email to Administrator. User accounts are meant only to access repo
and report issues and/or generate pull requests.
This is a purpose-specific Git hosting for
projects. Thank you for your understanding!
Только зарегистрированные пользователи имеют доступ к сервису!
Для получения аккаунта, обратитесь к администратору.
* CredentialTypes should not be editable *or* deletable if they're
* CredentialTypes should not be deletable if they're in use by one or
more Credentials.
* CredentialType.inputs should not be editable if they're in use by one
or more Credentials.
see: #6077
* Dynamic Inventory Source
Template against ansible 2.3 dynamic inventory sources.
The major change is removal of `rax.py`. Most upstream scripts except
`foreman.py` has quite trivial coding style changes, or minor functional
extensions that does not affect Tower inventory update runs.
`foreman.py`, on the other hand, went through quite a major refactoring,
but functionalities stay the same.
Major python dependency updates include apache-libcloud (1.3.0 -->
2.0.0), boto (2.45.0 --> 2.46.1) and shade (1.19.0 --> 1.20.0). Minor
python dependency updates include indirect updates via `pip-compile`,
which are determined by base dependencies.
Some minor `task.py` extensions:
- `.ini` file for ec2 has one more field `stack_filter=False`, which
reveals changes in `ec2.py`.
- `.ini` file for cloudforms will catch these four options from
`source_vars_dict` of inventory update: `'version', 'purge_actions',
'clean_group_keys', 'nest_tags'`. These four options have always been
available in `cloudforms.py` but `cloudforms.ini.example` has not
mentioned them until the latest version. For consistency with upstream
docs, we should make these fields available for tower user to customize.
- YAML file of openstack will catch ansible options `use_hostnames`,
`expand_hostvars` and `fail_on_errors` from `source_vars_dict` of
inventory update as a response to issue #6075.
* Remove Rackspace support
Supports of Rackspace as both a dynamic inventory source and a cloud
credential are fully removed. Data migrations have been added to support
arbitrary credential types feature and delete rackspace inventory
Note also requirement `jsonschema` has been moved from
`requirements.txt` to `requirements.in` as a primary dependency to
reflect it's usage in `/main/fields.py`.
Connected issue: #6080.
* `pexpect` major update
`pexpect` stands at the very core of our task system and underwent a
major update from 3.1 to 4.2.1. Although verified during devel, please
still be mindful of any suspicious issues on celery side even after this
PR gets merged.
* Miscellaneous
- requests now explicitly declared in `requirements.in` at version 2.11.1
in response to upstream issue
- celery: 3.1.17 -> 3.1.25
- django-extensions: 1.7.4 -> 1.7.8
- django-polymorphic: 0.7.2 -> 1.2
- django-split-settings: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.5
- django-taggit: 0.21.3 -> 0.22.1
- irc: 15.0.4 -> 15.1.1
- pygerduty: 0.35.1 -> 0.35.2
- pyOpenSSL: 16.2.0 -> 17.0.0
- python-saml: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1
- redbaron: 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3
- slackclient: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.5
- tacacs_plus: 0.1 -> 0.2
- xmltodict: 0.10.2 -> 0.11.0
- pip: 8.1.2 -> 9.0.1
- setuptools: 23.0.0 -> 35.0.2
- (requirements_ansible.in only)kombu: 3.0.35 -> 3.0.37
* Ensure "fresh bits" in dependent jobs
- run IUs in same context and dependent PU
- review docs for update-on-launch expectations
* Avoid customer variable precedence upgrade issues
- only allow SCM types to have overwrite_vars=true
- do not run other cloud sources through the backported script
* Make extra sure to echo stdout and stderr in event of error
* allow for filtering Jobs and JobTemplates by v1 `cloud_credential` and
`network_credential` fields
* properly validate uniqueness of `extra_credentials` types
see: #5807
on InventorySource model
* scm_project -> source_project
on InventorySourceSerializer
* scm_inventories -> scm_inventory_sources
on InventoryUpdate model
* scm_project_update -> source_project_update