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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.basic import env_fallback
from ansible.module_utils.urls import Request, SSLValidationError, ConnectionError
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode
from socket import gethostbyname
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.http_cookiejar import CookieJar
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError
import re
from json import loads, dumps
from os.path import isfile
from os import access, R_OK
class TowerModule(AnsibleModule):
url = None
honorred_settings = ['host', 'username', 'password', 'verify_ssl', 'oauth_token']
host = ''
username = None
password = None
verify_ssl = True
oauth_token = None
oauth_token_id = None
session = None
cookie_jar = CookieJar()
authenticated = False
json_output = {'changed': False}
def __init__(self, argument_spec, **kwargs):
args = dict(
tower_host=dict(required=False, fallback=(env_fallback, ['TOWER_HOST'])),
tower_username=dict(required=False, fallback=(env_fallback, ['TOWER_USERNAME'])),
tower_password=dict(no_log=True, required=False, fallback=(env_fallback, ['TOWER_PASSWORD'])),
validate_certs=dict(type='bool', aliases=['tower_verify_ssl'], required=False, fallback=(env_fallback, ['TOWER_VERIFY_SSL'])),
tower_oauthtoken=dict(no_log=True, required=False, fallback=(env_fallback, ['TOWER_OAUTH_TOKEN'])),
tower_config_file=dict(type='path', required=False, default=None),
kwargs['supports_check_mode'] = True
super(TowerModule, self).__init__(argument_spec=args, **kwargs)
# If we have a tower config, load it
if self.params.get('tower_config_file'):
# Parameters specified on command line will override settings in config
if self.params.get('tower_host'):
self.host = self.params.get('tower_host')
if self.params.get('tower_username'):
self.username = self.params.get('tower_username')
if self.params.get('tower_password'):
self.password = self.params.get('tower_password')
if self.params.get('validate_certs') is not None:
self.verify_ssl = self.params.get('validate_certs')
if self.params.get('tower_oauthtoken'):
self.oauth_token = self.params.get('tower_oauthtoken')
# Perform some basic validation
if not re.match('^https{0,1}://', self.host):
self.host = "https://{0}".format(self.host)
# Try to parse the hostname as a url
self.url = urlparse(self.host)
except Exception as e:
self.fail_json(msg="Unable to parse tower_host as a URL ({1}): {0}".format(self.host, e))
# Try to resolve the hostname
hostname = self.url.netloc.split(':')[0]
except Exception as e:
self.fail_json(msg="Unable to resolve tower_host ({1}): {0}".format(hostname, e))
self.session = Request(cookies=self.cookie_jar)
def load_config(self, config_path):
config = ConfigParser()
# Validate the config file is an actual file
if not isfile(config_path):
self.fail_json(msg='The specified config file does not exist')
if not access(config_path, R_OK):
self.fail_json(msg="The specified config file can not be read")
for honorred_setting in self.honorred_settings:
setattr(self, honorred_setting, config.get('general', honorred_setting))
except (NoSectionError) as nse:
self.fail_json(msg="The specified config file does not contain a general section ({0})".format(nse))
except (NoOptionError):
def get_endpoint(self, endpoint, *args, **kwargs):
return self.make_request('GET', endpoint, **kwargs)
def patch_endpoint(self, endpoint, *args, **kwargs):
return self.make_request('PATCH', endpoint, **kwargs)
def post_endpoint(self, endpoint, handle_return=True, item_type='item', item_name='', *args, **kwargs):
response = self.make_request('POST', endpoint, **kwargs)
if response['status_code'] == 201:
self.json_output['changed'] = True
self.json_output['id'] = response['json']['id']
if 'json' in response and '__all__' in response['json']:
self.fail_json(msg="Unable to create {0} {1}: {2}".format(item_type, item_name, response['json']['__all__'][0]))
self.fail_json(msg="Unable to create {0} {1}: {2}".format(item_type, item_name, response['status_code']))
def delete_endpoint(self, endpoint, handle_return=True, item_type='item', item_name='', *args, **kwargs):
response = self.make_request('DELETE', endpoint, **kwargs)
if not handle_return:
return response
elif response['status_code'] == 204:
self.json_output['changed'] = True
self.fail_json(msg="Unable to delete {0} {1}: {2}".format(item_type, item_name, response['status_code']))
def get_all_endpoint(self, endpoint, *args, **kwargs):
raise Exception("This is not implemented")
def get_one(self, endpoint, *args, **kwargs):
response = self.get_endpoint(endpoint, *args, **kwargs)
if response['status_code'] != 200:
self.fail_json(msg="Got a {0} response when trying to get one from {1}".format(response['status_code'], endpoint))
if 'count' not in response['json'] or 'results' not in response['json']:
self.fail_json(msg="The endpoint did not provide count and results")
if response['json']['count'] == 0:
return None
elif response['json']['count'] > 1:
self.fail_json(msg="An unexpected number of items was returned from the API ({0})".format(response['json']['count']))
return response['json']['results'][0]
def resolve_name_to_id(self, endpoint, name_or_id):
# Try to resolve the object by name
response = self.get_endpoint(endpoint, **{'data': {'name': name_or_id}})
if response['json']['count'] == 1:
return response['json']['results'][0]['id']
elif response['json']['count'] == 0:
self.fail_json(msg="The {} {} was not found on the Tower server".format(endpoint, name_or_id))
self.fail_json(msg="Found too many names {} at endpoint {}".format(name_or_id, endpoint))
def make_request(self, method, endpoint, *args, **kwargs):
# Incase someone is calling us directly; make sure we were given a method, lets not just assume a GET
if not method:
raise Exception("The HTTP method must be defined")
# Make sure we start with /api/vX
if not endpoint.startswith("/"):
endpoint = "/{0}".format(endpoint)
if not endpoint.startswith("/api/"):
endpoint = "/api/v2{0}".format(endpoint)
if not endpoint.endswith('/'):
endpoint = "{}/".format(endpoint)
# Extract the headers, this will be used in a couple of places
headers = kwargs.get('headers', {})
# Authenticate to Tower (if we've not already done so)
if not self.authenticated:
# This method will set a cookie in the cookie jar for us
if self.oauth_token:
# If we have a oauth toekn we just use a bearer header
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {}'.format(self.oauth_token)
# Update the URL path with the endpoint
self.url = self.url._replace(path=endpoint)
if method in ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH']:
headers.setdefault('Content-Type', 'application/json')
kwargs['headers'] = headers
elif kwargs.get('data'):
self.url = self.url._replace(query=urlencode(kwargs.get('data')))
data = {}
if headers.get('Content-Type', '') == 'application/json':
data = dumps(kwargs.get('data', {}))
response = self.session.open(method, self.url.geturl(), headers=headers, validate_certs=self.verify_ssl, follow_redirects=True, data=data)
self.url = self.url._replace(query=None)
except(SSLValidationError) as ssl_err:
self.fail_json(msg="Could not establish a secure connection to your host ({1}): {0}.".format(self.url.netloc, ssl_err))
except(ConnectionError) as con_err:
self.fail_json(msg="There was a network error of some kind trying to connect to your host ({1}): {0}.".format(self.url.netloc, con_err))
except(HTTPError) as he:
# Sanity check: Did the server send back some kind of internal error?
if he.code >= 500:
self.fail_json(msg='The host sent back a server error ({1}): {0}. Please check the logs and try again later'.format(self.url.path, he))
# Sanity check: Did we fail to authenticate properly? If so, fail out now; this is always a failure.
elif he.code == 401:
self.fail_json(msg='Invalid Tower authentication credentials for {0} (HTTP 401).'.format(self.url.path))
# Sanity check: Did we get a forbidden response, which means that the user isn't allowed to do this? Report that.
elif he.code == 403:
self.fail_json(msg="You don't have permission to {1} to {0} (HTTP 403).".format(self.url.path, method))
# Sanity check: Did we get a 404 response?
# Requests with primary keys will return a 404 if there is no response, and we want to consistently trap these.
elif he.code == 404:
self.fail_json(msg='The requested object could not be found at {0}.'.format(self.url.path))
# Sanity check: Did we get a 405 response?
# A 405 means we used a method that isn't allowed. Usually this is a bad request, but it requires special treatment because the
# API sends it as a logic error in a few situations (e.g. trying to cancel a job that isn't running).
elif he.code == 405:
self.fail_json(msg="The Tower server says you can't make a request with the {0} method to this endpoing {1}".format(method, self.url.path))
# Sanity check: Did we get some other kind of error? If so, write an appropriate error message.
elif he.code >= 400:
# We are going to return a 400 so the module can decide what to do with it
page_data = he.read()
return {'status_code': he.code, 'json': loads(page_data)}
# JSONDecodeError only available on Python 3.5+
except ValueError:
return {'status_code': he.code, 'text': page_data}
# self.fail_json(msg='The Tower server claims it was sent a bad request.\n{0} {1}\nstatus code: {2}\n\nResponse: {3}'.format(
# method, self.url.path, he.code, he.read()))
elif he.code == 204 and method == 'DELETE':
# a 204 is a normal response for a delete function
self.fail_json(msg="Unexpected return code when calling {0}: {1}".format(self.url.geturl(), he))
except(Exception) as e:
self.fail_json(msg="There was an unknown error when trying to connect to {2}: {0} {1}".format(type(e).__name__, e, self.url.geturl()))
response_body = ''
response_body = response.read()
except(Exception) as e:
self.fail_json(msg="Failed to read response body: {0}".format(e))
response_json = {}
if response_body and response_body != '':
response_json = loads(response_body)
except(Exception) as e:
self.fail_json(msg="Failed to parse the response json: {0}".format(e))
return {'status_code': response.status, 'json': response_json}
def authenticate(self, **kwargs):
if self.username and self.password:
# Attempt to get a token from /api/v2/tokens/ by giving it our username/password combo
# If we have a username and password we need to get a session cookie
login_data = {
"description": "Ansible Tower Module Token",
"application": None,
"scope": "write",
# Post to the tokens endpoint with baisc auth to try and get a token
api_token_url = (self.url._replace(path='/api/v2/tokens/')).geturl()
response = self.session.open(
'POST', api_token_url,
validate_certs=self.verify_ssl, follow_redirects=True,
force_basic_auth=True, url_username=self.username, url_password=self.password,
data=dumps(login_data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
except(Exception) as e:
# Sanity check: Did the server send back some kind of internal error?
self.fail_json(msg='Failed to get token: {0}'.format(e))
response_json = loads(response.read())
self.oauth_token_id = response_json['id']
self.oauth_token = response_json['token']
except(Exception) as e:
self.fail_json(msg="Failed to extract token information from response: {0}".format(e))
# If we have neiter of these then we can try un-authenticated access
self.authenticated = True
def default_check_mode(self):
'''Execute check mode logic for Ansible Tower modules'''
if self.check_mode:
result = self.get_endpoint('ping')
self.exit_json(**{'changed': True, 'tower_version': '{0}'.format(result['json']['version'])})
except(Exception) as excinfo:
self.fail_json(changed=False, msg='Failed check mode: {0}'.format(excinfo))
def update_if_needed(self, existing_item, new_item, handle_response=True, **existing_return):
for field in new_item:
# If the two items don't match and we are not comparing '' to None
if existing_item.get(field, None) != new_item.get(field, None) and not (existing_item.get(field, None) is None and new_item.get(field, None) == ''):
# something dosent match so lets do it
response = self.patch_endpoint(existing_item['url'], **{'data': new_item})
if not handle_response:
return response
elif response['status_code'] == 200:
existing_return['changed'] = True
existing_return['id'] = response['json'].get('id')
elif 'json' in response and '__all__' in response['json']:
self.fail_json({'msg': "Unable to update object, see response", 'response': response})
# Since we made it here, we don't need to update, status ok
existing_return['changed'] = False
existing_return['id'] = existing_item.get('id')
def logout(self):
if self.oauth_token_id:
self.delete_endpoint('tokens/{0}/'.format(self.oauth_token_id), handle_return=False)
self.authenticated = False
except Exception as e:
self.fail_json(msg="Failed to logut: {0}".format(e))
def fail_json(self, **kwargs):
# Try to logout if we are authenticated
def exit_json(self, **kwargs):
# Try to logout if we are authenticated