# Building Dependencies: * qt (core, widgets, help, linguist tools) * samba (smbclient, ndr) * glibc (resolv) * ldap * krb5 * uuid Once dependencies are installed, run this from the admc folder: ``` $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make -j12 ``` If the build fails, check build output for missing dependencies. You can also format the sources by building `clangformat` target after `cmake` is run, for example: ``` make -C build clangformat ``` # Usage: This app requires a working Active Directory domain and for the client machine to be connected and logged into the domain. You can find articles about these topics on [ALTLinux wiki](https://www.altlinux.org/%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD). Launch admc from the build directory: ``` $ ./admc ``` # Testing Tests also require a domain and a connection to the domain. Launch tests from the build directory: ``` $ ./admc-test ``` # Screenshots ![image](https://i.imgur.com/GuRmwnq.png)