2013-03-01 04:39:01 +04:00
# tested only on CentOS6, may need adaptations for other operating systems
# TODO: install any ansible plugins we need
# TODO: set up Apache or Nginx to proxy this application
# TODO: setup celery and any worker processes/requirements
- hosts : 127.0 .0 .1
2013-03-14 00:06:19 +04:00
gather_facts : False
2013-03-01 04:39:01 +04:00
user : root
vars_files :
- vars/vars.yml
tasks :
2013-03-14 01:58:06 +04:00
2013-05-06 22:26:49 +04:00
# - name: remove python-dateutils package if installed
# yum: name=python-dateutils15 state=removed
# - name: install packages from yum
# yum: name=$item state=installed
# with_items:
# - libyaml
# - gcc
# - python-pip
# - postgresql # database client
# - postgresql-server # database server
# - python-psycopg2 # database library
# - python-devel # only because pexpect comes from pip
# - python-lxml # xml for ?format=xml instead of json (optional)
# - name: install python modules from pip
# pip: requirements=${working_dir}/requirements.txt
# - name: configure the database authentication more or less open for setup
# template: src=templates/pg_hba_low.j2 dest=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf owner=postgres
# - name: restart postgresql
# service: name=postgresql state=restarted
# # took out parameter... db=acom priv=ALL
# - name: setup the postgresql user
# postgresql_user: >
# name=ansible_commander
# password=${database_password}
# login_user=postgres
# sudo_user: postgres
# - name: create the database
# postgresql_db: name=acom state=present
# - name: configure the database authentication for runtime mode
# template: src=templates/pg_hba.j2 dest=/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf owner=postgres
# - name: restart postgresql
# service: name=postgresql state=restarted
# - name: configure python settings (with database password)
# template: src=templates/local_settings.py.j2 dest=${working_dir}/lib/settings/local_settings.py
2013-03-01 04:39:01 +04:00
- name : sync django database
2013-03-14 01:20:50 +04:00
command : python ${working_dir}/manage.py syncdb --noinput
2013-03-01 04:52:14 +04:00
- name : run south migrations
2013-03-13 23:21:06 +04:00
command : python ${working_dir}/manage.py migrate main
2013-03-01 04:39:01 +04:00
2013-03-13 23:15:35 +04:00