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* ADMC - AD Management Center
* Copyright (C) 2020-2025 BaseALT Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2020-2025 Dmitry Degtyarev
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "admc_test_ad_security.h"
#include "ad_security.h"
#include "samba/ndr_security.h"
// NOTE: using "int" instead of "uint32_t" for test
// data because "uint32_t" is not supported by
// QTest::addColumn()
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::initTestCase() {
// NOTE: important to set sd early here, because
// base class initTestCase() calls cleanup() which
// needs to not free sd
sd = NULL;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::init() {
// Create test user
test_user_dn = test_object_dn(TEST_USER, CLASS_USER);
const bool create_test_user_success = ad.object_add(test_user_dn, CLASS_USER);
// Create test trustee (which is a user)
test_trustee_dn = test_object_dn("test-trustee", CLASS_USER);
const bool create_test_trustee_success = ad.object_add(test_trustee_dn, CLASS_USER);
test_trustee = [&]() {
const AdObject test_trustee_object = ad.search_object(test_user_dn);
const QByteArray out = test_trustee_object.get_value(ATTRIBUTE_OBJECT_SID);
return out;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::cleanup() {
sd = NULL;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::add_right() {
SecurityRight right{SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, true);
check_state(test_trustee, SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_Allow);
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::remove_right() {
SecurityRight right{SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, true);
check_state(test_trustee, SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_Allow);
security_descriptor_remove_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, true);
check_state(test_trustee, SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_None);
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::remove_trustee() {
const QList<uint32_t> mask_list = {
for (const uint32_t &mask : mask_list) {
SecurityRight right{mask, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, true);
for (const uint32_t &mask : mask_list) {
check_state(test_trustee, mask, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_Allow);
security_descriptor_remove_trustee(sd, {test_trustee});
for (const uint32_t &mask : mask_list) {
check_state(test_trustee, mask, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_None);
// Removing generic read while full control is
// allowed, should leave generic write, even though
// they share a bit, and vice versa
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::handle_generic_read_and_write_sharing_bit() {
const QHash<uint32_t, uint32_t> opposite_map = {
for (const uint32_t &mask : opposite_map.keys()) {
const uint32_t opposite = opposite_map[mask];
SecurityRight right{mask, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
SecurityRight right_opposite{opposite, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, true);
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right_opposite, true);
check_state(test_trustee, mask, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_Allow);
check_state(test_trustee, opposite, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_Allow);
security_descriptor_remove_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, true);
check_state(test_trustee, opposite, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_Allow);
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::protected_against_deletion_data() {
QTest::newRow("enabled") << true << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("disabled") << false << TestAdSecurityType_None;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::protected_against_deletion() {
QFETCH(bool, enabled);
QFETCH(TestAdSecurityType, correct_type);
ad_security_set_protected_against_deletion(ad, test_user_dn, enabled);
// NOTE: need to reload sd since this modifies it
// on the server!
// Check state ourselves
const QByteArray trustee_everyone = sid_string_to_bytes(SID_WORLD);
const QList<uint32_t> protect_deletion_mask_list = {
for (const uint32_t &mask : protect_deletion_mask_list) {
check_state(trustee_everyone, mask, QByteArray(), correct_type);
// Check using the getter
const AdObject object = ad.search_object(test_user_dn);
const bool actual_from_get = ad_security_get_protected_against_deletion(object);
QCOMPARE(actual_from_get, enabled);
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::cant_change_pass_data() {
QTest::newRow("enabled") << true << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("disabled") << false << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::cant_change_pass() {
QFETCH(bool, enabled);
QFETCH(TestAdSecurityType, correct_type);
ad_security_set_user_cant_change_pass(&ad, test_user_dn, enabled);
// NOTE: need to reload sd since this modifies it
// on the server!
// Check state ourselves
const QList<QString> cant_change_pass_trustee_cn_list = {
for (const QString &trustee_cn : cant_change_pass_trustee_cn_list) {
const QByteArray trustee = sid_string_to_bytes(trustee_cn);
const QByteArray change_pass_right = ad.adconfig()->get_right_guid("User-Change-Password");
check_state(trustee, SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS, change_pass_right, correct_type);
// Check using the getter
const AdObject object = ad.search_object(test_user_dn);
const bool actual_from_get = ad_security_get_user_cant_change_pass(&object, ad.adconfig());
QCOMPARE(actual_from_get, enabled);
// Setting a right should unset it's opposite. For
// example, set allow for X, then set deny for Y, allow
// for X should go away as a result.
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::add_to_unset_opposite_data() {
const QByteArray allowed_to_auth_object_type = ad.adconfig()->get_right_guid("Allowed-To-Authenticate");
QTest::newRow("allow [create child]") << true << SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD << QByteArray() << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("deny [create child]") << false << SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD << QByteArray() << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
QTest::newRow("allow [allowed to authenticate]") << true << SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS << allowed_to_auth_object_type << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("deny [allowed to authenticate]") << false << SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS << allowed_to_auth_object_type << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::add_to_unset_opposite() {
QFETCH(bool, first_allow);
QFETCH(int, access_mask);
QFETCH(QByteArray, object_type);
QFETCH(TestAdSecurityType, expected_result);
SecurityRight right{(uint32_t)access_mask, object_type, QByteArray(), 0};
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, first_allow);
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, !first_allow);
check_state(test_trustee, access_mask, object_type, expected_result);
// When a right is unset, if it has any subordinates,
// they should become set. Logic here is that
// subordinates are "contained" by the superior's ACE
// but when superior is unset, they need their own
// ACE'S. For example, unsetting "generic read" should
// set all subordinate rights for reading properties.
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::remove_to_set_subordinates_data() {
const QByteArray type_web_info = ad.adconfig()->get_right_guid("Web-Information");
const QByteArray type_change_password = ad.adconfig()->get_right_guid("User-Change-Password");
QTest::newRow("allow full control") << true << SEC_ADS_GENERIC_ALL << type_web_info << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_WRITE_PROP, SEC_ADS_READ_PROP}) << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
QTest::newRow("deny full control") << false << SEC_ADS_GENERIC_ALL << type_web_info << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_WRITE_PROP, SEC_ADS_READ_PROP}) << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("allow generic read") << true << SEC_ADS_GENERIC_READ << type_web_info << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_READ_PROP}) << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
QTest::newRow("deny generic read") << false << SEC_ADS_GENERIC_READ << type_web_info << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_READ_PROP}) << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("allow generic write") << true << SEC_ADS_GENERIC_WRITE << type_web_info << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_WRITE_PROP}) << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
QTest::newRow("deny generic write") << false << SEC_ADS_GENERIC_WRITE << type_web_info << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_WRITE_PROP}) << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("allow all extended rights") << true << SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS << type_change_password << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS}) << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
QTest::newRow("deny all extended rights") << false << SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS << type_change_password << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS}) << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::remove_to_set_subordinates() {
QFETCH(bool, allow_superior);
QFETCH(int, superior_mask);
QFETCH(QByteArray, subordinate_right_type);
QFETCH(QList<int>, subordinate_mask_list);
QFETCH(TestAdSecurityType, expected_state);
SecurityRight right{(uint32_t)superior_mask, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
// Add superior
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, allow_superior);
// Superior should be set
check_state(test_trustee, superior_mask, QByteArray(), expected_state);
// Subordinate should be set
for (const int &subordinate_mask : subordinate_mask_list) {
check_state(test_trustee, subordinate_mask, subordinate_right_type, expected_state);
// Remove superior
security_descriptor_remove_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, allow_superior);
// Superior should be unset
check_state(test_trustee, superior_mask, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_None);
// But subordinates should be unset
for (const int &subordinate_mask : subordinate_mask_list) {
check_state(test_trustee, subordinate_mask, subordinate_right_type, TestAdSecurityType_None);
// When a right is unset, if it has any superiors and
// they are set, they should become unset. For example,
// unsetting "allow read some property" should unset
// "generic read" and "full control".
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::remove_to_unset_superior_data() {
QTest::newRow("allow generic read") << true << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_GENERIC_READ}) << SEC_ADS_READ_PROP << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
QTest::newRow("deny generic read") << false << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_GENERIC_READ}) << SEC_ADS_READ_PROP << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("allow generic write") << true << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_GENERIC_WRITE}) << SEC_ADS_WRITE_PROP << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
QTest::newRow("deny generic write") << false << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_GENERIC_WRITE}) << SEC_ADS_WRITE_PROP << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
QTest::newRow("allow generic all and read") << true << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_GENERIC_ALL, SEC_ADS_GENERIC_READ}) << SEC_ADS_READ_PROP << TestAdSecurityType_Allow;
QTest::newRow("deny generic all and read") << false << QList<int>({SEC_ADS_GENERIC_ALL, SEC_ADS_GENERIC_READ}) << SEC_ADS_READ_PROP << TestAdSecurityType_Deny;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::remove_to_unset_superior() {
QFETCH(bool, allow);
QFETCH(QList<int>, superior_mask_list);
QFETCH(int, subordinate_mask);
QFETCH(TestAdSecurityType, state_before_remove);
const QByteArray subordinate_right_type = ad.adconfig()->get_right_guid("Web-Information");
// Add superiors
// NOTE: there might be overlap but that's ok
for (const int &superior_mask : superior_mask_list) {
SecurityRight right{(uint32_t)superior_mask, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, allow);
// Superior should be set
for (const int &superior_mask : superior_mask_list) {
check_state(test_trustee, superior_mask, QByteArray(), state_before_remove);
// Subordinate should be set
check_state(test_trustee, subordinate_mask, subordinate_right_type, state_before_remove);
// Remove subordinate
SecurityRight right{(uint32_t)subordinate_mask, subordinate_right_type, QByteArray(), 0};
security_descriptor_remove_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right, allow);
// Superiors should be unset
for (const int &superior_mask : superior_mask_list) {
check_state(test_trustee, superior_mask, QByteArray(), TestAdSecurityType_None);
// And subordinates also should be unset
check_state(test_trustee, subordinate_mask, subordinate_right_type, TestAdSecurityType_None);
// Setting a right should unset it's opposite superior.
// For example, "Create child" right is subordinate to
// "Full control", so if full control is allowed and
// then you deny "Create child", full control stops
// being allowed.
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::add_to_unset_opposite_superior_data() {
QTest::newRow("allow full control, then deny create child") << true << TestAdSecurityType_Deny << TestAdSecurityType_None;
QTest::newRow("deny full control, then allow create child") << false << TestAdSecurityType_Allow << TestAdSecurityType_None;
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::add_to_unset_opposite_superior() {
QFETCH(bool, first_allow);
QFETCH(TestAdSecurityType, expected_create_child);
QFETCH(TestAdSecurityType, expected_full_control);
SecurityRight right_generic{SEC_ADS_GENERIC_ALL, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
SecurityRight right_create_child{SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD, QByteArray(), QByteArray(), 0};
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right_generic, first_allow);
security_descriptor_add_right(sd, ad.adconfig(), class_list, test_trustee, right_create_child, !first_allow);
check_state(test_trustee, SEC_ADS_CREATE_CHILD, QByteArray(), expected_create_child);
check_state(test_trustee, SEC_ADS_GENERIC_ALL, QByteArray(), expected_full_control);
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::check_state(const QByteArray &trustee, const uint32_t access_mask, const QByteArray &object_type, const TestAdSecurityType type) const {
SecurityRight right_generic{access_mask, object_type, QByteArray(), 0};
const SecurityRightState state = security_descriptor_get_right_state(sd, trustee, right_generic);
const bool inherited_allow = state.get(SecurityRightStateInherited_Yes, SecurityRightStateType_Allow);
const bool inherited_deny = state.get(SecurityRightStateInherited_Yes, SecurityRightStateType_Deny);
const bool object_allow = state.get(SecurityRightStateInherited_No, SecurityRightStateType_Allow);
const bool object_deny = state.get(SecurityRightStateInherited_No, SecurityRightStateType_Deny);
QCOMPARE(inherited_allow, false);
QCOMPARE(inherited_deny, false);
switch (type) {
case TestAdSecurityType_Allow: {
QCOMPARE(object_allow, true);
QCOMPARE(object_deny, false);
case TestAdSecurityType_Deny: {
QCOMPARE(object_allow, false);
QCOMPARE(object_deny, true);
case TestAdSecurityType_None: {
QCOMPARE(object_allow, false);
QCOMPARE(object_deny, false);
void ADMCTestAdSecurity::load_sd() {
sd = [&]() {
const AdObject test_user = ad.search_object(test_user_dn);
security_descriptor *out = test_user.get_security_descriptor();
return out;