2023-06-30 09:40:03 +03:00

276 lines
8.2 KiB

package tracker_test
import (
type pkgDetail struct {
Package []string
Version []string
func TestClient_Update(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
repoPath string
sourcesPath string
securitySourcesPath string
wantBugs map[string]tracker.Bug
wantDists map[string]tracker.Distribution
wantSources map[string]pkgDetail
wantErr string
name: "happy path",
repoPath: "file::testdata/happy",
sourcesPath: "file::testdata/happy/source/%s/%s/Sources",
securitySourcesPath: "file::testdata/happy/updates-source/%s/%s/Sources",
wantBugs: map[string]tracker.Bug{
filepath.Join("DLA", "DLA-2711-1.json"): {
Header: &tracker.Header{
Original: "[19 Jul 2021] DLA-2711-1 thunderbird - security update",
ID: "DLA-2711-1",
Description: "thunderbird - security update",
Annotations: []*tracker.Annotation{
Original: "{CVE-2021-29969 CVE-2021-29970 CVE-2021-29976 CVE-2021-30547}",
Type: "xref",
Bugs: []string{
Original: "[stretch] - thunderbird 1:78.12.0-1~deb9u1",
Type: "package",
Release: "stretch",
Package: "thunderbird",
Kind: "fixed",
Version: "1:78.12.0-1~deb9u1",
filepath.Join("DSA", "DSA-4480-1.json"): {
Header: &tracker.Header{
Original: "[11 Jul 2019] DSA-4480-1 redis - security update",
ID: "DSA-4480-1",
Description: "redis - security update",
Annotations: []*tracker.Annotation{
Original: "{CVE-2019-10192 CVE-2019-10193}",
Type: "xref",
Bugs: []string{
Original: "[stretch] - redis 3:3.2.6-3+deb9u3",
Type: "package",
Release: "stretch",
Package: "redis",
Kind: "fixed",
Version: "3:3.2.6-3+deb9u3",
Original: "[buster] - redis 5:5.0.3-4+deb10u1",
Type: "package",
Release: "buster",
Package: "redis",
Kind: "fixed",
Version: "5:5.0.3-4+deb10u1",
filepath.Join("CVE", "2021", "CVE-2021-36373.json"): {
Header: &tracker.Header{
Original: "CVE-2021-36373 (When reading a specially crafted TAR archive an Apache Ant build can b ...)",
ID: "CVE-2021-36373",
Description: "(When reading a specially crafted TAR archive an Apache Ant build can b ...)",
Annotations: []*tracker.Annotation{
Original: "- ant <unfixed> (unimportant)",
Type: "package",
Kind: "unfixed",
Package: "ant",
Severity: "unimportant",
Original: "NOTE: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2021/07/13/5",
Type: "NOTE",
Description: "https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2021/07/13/5",
Original: "NOTE: Crash in CLI tool, no security impact",
Type: "NOTE",
Description: "Crash in CLI tool, no security impact",
filepath.Join("CVE", "2021", "CVE-2021-36367.json"): {
Header: &tracker.Header{
Original: "CVE-2021-36367 (PuTTY through 0.75 proceeds with establishing an SSH session even if i ...)",
ID: "CVE-2021-36367",
Description: "(PuTTY through 0.75 proceeds with establishing an SSH session even if i ...)",
Annotations: []*tracker.Annotation{
Original: "- putty 0.75-3 (low; bug #990901)",
Type: "package",
Version: "0.75-3",
Kind: "fixed",
Package: "putty",
Severity: "low",
BugNo: 990901,
Original: "[bullseye] - putty <no-dsa> (Minor issue)",
Type: "package",
Release: "bullseye",
Kind: "no-dsa",
Package: "putty",
Description: "Minor issue",
Original: "[buster] - putty <no-dsa> (Minor issue)",
Type: "package",
Release: "buster",
Kind: "no-dsa",
Package: "putty",
Description: "Minor issue",
wantDists: map[string]tracker.Distribution{
"stretch": {
MajorVersion: "9",
Support: "lts",
Contact: "debian-lts@lists.debian.org",
"buster": {
MajorVersion: "10",
Support: "security",
Contact: "team@security.debian.org",
wantSources: map[string]pkgDetail{
filepath.Join("source", "stretch", "main", "0", "0ad.json"): {
Package: []string{"0ad"},
Version: []string{"0.0.21-2"},
filepath.Join("source", "stretch", "main", "0", "0ad-data.json"): {
Package: []string{"0ad-data"},
Version: []string{"0.0.21-1"},
filepath.Join("updates-source", "stretch", "main", "0", "0ad.json"): {
Package: []string{"0ad"},
Version: []string{"0.0.21-2"},
filepath.Join("updates-source", "stretch", "main", "0", "0ad-data.json"): {
Package: []string{"0ad-data"},
Version: []string{"0.0.21-1"},
filepath.Join("source", "stretch", "contrib", "a", "alien-arena.json"): {
Package: []string{"alien-arena"},
Version: []string{"7.66+dfsg-3"},
filepath.Join("updates-source", "stretch", "contrib", "a", "alien-arena.json"): {
Package: []string{"alien-arena"},
Version: []string{"7.66+dfsg-3"},
filepath.Join("source", "buster", "main", "z", "zzz-to-char.json"): {
Package: []string{"zzz-to-char"},
Version: []string{"0.1.3-2"},
filepath.Join("source", "buster", "main", "z", "zzzeeksphinx.json"): {
Package: []string{"zzzeeksphinx"},
Version: []string{"1.0.20-2"},
filepath.Join("updates-source", "buster", "main", "z", "zzz-to-char.json"): {
Package: []string{"zzz-to-char"},
Version: []string{"0.1.3-3"},
filepath.Join("source", "buster", "contrib", "z", "zfs-auto-snapshot.json"): {
Package: []string{"zfs-auto-snapshot"},
Version: []string{"1.2.4-2"},
filepath.Join("source", "buster", "contrib", "z", "zfs-linux.json"): {
Package: []string{"zfs-linux"},
Version: []string{"0.7.12-2+deb10u2"},
filepath.Join("updates-source", "buster", "contrib", "z", "zfs-linux.json"): {
Package: []string{"zfs-linux"},
Version: []string{"0.7.12-2+deb10u3"},
name: "sad path",
repoPath: "file::testdata/sad",
wantErr: "no such file or directory",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
tmpDir := t.TempDir()
c := tracker.NewClient(tracker.WithTrackerURL(tt.repoPath), tracker.WithSourcesURL(tt.sourcesPath),
tracker.WithSecuritySourcesURL(tt.securitySourcesPath), tracker.WithVulnListDir(tmpDir))
err := c.Update()
if tt.wantErr != "" {
require.NotNil(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tt.wantErr)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Compare CVE/list, DLA/list, and DSA/list
for name, want := range tt.wantBugs {
var got tracker.Bug
filePath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tracker", name)
compare(t, filePath, &got, &want)
// Compare distributions.json
var got map[string]tracker.Distribution
filePath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tracker", "distributions.json")
compare(t, filePath, &got, &tt.wantDists)
// Compare Sources
for name, want := range tt.wantSources {
var got pkgDetail
filePath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "tracker", name)
compare(t, filePath, &got, &want)
func compare(t *testing.T, gotPath string, got, want interface{}) {
f, err := os.Open(gotPath)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(got)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, want, got)