email to Administrator. User accounts are meant only to access repo
and report issues and/or generate pull requests.
This is a purpose-specific Git hosting for
projects. Thank you for your understanding!
Только зарегистрированные пользователи имеют доступ к сервису!
Для получения аккаунта, обратитесь к администратору.
All contributors are expected to adhere to the Ansible Community Code of Conduct: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/community/code_of_conduct.html
Often times you'll want to start the development environment without immediately starting all services and instead be taken directly to a shell:
(host)$ make docker-compose-test
From here you'll need to bootstrap the development environment before it will be usable for you. The `docker-compose` make target will
automatically do this:
(container)$ /bootstrap_development.sh
From here you can start each service individually, or choose to start all service in a pre-configured tmux session:
(container)# cd /awx_devel
(container)# make server
Using the development environment
With the development environment running there are a few optional steps to pre-populate the environment with data. If you are using the `docker-compose`
method above you'll first need a shell in the container:
(host)$ docker exec -it tools_awx_1 bash
Create a superuser account:
(container)# awx-manage createsuperuser
Preload AWX with demo data:
(container)# awx-manage create_preload_data
This information will persist in the database running in the `tools_postgres_1` container, until it is removed. You may periodically need to recreate
You should now be able to visit and login to the AWX user interface at https://localhost:8043 or http://localhost:8013 if you have built the UI.
If not you can visit the API directly in your browser at: https://localhost:8043/api/ or http://localhost:8013/api/
When working on the source code for AWX the code will auto-reload for you when changes are made, with the exception of any background tasks that run in
Occasionally it may be necessary to purge any containers and images that may have collected:
(host)$ make docker-clean
There are host of other shortcuts, tools, and container configurations in the Makefile designed for various purposes. Feel free to explore.
What should I work on?
We list our specs in `/docs`. `/docs/current` are things that we are actively working on. `/docs/future` are ideas for future work and the direction we
want that work to take. Fixing bugs, translations, and updates to documentation are also appreciated.
Be aware that if you are working in a part of the codebase that is going through active development your changes may be rejected or you may be asked to
rebase them. A good idea before starting work is to have a discussion with us on IRC or the mailing list.
* Write tests for new functionality, update/add tests for bug fixes
* Make the smallest change possible
* Write good commit messages: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/
It's generally a good idea to discuss features with us first by engaging us in IRC or on the mailing list, especially if you are unsure if it's a good
We like to keep our commit history clean and will require resubmission of pull requests that contain merge commits. Use `git pull --rebase` rather than
`git pull` and `git rebase` rather than `git merge`.
Sometimes it might take us a while to fully review your PR. We try to keep the `devel` branch in pretty good working order so we review requests carefuly.
Please be patient.
All submitted PRs will have the linter and unit tests run against them and the status reported in the PR.
Use the Github issue tracker for filing bugs. In order to save time and help us respond to issues quickly, make sure to fill out as much of the issue template
When reporting issues for the UI we also appreciate having screenshots and any error messages from the web browser's console. It's not unsual for browser extensions
and plugins to cause problems. Reporting those will also help speed up analyzing and resolving UI bugs.
We triage our issues into high, medium, and low and will tag them with the relevant component (api, ui, installer, etc). We will typically focus on high priority
issues. There aren't hard and fast rules for determining the severity of an issue, but generally high priority issues have an increased likelihood of breaking
existing functionality and/or negatively impacting a large number of users.
Before opening a new issue, please use the issue search feature to see if it's already been reported. If you have any extra detail to provide then please comment.