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* Dynamic Inventory Source
Template against ansible 2.3 dynamic inventory sources.
The major change is removal of `rax.py`. Most upstream scripts except
`foreman.py` has quite trivial coding style changes, or minor functional
extensions that does not affect Tower inventory update runs.
`foreman.py`, on the other hand, went through quite a major refactoring,
but functionalities stay the same.
Major python dependency updates include apache-libcloud (1.3.0 -->
2.0.0), boto (2.45.0 --> 2.46.1) and shade (1.19.0 --> 1.20.0). Minor
python dependency updates include indirect updates via `pip-compile`,
which are determined by base dependencies.
Some minor `task.py` extensions:
- `.ini` file for ec2 has one more field `stack_filter=False`, which
reveals changes in `ec2.py`.
- `.ini` file for cloudforms will catch these four options from
`source_vars_dict` of inventory update: `'version', 'purge_actions',
'clean_group_keys', 'nest_tags'`. These four options have always been
available in `cloudforms.py` but `cloudforms.ini.example` has not
mentioned them until the latest version. For consistency with upstream
docs, we should make these fields available for tower user to customize.
- YAML file of openstack will catch ansible options `use_hostnames`,
`expand_hostvars` and `fail_on_errors` from `source_vars_dict` of
inventory update as a response to issue #6075.
* Remove Rackspace support
Supports of Rackspace as both a dynamic inventory source and a cloud
credential are fully removed. Data migrations have been added to support
arbitrary credential types feature and delete rackspace inventory
Note also requirement `jsonschema` has been moved from
`requirements.txt` to `requirements.in` as a primary dependency to
reflect it's usage in `/main/fields.py`.
Connected issue: #6080.
* `pexpect` major update
`pexpect` stands at the very core of our task system and underwent a
major update from 3.1 to 4.2.1. Although verified during devel, please
still be mindful of any suspicious issues on celery side even after this
PR gets merged.
* Miscellaneous
- requests now explicitly declared in `requirements.in` at version 2.11.1
in response to upstream issue
- celery: 3.1.17 -> 3.1.25
- django-extensions: 1.7.4 -> 1.7.8
- django-polymorphic: 0.7.2 -> 1.2
- django-split-settings: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.5
- django-taggit: 0.21.3 -> 0.22.1
- irc: 15.0.4 -> 15.1.1
- pygerduty: 0.35.1 -> 0.35.2
- pyOpenSSL: 16.2.0 -> 17.0.0
- python-saml: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1
- redbaron: 0.6.2 -> 0.6.3
- slackclient: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.5
- tacacs_plus: 0.1 -> 0.2
- xmltodict: 0.10.2 -> 0.11.0
- pip: 8.1.2 -> 9.0.1
- setuptools: 23.0.0 -> 35.0.2
- (requirements_ansible.in only)kombu: 3.0.35 -> 3.0.37
I had to pull the git urls out of the main requirements files because in order to install offline (--no-index), we need pip to install from local package archives rather than cloning repo.
The weird `cat` thing going on in the Makefile is because we need to install everything as part of a single `pip install` transaction. Without this, installing only requirements_git.txt will result in dependencies getting unintentionally updated.
These packages were getting silently updated, making vendoring these dependencies difficult.
This ensures that the expected versions of these packages are installed in the virtualenvs.