mirror of https://github.com/altlinux/gpupdate.git synced 2025-03-21 18:50:38 +03:00

Added implementation for generating password

and searching for elapsed login time
This commit is contained in:
Valery Sinelnikov 2025-02-11 16:13:35 +04:00
parent 1c827d4533
commit 3e889622b1

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@ -100,21 +100,50 @@ class laps_applier(applier_frontend):
if not isinstance(password_complexity, int) or not (1 <= password_complexity <= 4):
password_complexity = 4
complexity_options = [
string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation,
string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase,
string.ascii_letters + string.digits,
string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
char_sets = {
1: string.ascii_uppercase,
2: string.ascii_letters,
3: string.ascii_letters + string.digits,
4: string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
chars = complexity_options[password_complexity]
char_set = char_sets.get(password_complexity, char_sets[4])
password = self.generate_password(char_set, password_length)
password = ''.join(secrets.choice(chars) for _ in range(password_length))
if password_complexity >= 3 and not any(c.isdigit() for c in password):
digit = secrets.choice(string.digits)
position = secrets.randbelow(len(password))
password = password[:position] + digit + password[position:]
if password_complexity == 4 and not any(c in string.punctuation for c in password):
special_char = secrets.choice(string.punctuation)
position = secrets.randbelow(len(password))
password = password[:position] + special_char + password[position:]
return password
def generate_password(self, char_set, length):
password = ''.join(secrets.choice(char_set) for _ in range(length))
return password
def get_last_login_hours_ago(self, username):
output = subprocess.check_output(["last", "-n", "1", username], text=True).split("\n")[0]
parts = output.split()
if len(parts) < 7:
return None
login_str = f"{parts[4]} {parts[5]} {parts[6]}"
last_login_time = datetime.strptime(login_str, "%b %d %H:%M")
last_login_time = last_login_time.replace(year=datetime.now().year)
time_diff = datetime.now() - last_login_time
return time_diff.total_seconds() // 3600
except Exception as e:
print('Dlog', e)
def __change_root_password(self):