admc CHANGELOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.11.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix race condition problems with AdInterface. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.11.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix property tabs size policy to looks more pretty. - Enable both user and machine attributes during GPO creating. - Fix availability of the Ok button when: + a policy name is missing in the policy create dialog; + group name is missing in the renaming ou dialog; + user name is missing in rename user dialog. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.11.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Action menu: Block inheritance feature is added to organizational unit context menu. Also limited group policy tab is returned. - Console: Bug with empty group policy object crushing is fixed. - Console: Non-deletable group policy containers dont dissapear from GUI after deletion attempt now. Warning message popups instead of error log dialog. - Misc: "Order" column is added to policy organizational unit results. Sort is performed with this column by default. - Console: Fix crash in policy tree after changing properties for organizational units. - Misc: Fix description bar squishing scope pane, when selected item's name is too long and description bar needs to display it. - Toolbar: Fix icons for "create" actions for organizational units, users and groups in toolbar. - Misc: Add trimming to full name autofill. - Misc: Add trimming to attribute sAMAccountName edit in create dialog for computers. - Misc: Add "find gpo" action to policy tree. It implements group policy objects search functional. - Misc: Improve "Import Query" action. So it's possible to import multiple queries at the same time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Properties: Removed "Group tab". Not necessary because policy tree replaces it. - Policies: Improved policy tree. Tree now contains OU's in addition to policies. OU's display their child OU's and linked policies. Viewing all policies is still possible in "All policies" folder. - Misc: Fixed eliding of long items in scope view. Scope view now correctly displays a scroll bar so that long items can be viewed fully. - Misc: Added trimming of spaces from names when creating or renaming policies, query folders and query items. - Misc: Fixed a bug where object became unloaded if during rename character '?' was added to it's name. - Misc: Increased size of editor for string attributes, which is available in "Attributes" tab. Long strings are now easier to view and edit. - Misc: Removed ability to drag and drop policies onto OU's in object tree. This action now can be performed inside policy tree. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.9.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Account Tab: Improved editor for "Logon Hours". - Account Tab: Fixed "Logon Computers" editor incorrectly adding empty entry when being opened. - Account Tab: Fixed incorrect flag value for "Reversible encryption" account option. - Attributes Tab: Added special display format for some bitfield attributes, so that both the value and names of bitfields are displayed. Includes "userAccountControl", "sAMAccountType" and "primaryGroupId". - Account Tab: Added missing "DES key" account option. - Account Tab: Removed "Trusted for delegation" option because it should be in "Delegation" tab only. - Account Tab: Fixed some options using incorrect flags. - Action menu: Added creation of more object types: "Contact", "inetOrgPerson" and "Shared Folder". - Action menu: Fixed "New" sub-menu in action menu so that it contains only those object types that can be children of target object. (#343) - Action menu: Removed "Rename" action from computer objects because computer objects must be renamed from the machine itself in system configuration. - Console: Added object display limit option. Applies to main window and find dialog. (#319) - Address Tab: Changed order of country list so that the country of current locale is always first, for ease of use. - Console: Implemented opening action menu by right clicking on empty space in results pane. In this case, currently selected scope item is treated as target object for the menu. (#334) - Console: Fixed action menu being empty on startup until user selected another console item. (#340) - Console: Fixed being able to move an object onto it's current parent via action menu or drag and drop. This caused visual glitches. (#336, #338) - Console: Improved default sort setting for results view (for all view types - details, icons, list). - Create dialog: Fix incorrect field labels. - Logon Hours: Improved usability. - Logon Hours: Added legend that explains how dialog works. - Security Tab: Fixed handling of inherited rights. Inherited rights will now correctly display as grayed out checkboxes and will not be editable. (#327) - Security Tab: Fixed all objects having the same kinds of rights. Security tab will now correctly show rights that are appropriate for the object type. (#328) - Security Tab: Added verification of ACL order. When switching to security tab, order will be verified and if it's incorrect, a warning dialog will open offering to fix it. (#339) - Toolbar: Added keyboard shortcuts to all actions. - Propeties: Added LAPS(Local Administration Password Solution) tab for computer objects. This tab is accessible only if LAPS is enabled in the domain. (#312) - Properties: Improved how properties dialog responds to failing to load a user due to connection error or absence of object. - Properties: Disabled "Profile" tab, not usable because not implemented in backend. - Properties: Disabled "Logon Computers" feature, not usable because not implemented in backend. - Policies: Fixed permission check incorrectly complaining about policies made by RSAT. (#333) - Policies: Implemented "Edit" action for policies. Installation of "gpui" package is required for correct functioning. - Queries: Removed "Cut" and "Copy" actions from Query root, because they don't apply to it. (#350) - Queries: Remove ability to recursively cut and paste query folders into themselves. - Queries: Fixed program freezing when copying and pasting a query folder into itself. - Queries: Fixed default name for query folders when making them. - Queries: Fixed "Copy" and "Paste" of query folder into same parent. - Queries: Remove ability to drag and drop query folders onto themselves. - Find dialog: Added class filtering by all classes, implemented as a separate checkbox. This filtering will accept all classes, not just the ones in the list. (#341) - Managed by tab: Fixed tab not applying. - Managed by tab: Fixed some fields being editable when they shouldn't be. - Menubar: Fixed checkboxes for view types (Icons, List, Details) not being exclusive. (#329) - Menubar: Fixed search logging, now correctly works when browsing the object tree, in find dialog and other UI elements. - Menubar: Added keyboard shortcuts to all actions, except for the "Action" menu. - Menubar: Added keyboard navigation for all sub-menu's except "Action" menu. - Misc: Fixed class filters not working correctly until class selection dialog was opened. Occured in find dialog, query creation/editing and others. (#322) - Misc: Added "Operations Masters" dialog for viewing and editing FSMO roles. Opened from Menubar->File->Operations Masters. (#313) - Misc: Changed AD error dialogs to be modal. - Misc: Removed "Reset" button from rename dialogs. - Misc: Fixed group icons not displaying on some DE's. (#330) - Misc: Added app icon which is displayed next to in app lists and on the title bar. - Misc: Empty password input is now not allowed. - Misc: Fixed incorrect value for length limit of the field "Logon name (pre-Windows 2000)". - Misc: Improved handling of illegal characters in dialogs that create objects and those that rename objects. - Misc: Added automatic trimming of leading and trailing spaces in most fields for inputting string values. - Misc: Fixed creation of computer objects so that attributes are set correctly. - Misc: Added "Show password" checkbox to all password fields, which toggles password visibility when entering. - Misc: Fixed crash that sometimes happened when loading objects from server. - Misc: Fixed incorrect "Street" field for OU objects. Was using the wrong attribute. - Misc: Improved translation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.8.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Misc: Fixed build compatibility with new Samba version. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.8.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Misc: Fixed problems with sAMAccountName fields for computer and group objects. In some places domain and name fields were swapped or domain name was incorrectly enabled. (#324) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.8.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Misc: Fixed build for e2k. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.8.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Connection: Added a new window for case where app fails to connect to domain on startup. This window contains connection options and a way to retry connection. Removed "Connect" action from main window's menubar. - Console: Removed display of current domain controller in domain item. It can now be seen in connection options. - Console: Fixed bug with overlapping object fetches/refreshes. Happened when refreshing an object while it's children are still being loaded. (#290) - Console: Fixed restoration of results state. State was saved but then sometimes restoration failed. Includes things like visible columns and sorting. (#299) - Menubar: Fixed custom filter in "Filter objects" dialog not being saved. - Menubar: Removed "Navigation" menu because it's not useful. Navigation actions can still be accessed from the toolbar in a much more convenient manner. - Menubar: Added a way to view changelog in the app. Opened from "Help" menu. - Menubar: Manual is now opened as an online version on the wiki. - Action menu: Improved order of actions. - Find dialog: Fixed object action effects in find results, for example objects not getting removed after being deleted in find results. (#296) - Find dialog: Added missing "View" actions to find dialog ("Icon", "List", "Detail"). - Find dialog: Added "View" menu to find dialog opened from select object dialog. - Find dialog: Implemented propagation of changes from Find dialog to the main window. For example, deleting an object in Find dialog will also remove it from the console in Main window. (#298) - Find dialog: Added "Clear" button which clears filter input and all results. (#314) - Find dialog: Implemented updating of objects in find dialog after move/rename. - Select object dialog: Added "Clear" button which clears filter input and all results. (#314) - Queries: Added "out of date" state to queries. In that state query icon and tooltip change to indicate that the query is in that state. Queries become out of date when their child objects are renamed or moved. - Queries: Fixed query tree saving objects into settings file, which can make the file unnecessarily big. This also speeds up app shutdown. (#300) - Queries: Added ability to cut/copy/paste multiple query item and/or folders. - Policies: Added Properties for policies in the policy tree. Contains policy-specific information as well as a security tab. (#278) - Properties: Fixed changes not propagating from other tabs to Attributes tab after apply. For example, changing "description" in general tab now also updates it in Attributes tab. (#306) - Managed by tab: Fixed unaccessible "Other" fields. Button is now enabled and opens a read only sub-dialog. (#311) - Account tab: Fixed incorrect behavior of the "Cannot delegate" account option. It was turning on "Trusted for delegation option". Also fixed display of status for those options. (#305) - Misc: Added expanded default names when creating policies and query folders, before had just one default, now will offer a numbered default depending on what already exist. (#302) - Misc: Moved UI element toggle actions from "Preferences" to "View" menu. - Misc: Fixed hanging/crashing when logged in as non-privileged user. (#301) - Misc: Added display of currently login to status bar ( for example). - Misc: Fixed incorrect display of "Enable"/"Disable" actions for user objects. Before, "Disable" was shown for already disabled users. (#297) - Misc: Fixed password dialog sometimes not applying the "Password expired" option. (#304) - Misc: Fixed stack smashing on 32 bit systems. (#294) - Misc: Fixed crash when creating a user with name containing leading or trailing whitespace and enabling "Must change pass" option. This also fixes a similar issue when creating OU's and renaming users. (#308) - Misc: Moved "Change domain controller" functionality to connection options. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.7.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Misc: Fix stack smashing on 32 bit systems. (#294) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.7.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Manual: Fixed manual not opening when app is installed fresh. (#267) - Manual: Improved how help pages are selected. Can now single-click to select and also select using arrow keys. - Policies: Fixed group policy tab not displaying policies created on Windows. (#270) - Policies: Fixed incorrect case in gplink strings outputted by the app. Changed to use the same case style as Windows. (#271) - Policies: Added displaying of invalid GPO links in "Group Policy" tab. Invalid links can be caused by slow replication of recently created GPO's or delete GPO's or incorrect deletiong of GPO's without unlinking. (#274) - Policies: Fixed deletion of policies not unlinking them as well. (#273) - Policies: Fixed incorrect permissions of GPT of newly created policies. (#269) - Policies: Fixed incorrect deletion of GPT's (group policy files on the sysvol share). (#277) - Policies: Added a check for GPO permission mismatch. If there's a mismatch, user is warned about it and offered to sync permissions. (#281) - Policies: Added "Refresh" action to policy tree. (#279) - Properties: Added "Security" properties tab to all objects that need it, not just users. - Object tab: Added "Protect against deletion" feature which allows enabling or disabling protection against deletion for objects. Available in Object tab or in create dialog for OU's. (#283) - Misc: Added a toolbar. (#257) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.6.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Queries: Fixed query edit dialog not loading state correctly. Was loading some fields as blank. (#255) - Policies: Fixed policy creation dialog not closing. (#264) - Policies: Fixed policy creation dialog not displaying errors. - Policies: Fixed policy results not loading state(enforced/disabled) of links correctly. Was loading blank every time. (#263) - Policies: Fixed policy delete action not deleting GPO files on sysvol. - Policies: Disabled imprinting of policy security descriptors on their sysvol files temporarily. For the time being, sysvol files of newly created gpo's will have default SD's. This is because the current process for imprinting SD's causes problems. - Misc: Fixed dialog titles. - Misc: Added object count to description bar for queries. (#256) - Menubar: Added shortcuts for navigation actions and quit. (#262) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.6.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Misc: Added manual generated from the wiki page. (#218) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.6.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Console: Added "Reset account" action for computer objects. (#245) - Console: Fixed "Advanced features" setting not hiding advanced objects when the setting is turned off. (#247) - UI: Implemented saving and restoring of state and geometry of UI elements. Things like sizes of dialogs, column customization and column widths. (#242) - Options: Added connection options to "File" menu. (#248) - Misc: Fixed crash on startup if there are no Kerberos tickets. (#246) - Misc: Fixed crash caused by threaded search when a connection error happened. (#249) - Misc: Fixed incorrect error message for account option conflicts. Error message contained incorrect or empty strings for account options. (#251) - Misc: Fixed account option conflicts not being enforced correctly. Was able to set conflicting account option after closign the error message. (#252) - Misc: Fixed expiry edit behaving incorrectly in some timezones. The edit was setting the date to the next day. (#253) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.6.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Action menu: Added "Enable account" and "Disable account" actions for computer objects. (#236) - Console: Fixed a bug where creating objects at domain object did not add those objects in console. Also fixed similar issue with moving objects to domain object. (#240) - Console: Fixed results pane showing always showing all columns. Now it hides non-default columns as it should. (#237) - Console: Fixed changes to object properties not updating objects in queries.(#241) - Rename dialog: For the user version, updated the UPN edit to the new version used everywhere else. (#238) - Misc: Improved text in labels, titles and messages. - Misc: Fixed "Close" button in error log dialog not closing the dialog. (#235) - Misc: Fixed empty text in some message boxes. (#234) - Misc: Fixed crash caused by performing object operations like delete, while "Saved Queries" is empty. (#239) - Misc: Added .desktop file so that the app appears in app list. (#231) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.6.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Properties dialog: Improved how connection failure is handled. Dialog stays open and displays informative error text. - Properties dialog: Sped up dialog opening and applying slightly. - Manual dialog: Fixed manual path so it loads correctly. - Connection: Fixed crash when getting domain name fails. - Connection: Changed how domain name is determined. Before it was determined from the default domain, now it is determined from the default principal. Default domain has to be specified manually and is not guaranteed to be there. - Console: Don't open context menu when clicking on empty space in results pane. - Console: Changed how target object for Action menu is determined. If results is focused but has no selection, use selection from scope. - Action menu: Disable "New" menu if all new actions are disabled. - Action menu: Don't disable actions for items that are fetching. This messed up context menu logic. - Action menu: Enabled "Add to group" action for groups. Groups can be added to groups. - Select object dialog: Changed the base dialog to contain a simpler search method. More advanced search is still available via another dialog opened from "Advanced" button. - Select object dialog: Changed columns for the selected list to be more informative. - Account tab: Added "Logon hours" edit. Note that this functionality is currently only working for Windows clients. To work on Linux clients, it has to be implemented in the client backend (not in ADMC). - Account tab: Added "Logon computers" edit. - UI: Improved button layout. - UI: Added missing "Cancel" buttons to some dialogs. - Security tab: Implemented addition of well-known trustee's. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.5.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Properties dialog: Added new "Security" tab for User objects. - Properties dialog: Added new tabs for Computer objects: "Delegation", "Managed by", "Member of" and "Operating System". - Properties dialog: Added "Location" field to General tab for Computer objects. - Create User dialog: Added "Can't change password" option. - Filters: Removed "Cancel" button from class selection dialog. - Filters: Removed hidden feature where selecting all classes in filter setup secretly changed filter to accept ALL classes, even ones not listed in the class list. - Console filtering dialog: Added more filtering options. Now there's an option to: show all objects, show selected classes and a custom filter. - Console: Perform fetches of domain objects and queries in a separate thread. - Create query dialog: Fixed dialog not resetting between multiple instances. - Create query dialog: Fixed search base defaulting to being empty. Default to domain instead like find dialog. - Queries: Added "Edit" action to query items, which is accessible from the action menu. - Errors: Added more helpful error messages for the connection process. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.5.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Translation: Fix translation of "Action" menu not loading. - Properties: Added new properties dialog for multiple objects which allows editing properties of multiple objects at the same time. - Message Log: Add option to show LDAP search operations. - Message Log: Add option to show timestamps next to messages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.5.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Console: Fixed a bug where when moving or deleting items, some of the items were skipped. - Select dialog: Fixed pressing return closing the Find the dialog. Pressing return now presses "Find" button. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.5.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Console: Added new tree called "Group Policy Objects". Lists all of the policies in the domain. Selecting a policy shows all of the links to that policy in results pane. - Console: Added new tree called "Saved Queries". Displays a tree of folders which contain "queries". Queries are saved searches which display search results in results pane. - Console: Display current domain controller in domain item label. - Console: Add additional way to "activate" results items by selecting and pressing ENTER. Before could only activate by double-clicking. Activating means switching scope to selected results item or opening it's properties. - Console: Items in scope pane are now sorted. - Console: Change sorting of items in scope and results to be case insensitive. - Action menu: Added "Edit upn suffixes" action to domain object. Opens menu to edit upn suffixes for this domain. - Account tab: Added combobox for user logon name which contains current upn suffixes. - Attributes tab: Remember what attribute filters were selected when app is closed. - Move object dialog: Items are now sorted. - Attributes tab: Prevent mixing changes in attributes tab with changes in other tabs. When switching from/to attributes tab while there are changes in tabs, open a dialog which forces user to apply or discard those changes. - Create dialog: Added combobox for user logon name which contains current upn suffixes. - View menu: Added new results view types: Icons, Lists, Detail. - View menu: Added "Customize columns" option. Opens a dialog where columns for results pane can be shown and hidden. - Preferences: Added toggles for some console widgets. Replaces "toggle widgets dialog". - Message log: Changed this to a docked widget. Can now be repositioned to the sides or bottom of window as well as floating. - Find dialog: Fixed find dialog taking a long time to close if find results contained many objects and they were sorted by user. - Find dialog: Fixed group scope and type not showing correctly. Was always showing the default scope and type (Distribution Group - Global). - Properties: Added new tab called "Managed by", which is shown for Organizational Units. - Properties: Added new tab called "Group policy" which displays and edits policies linked to selected object. - Manual: Added contents and index sectio. Still no actual content though. - Misc: Drag and drop is now disabled for objects that can't be moved. Before you were able to start drag process for those objects but weren't able to drop them anywhere, which is confusing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.4.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Properties: Fixed "Apply"/"Reset" buttons being incorrectly disabled after apply failure. They now stay enabled if any error occured. - Properties: Fixed edits and tabs applying old changes if they were previously applied in the same Properties dialog. - Member Of/Members tab: Changed primary objects to be selectable. When pressing "Remove" button, a warning opens if any of selected objects are primary, remove action fails. - Member Of tab: Added "Primary Group" display. - Console: Changed drag and drop process to not make server requests while dragging. Dragging will now be smoother. - Find dialog: Moved the find process to a separate thread. This removes all lag. - Find dialog: Fixed crashing when closing dialog while a find is in progress. - Find dialog: Removed results limit. - Find dialog: Removed quick find option. Didn't work well. - Misc: Implemented recursive delete so now you can delete objects with children. Before this action caused a server error. - Misc: Fixed idle disconnect. The app now opens a new connection to server for every set of operations instead of keeping one connection open. - Misc: Added message box that warns about connection failure after trying to perform some operations that require a connection. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 0.4.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Properties: Added more tabs to Properties dialog: - general - object - account - address - organization - telephones - profile - members - member of - Properties: Changed Properties to be a dialog instead of docked widget. - Properties: Tab titles are now displayed in a vertical list to the left of tab content. - Properties: Renamed from Details to Properties. - Attributes Tab: Added new features: - filtering - attribute type column - specialized editors for all attribute types - Object Menu: Added most of the object actions. - Object Menu: Actions can now be performed for multiple objects. Select multiple objects to load object menu for all of them. Can move, delete, rename and perform other operations, depending on selection. - Object Menu: Now available in menubar for accessibility. - Object Menu: Added new dialogs: - rename dialog - find dialog - create dialog - select dialog - Settings: Added more customization: - showing/hiding widgets - show non-container objects in containers widget - Settings: Added Contents widget filtering - Menubar: Added Navigation menu. - Performance: Reduced lag when working with large amounts of objects (1000s) - Misc: Removed login dialog. New usage scheme is to do authenticate via kerberos before starting the app using "kinit" and then use the app. There's also an option to attempt to connect after app has started. - Misc: Implemented displaying busy indicator on cursor for long operations. - Misc: Implemented correct dialog modality for all dialogs. - Misc: Selected better object icons. - Misc: Enabled sorting of most object lists. - Misc: Improved default column widths for object lists. - Misc: Implemented saving of column widths between app sessions.