435 lines
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435 lines
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package PVE::Status::InfluxDB;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(isnan isinf);
use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number';
use IO::Socket::IP;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use IO::Socket::SSL qw(SSL_VERIFY_NONE);
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::Status::Plugin;
use base('PVE::Status::Plugin');
sub type {
return 'influxdb';
sub properties {
return {
organization => {
description => "The InfluxDB organization. Only necessary when using the http v2 api."
." Has no meaning when using v2 compatibility api.",
type => 'string',
optional => 1,
bucket => {
description => "The InfluxDB bucket/db. Only necessary when using the http v2 api.",
type => 'string',
optional => 1,
token => {
description => "The InfluxDB access token. Only necessary when using the http v2 api."
." If the v2 compatibility api is used, use 'user:password' instead.",
type => 'string',
optional => 1,
'api-path-prefix' => {
description => "An API path prefix inserted between '<host>:<port>/' and '/api2/'."
." Can be useful if the InfluxDB service runs behind a reverse proxy.",
type => 'string',
optional => 1,
influxdbproto => {
type => 'string',
enum => ['udp', 'http', 'https'],
default => 'udp',
optional => 1,
'max-body-size' => {
description => "InfluxDB max-body-size in bytes. Requests are batched up to this size.",
type => 'integer',
minimum => 1,
default => 25_000_000,
'verify-certificate' => {
description => "Set to 0 to disable certificate verification for https endpoints.",
type => 'boolean',
optional => 1,
default => 1,
sub options {
return {
server => {},
port => {},
mtu => { optional => 1 },
disable => { optional => 1 },
organization => { optional => 1},
bucket => { optional => 1},
token => { optional => 1},
influxdbproto => { optional => 1},
timeout => { optional => 1},
'max-body-size' => { optional => 1 },
'api-path-prefix' => { optional => 1 },
'verify-certificate' => { optional => 1 },
my $set_ssl_opts = sub {
my ($cfg, $ua) = @_;
my $cert_verify = $cfg->{'verify-certificate'} // 1;
if (!$cert_verify) {
verify_hostname => 0,
SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE,
# Plugin implementation
sub update_node_status {
my ($class, $txn, $node, $data, $ctime) = @_;
$ctime *= 1000000000;
build_influxdb_payload($class, $txn, $data, $ctime, "object=nodes,host=$node");
sub update_qemu_status {
my ($class, $txn, $vmid, $data, $ctime, $nodename) = @_;
$ctime *= 1000000000;
my $object = "object=qemu,vmid=$vmid,nodename=$nodename";
if($data->{name} && $data->{name} ne '') {
$object .= ",host=$data->{name}";
$object =~ s/\s/\\ /g;
# VMID is already added in base $object above, so exclude it from being re-added
build_influxdb_payload($class, $txn, $data, $ctime, $object, { 'vmid' => 1 });
sub update_lxc_status {
my ($class, $txn, $vmid, $data, $ctime, $nodename) = @_;
$ctime *= 1000000000;
my $object = "object=lxc,vmid=$vmid,nodename=$nodename";
if($data->{name} && $data->{name} ne '') {
$object .= ",host=$data->{name}";
$object =~ s/\s/\\ /g;
# VMID is already added in base $object above, so exclude it from being re-added
build_influxdb_payload($class, $txn, $data, $ctime, $object, { 'vmid' => 1 });
sub update_storage_status {
my ($class, $txn, $nodename, $storeid, $data, $ctime) = @_;
$ctime *= 1000000000;
my $object = "object=storages,nodename=$nodename,host=$storeid";
if($data->{type} && $data->{type} ne '') {
$object .= ",type=$data->{type}";
$object =~ s/\s/\\ /g;
build_influxdb_payload($class, $txn, $data, $ctime, $object);
sub _send_batch_size {
my ($class, $cfg) = @_;
my $proto = $cfg->{influxdbproto} // 'udp';
if ($proto ne 'udp') {
return $cfg->{'max-body-size'} // 25_000_000;
return $class->SUPER::_send_batch_size($cfg);
sub send {
my ($class, $connection, $data, $cfg) = @_;
my $proto = $cfg->{influxdbproto} // 'udp';
if ($proto eq 'udp') {
return $class->SUPER::send($connection, $data, $cfg);
} elsif ($proto =~ m/^https?$/) {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$set_ssl_opts->($cfg, $ua);
$ua->timeout($cfg->{timeout} // 1);
my $response = $ua->request($connection);
if (!$response->is_success) {
my $err = $response->status_line;
die "$err\n";
} else {
die "invalid protocol\n";
sub _disconnect {
my ($class, $connection, $cfg) = @_;
my $proto = $cfg->{influxdbproto} // 'udp';
if ($proto eq 'udp') {
return $class->SUPER::_disconnect($connection, $cfg);
sub _get_v2url {
my ($cfg, $api_path) = @_;
my ($proto, $host, $port) = $cfg->@{qw(influxdbproto server port)};
my $api_prefix = $cfg->{'api-path-prefix'} // '/';
if ($api_prefix ne '/' && $api_prefix =~ m!^/*(.+)/*$!) {
$api_prefix = "/$1/";
if ($api_path ne 'health') {
$api_path = "api/v2/${api_path}";
return "${proto}://${host}:${port}${api_prefix}${api_path}";
sub _connect {
my ($class, $cfg, $id) = @_;
my $host = $cfg->{server};
my $port = $cfg->{port};
my $proto = $cfg->{influxdbproto} // 'udp';
if ($proto eq 'udp') {
my $socket = IO::Socket::IP->new(
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'udp',
) || die "couldn't create influxdb socket [$host]:$port - $@\n";
return $socket;
} elsif ($proto =~ m/^https?$/) {
my $token = get_credentials($id, 1);
my $org = $cfg->{organization} // 'proxmox';
my $bucket = $cfg->{bucket} // 'proxmox';
my $url = _get_v2url($cfg, "write?org=${org}&bucket=${bucket}");
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url);
if (defined($token)) {
$req->header( "Authorization", "Token $token");
return $req;
die "cannot connect to InfluxDB: invalid protocol '$proto'\n";
sub test_connection {
my ($class, $cfg, $id) = @_;
# do not check connection for disabled plugins
return if $cfg->{disable};
my $proto = $cfg->{influxdbproto} // 'udp';
if ($proto eq 'udp') {
return $class->SUPER::test_connection($cfg, $id);
} elsif ($proto =~ m/^https?$/) {
my $url = _get_v2url($cfg, "health");
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$set_ssl_opts->($cfg, $ua);
$ua->timeout($cfg->{timeout} // 1);
# in the initial add connection test, the token may still be in $cfg
my $token = $cfg->{token} // get_credentials($id, 1);
if (defined($token)) {
$ua->default_header("Authorization" => "Token $token");
my $response = $ua->get($url);
if (!$response->is_success) {
my $err = $response->status_line;
die "$err\n";
} else {
die "invalid protocol\n";
sub build_influxdb_payload {
my ($class, $txn, $data, $ctime, $tags, $excluded, $measurement, $instance) = @_;
# 'abc' and '123' are both valid hostnames, that confuses influx's type detection
my $to_quote = { name => 1 };
my @values = ();
foreach my $key (sort keys %$data) {
next if defined($excluded) && $excluded->{$key};
my $value = $data->{$key};
next if !defined($value);
if (!ref($value) && $value ne '') {
# value is scalar
if (defined(my $v = prepare_value($value, $to_quote->{$key}))) {
push @values, "$key=$v";
} elsif (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
# value is a hash
if (!defined($measurement)) {
build_influxdb_payload($class, $txn, $value, $ctime, $tags, $excluded, $key);
} elsif(!defined($instance)) {
build_influxdb_payload($class, $txn, $value, $ctime, $tags, $excluded, $measurement, $key);
} else {
push @values, get_recursive_values($value);
if (@values > 0) {
my $mm = $measurement // 'system';
my $tagstring = $tags;
$tagstring .= ",instance=$instance" if defined($instance);
my $valuestr = join(',', @values);
$class->add_metric_data($txn, "$mm,$tagstring $valuestr $ctime\n");
sub get_recursive_values {
my ($hash) = @_;
my @values = ();
foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
my $value = $hash->{$key};
if(ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
push(@values, get_recursive_values($value));
} elsif (!ref($value) && $value ne '') {
if (defined(my $v = prepare_value($value))) {
push @values, "$key=$v";
return @values;
sub prepare_value {
my ($value, $force_quote) = @_;
# don't treat value like a number if quote is 1
if (!$force_quote && looks_like_number($value)) {
if (isnan($value) || isinf($value)) {
# we cannot send influxdb NaN or Inf
return undef;
# influxdb also accepts 1.0e+10, etc.
return $value;
# non-numeric values require to be quoted, so escape " with \"
$value =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$value = "\"$value\"";
return $value;
my $priv_dir = "/etc/pve/priv/metricserver";
sub cred_file_name {
my ($id) = @_;
return "${priv_dir}/${id}.pw";
sub delete_credentials {
my ($id) = @_;
if (my $cred_file = cred_file_name($id)) {
or warn "removing influxdb credentials file '$cred_file' failed: $!\n";
sub set_credentials {
my ($id, $token) = @_;
my $cred_file = cred_file_name($id);
mkdir $priv_dir;
PVE::Tools::file_set_contents($cred_file, "$token");
sub get_credentials {
my ($id, $silent) = @_;
my $cred_file = cred_file_name($id);
my $creds = eval { PVE::Tools::file_get_contents($cred_file) };
warn "could not load credentials for '$id': $@\n" if $@ && !$silent;
return $creds;
sub on_add_hook {
my ($class, $id, $opts, $sensitive_opts) = @_;
my $token = $sensitive_opts->{token};
if (defined($token)) {
set_credentials($id, $token);
} else {
return undef;
sub on_update_hook {
my ($class, $id, $opts, $sensitive_opts) = @_;
return if !exists($sensitive_opts->{token});
my $token = $sensitive_opts->{token};
if (defined($token)) {
set_credentials($id, $token);
} else {
return undef;
sub on_delete_hook {
my ($class, $id, $opts) = @_;
return undef;