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Instance Groups (not Instances themselves) can be assigned to be used by Jobs at various levels (see [Tower Clustering/HA Overview](https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/docs/clustering.md)).
When the Task Manager is preparing its graph to determine which Group a Job will run on, it will commit the capacity of
an Instance Group to a Job that hasn't or isn't ready to start yet (see [Task Manager Overview](https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/docs/task_manager_system.md)).
Tower can operate in two modes when determining capacity. `mem_capacity` (the default) will allow you to overcommit CPU resources while protecting the system
`mem_capacity` is calculated relative to the amount of memory needed per-fork. Taking into account the overhead for Tower's internal components, this comes out
to be about `100MB` per fork. When considering the amount of memory available to Ansible jobs the capacity algorithm will reserve 2GB of memory to account
Often times Ansible workloads can be fairly CPU-bound. In these cases, sometimes reducing the simultaneous workload allows more tasks to run faster and reduces
Just as the Tower `mem_capacity` algorithm uses the amount of memory needed per-fork, the `cpu_capacity` algorithm looks at the amount of CPU resources is needed
per fork. The baseline value for this is `4` forks per core. The algorithm itself looks like this:
The value `fork_per_cpu` can be controlled by setting the Tower settings value (or environment variable) `SYSTEM_TASK_FORKS_CPU`, which defaults to `4`.
The default forks value for ansible is `5`. However, if Tower knows that you're running against fewer systems than that, then the actual concurrency value
When a job is made to run, Tower will add `1` to the number of forks selected to compensate for the Ansible parent process. So if you are running a playbook against `5`
systems with a `forks` value of `5`, then the actual `forks` value from the perspective of Job Impact will be 6.
Selecting between a memory-focused capacity algorithm and a CPU-focused capacity for your Tower use means you'll be selecting between a minimum
and maximum value. In the above examples, the CPU capacity would allow a maximum of 16 forks while the Memory capacity would allow 20. For some systems,
the disparity between these can be large and oftentimes you may want to have a balance between these two.
An Instance field, `capacity_adjustment`, allows you to select how much of one or the other you want to consider. It is represented as a value between `0.0`
and `1.0`. If set to a value of `1.0`, then the largest value will be used. In the above example, that would be Memory capacity, so a value of `20` forks would
be selected. If set to a value of `0.0` then the smallest value will be used. A value of `0.5` would be a 50/50 balance between the two algorithms which would