MINOR: sample: Add be2hex converter

Add be2hex converter to convert big-endian binary data into hex string
with optional string separators.
This commit is contained in:
Marcin Deranek 2021-07-13 14:08:56 +02:00 committed by Willy Tarreau
parent 40ca09c7bb
commit da0264a968
3 changed files with 135 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -16105,6 +16105,20 @@ be2dec(<separator>,<chunk_size>,[<truncate>])
bin(01020304050607),be2dec(,2,1) # 2587721286
bin(7f000001),be2dec(.,1) #
Converts big-endian binary input sample to a hex string containing two hex
digits per input byte. It is used to log or transfer hex dumps of some
binary input data in a way that can be reliably transferred (e.g. an SSL ID
can be copied in a header). <separator> is put every <chunk_size> binary
input bytes if specified. <truncate> flag indicates whatever binary input is
truncated at <chunk_size> boundaries.
bin(01020304050607),be2hex # 01020304050607
bin(01020304050607),be2hex(:,2) # 0102:0304:0506:07
bin(01020304050607),be2hex(--,2,1) # 0102--0304--0506
bin(0102030405060708),be2hex(,3,1) # 010203040506
Returns a boolean TRUE if the input value of type signed integer is
non-null, otherwise returns FALSE. Used in conjunction with and(), it can be

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
varnishtest "be2hex converter Test"
feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'version_atleast(2.5-dev0)'"
feature ignore_unknown_macro
server s1 {
} -repeat 3 -start
haproxy h1 -conf {
mode http
timeout connect 1s
timeout client 1s
timeout server 1s
frontend fe
bind "fd@${fe}"
#### requests
http-request set-var(txn.input) req.hdr(input)
http-response set-header be2hex "%[var(txn.input),be2hex,lower]"
http-response set-header be2hex-1 "%[var(txn.input),be2hex(:,1),lower]"
http-response set-header be2hex-2 "%[var(txn.input),be2hex(--,3),lower]"
http-response set-header be2hex-3 "%[var(txn.input),be2hex(.,3,1),lower]"
default_backend be
backend be
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
} -start
client c1 -connect ${h1_fe_sock} {
txreq -url "/" \
-hdr "input:"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.http.be2hex == ""
expect resp.http.be2hex-1 == ""
expect resp.http.be2hex-2 == ""
expect resp.http.be2hex-3 == ""
txreq -url "/" \
-hdr "input: 0123456789"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.http.be2hex == "30313233343536373839"
expect resp.http.be2hex-1 == "30:31:32:33:34:35:36:37:38:39"
expect resp.http.be2hex-2 == "303132--333435--363738--39"
expect resp.http.be2hex-3 == "303132.333435.363738"
txreq -url "/" \
-hdr "input: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.http.be2hex == "6162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a"
expect resp.http.be2hex-1 == "61:62:63:64:65:66:67:68:69:6a:6b:6c:6d:6e:6f:70:71:72:73:74:75:76:77:78:79:7a"
expect resp.http.be2hex-2 == "616263--646566--676869--6a6b6c--6d6e6f--707172--737475--767778--797a"
expect resp.http.be2hex-3 == "616263.646566.676869.6a6b6c.6d6e6f.707172.737475.767778"
} -run

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@ -2123,6 +2123,66 @@ static int sample_conv_be2dec(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, void *
return 1;
static int sample_conv_be2hex_check(struct arg *args, struct sample_conv *conv,
const char *file, int line, char **err)
if (args[1].data.sint <= 0 && (args[0].data.str.data > 0 || args[2].data.sint != 0)) {
memprintf(err, "chunk_size needs to be positive (%lld)", args[1].data.sint);
return 0;
if (args[2].data.sint != 0 && args[2].data.sint != 1) {
memprintf(err, "Unsupported truncate value (%lld)", args[2].data.sint);
return 0;
return 1;
/* Converts big-endian binary input sample to a hex string containing two hex
* digits per input byte. <separator> is put every <chunk_size> binary input
* bytes if specified. Optional <truncate> flag indicates if input is truncated
* at <chunk_size> boundaries.
* Arguments: separator (string), chunk_size (integer), truncate (0,1)
static int sample_conv_be2hex(const struct arg *args, struct sample *smp, void *private)
struct buffer *trash = get_trash_chunk();
int chunk_size = args[1].data.sint;
const int last = args[2].data.sint ? smp->data.u.str.data - chunk_size + 1 : smp->data.u.str.data;
int i;
int max_size;
int ptr = 0;
unsigned char c;
trash->data = 0;
if (args[0].data.str.data == 0 && args[2].data.sint == 0)
chunk_size = smp->data.u.str.data;
max_size = trash->size - 2 * chunk_size;
while (ptr < last && trash->data <= max_size) {
if (ptr) {
/* Add separator */
memcpy(trash->area + trash->data, args[0].data.str.area, args[0].data.str.data);
trash->data += args[0].data.str.data;
max_size -= args[0].data.str.data;
/* Add hex */
for (i = 0; i < chunk_size && ptr < smp->data.u.str.data; i++) {
c = smp->data.u.str.area[ptr++];
trash->area[trash->data++] = hextab[(c >> 4) & 0xF];
trash->area[trash->data++] = hextab[c & 0xF];
smp->data.u.str = *trash;
smp->data.type = SMP_T_STR;
smp->flags &= ~SMP_F_CONST;
return 1;
static int sample_conv_bin2hex(const struct arg *arg_p, struct sample *smp, void *private)
struct buffer *trash = get_trash_chunk();
@ -4318,6 +4378,7 @@ static struct sample_conv_kw_list sample_conv_kws = {ILH, {
{ "lower", sample_conv_str2lower, 0, NULL, SMP_T_STR, SMP_T_STR },
{ "length", sample_conv_length, 0, NULL, SMP_T_STR, SMP_T_SINT },
{ "be2dec", sample_conv_be2dec, ARG3(1,STR,SINT,SINT), sample_conv_be2dec_check, SMP_T_BIN, SMP_T_STR },
{ "be2hex", sample_conv_be2hex, ARG3(1,STR,SINT,SINT), sample_conv_be2hex_check, SMP_T_BIN, SMP_T_STR },
{ "hex", sample_conv_bin2hex, 0, NULL, SMP_T_BIN, SMP_T_STR },
{ "hex2i", sample_conv_hex2int, 0, NULL, SMP_T_STR, SMP_T_SINT },
{ "ipmask", sample_conv_ipmask, ARG2(1,MSK4,MSK6), NULL, SMP_T_ADDR, SMP_T_IPV4 },