[MAJOR] finished replacement of the client-side HTTP parser with a new one
The code is working again, but not as clean as it could be. Many blocks should still move to dedicated functions. req->h must be removed everywhere and updated everytime needed. A few functions or macros should take care of the headers during header insertion/deletion/change.
This commit is contained in:
@ -367,13 +367,6 @@ int process_cli(struct session *t)
(!(global.mode & MODE_QUIET) || (global.mode & MODE_VERBOSE)))
debug_hdr("clireq", t, req->h, ptr);
/* 1: save a pointer to the first line as the request */
if (t->req_line.len < 0) {
t->req_line.str = req->h;
t->req_line.len = ptr - req->h;
/* 2: maybe we have to copy the original REQURI for the logs ? */
if (t->logs.logwait & LW_REQ) {
/* we have a complete HTTP request that we must log */
@ -547,17 +540,6 @@ int process_cli(struct session *t)
/* 4: we might also need the 'Authorization:' header */
if (!delete_header &&
t->auth_hdr.len < 0 && t->fi->uri_auth != NULL &&
ptr > req->h + 14 && !strncasecmp("Authorization:", req->h, 14)) {
t->auth_hdr.str = req->h;
t->auth_hdr.len = ptr - req->h;
/* OK, that's enough processing for the first step.
* Now either we index this header or we remove it.
@ -768,20 +750,281 @@ int process_cli(struct session *t)
/* try headers regexps */
/* try headers filters */
if (t->fi->req_exp != NULL)
apply_filters_to_session(t, req, t->fi->req_exp);
* 3: Now we can work with the cookies.
/* has the request been denied ? */
if (t->flags & SN_CLDENY) {
/* no need to go further */
t->logs.status = 403;
t->logs.t_request = tv_diff(&t->logs.tv_accept, &now); /* let's log the request time */
client_retnclose(t, t->fe->errmsg.len403, t->fe->errmsg.msg403);
if (!(t->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
if (!(t->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_FINST_R;
return 1;
/* Right now, we know that we have processed the entire headers
* and that unwanted requests have been filtered out. We can do
* whatever we want with the remaining request.
* 3: save a pointer to the first line as the request, and
* check the method (needed for cookies).
req->h = req->data + t->hdr_idx.v[0].len; /* start of the REQURI */
ptr = req->h + t->hdr_idx.v[t->hdr_idx.v[0].next].len; /* end of the REQURI */
t->req_line.str = req->h;
t->req_line.len = ptr - req->h;
if (!memcmp(req->h, "POST ", 5)) {
/* this is a POST request, which is not cacheable by default */
t->flags |= SN_POST;
* 4: Now we can work with the cookies.
* Note that doing so might move headers in the request, but
* the fields will stay coherent and the URI will not move.
if (!(t->flags & (SN_CLDENY|SN_CLTARPIT)))
manage_client_side_cookies(t, req);
* we could run the whole list of headers right here to extract
* commonly used headers, as well as re-detect their real end.
#if TEST
* 5: check if the URI matches the monitor_uri. To speed-up the
* test, we include the leading and trailing spaces in the
* comparison.
if ((t->be->monitor_uri_len != 0) &&
(t->req_line.len >= t->be->monitor_uri_len)) {
char *p = t->req_line.str;
int idx = 0;
/* skip the method so that we accept any method */
while (idx < t->req_line.len && p[idx] != ' ')
p += idx;
if (t->req_line.len - idx >= t->be->monitor_uri_len &&
!memcmp(p, t->be->monitor_uri, t->be->monitor_uri_len)) {
* We have found the monitor URI
t->flags |= SN_MONITOR;
t->logs.status = 200;
client_retnclose(t, strlen(HTTP_200), HTTP_200);
if (!(t->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
if (!(t->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_FINST_R;
return 1;
* 6: check if the user tries to access a protected URI.
if (t->fi->uri_auth != NULL
&& t->req_line.len >= t->fi->uri_auth->uri_len + 4) { /* +4 for "GET /" */
if (!memcmp(t->req_line.str + 4,
t->fi->uri_auth->uri_prefix, t->fi->uri_auth->uri_len)
&& !memcmp(t->req_line.str, "GET ", 4)) {
struct user_auth *user;
int authenticated;
char *h;
/* we are in front of a interceptable URI. Let's check
* if there's an authentication and if it's valid.
user = t->fi->uri_auth->users;
if (!user) {
/* no user auth required, it's OK */
authenticated = 1;
} else {
authenticated = 0;
/* a user list is defined, we have to check.
* skip 21 chars for "Authorization: Basic ".
/* FIXME: this should move to an earlier place */
cur_idx = 0;
h = req->data + t->hdr_idx.v[0].len;
while ((cur_idx = t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx].next)) {
int len = t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx].len;
if (len > 14 &&
!strncasecmp("Authorization:", h, 14)) {
t->auth_hdr.str = h;
t->auth_hdr.len = len;
h += len + t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx].cr + 1;
if (t->auth_hdr.len < 21 || memcmp(t->auth_hdr.str + 14, " Basic ", 7))
user = NULL;
while (user) {
if ((t->auth_hdr.len == user->user_len + 21)
&& !memcmp(t->auth_hdr.str+21, user->user_pwd, user->user_len)) {
authenticated = 1;
user = user->next;
if (!authenticated) {
int msglen;
/* no need to go further */
msglen = sprintf(trash, HTTP_401_fmt, t->fi->uri_auth->auth_realm);
t->logs.status = 401;
client_retnclose(t, msglen, trash);
if (!(t->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
if (!(t->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_FINST_R;
return 1;
t->cli_state = CL_STSHUTR;
req->rlim = req->data + BUFSIZE; /* no more rewrite needed */
t->logs.t_request = tv_diff(&t->logs.tv_accept, &now);
t->data_source = DATA_SRC_STATS;
t->data_state = DATA_ST_INIT;
return 1;
* We will now have some data to append after the end of the
* request. Right now we do not have the end of request pointer
* anymore, so we have to look for it.
for (req->h = req->data + t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx=0].len;
(cur_idx = t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx].next);
req->h += t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx].len + t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx]cr + 1);
req->h = req->data;
cur_idx = 0;
while ((req->h += t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx].len,
cur_idx = t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx].next))
req->h += t->hdr_idx.v[cur_idx].cr + 1;
/* now req->h points to the last LF/CRLF */
* 7: add request headers
* FIXME: this should move to a separate function.
for (cur_hdr = 0; cur_hdr < t->fi->nb_reqadd; cur_hdr++) {
int len = sprintf(trash, "%s\r\n", t->fi->req_add[cur_hdr]);
buffer_replace2(req, req->h, req->h, trash, len);
* 8: add X-Forwarded-For
if (t->be->options & PR_O_FWDFOR) {
if (t->cli_addr.ss_family == AF_INET) {
int len;
unsigned char *pn;
pn = (unsigned char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)&t->cli_addr)->sin_addr;
len = sprintf(trash, "X-Forwarded-For: %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n",
pn[0], pn[1], pn[2], pn[3]);
buffer_replace2(req, req->h, req->h, trash, len);
else if (t->cli_addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) {
int len;
(const void *)&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)(&t->cli_addr))->sin6_addr,
pn, sizeof(pn));
len = sprintf(trash, "X-Forwarded-For: %s\r\n", pn);
buffer_replace2(req, req->h, req->h, trash, len);
* 9: add "Connection:"
/* add a "connection: close" line if needed */
if (t->fe->options & PR_O_HTTP_CLOSE)
buffer_replace2(req, req->h, req->h, "Connection: close\r\n", 19);
* OK, that's finished for the headers. We have done what we *
* could. Let's switch to the DATA state. *
t->cli_state = CL_STDATA;
req->rlim = req->data + BUFSIZE; /* no more rewrite needed */
t->logs.t_request = tv_diff(&t->logs.tv_accept, &now);
if (!t->fe->clitimeout ||
(t->srv_state < SV_STDATA && t->be->srvtimeout)) {
/* If the client has no timeout, or if the server is not ready yet,
* and we know for sure that it can expire, then it's cleaner to
* disable the timeout on the client side so that too low values
* cannot make the sessions abort too early.
* FIXME-20050705: the server needs a way to re-enable this time-out
* when it switches its state, otherwise a client can stay connected
* indefinitely. This now seems to be OK.
/* When a connection is tarpitted, we use the queue timeout for the
* tarpit delay, which currently happens to be the server's connect
* timeout. If unset, then set it to zero because we really want it
* to expire at one moment.
if (t->flags & SN_CLTARPIT) {
t->req->l = 0;
/* flush the request so that we can drop the connection early
* if the client closes first.
tv_delayfrom(&req->cex, &now,
t->be->contimeout ? t->be->contimeout : 0);
goto process_data;
/* example: dump each line */
fprintf(stderr, "t->flags=0x%08x\n", t->flags & (SN_CLALLOW|SN_CLDENY|SN_CLTARPIT));
@ -810,240 +1053,6 @@ int process_cli(struct session *t)
/**************** debugging ***************/
t->logs.status = 400;
client_retnclose(t, t->fe->errmsg.len400, t->fe->errmsg.msg400);
if (!(t->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
if (!(t->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_FINST_R;
return 1;
#if 0
char *ptr;
char *request_line = NULL;
if (ptr == req->h) { /* empty line, end of headers */
int line, len;
/* we can only get here after an end of headers */
/* we'll have something else to do here : add new headers ... */
if (t->flags & SN_CLDENY) {
/* no need to go further */
t->logs.status = 403;
t->logs.t_request = tv_diff(&t->logs.tv_accept, &now); /* let's log the request time */
client_retnclose(t, t->fe->errmsg.len403, t->fe->errmsg.msg403);
if (!(t->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
if (!(t->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_FINST_R;
return 1;
/* Right now, we know that we have processed the entire headers
* and that unwanted requests have been filtered out. We can do
* whatever we want.
/* check if the URI matches the monitor_uri. To speed-up the
* test, we include the leading and trailing spaces in the
* comparison.
if ((t->be->monitor_uri_len != 0) &&
(t->req_line.len >= t->be->monitor_uri_len)) {
char *p = t->req_line.str;
int idx = 0;
/* skip the method so that we accept any method */
while (idx < t->req_line.len && p[idx] != ' ')
p += idx;
if (t->req_line.len - idx >= t->be->monitor_uri_len &&
!memcmp(p, t->be->monitor_uri, t->be->monitor_uri_len)) {
* We have found the monitor URI
t->flags |= SN_MONITOR;
t->logs.status = 200;
client_retnclose(t, strlen(HTTP_200), HTTP_200);
if (!(t->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
if (!(t->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_FINST_R;
return 1;
if (t->fi->uri_auth != NULL
&& t->req_line.len >= t->fi->uri_auth->uri_len + 4) { /* +4 for "GET /" */
if (!memcmp(t->req_line.str + 4,
t->fi->uri_auth->uri_prefix, t->fi->uri_auth->uri_len)
&& !memcmp(t->req_line.str, "GET ", 4)) {
struct user_auth *user;
int authenticated;
/* we are in front of a interceptable URI. Let's check
* if there's an authentication and if it's valid.
user = t->fi->uri_auth->users;
if (!user) {
/* no user auth required, it's OK */
authenticated = 1;
} else {
authenticated = 0;
/* a user list is defined, we have to check.
* skip 21 chars for "Authorization: Basic ".
if (t->auth_hdr.len < 21 || memcmp(t->auth_hdr.str + 14, " Basic ", 7))
user = NULL;
while (user) {
if ((t->auth_hdr.len == user->user_len + 21)
&& !memcmp(t->auth_hdr.str+21, user->user_pwd, user->user_len)) {
authenticated = 1;
user = user->next;
if (!authenticated) {
int msglen;
/* no need to go further */
msglen = sprintf(trash, HTTP_401_fmt, t->fi->uri_auth->auth_realm);
t->logs.status = 401;
client_retnclose(t, msglen, trash);
if (!(t->flags & SN_ERR_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_ERR_PRXCOND;
if (!(t->flags & SN_FINST_MASK))
t->flags |= SN_FINST_R;
return 1;
t->cli_state = CL_STSHUTR;
req->rlim = req->data + BUFSIZE; /* no more rewrite needed */
t->logs.t_request = tv_diff(&t->logs.tv_accept, &now);
t->data_source = DATA_SRC_STATS;
t->data_state = DATA_ST_INIT;
return 1;
for (line = 0; line < t->fi->nb_reqadd; line++) {
len = sprintf(trash, "%s\r\n", t->fi->req_add[line]);
buffer_replace2(req, req->h, req->h, trash, len);
if (t->be->options & PR_O_FWDFOR) {
if (t->cli_addr.ss_family == AF_INET) {
unsigned char *pn;
pn = (unsigned char *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)&t->cli_addr)->sin_addr;
len = sprintf(trash, "X-Forwarded-For: %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n",
pn[0], pn[1], pn[2], pn[3]);
buffer_replace2(req, req->h, req->h, trash, len);
else if (t->cli_addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) {
(const void *)&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)(&t->cli_addr))->sin6_addr,
pn, sizeof(pn));
len = sprintf(trash, "X-Forwarded-For: %s\r\n", pn);
buffer_replace2(req, req->h, req->h, trash, len);
/* add a "connection: close" line if needed */
if (t->fe->options & PR_O_HTTP_CLOSE)
buffer_replace2(req, req->h, req->h, "Connection: close\r\n", 19);
if (!memcmp(req->data, "POST ", 5)) {
/* this is a POST request, which is not cacheable by default */
t->flags |= SN_POST;
t->cli_state = CL_STDATA;
req->rlim = req->data + BUFSIZE; /* no more rewrite needed */
t->logs.t_request = tv_diff(&t->logs.tv_accept, &now);
/* FIXME: we'll set the client in a wait state while we try to
* connect to the server. Is this really needed ? wouldn't it be
* better to release the maximum of system buffers instead ?
* The solution is to enable the FD but set its time-out to
* eternity as long as the server-side does not enable data xfer.
* CL_STDATA also has to take care of this, which is done below.
//MY_FD_CLR(t->cli_fd, StaticReadEvent);
/* FIXME: if we break here (as up to 1.1.23), having the client
* shutdown its connection can lead to an abort further.
* it's better to either return 1 or even jump directly to the
* data state which will save one schedule.
if (!t->fe->clitimeout ||
(t->srv_state < SV_STDATA && t->be->srvtimeout))
/* If the client has no timeout, or if the server is not ready yet,
* and we know for sure that it can expire, then it's cleaner to
* disable the timeout on the client side so that too low values
* cannot make the sessions abort too early.
* FIXME-20050705: the server needs a way to re-enable this time-out
* when it switches its state, otherwise a client can stay connected
* indefinitely. This now seems to be OK.
/* When a connection is tarpitted, we use the queue timeout for the
* tarpit delay, which currently happens to be the server's connect
* timeout. If unset, then set it to zero because we really want it
* to expire at one moment.
if (t->flags & SN_CLTARPIT) {
t->req->l = 0;
/* flush the request so that we can drop the connection early
* if the client closes first.
tv_delayfrom(&req->cex, &now,
t->be->contimeout ? t->be->contimeout : 0);
goto process_data;
else if (c == CL_STDATA) {
@ -3011,7 +3020,7 @@ void manage_client_side_cookies(struct session *t, struct buffer *req)
/* Iterate through the headers in the inner loop.
/* Iterate through the headers.
* we start with the start line.
old_idx = cur_idx = 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user