417 lines
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417 lines
12 KiB
package PVE::CLI::pvesr;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use JSON;
use PVE::JSONSchema qw(get_standard_option);
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
use PVE::Tools qw(extract_param);
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::CLIHandler;
use PVE::Cluster;
use PVE::Replication;
use PVE::API2::ReplicationConfig;
use PVE::API2::Replication;
use base qw(PVE::CLIHandler);
my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
sub setup_environment {
# fixme: get from plugin??
my $replicatable_storage_types = {
zfspool => 1,
my $check_wanted_volid = sub {
my ($storecfg, $vmid, $volid, $local_node) = @_;
my ($storeid, $volname) = PVE::Storage::parse_volume_id($volid);
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_check_enabled($storecfg, $storeid, $local_node);
die "storage '$storeid' is not replicatable\n"
if !$replicatable_storage_types->{$scfg->{type}};
my ($vtype, undef, $ownervm) = PVE::Storage::parse_volname($storecfg, $volid);
die "volume '$volid' has wrong vtype ($vtype != 'images')\n"
if $vtype ne 'images';
die "volume '$volid' has wrong owner\n"
if !$ownervm || $vmid != $ownervm;
return $storeid;
__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
name => 'prepare_local_job',
path => 'prepare_local_job',
method => 'POST',
description => "Prepare for starting a replication job. This is called on the target node before replication starts. This call is for internal use, and return a JSON object on stdout. The method first test if VM <vmid> reside on the local node. If so, stop immediately. After that the method scans all volume IDs for snapshots, and removes all replications snapshots with timestamps different than <last_sync>. It also removes any unused volumes. Returns a hash with boolean markers for all volumes with existing replication snapshots.",
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
id => get_standard_option('pve-replication-id'),
'extra-args' => get_standard_option('extra-args', {
description => "The list of volume IDs to consider." }),
scan => {
description => "List of storage IDs to scan for stale volumes.",
type => 'string', format => 'pve-storage-id-list',
optional => 1,
force => {
description => "Allow to remove all existion volumes (empty volume list).",
type => 'boolean',
optional => 1,
default => 0,
last_sync => {
description => "Time (UNIX epoch) of last successful sync. If not specified, all replication snapshots get removed.",
type => 'integer',
minimum => 0,
optional => 1,
parent_snapname => get_standard_option('pve-snapshot-name', {
optional => 1,
returns => { type => 'null' },
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $logfunc = sub {
my ($msg) = @_;
print STDERR "$msg\n";
my $local_node = PVE::INotify::nodename();
die "no volumes specified\n"
if !$param->{force} && !scalar(@{$param->{'extra-args'}});
my ($vmid, undef, $jobid) = PVE::ReplicationConfig::parse_replication_job_id($param->{id});
my $vms = PVE::Cluster::get_vmlist();
die "guest '$vmid' is on local node\n"
if $vms->{ids}->{$vmid} && $vms->{ids}->{$vmid}->{node} eq $local_node;
my $last_sync = $param->{last_sync} // 0;
my $parent_snapname = $param->{parent_snapname};
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
# compute list of storages we want to scan
my $storage_hash = {};
foreach my $storeid (PVE::Tools::split_list($param->{scan})) {
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_check_enabled($storecfg, $storeid, $local_node, 1);
next if !$scfg; # simply ignore unavailable storages here
die "storage '$storeid' is not replicatable\n" if !$replicatable_storage_types->{$scfg->{type}};
$storage_hash->{$storeid} = 1;
my $wanted_volids = {};
foreach my $volid (@{$param->{'extra-args'}}) {
my $storeid = $check_wanted_volid->($storecfg, $vmid, $volid, $local_node);
$wanted_volids->{$volid} = 1;
$storage_hash->{$storeid} = 1;
my $storage_list = [ sort keys %$storage_hash ];
# activate all used storage
my $cache = {};
PVE::Storage::activate_storage_list($storecfg, $storage_list, $cache);
my $snapname = PVE::ReplicationState::replication_snapshot_name($jobid, $last_sync);
# find replication snapshots
my $volids = [];
foreach my $storeid (@$storage_list) {
my $scfg = PVE::Storage::storage_config($storecfg, $storeid);
my $plugin = PVE::Storage::Plugin->lookup($scfg->{type});
my $images = $plugin->list_images($storeid, $scfg, $vmid, undef, $cache);
push @$volids, map { $_->{volid} } @$images;
my ($local_snapshots, $cleaned_replicated_volumes) = PVE::Replication::prepare($storecfg, $volids, $jobid, $last_sync, $parent_snapname, $logfunc);
for my $volid ($volids->@*) {
next if $wanted_volids->{$volid};
my $stale = $cleaned_replicated_volumes->{$volid};
# prepare() will not remove the last_sync snapshot, but if the volume was used by the
# job and is not wanted anymore, it is stale too. And not removing it now might cause
# it to be missed later, because the relevant storage might not get scanned anymore.
$stale ||= grep {
PVE::Replication::is_replication_snapshot($_, $jobid)
} keys %{$local_snapshots->{$volid} // {}};
if ($stale) {
$logfunc->("$jobid: delete stale volume '$volid'");
PVE::Storage::vdisk_free($storecfg, $volid);
delete $local_snapshots->{$volid};
print to_json($local_snapshots) . "\n";
return undef;
__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
name => 'finalize_local_job',
path => 'finalize_local_job',
method => 'POST',
description => "Finalize a replication job. This removes all replications snapshots with timestamps different than <last_sync>.",
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
id => get_standard_option('pve-replication-id'),
'extra-args' => get_standard_option('extra-args', {
description => "The list of volume IDs to consider." }),
last_sync => {
description => "Time (UNIX epoch) of last successful sync. If not specified, all replication snapshots gets removed.",
type => 'integer',
minimum => 0,
optional => 1,
returns => { type => 'null' },
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my ($vmid, undef, $jobid) = PVE::ReplicationConfig::parse_replication_job_id($param->{id});
my $last_sync = $param->{last_sync} // 0;
my $local_node = PVE::INotify::nodename();
my $vms = PVE::Cluster::get_vmlist();
die "guest '$vmid' is on local node\n"
if $vms->{ids}->{$vmid} && $vms->{ids}->{$vmid}->{node} eq $local_node;
my $storecfg = PVE::Storage::config();
my $volids = [];
die "no volumes specified\n" if !scalar(@{$param->{'extra-args'}});
foreach my $volid (@{$param->{'extra-args'}}) {
$check_wanted_volid->($storecfg, $vmid, $volid, $local_node);
push @$volids, $volid;
$volids = [ sort @$volids ];
my $logfunc = sub {
my ($msg) = @_;
print STDERR "$msg\n";
PVE::Replication::prepare($storecfg, $volids, $jobid, $last_sync, undef, $logfunc);
return undef;
__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
name => 'run',
path => 'run',
method => 'POST',
description => "This method is called by the systemd-timer and executes all (or a specific) sync jobs.",
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
id => get_standard_option('pve-replication-id', { optional => 1 }),
verbose => {
description => "Print more verbose logs to stdout.",
type => 'boolean',
default => 0,
optional => 1,
mail => {
description => "Send an email notification in case of a failure.",
type => 'boolean',
default => 0,
optional => 1,
returns => { type => 'null' },
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
die "Mail and id are mutually exclusive!\n"
if $param->{id} && $param->{mail};
my $logfunc;
if ($param->{verbose}) {
$logfunc = sub {
my ($msg) = @_;
print "$msg\n";
if (my $id = extract_param($param, 'id')) {
PVE::API2::Replication::run_single_job($id, undef, $logfunc);
} else {
PVE::API2::Replication::run_jobs(undef, $logfunc, 0, $param->{mail});
return undef;
__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
name => 'enable',
path => 'enable',
method => 'POST',
description => "Enable a replication job.",
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
id => get_standard_option('pve-replication-id'),
returns => { type => 'null' },
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
$param->{disable} = 0;
return PVE::API2::ReplicationConfig->update($param);
__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
name => 'disable',
path => 'disable',
method => 'POST',
description => "Disable a replication job.",
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
id => get_standard_option('pve-replication-id'),
returns => { type => 'null' },
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
$param->{disable} = 1;
return PVE::API2::ReplicationConfig->update($param);
__PACKAGE__->register_method ({
name => 'set_state',
path => '',
protected => 1,
method => 'POST',
description => "Set the job replication state on migration. This call is for internal use. It will accept the job state as ja JSON obj.",
permissions => {
check => ['perm', '/storage', ['Datastore.Allocate']],
parameters => {
additionalProperties => 0,
properties => {
vmid => get_standard_option('pve-vmid', { completion => \&PVE::Cluster::complete_vmid }),
state => {
description => "Job state as JSON decoded string.",
type => 'string',
returns => { type => 'null' },
code => sub {
my ($param) = @_;
my $vmid = extract_param($param, 'vmid');
my $json_string = extract_param($param, 'state');
my $remote_job_state= decode_json $json_string;
PVE::ReplicationState::write_vmid_job_states($remote_job_state, $vmid);
return undef;
my $print_job_list = sub {
my ($list) = @_;
my $format = "%-20s %-20s %10s %5s %8s\n";
printf($format, "JobID", "Target", "Schedule", "Rate", "Enabled");
foreach my $job (sort { $a->{guest} <=> $b->{guest} } @$list) {
my $plugin = PVE::ReplicationConfig->lookup($job->{type});
my $tid = $plugin->get_unique_target_id($job);
printf($format, $job->{id}, $tid,
defined($job->{schedule}) ? $job->{schedule} : '*/15',
defined($job->{rate}) ? $job->{rate} : '-',
$job->{disable} ? 'no' : 'yes'
my $print_job_status = sub {
my ($list) = @_;
my $format = "%-10s %-10s %-20s %20s %20s %10s %10s %s\n";
printf($format, "JobID", "Enabled", "Target", "LastSync", "NextSync", "Duration", "FailCount", "State");
foreach my $job (sort { $a->{guest} <=> $b->{guest} } @$list) {
my $plugin = PVE::ReplicationConfig->lookup($job->{type});
my $tid = $plugin->get_unique_target_id($job);
my $timestr = '-';
if ($job->{last_sync}) {
$timestr = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime($job->{last_sync}));
my $nextstr = '-';
if (my $next = $job->{next_sync}) {
my $now = time();
if ($next > $now) {
$nextstr = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime($job->{next_sync}));
} else {
$nextstr = 'pending';
my $state = $job->{pid} ? "SYNCING" : $job->{error} // 'OK';
my $enabled = $job->{disable} ? 'No' : 'Yes';
printf($format, $job->{id}, $enabled, $tid,
$timestr, $nextstr, $job->{duration} // '-',
$job->{fail_count}, $state);
our $cmddef = {
status => [ 'PVE::API2::Replication', 'status', [], { node => $nodename }, $print_job_status ],
'schedule-now' => [ 'PVE::API2::Replication', 'schedule_now', ['id'], { node => $nodename }],
list => [ 'PVE::API2::ReplicationConfig', 'index' , [], {}, $print_job_list ],
read => [ 'PVE::API2::ReplicationConfig', 'read' , ['id'], {},
sub { my $res = shift; print to_json($res, { utf8 => 1, pretty => 1, canonical => 1}); }],
update => [ 'PVE::API2::ReplicationConfig', 'update' , ['id'], {} ],
delete => [ 'PVE::API2::ReplicationConfig', 'delete' , ['id'], {} ],
'create-local-job' => [ 'PVE::API2::ReplicationConfig', 'create' , ['id', 'target'],
{ type => 'local' } ],
enable => [ __PACKAGE__, 'enable', ['id'], {}],
disable => [ __PACKAGE__, 'disable', ['id'], {}],
'prepare-local-job' => [ __PACKAGE__, 'prepare_local_job', ['id', 'extra-args'], {} ],
'finalize-local-job' => [ __PACKAGE__, 'finalize_local_job', ['id', 'extra-args'], {} ],
run => [ __PACKAGE__ , 'run'],
'set-state' => [ __PACKAGE__ , 'set_state', ['vmid', 'state']],