187 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
187 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
package PVE::Service::pvescheduler;
use strict;
use warnings;
use PVE::Jobs;
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::API2::Replication;
use PVE::Daemon;
use base qw(PVE::Daemon);
my $cmdline = [$0, @ARGV];
my %daemon_options = (stop_wait_time => 180, max_workers => 0);
my $daemon = __PACKAGE__->new('pvescheduler', $cmdline, %daemon_options);
my @JOB_TYPES = qw(replication jobs);
my sub running_job_pids : prototype($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my $pids = [ map { keys $_->%* } values $self->{jobs}->%* ];
return scalar($pids->@*) ? $pids : undef;
my sub finish_jobs : prototype($) {
my ($self) = @_;
for my $type (@JOB_TYPES) {
for my $cpid (keys $self->{jobs}->{$type}->%*) {
if (my $waitpid = waitpid($cpid, WNOHANG)) {
delete $self->{jobs}->{$type}->{$cpid} if $waitpid == $cpid || $waitpid == -1;
sub hup {
my ($self) = @_;
my $old_workers = "";
for my $type (@JOB_TYPES) {
my $worker = $self->{jobs}->{$type} // next;
$old_workers .= "$type:$_;" for keys $worker->%*;
$ENV{"PVE_DAEMON_WORKER_PIDS"} = $old_workers;
$self->{got_hup_signal} = 1;
sub run {
my ($self) = @_;
my $jobs = {};
$self->{jobs} = $jobs;
# modelled after PVE::Daemons logic, but with type added to PID
if (my $wpids = $ENV{PVE_DAEMON_WORKER_PIDS}) {
print STDERR "got workers from previous daemon run: $wpids\n"; # FIXME: only log on debug?
for my $pid (split(';', $wpids)) {
if ($pid =~ m/^(\w+):(\d+)$/) { # check & untaint
$self->{jobs}->{$1}->{$2} = 1;
} else {
warn "could not parse previous pid entry '$pid', ignoring\n";
my $old_sig_chld = $SIG{CHLD};
local $SIG{CHLD} = sub {
local ($@, $!, $?); # do not overwrite error vars
$old_sig_chld->(@_) if $old_sig_chld;
my $fork = sub {
my ($type, $sub) = @_;
# don't fork again if the previous iteration still runs
# FIXME: some job types may handle this better themself or just not care - make configurable
return if scalar(keys $self->{jobs}->{$type}->%*);
my $child = fork();
if (!defined($child)) {
die "fork failed: $!\n";
} elsif ($child == 0) {
eval {
if (my $err = $@) {
syslog('err', "$type: $err");
$jobs->{$type}->{$child} = 1;
my $first_run = 1;
my $run_jobs = sub {
# TODO: actually integrate replication in PVE::Jobs and do not always fork here, we could
# do the state lookup and check if there's new work scheduled before doing so, e.g., by
# extending the PVE::Jobs interfacae e.g.;
# my $scheduled_jobs = PVE::Jobs::get_pending() or return;
# forked { PVE::Jobs::run_jobs($scheduled_jobs) }
$fork->('replication', sub {
PVE::API2::Replication::run_jobs(undef, sub {}, 0, 1);
$fork->('jobs', sub {
$first_run = 0;
for (my $count = 1000;;$count++) {
return if $self->{got_hup_signal}; # keep workers running, PVE::Daemon re-execs us on return
last if $self->{shutdown_request}; # exit main-run loop for shutdown
my $sleep_time = 60;
if ($count >= 1000) {
# Job schedule has minute precision, so try running near the minute boundary.
my ($current_seconds) = localtime;
$sleep_time = (60 - $current_seconds) if (60 - $current_seconds >= 5);
$count = 0;
my $slept = 0; # SIGCHLD interrupts sleep, so we need to keep track
while ($slept < $sleep_time) {
last if $self->{shutdown_request} || $self->{got_hup_signal};
$slept += sleep($sleep_time - $slept);
# TODO: check if there's new work to do, e.g., if a job finished
# that had a longer runtime than run period
# NOTE: we only get here on shutdown_request, so we already sent a TERM to all job-types
my $timeout = 0;
while(my $pids = running_job_pids($self)) {
kill 'TERM', $pids->@*; # send TERM to all workers at once, possible thundering herd - FIXME?
# some jobs have a lock timeout of 60s, wait a bit more for graceful termination
last if $timeout > 75;
$timeout += sleep(3);
if (my $pids = running_job_pids($self)) {
syslog('warn', "unresponsive job-worker, killing now: " . join(', ', $pids->@*));
kill 'KILL', $pids->@*;
sub shutdown {
my ($self) = @_;
syslog('info', 'got shutdown request, signal running jobs to stop');
for my $jobs (values $self->{jobs}->%*) {
kill 'TERM', keys $jobs->%*;
$self->{shutdown_request} = 1;
our $cmddef = {
start => [ __PACKAGE__, 'start', []],
stop => [ __PACKAGE__, 'stop', []],
restart => [ __PACKAGE__, 'restart', []],
status => [ __PACKAGE__, 'status', [], undef, sub { print shift . "\n";} ],