_doc:
.. autoclass:: gaphor.action.action
Solution for context sensitive menus
Context sensitive menus, such as popup menus, should be generated and switched
on and off on demand.
Technically they should be enabled through services/action-providers.
It becomes even tougher when popup menus should act on parts of a diagram item
(such as association ends). This should be avoided. It may be a good idea to
provide such functionality through a special layer on the canvas, by means of
some easy clickable buttons around the "hot spot" (we already have something
like that for text around association ends).
1. User selects an item and presses the right mouse button: a popup menu
should be displayed.
2. Find the actual item (this may be a composite item of the element drawn).
Use an IItemPicker adapter for that (if no such interface is available,
use the item itself).
3. Find a IActionProvider adapters for the selected (focused) item.
4. Update the popup menu context (actions) for the selected item.