2013-03-01 04:39:01 +04:00
This will be an ansible playbook soon!
For now these are instructions for CentOS 6.
Install ansible-commander
Before proceeding, be aware that this should be installed on it's own
machine (or virtualmachine) as it is going to lock down the database.
Ansible will install ansible-commander using a playbook, so you first
need to have ansible installed. Do this first and come back here.
You will also need the EPEL yum repository installed if using CentOS6.
First edit app_setup/vars/vars.yml to select a database password.
2013-03-14 00:54:01 +04:00
Edit your local settings in app-setup/templates/local_settings.py.j2
as desired.
2013-03-01 04:39:01 +04:00
run "make setup" to run the ansible setup playbook. It should run
without erros.
This playbook will:
* install Django and required software components
* install postgresql and configure authentication
* initialize the database
* initialize the first database table
* synchronize the database and run any migrations
You may run this setup step again as needed as many times
as you like.
2013-03-14 01:20:50 +04:00
Before you login, you must also run "make adduser" to create
a superuser. This will allow you to login to the app. There
is no default user.
2013-03-01 04:39:01 +04:00
Test the server
make runserver
2013-03-29 10:36:11 +04:00
access the server on
make celeryd
to start the celery worker for background tasks
2013-03-01 04:39:01 +04:00
Running through Apache