mirror of https://github.com/ansible/awx.git synced 2024-10-27 09:25:10 +03:00

1007 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

PYTHON = python
PYTHON_VERSION = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version; print(get_python_version())")
SITELIB=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")
PACKER ?= packer
PACKER_BUILD_OPTS ?= -var 'official=$(OFFICIAL)' -var 'aw_repo_url=$(AW_REPO_URL)'
NODE ?= node
NPM_BIN ?= npm
DEPS_SCRIPT ?= packaging/bundle/deps.py
GIT_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
DOCKER_HOST_IP=`python -c "import socket; print(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()))"`
GCLOUD_AUTH ?= $(shell gcloud auth print-access-token)
# NOTE: This defaults the container image version to the branch that's active
2016-12-06 21:32:33 +03:00
COMPOSE_HOST ?= $(shell hostname)
VENV_BASE ?= /venv
CELERY_SCHEDULE_FILE ?= /celerybeat-schedule
# Python packages to install only from source (not from binary wheels)
# Comma separated list
SRC_ONLY_PKGS ?= cffi,pycparser,psycopg2,twilio
# Determine appropriate shasum command
UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux)
SHASUM_BIN ?= sha256sum
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
SHASUM_BIN ?= shasum -a 256
# Get the branch information from git
GIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%ai")
DATE := $(shell date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M)
NAME = ansible-tower
VERSION = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from awx import __version__; print(__version__.split('-')[0])")
GIT_REMOTE_URL = $(shell git config --get remote.origin.url)
BUILD = 0.git$(DATE)
ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes)
AW_REPO_URL ?= http://releases.ansible.com/ansible-tower
2017-01-31 18:43:20 +03:00
AW_REPO_URL ?= http://jenkins.testing.ansible.com/ansible-tower_nightlies_f8b8c5588b2505970227a7b0900ef69040ad5a00/$(GIT_BRANCH)
2014-01-28 18:58:44 +04:00
# Allow AMI license customization
2014-01-28 18:58:44 +04:00
# GPG signature parameters (BETA key not yet used)
GPG_BIN ?= gpg
GPG_RELEASE = 442667A9
2015-09-10 23:26:59 +03:00
GPG_RELEASE_FILE = GPG-KEY-ansible-release
GPG_BETA = D7B00447
2015-09-10 23:26:59 +03:00
GPG_BETA_FILE = GPG-KEY-ansible-beta
2015-09-08 20:02:15 +03:00
# Determine GPG key for package signing
ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes)
# TAR build parameters
ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes)
2014-11-18 17:31:43 +03:00
# DEB build parameters
DEBUILD_BIN ?= debuild
DPUT_BIN ?= dput
DPUT_OPTS ?= -c .dput.cf -u
REPREPRO_BIN ?= reprepro
REPREPRO_OPTS ?= -b reprepro --export=changed
ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes)
2015-09-08 20:02:15 +03:00
# Sign official builds
2015-09-10 23:26:59 +03:00
REPREPRO_OPTS += --ask-passphrase
# Do not sign development builds
DEBUILD_OPTS += -uc -us
DEB_PPA ?= mini_dinstall
DEB_ARCH ?= amd64
DEB_NVRS = $(DEB_NVR)_source
# pbuilder parameters
PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR = /var/cache/pbuilder
PBUILDER_BIN ?= pbuilder
PBUILDER_OPTS ?= --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd --distribution $(DEB_DIST) --architecture $(DEB_ARCH) --basetgz $(PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR)/$(DEB_DIST)-$(DEB_ARCH)-base.tgz --buildresult $(PWD)/deb-build
# RPM build parameters
MOCK_BIN ?= mock
RPM_SPECDIR= packaging/rpm
RPM_DIST ?= $(shell rpm --eval '%{?dist}' 2>/dev/null)
# Provide a fallback value for RPM_DIST
ifeq ($(RPM_DIST),)
RPM_DIST = .el6
RPM_ARCH ?= $(shell rpm --eval '%{_arch}' 2>/dev/null)
# Provide a fallback value for RPM_ARCH
ifeq ($(RPM_ARCH),)
RPM_ARCH = $(shell uname -m)
# Software collections settings if on EL6
ifeq ($(RPM_DIST),.el6)
SCL_PREFIX = python27-
SCL_DEFINES = --define 'scl python27'
# TAR Bundle build parameters
2015-08-31 20:16:59 +03:00
DIST = $(shell echo $(RPM_DIST) | sed -e 's|^\.\(el\)\([0-9]\).*|\1|')
DIST_MAJOR = $(shell echo $(RPM_DIST) | sed -e 's|^\.\(el\)\([0-9]\).*|\2|')
OFFLINE_TAR_LINK = $(NAME)-setup-bundle-latest.$(DIST_FULL).tar.gz
# Detect underlying OS distribution
ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/lsb-release))
DISTRO = $(shell . /etc/lsb-release && echo $${DISTRIB_ID} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/os-release))
DISTRO = $(shell . /etc/os-release && echo $${ID})
ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/fedora-release))
DISTRO = fedora
ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/centos-release))
DISTRO = centos
ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/redhat-release))
DISTRO = redhat
# Adjust `setup.py install` parameters based on OS distribution
SETUP_INSTALL_ARGS = --skip-build --no-compile --root=$(DESTDIR) -v
ifeq ($(DISTRO),ubuntu)
SETUP_INSTALL_ARGS += --install-layout=deb
# UI flag files
UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE = awx/ui/.deps_built
UI_RELEASE_FLAG_FILE = awx/ui/.release_built
.DEFAULT_GOAL := build
2016-08-19 23:28:09 +03:00
.PHONY: clean clean-tmp clean-venv rebase push requirements requirements_dev \
develop refresh adduser migrate dbchange dbshell runserver celeryd \
receiver test test_unit test_ansible test_coverage coverage_html \
test_jenkins dev_build release_build release_clean sdist rpmtar mock-rpm \
mock-srpm rpm-sign deb deb-src debian debsign pbuilder \
reprepro setup_tarball virtualbox-ovf virtualbox-centos-7 \
virtualbox-centos-6 clean-bundle setup_bundle_tarball \
ui-docker-machine ui-docker ui-release ui-devel \
ui-test ui-deps ui-test-ci ui-test-saucelabs jlaska
# Remove setup build files
rm -rf tar-build
# Remove rpm build files
rm -rf rpm-build
# Remove debian build files
rm -rf deb-build reprepro
# Remove packer artifacts
rm -rf packer_cache
rm -rf packaging/packer/packer_cache
rm -rf packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/
2015-08-14 03:20:33 +03:00
rm -rf packaging/packer/output-vmware-iso
rm -f packaging/packer/ansible-tower-*.box
rm -rf packaging/packer/ansible-tower*-ova
2015-08-14 03:20:33 +03:00
rm -rf packaging/packer/ansible-tower*-vmx
rm -f Vagrantfile
rm -rf setup-bundle-build
2015-08-11 23:04:36 +03:00
# remove ui build artifacts
rm -rf awx/ui/static/
Refactor UI Build System (#3203) * initial build trial, clean up awx/ui * fix hardcoded refs to ng-toast, add jshint preloader * remove browserify test * update grunt-jshint -> jshint module loader, browser-sync, update dev targets to build-docker-machine & build-docker-cid, fix blocking tasks * less autoprefixer * sample build commands * fix release build * update README * karma config stub * webpack config for karma tests * karma preview for shane * fix build-docker-machine target * karma+webpack test pipeline configuration, stub tests * fix smart/job status icons classes * fix jquery + jsyaml shims, fix LESS cascade * fix angular-codemirror dependency, explicitly import style/mode dependencies * shim jsonlint * fix angular-scheduler AMD imports, remove jquuery-ui shim, fix release config * use closed $.fn.datepicker for system-tracking * remove packaging/node/ * remove old tests * shrinkwrap fragile dependency sandcastle, update README, lint * first pass at fixing rrule shim * update makefile targets * update gitignore w/ new flag file * add saucelabs karma config * add license controller test * add examples of service and directive tests * Makefile flubs * consolidate clean-ui target, compulsively update flag file location * dep on CJS/AMD/UMD compatible version of rrule lib, fix example tests/config for demo * boilerplate karma config for saucelabs (should be abstracted to common config after proven to work) * update docs * docs feedback * update Dockerfile with Node 6.x dep
2016-08-17 23:09:54 +03:00
rm -rf awx/ui/node_modules/
2017-03-10 02:53:42 +03:00
rm -rf awx/ui/coverage/
rm -rf awx/ui/client/languages/
2016-04-20 20:49:18 +03:00
rm -rf tmp/
2016-08-19 23:28:09 +03:00
rm -rf venv/
2017-03-29 17:57:34 +03:00
rm -rf dist
# Remove temporary build files, compiled Python files.
2017-03-29 17:57:34 +03:00
clean: clean-rpm clean-deb clean-ui clean-tar clean-packer clean-bundle clean-dist
2016-10-27 17:17:37 +03:00
rm -rf awx/public
rm -rf awx/lib/site-packages
rm -rf awx/job_status
rm -rf awx/job_output
rm -rf reports
rm -f awx/awx_test.sqlite3
rm -rf requirements/vendor
2015-10-05 22:24:43 +03:00
rm -rf tmp
mkdir tmp
rm -rf build $(NAME)-$(VERSION) *.egg-info
2013-03-13 21:09:36 +04:00
find . -type f -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete
find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -delete
2013-03-13 21:09:36 +04:00
# convenience target to assert environment variables are defined
@if [ "$${$*}" = "" ]; then \
echo "The required environment variable '$*' is not set"; \
exit 1; \
# Fetch from origin, rebase local commits on top of origin commits.
2013-03-13 23:28:30 +04:00
git pull --rebase origin master
# Push changes to origin.
git push origin master
2013-03-13 23:15:35 +04:00
virtualenv: virtualenv_ansible virtualenv_tower
if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
mkdir $(VENV_BASE); \
fi; \
if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)/ansible" ]; then \
virtualenv --system-site-packages $(VENV_BASE)/ansible && \
$(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed six packaging appdirs && \
Dependency Updates * Dynamic Inventory Source Template against ansible 2.3 dynamic inventory sources. The major change is removal of `rax.py`. Most upstream scripts except `foreman.py` has quite trivial coding style changes, or minor functional extensions that does not affect Tower inventory update runs. `foreman.py`, on the other hand, went through quite a major refactoring, but functionalities stay the same. Major python dependency updates include apache-libcloud (1.3.0 --> 2.0.0), boto (2.45.0 --> 2.46.1) and shade (1.19.0 --> 1.20.0). Minor python dependency updates include indirect updates via `pip-compile`, which are determined by base dependencies. Some minor `task.py` extensions: - `.ini` file for ec2 has one more field `stack_filter=False`, which reveals changes in `ec2.py`. - `.ini` file for cloudforms will catch these four options from `source_vars_dict` of inventory update: `'version', 'purge_actions', 'clean_group_keys', 'nest_tags'`. These four options have always been available in `cloudforms.py` but `cloudforms.ini.example` has not mentioned them until the latest version. For consistency with upstream docs, we should make these fields available for tower user to customize. - YAML file of openstack will catch ansible options `use_hostnames`, `expand_hostvars` and `fail_on_errors` from `source_vars_dict` of inventory update as a response to issue #6075. * Remove Rackspace support Supports of Rackspace as both a dynamic inventory source and a cloud credential are fully removed. Data migrations have been added to support arbitrary credential types feature and delete rackspace inventory sources. Note also requirement `jsonschema` has been moved from `requirements.txt` to `requirements.in` as a primary dependency to reflect it's usage in `/main/fields.py`. Connected issue: #6080. * `pexpect` major update `pexpect` stands at the very core of our task system and underwent a major update from 3.1 to 4.2.1. Although verified during devel, please still be mindful of any suspicious issues on celery side even after this PR gets merged. * Miscellaneous - requests now explicitly declared in `requirements.in` at version 2.11.1 in response to upstream issue - celery: 3.1.17 -> 3.1.25 - django-extensions: 1.7.4 -> 1.7.8 - django-polymorphic: 0.7.2 -> 1.2 - django-split-settings: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.5 - django-taggit: 0.21.3 -> 0.22.1 - irc: 15.0.4 -> 15.1.1 - pygerduty: 0.35.1 -> 0.35.2 - pyOpenSSL: 16.2.0 -> 17.0.0 - python-saml: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1 - redbaron: 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3 - slackclient: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.5 - tacacs_plus: 0.1 -> 0.2 - xmltodict: 0.10.2 -> 0.11.0 - pip: 8.1.2 -> 9.0.1 - setuptools: 23.0.0 -> 35.0.2 - (requirements_ansible.in only)kombu: 3.0.35 -> 3.0.37
2017-04-20 23:47:53 +03:00
$(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed setuptools==35.0.2 && \
$(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed pip==9.0.1; \
fi; \
if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
mkdir $(VENV_BASE); \
fi; \
if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)/tower" ]; then \
virtualenv --system-site-packages $(VENV_BASE)/tower && \
$(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed six packaging appdirs && \
Dependency Updates * Dynamic Inventory Source Template against ansible 2.3 dynamic inventory sources. The major change is removal of `rax.py`. Most upstream scripts except `foreman.py` has quite trivial coding style changes, or minor functional extensions that does not affect Tower inventory update runs. `foreman.py`, on the other hand, went through quite a major refactoring, but functionalities stay the same. Major python dependency updates include apache-libcloud (1.3.0 --> 2.0.0), boto (2.45.0 --> 2.46.1) and shade (1.19.0 --> 1.20.0). Minor python dependency updates include indirect updates via `pip-compile`, which are determined by base dependencies. Some minor `task.py` extensions: - `.ini` file for ec2 has one more field `stack_filter=False`, which reveals changes in `ec2.py`. - `.ini` file for cloudforms will catch these four options from `source_vars_dict` of inventory update: `'version', 'purge_actions', 'clean_group_keys', 'nest_tags'`. These four options have always been available in `cloudforms.py` but `cloudforms.ini.example` has not mentioned them until the latest version. For consistency with upstream docs, we should make these fields available for tower user to customize. - YAML file of openstack will catch ansible options `use_hostnames`, `expand_hostvars` and `fail_on_errors` from `source_vars_dict` of inventory update as a response to issue #6075. * Remove Rackspace support Supports of Rackspace as both a dynamic inventory source and a cloud credential are fully removed. Data migrations have been added to support arbitrary credential types feature and delete rackspace inventory sources. Note also requirement `jsonschema` has been moved from `requirements.txt` to `requirements.in` as a primary dependency to reflect it's usage in `/main/fields.py`. Connected issue: #6080. * `pexpect` major update `pexpect` stands at the very core of our task system and underwent a major update from 3.1 to 4.2.1. Although verified during devel, please still be mindful of any suspicious issues on celery side even after this PR gets merged. * Miscellaneous - requests now explicitly declared in `requirements.in` at version 2.11.1 in response to upstream issue - celery: 3.1.17 -> 3.1.25 - django-extensions: 1.7.4 -> 1.7.8 - django-polymorphic: 0.7.2 -> 1.2 - django-split-settings: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.5 - django-taggit: 0.21.3 -> 0.22.1 - irc: 15.0.4 -> 15.1.1 - pygerduty: 0.35.1 -> 0.35.2 - pyOpenSSL: 16.2.0 -> 17.0.0 - python-saml: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1 - redbaron: 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3 - slackclient: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.5 - tacacs_plus: 0.1 -> 0.2 - xmltodict: 0.10.2 -> 0.11.0 - pip: 8.1.2 -> 9.0.1 - setuptools: 23.0.0 -> 35.0.2 - (requirements_ansible.in only)kombu: 3.0.35 -> 3.0.37
2017-04-20 23:47:53 +03:00
$(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed setuptools==35.0.2 && \
$(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed pip==9.0.1; \
fi; \
requirements_ansible: virtualenv_ansible
if [[ "$(PIP_OPTIONS)" == *"--no-index"* ]]; then \
cat requirements/requirements_ansible.txt requirements/requirements_ansible_local.txt | $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed -r /dev/stdin ; \
else \
2017-03-30 20:08:48 +03:00
cat requirements/requirements_ansible.txt requirements/requirements_ansible_git.txt | $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --no-binary $(SRC_ONLY_PKGS) --ignore-installed -r /dev/stdin ; \
$(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip uninstall --yes -r requirements/requirements_ansible_uninstall.txt
if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
$(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install pytest mock; \
if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)/tower_isolated" ]; then \
virtualenv --system-site-packages $(VENV_BASE)/tower_isolated && \
$(VENV_BASE)/tower_isolated/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed six packaging appdirs && \
$(VENV_BASE)/tower_isolated/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed setuptools==35.0.2 && \
$(VENV_BASE)/tower_isolated/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed pip==9.0.1; \
$(VENV_BASE)/tower_isolated/bin/pip install -r requirements/requirements_isolated.txt
# Install third-party requirements needed for Tower's environment.
requirements_tower: virtualenv_tower
if [[ "$(PIP_OPTIONS)" == *"--no-index"* ]]; then \
cat requirements/requirements.txt requirements/requirements_local.txt | $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --ignore-installed -r /dev/stdin ; \
else \
2017-03-30 20:08:48 +03:00
cat requirements/requirements.txt requirements/requirements_git.txt | $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --no-binary $(SRC_ONLY_PKGS) --ignore-installed -r /dev/stdin ; \
$(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/pip uninstall --yes -r requirements/requirements_tower_uninstall.txt
$(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/pip install -r requirements/requirements_dev.txt
$(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/pip uninstall --yes -r requirements/requirements_dev_uninstall.txt
requirements: requirements_ansible requirements_tower
requirements_dev: requirements requirements_tower_dev requirements_ansible_dev
2016-12-14 18:30:28 +03:00
requirements_test: requirements
# "Install" ansible-tower package in development mode.
@if [ "$(VIRTUAL_ENV)" ]; then \
pip uninstall -y awx; \
$(PYTHON) setup.py develop; \
else \
pip uninstall -y awx; \
$(PYTHON) setup.py develop; \
mkdir -p /var/lib/awx/
python -c "import awx as awx; print awx.__version__" > /var/lib/awx/.tower_version
# Do any one-time init tasks.
if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
tower-manage register_instance --hostname=$(COMPOSE_HOST); \
tower-manage register_queue --queuename=tower --hostnames=$(COMPOSE_HOST);\
if [ "$(DOCKER_TOOLS_DIR)" == "tools/docker-isolated" ]; then \
tower-manage register_instance --hostname=isolated; \
tower-manage register_queue --queuename='thepentagon' --hostnames=isolated --controller=tower; \
# Refresh development environment after pulling new code.
refresh: clean requirements_dev version_file develop migrate
# Create Django superuser.
tower-manage createsuperuser
# Create database tables and apply any new migrations.
if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
tower-manage migrate --noinput --fake-initial
2013-03-13 23:15:35 +04:00
# Run after making changes to the models to create a new migration.
tower-manage makemigrations
2013-06-23 21:21:02 +04:00
# access database shell, asks for password
2013-03-13 23:15:35 +04:00
sudo -u postgres psql -d awx-dev
2013-03-01 04:52:14 +04:00
2016-10-14 19:04:30 +03:00
tmux new-session -d -s tower 'exec make uwsgi'
tmux rename-window 'Tower'
tmux select-window -t tower:0
tmux split-window -v 'exec make celeryd'
2016-10-14 19:04:30 +03:00
tmux new-window 'exec make daphne'
tmux select-window -t tower:1
2016-10-14 19:04:30 +03:00
tmux rename-window 'WebSockets'
tmux split-window -h 'exec make runworker'
tmux split-window -v 'exec make nginx'
2016-10-14 19:04:30 +03:00
tmux new-window 'exec make receiver'
tmux select-window -t tower:2
tmux rename-window 'Extra Services'
tmux split-window -h 'exec make factcacher'
tmux select-window -t tower:0
server: server_noattach
tmux -2 attach-session -t tower
# Use with iterm2's native tmux protocol support
servercc: server_noattach
tmux -2 -CC attach-session -t tower
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
supervisord --configuration /supervisor.conf --pidfile=/tmp/supervisor_pid
# Alternate approach to tmux to run all development tasks specified in
# Procfile. https://youtu.be/OPMgaibszjk
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
honcho start -f tools/docker-compose/Procfile
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) manage.py celery flower --address= --port=5555 --broker=amqp://guest:guest@$(RABBITMQ_HOST):5672//
2016-10-18 19:15:01 +03:00
2016-10-14 08:43:14 +03:00
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
mkdir -p awx/public/static && $(PYTHON) manage.py collectstatic --clear --noinput > /dev/null 2>&1
2016-10-18 19:15:01 +03:00
uwsgi: collectstatic
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
uwsgi -b 32768 --socket --module=awx.wsgi:application --home=/venv/tower --chdir=/tower_devel/ --vacuum --processes=5 --harakiri=120 --master --no-orphans --py-autoreload 1 --max-requests=1000 --stats /tmp/stats.socket --master-fifo=/awxfifo --lazy-apps
2016-10-14 08:43:14 +03:00
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
daphne -b -p 8051 awx.asgi:channel_layer
2016-10-14 08:43:14 +03:00
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) manage.py runworker --only-channels websocket.*
# Run the built-in development webserver (by default on http://localhost:8013).
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) manage.py runserver
# Run to start the background celery worker for development.
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) manage.py celeryd -l DEBUG -B -Ofair --autoreload --autoscale=100,4 --schedule=$(CELERY_SCHEDULE_FILE) -Q tower_scheduler,tower_broadcast_all,tower,$(COMPOSE_HOST),$(EXTRA_GROUP_QUEUES) -n celery@$(COMPOSE_HOST)
#$(PYTHON) manage.py celery multi show projects jobs default -l DEBUG -Q:projects projects -Q:jobs jobs -Q:default default -c:projects 1 -c:jobs 3 -c:default 3 -Ofair -B --schedule=$(CELERY_SCHEDULE_FILE)
# Run to start the zeromq callback receiver
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) manage.py run_callback_receiver
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) manage.py run_socketio_service
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) manage.py run_fact_cache_receiver
nginx -g "daemon off;"
$(PYTHON) tools/rdb.py
mkdir -p $@
2014-04-23 21:55:09 +04:00
pep8: reports
@(set -o pipefail && $@ | tee reports/$@.report)
2014-04-23 21:55:09 +04:00
flake8: reports
2016-11-15 17:33:12 +03:00
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
(set -o pipefail && $@ | tee reports/$@.report)
pyflakes: reports
@(set -o pipefail && $@ | tee reports/$@.report)
pylint: reports
@(set -o pipefail && $@ | reports/$@.report)
check: flake8 pep8 # pyflakes pylint
TEST_DIRS ?= awx/main/tests awx/conf/tests awx/sso/tests
# Run all API unit tests.
2017-03-14 20:47:44 +03:00
test: test_ansible
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
py.test $(TEST_DIRS)
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
py.test awx/main/tests/unit awx/conf/tests/unit awx/sso/tests/unit
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/activate; \
fi; \
py.test awx/lib/tests -c awx/lib/tests/pytest.ini
# Run all API unit tests with coverage enabled.
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
py.test --create-db --cov=awx --cov-report=xml --junitxml=./reports/junit.xml $(TEST_DIRS)
# Output test coverage as HTML (into htmlcov directory).
coverage html
# Run API unit tests across multiple Python/Django versions with Tox.
tox -v
# Run unit tests to produce output for Jenkins.
# Alias existing make target so old versions run against Jekins the same way
test_jenkins : test_coverage
# Make fake data
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) tools/data_generators/rbac_dummy_data_generator.py --preset=$(DATA_GEN_PRESET)
2016-10-18 15:26:40 +03:00
# l10n TASKS
2015-07-28 22:55:00 +03:00
# --------------------------------------
2016-10-26 14:17:49 +03:00
# check for UI po files
HAVE_PO := $(shell ls awx/ui/po/*.po 2>/dev/null)
ifdef HAVE_PO
# Should be 'Language: zh-CN' but not 'Language: zh_CN' in zh_CN.po
for po in awx/ui/po/*.po ; do \
echo $$po; \
mo="awx/ui/po/`basename $$po .po`.mo"; \
msgfmt --check --verbose $$po -o $$mo; \
if test "$$?" -ne 0 ; then \
exit -1; \
fi; \
rm $$mo; \
name=`echo "$$po" | grep '-'`; \
if test "x$$name" != x ; then \
right_name=`echo $$language | sed -e 's/-/_/'`; \
echo "ERROR: WRONG $$name CORRECTION: $$right_name"; \
exit -1; \
fi; \
language=`grep '^"Language:' "$$po" | grep '_'`; \
if test "x$$language" != x ; then \
right_language=`echo $$language | sed -e 's/_/-/'`; \
echo "ERROR: WRONG $$language CORRECTION: $$right_language in $$po"; \
exit -1; \
fi; \
@echo No PO files
2016-10-26 14:17:49 +03:00
# generate UI .pot
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run pot
# generate django .pot .po
LANG = "en-us"
@if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \
. $(VENV_BASE)/tower/bin/activate; \
fi; \
$(PYTHON) manage.py makemessages -l $(LANG) --keep-pot
# generate l10n .json .mo
languages: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE) check-po
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run languages
$(PYTHON) tools/scripts/compilemessages.py
2016-10-26 14:17:49 +03:00
# End l10n TASKS
# --------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------
ui-deps: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE)
$(NPM_BIN) --unsafe-perm --prefix awx/ui install awx/ui
ui-docker-machine: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE)
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run ui-docker-machine -- $(MAKEFLAGS)
2015-07-28 22:55:00 +03:00
# Native docker. Builds UI and raises BrowserSync & filesystem polling.
ui-docker: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE)
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run ui-docker -- $(MAKEFLAGS)
# Builds UI with development UI without raising browser-sync or filesystem polling.
ui-devel: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE)
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run build-devel -- $(MAKEFLAGS)
ui-release: $(UI_RELEASE_FLAG_FILE)
Refactor UI Build System (#3203) * initial build trial, clean up awx/ui * fix hardcoded refs to ng-toast, add jshint preloader * remove browserify test * update grunt-jshint -> jshint module loader, browser-sync, update dev targets to build-docker-machine & build-docker-cid, fix blocking tasks * less autoprefixer * sample build commands * fix release build * update README * karma config stub * webpack config for karma tests * karma preview for shane * fix build-docker-machine target * karma+webpack test pipeline configuration, stub tests * fix smart/job status icons classes * fix jquery + jsyaml shims, fix LESS cascade * fix angular-codemirror dependency, explicitly import style/mode dependencies * shim jsonlint * fix angular-scheduler AMD imports, remove jquuery-ui shim, fix release config * use closed $.fn.datepicker for system-tracking * remove packaging/node/ * remove old tests * shrinkwrap fragile dependency sandcastle, update README, lint * first pass at fixing rrule shim * update makefile targets * update gitignore w/ new flag file * add saucelabs karma config * add license controller test * add examples of service and directive tests * Makefile flubs * consolidate clean-ui target, compulsively update flag file location * dep on CJS/AMD/UMD compatible version of rrule lib, fix example tests/config for demo * boilerplate karma config for saucelabs (should be abstracted to common config after proven to work) * update docs * docs feedback * update Dockerfile with Node 6.x dep
2016-08-17 23:09:54 +03:00
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run build-release
2015-02-09 17:45:23 +03:00
ui-test: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE)
Refactor UI Build System (#3203) * initial build trial, clean up awx/ui * fix hardcoded refs to ng-toast, add jshint preloader * remove browserify test * update grunt-jshint -> jshint module loader, browser-sync, update dev targets to build-docker-machine & build-docker-cid, fix blocking tasks * less autoprefixer * sample build commands * fix release build * update README * karma config stub * webpack config for karma tests * karma preview for shane * fix build-docker-machine target * karma+webpack test pipeline configuration, stub tests * fix smart/job status icons classes * fix jquery + jsyaml shims, fix LESS cascade * fix angular-codemirror dependency, explicitly import style/mode dependencies * shim jsonlint * fix angular-scheduler AMD imports, remove jquuery-ui shim, fix release config * use closed $.fn.datepicker for system-tracking * remove packaging/node/ * remove old tests * shrinkwrap fragile dependency sandcastle, update README, lint * first pass at fixing rrule shim * update makefile targets * update gitignore w/ new flag file * add saucelabs karma config * add license controller test * add examples of service and directive tests * Makefile flubs * consolidate clean-ui target, compulsively update flag file location * dep on CJS/AMD/UMD compatible version of rrule lib, fix example tests/config for demo * boilerplate karma config for saucelabs (should be abstracted to common config after proven to work) * update docs * docs feedback * update Dockerfile with Node 6.x dep
2016-08-17 23:09:54 +03:00
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run test
ui-test-ci: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE)
Refactor UI Build System (#3203) * initial build trial, clean up awx/ui * fix hardcoded refs to ng-toast, add jshint preloader * remove browserify test * update grunt-jshint -> jshint module loader, browser-sync, update dev targets to build-docker-machine & build-docker-cid, fix blocking tasks * less autoprefixer * sample build commands * fix release build * update README * karma config stub * webpack config for karma tests * karma preview for shane * fix build-docker-machine target * karma+webpack test pipeline configuration, stub tests * fix smart/job status icons classes * fix jquery + jsyaml shims, fix LESS cascade * fix angular-codemirror dependency, explicitly import style/mode dependencies * shim jsonlint * fix angular-scheduler AMD imports, remove jquuery-ui shim, fix release config * use closed $.fn.datepicker for system-tracking * remove packaging/node/ * remove old tests * shrinkwrap fragile dependency sandcastle, update README, lint * first pass at fixing rrule shim * update makefile targets * update gitignore w/ new flag file * add saucelabs karma config * add license controller test * add examples of service and directive tests * Makefile flubs * consolidate clean-ui target, compulsively update flag file location * dep on CJS/AMD/UMD compatible version of rrule lib, fix example tests/config for demo * boilerplate karma config for saucelabs (should be abstracted to common config after proven to work) * update docs * docs feedback * update Dockerfile with Node 6.x dep
2016-08-17 23:09:54 +03:00
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run test:ci
echo "Update UI unittests later" #ui-test-ci
2016-08-26 20:20:12 +03:00
2017-03-10 03:06:13 +03:00
jshint: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE)
$(NPM_BIN) run --prefix awx/ui jshint
2016-08-26 20:20:12 +03:00
ui-test-saucelabs: $(UI_DEPS_FLAG_FILE)
Refactor UI Build System (#3203) * initial build trial, clean up awx/ui * fix hardcoded refs to ng-toast, add jshint preloader * remove browserify test * update grunt-jshint -> jshint module loader, browser-sync, update dev targets to build-docker-machine & build-docker-cid, fix blocking tasks * less autoprefixer * sample build commands * fix release build * update README * karma config stub * webpack config for karma tests * karma preview for shane * fix build-docker-machine target * karma+webpack test pipeline configuration, stub tests * fix smart/job status icons classes * fix jquery + jsyaml shims, fix LESS cascade * fix angular-codemirror dependency, explicitly import style/mode dependencies * shim jsonlint * fix angular-scheduler AMD imports, remove jquuery-ui shim, fix release config * use closed $.fn.datepicker for system-tracking * remove packaging/node/ * remove old tests * shrinkwrap fragile dependency sandcastle, update README, lint * first pass at fixing rrule shim * update makefile targets * update gitignore w/ new flag file * add saucelabs karma config * add license controller test * add examples of service and directive tests * Makefile flubs * consolidate clean-ui target, compulsively update flag file location * dep on CJS/AMD/UMD compatible version of rrule lib, fix example tests/config for demo * boilerplate karma config for saucelabs (should be abstracted to common config after proven to work) * update docs * docs feedback * update Dockerfile with Node 6.x dep
2016-08-17 23:09:54 +03:00
$(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui run test:saucelabs
2015-07-28 22:55:00 +03:00
# --------------------------------------
# Build a pip-installable package into dist/ with a timestamped version number.
$(PYTHON) setup.py dev_build
# Build a pip-installable package into dist/ with the release version number.
$(PYTHON) setup.py release_build
# Build setup tarball
@mkdir -p tar-build
@rsync -az --exclude /test setup/ tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_NAME)
@rsync -az docs/licenses tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_NAME)/
@cd tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_NAME) && sed -e 's#%NAME%#$(NAME)#;s#%VERSION%#$(VERSION)#;s#%RELEASE%#$(RELEASE)#;' group_vars/all.in > group_vars/all
@cd tar-build && tar -czf $(SETUP_TAR_FILE) --exclude "*/all.in" $(SETUP_TAR_NAME)/
2014-11-18 17:31:43 +03:00
@ln -sf $(SETUP_TAR_FILE) tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_LINK)
@if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" != "yes" ] ; then \
cd tar-build && $(SHASUM_BIN) $(NAME)*.tar.gz > $(notdir $@) ; \
else \
2015-09-10 23:26:59 +03:00
cd tar-build && $(SHASUM_BIN) $(NAME)*.tar.gz | $(GPG_BIN) --clearsign --batch --passphrase "$(GPG_PASSPHRASE)" -u "$(GPG_KEY)" -o $(notdir $@) - ; \
setup_tarball: tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE) tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_CHECKSUM)
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Artifacts:"
@echo tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE)
2014-11-18 17:31:43 +03:00
@echo tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_LINK)
@echo tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_CHECKSUM)
@echo "#############################################"
-(rm *.tar)
-(rm -rf ($RELEASE))
2013-06-15 12:10:11 +04:00
Refactor UI Build System (#3203) * initial build trial, clean up awx/ui * fix hardcoded refs to ng-toast, add jshint preloader * remove browserify test * update grunt-jshint -> jshint module loader, browser-sync, update dev targets to build-docker-machine & build-docker-cid, fix blocking tasks * less autoprefixer * sample build commands * fix release build * update README * karma config stub * webpack config for karma tests * karma preview for shane * fix build-docker-machine target * karma+webpack test pipeline configuration, stub tests * fix smart/job status icons classes * fix jquery + jsyaml shims, fix LESS cascade * fix angular-codemirror dependency, explicitly import style/mode dependencies * shim jsonlint * fix angular-scheduler AMD imports, remove jquuery-ui shim, fix release config * use closed $.fn.datepicker for system-tracking * remove packaging/node/ * remove old tests * shrinkwrap fragile dependency sandcastle, update README, lint * first pass at fixing rrule shim * update makefile targets * update gitignore w/ new flag file * add saucelabs karma config * add license controller test * add examples of service and directive tests * Makefile flubs * consolidate clean-ui target, compulsively update flag file location * dep on CJS/AMD/UMD compatible version of rrule lib, fix example tests/config for demo * boilerplate karma config for saucelabs (should be abstracted to common config after proven to work) * update docs * docs feedback * update Dockerfile with Node 6.x dep
2016-08-17 23:09:54 +03:00
dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE): ui-release
BUILD="$(BUILD)" $(PYTHON) setup.py sdist
2015-09-23 23:10:40 +03:00
sdist: dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE)
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Artifacts:"
@echo dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE)
@echo "#############################################"
2013-06-15 12:10:11 +04:00
# Build setup bundle tarball
mkdir -p $@
# TODO - Somehow share implementation with setup_tarball
rsync -az --exclude /test setup/ setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME)
rsync -az docs/licenses setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME)/
cd setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME) && sed -e 's#%NAME%#$(NAME)#;s#%VERSION%#$(VERSION)#;s#%RELEASE%#$(RELEASE)#;' group_vars/all.in > group_vars/all
$(PYTHON) $(DEPS_SCRIPT) -d $(DIST) -r $(DIST_MAJOR) -u $(AW_REPO_URL) -s setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME) -v -v -v
cd setup-bundle-build && tar -czf $(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE) --exclude "*/all.in" $(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME)/
ln -sf $(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE) setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_LINK)
@if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" != "yes" ] ; then \
cd setup-bundle-build && $(SHASUM_BIN) $(NAME)*.tar.gz > $(notdir $@) ; \
else \
2015-09-10 23:26:59 +03:00
cd setup-bundle-build && $(SHASUM_BIN) $(NAME)*.tar.gz | $(GPG_BIN) --clearsign --batch --passphrase "$(GPG_PASSPHRASE)" -u "$(GPG_KEY)" -o $(notdir $@) - ; \
setup_bundle_tarball: setup-bundle-build setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE) setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_CHECKSUM)
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Offline artifacts:"
@echo setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE)
@echo setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_LINK)
@echo setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_CHECKSUM)
@echo "#############################################"
2015-08-11 23:04:36 +03:00
mkdir -p $@
2017-03-23 05:58:11 +03:00
rpm-build/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE): rpm-build dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE)
ansible localhost \
-m template \
-a "src=packaging/rpm/$(NAME).spec.j2 dest=rpm-build/$(NAME).spec" \
-e tower_version=$(VERSION) \
-e tower_release=$(RELEASE)
cp packaging/rpm/tower.te rpm-build/
cp packaging/rpm/tower.fc rpm-build/
cp packaging/rpm/$(NAME).sysconfig rpm-build/
cp packaging/remove_tower_source.py rpm-build/
cp packaging/bytecompile.sh rpm-build/
2017-03-23 05:58:11 +03:00
cp tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE) rpm-build/
if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" != "yes" ] ; then \
(cd dist/ && tar zxf $(SDIST_TAR_FILE)) ; \
(cd dist/ && mv $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(BUILD) $(NAME)-$(VERSION)) ; \
(cd dist/ && tar czf ../rpm-build/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) $(NAME)-$(VERSION)) ; \
ln -sf $(SDIST_TAR_FILE) rpm-build/$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz ; \
2017-03-23 05:58:11 +03:00
(cd tar-build/ && tar zxf $(SETUP_TAR_FILE)) ; \
(cd tar-build/ && mv $(NAME)-setup-$(VERSION)-$(BUILD) $(NAME)-setup-$(VERSION)) ; \
(cd tar-build/ && tar czf ../rpm-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE) $(NAME)-setup-$(VERSION)) ; \
ln -sf $(SETUP_TAR_FILE) rpm-build/$(NAME)-setup-$(VERSION).tar.gz ; \
else \
cp -a dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) rpm-build/ ; \
rpmtar: sdist rpm-build/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE)
brewrpmtar: rpm-build/python-deps.tar.gz requirements/requirements_local.txt requirements/requirements_ansible_local.txt rpmtar
rpm-build/python-deps.tar.gz: requirements/vendor rpm-build
tar czf rpm-build/python-deps.tar.gz requirements/vendor
cat requirements/requirements.txt requirements/requirements_git.txt | pip download \
--no-binary=:all: \
--requirement=/dev/stdin \
--dest=$@ \
cat requirements/requirements_ansible.txt requirements/requirements_ansible_git.txt | pip download \
--no-binary=:all: \
--requirement=/dev/stdin \
--dest=$@ \
pip download \
--no-binary=:all: \
--requirement=requirements/requirements_setup_requires.txt \
--dest=$@ \
@echo "This is going to take a while..."
pip download \
--requirement=requirements/requirements_git.txt \
--no-deps \
--exists-action=w \
--dest=requirements/vendor 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/^\s*Saved\s*//p' > $@
pip download \
--requirement=requirements/requirements_ansible_git.txt \
--no-deps \
--exists-action=w \
--dest=requirements/vendor 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/^\s*Saved\s*//p' > $@
rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm: /etc/mock/$(MOCK_CFG).cfg
$(MOCK_BIN) -r $(MOCK_CFG) --resultdir rpm-build --buildsrpm --spec rpm-build/$(NAME).spec --sources rpm-build
mock-srpm: rpmtar rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Artifacts:"
@echo rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm
@echo "#############################################"
2017-03-14 01:15:32 +03:00
brew-srpm: brewrpmtar mock-srpm
rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm: rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm
$(MOCK_BIN) -r $(MOCK_CFG) --resultdir rpm-build --rebuild rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm
mock-rpm: rpmtar rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Artifacts:"
@echo rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm
@echo "#############################################"
ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes)
2015-06-08 18:38:50 +03:00
rpm-build/$(GPG_FILE): rpm-build
2015-09-10 23:26:59 +03:00
$(GPG_BIN) --export -a "${GPG_KEY}" > "$@"
rpm-sign: rpm-build/$(GPG_FILE) rpmtar rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm
rpm --define "_signature gpg" --define "_gpg_name $(GPG_KEY)" --addsign rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm
2017-03-31 22:57:16 +03:00
rpm --define "_signature gpg" --define "_gpg_name $(GPG_KEY)" --addsign rpm-build/$(NAME)-ui-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)$(RPM_DIST).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm
rpm --define "_signature gpg" --define "_gpg_name $(GPG_KEY)" --addsign rpm-build/$(NAME)-server-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)$(RPM_DIST).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm
rpm --define "_signature gpg" --define "_gpg_name $(GPG_KEY)" --addsign rpm-build/$(NAME)-setup-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)$(RPM_DIST).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm
2015-09-09 05:44:29 +03:00
mkdir -p $@
deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME): dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE)
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
2015-09-23 23:10:40 +03:00
@if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" != "yes" ] ; then \
tar -C deb-build/ -xvf dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) ; \
mv deb-build/$(SDIST_TAR_NAME) deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) ; \
cd deb-build && tar czf $(DEB_TAR_FILE) $(DEB_TAR_NAME) ; \
else \
cp -a dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_FILE) ; \
cd deb-build && tar -xf $(DEB_TAR_FILE)
cp -a packaging/debian deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME)/
cp packaging/remove_tower_source.py deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME)/debian/
sed -ie "s#^$(NAME) (\([^)]*\)) \([^;]*\);#$(NAME) ($(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)~$(DEB_DIST)) $(DEB_DIST);#" deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME)/debian/changelog
2015-09-09 05:44:29 +03:00
ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes)
debian: deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) deb-build/$(GPG_FILE)
2015-09-09 05:44:29 +03:00
2015-09-10 23:26:59 +03:00
deb-build/$(GPG_FILE): deb-build
$(GPG_BIN) --export -a "${GPG_KEY}" > "$@"
2015-09-09 05:44:29 +03:00
debian: deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME)
2015-09-09 05:44:29 +03:00
deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc: deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME)
2016-08-16 20:41:23 +03:00
cd deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) && \
cp debian/control.$(DEB_DIST) debian/control && \
deb-src: deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Artifacts:"
@echo deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc
@echo deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes
@echo "#############################################"
pbuilder: $(PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR)/$(DEB_DIST)-$(DEB_ARCH)-base.tgz deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb
deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb: deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc $(PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR)/$(DEB_DIST)-$(DEB_ARCH)-base.tgz
# cd deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) && $(DEBUILD) -b
$(PBUILDER_BIN) execute $(PBUILDER_OPTS) --save-after-exec packaging/pbuilder/setup.sh $(DEB_DIST)
$(PBUILDER_BIN) build $(PBUILDER_OPTS) deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc
deb: guard-DEB_DIST deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb
@echo "#############################################"
@echo "Artifacts:"
@echo deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb
@echo "#############################################"
deb-upload: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).changes
$(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).changes
dput: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).changes
$(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).changes
deb-src-upload: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes
$(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes
debsign: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes debian deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc
debsign -k$(GPG_KEY) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc
mkdir -p $@
cp -a packaging/reprepro/* $@/
2015-09-09 06:14:31 +03:00
if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" = "yes" ] ; then \
2015-09-24 03:33:40 +03:00
sed -i -e 's|^\(Codename:\)|SignWith: $(GPG_KEY)\n\1|' $@/distributions ; \
2015-09-09 17:57:55 +03:00
reprepro: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb reprepro/conf
$(REPREPRO_BIN) $(REPREPRO_OPTS) clearvanished
for COMPONENT in non-free $(VERSION); do \
$(REPREPRO_BIN) $(REPREPRO_OPTS) -C $$COMPONENT --keepunreferencedfiles --ignore=brokenold includedeb $(DEB_DIST) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb ; \
2013-06-23 23:40:07 +04:00
2015-09-09 05:44:29 +03:00
# Packer build targets
cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only $@ $(PACKER_BUILD_OPTS) -var "aws_instance_count=$(AWS_INSTANCE_COUNT)" -var "product_version=$(VERSION)" packer-$(NAME).json
# Vagrant box using virtualbox provider
2017-03-09 00:01:29 +03:00
vagrant-virtualbox: packaging/packer/ansible-tower-$(VERSION)-virtualbox.box tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE)
packaging/packer/ansible-tower-$(VERSION)-virtualbox.box: packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/centos-7.ovf
cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only virtualbox-ovf $(PACKER_BUILD_OPTS) -var "aws_instance_count=$(AWS_INSTANCE_COUNT)" -var "product_version=$(VERSION)" packer-$(NAME).json
2015-08-14 03:20:33 +03:00
cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only virtualbox-iso packer-centos-7.json
virtualbox-iso: packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/centos-7.ovf
# Vagrant box using VMware provider
2017-03-09 00:01:29 +03:00
vagrant-vmware: packaging/packer/ansible-tower-$(VERSION)-vmware.box tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE)
2015-08-14 03:20:33 +03:00
cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only vmware-iso packer-centos-7.json
packaging/packer/ansible-tower-$(VERSION)-vmware.box: packaging/packer/output-vmware-iso/centos-7.vmx
2015-08-14 03:20:33 +03:00
cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only vmware-vmx $(PACKER_BUILD_OPTS) -var "aws_instance_count=$(AWS_INSTANCE_COUNT)" -var "product_version=$(VERSION)" packer-$(NAME).json
# TODO - figure out how to build the front-end and python requirements with
# 'build'
$(PYTHON) setup.py build
2013-06-23 23:40:07 +04:00
2016-03-23 22:46:00 +03:00
$(PYTHON) setup.py install $(SETUP_INSTALL_ARGS)
docker login -e 1234@5678.com -u oauth2accesstoken -p "$(GCLOUD_AUTH)" https://gcr.io
# Docker isolated rampart
TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml -f tools/docker-isolated-override.yml create
docker start tools_tower_1
docker start tools_isolated_1
if [ "`docker exec -i -t tools_isolated_1 cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys`" != "" ]; then \
echo "SSH keys already copied to isolated instance"; \
else \
docker exec "tools_isolated_1" bash -c "mkdir -p /root/.ssh && echo $$(docker exec -t tools_tower_1 cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"; \
TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml -f tools/docker-isolated-override.yml up
# Docker Compose Development environment
docker-compose: docker-auth
DOCKER_HOST_IP=$(DOCKER_HOST_IP) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml up --no-recreate tower
docker-compose-cluster: docker-auth
DOCKER_HOST_IP=$(DOCKER_HOST_IP) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose-cluster.yml up
docker-compose-test: docker-auth
2017-05-12 00:11:23 +03:00
cd tools && DOCKER_HOST_IP=$(DOCKER_HOST_IP) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) docker-compose run --rm --service-ports tower /bin/bash
docker-compose-build: tower-devel-build tower-isolated-build
docker build -t ansible/tower_devel -f tools/docker-compose/Dockerfile .
docker tag ansible/tower_devel gcr.io/ansible-tower-engineering/tower_devel:$(COMPOSE_TAG)
#docker push gcr.io/ansible-tower-engineering/tower_devel:$(COMPOSE_TAG)
docker build -t ansible/tower_isolated -f tools/docker-isolated/Dockerfile .
docker tag ansible/tower_isolated gcr.io/ansible-tower-engineering/tower_isolated:$(COMPOSE_TAG)
#docker push gcr.io/ansible-tower-engineering/tower_isolated:$(COMPOSE_TAG)
2016-02-01 19:30:43 +03:00
2016-02-01 19:30:43 +03:00
eval $$(docker-machine env $(MACHINE))
2016-09-13 17:59:45 +03:00
$(foreach container_id,$(shell docker ps -f name=tools_tower -aq),docker stop $(container_id); docker rm -f $(container_id);)
2016-10-05 17:31:45 +03:00
-docker images | grep "tower_devel" | awk '{print $$1 ":" $$2}' | xargs docker rmi
docker-refresh: docker-clean docker-compose
2016-02-01 19:30:43 +03:00
# Docker Development Environment with Elastic Stack Connected
docker-compose-elk: docker-auth
DOCKER_HOST_IP=$(DOCKER_HOST_IP) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml -f tools/elastic/docker-compose.logstash-link.yml -f tools/elastic/docker-compose.elastic-override.yml up --no-recreate
docker-compose-cluster-elk: docker-auth
DOCKER_HOST_IP=$(DOCKER_HOST_IP) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose-cluster.yml -f tools/elastic/docker-compose.logstash-link-cluster.yml -f tools/elastic/docker-compose.elastic-override.yml up --no-recreate
docker stop tools_kibana_1
docker stop tools_logstash_1
docker stop tools_elasticsearch_1
docker rm tools_logstash_1
docker rm tools_elasticsearch_1
docker rm tools_kibana_1
docker run -it --net tools_default --rm postgres:9.4.1 sh -c 'exec psql -h "postgres" -p "5432" -U postgres'