import '../support/node'; import adhocModule from 'inventories/manage/adhoc/main'; import RestStub from '../support/rest-stub'; describe("adhoc.controller", function() { var $scope, $rootScope, $location, $stateParams, $stateExtender, CheckPasswords, PromptForPasswords, CreateLaunchDialog, AdhocForm, GenerateForm, Rest, ProcessErrors, ClearScope, GetBasePath, GetChoices, KindChange, LookUpInit, CredentialList, Empty, Wait; var $controller, ctrl, generateFormCallback, waitCallback, locationCallback, getBasePath, processErrorsCallback, restCallback, stateExtenderCallback; beforeEach("instantiate the adhoc module", function() { angular.mock.module(; }); before("create spies", function() { getBasePath = function(path) { return '/' + path + '/'; }; generateFormCallback = { inject: angular.noop }; waitCallback = sinon.spy(); locationCallback = { path: sinon.spy() }; processErrorsCallback = sinon.spy(); restCallback = new RestStub(); stateExtenderCallback = { addState: angular.noop } }); beforeEach("mock dependencies", angular.mock.module(['$provide', function(_provide_) { var $provide = _provide_; $provide.value('$location', locationCallback); $provide.value('CheckPasswords', angular.noop); $provide.value('PromptForPasswords', angular.noop); $provide.value('CreateLaunchDialog', angular.noop); $provide.value('AdhocForm', angular.noop); $provide.value('GenerateForm', generateFormCallback); $provide.value('Rest', restCallback); $provide.value('ProcessErrors', processErrorsCallback); $provide.value('ClearScope', angular.noop); $provide.value('GetBasePath', getBasePath); $provide.value('GetChoices', angular.noop); $provide.value('KindChange', angular.noop); $provide.value('LookUpInit', angular.noop); $provide.value('CredentialList', angular.noop); $provide.value('Empty', angular.noop); $provide.value('Wait', waitCallback); $provide.value('$stateExtender', stateExtenderCallback); $provide.value('$stateParams', angular.noop); $provide.value('$state', angular.noop); }])); beforeEach("put the controller in scope", inject(function($rootScope, $controller) { var scope = $rootScope.$new(); ctrl = $controller('adhocController', {$scope: scope}); })); beforeEach("put $q in scope", window.inject(['$q', function($q) { restCallback.$q = $q; }])); /* describe("setAvailableUrls", function() { it('should only have the specified urls ' + 'available for adhoc commands', function() { var urls = ctrl.privateFn.setAvailableUrls(); expect(urls).to.have.keys('adhocUrl', 'inventoryUrl', 'machineCredentialUrl'); var count = 0; var i; for (i in urls) { if (urls.hasOwnProperty(i)) { count++; } } expect(count).to.equal(3); }); }); describe("setFieldDefaults", function() { it('should set the select form field defaults' + 'based on user settings', function() { var verbosity_options = [ {label: "0 (Foo)", value: 0, name: "0 (Foo)", isDefault: false}, {label: "1 (Bar)", value: 1, name: "1 (Bar)", isDefault: true}, ], forks_field = {}; forks_field.default = 3; $scope.$apply(function() { ctrl.privateFn.setFieldDefaults(verbosity_options, forks_field.default); }); expect($scope.forks).to.equal(forks_field.default); expect($scope.verbosity.value).to.equal(1); }); }); describe("setLoadingStartStop", function() { it('should start the controller working state when the form is ' + 'loading', function() { waitCallback.reset(); ctrl.privateFn.setLoadingStartStop(); expect(waitCallback).to.have.been.calledWith("start"); }); it('should stop the indicator after all REST calls in the form load have ' + 'completed', function() { var forks_field = {}, adhoc_verbosity_options = {}; forks_field.default = "1"; $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.forks_field = forks_field; $scope.adhoc_verbosity_options = adhoc_verbosity_options; }); waitCallback.reset(); $scope.$emit('adhocFormReady'); $scope.$emit('adhocFormReady'); expect(waitCallback).to.have.been.calledWith("stop"); }); }); describe("instantiateArgumentHelp", function() { it("should initially provide a canned argument help response", function() { expect($scope.argsPopOver).to.equal('
These arguments are used ' + 'with the specified module.
'); }); it("should change the help response when the module changes", function() { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.module_name = {value: 'foo'}; }); expect($scope.argsPopOver).to.equal('These arguments are used ' + 'with the specified module. You can find information about ' + 'the foo module here.
'); }); it("should change the help response when the module changes again", function() { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.module_name = {value: 'bar'}; }); expect($scope.argsPopOver).to.equal('These arguments are used ' + 'with the specified module. You can find information about ' + 'the bar module here.
'); }); it("should change the help response back to the canned response " + "when no module is selected", function() { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.module_name = null; }); expect($scope.argsPopOver).to.equal('These arguments are used ' + 'with the specified module.
'); }); }); describe("instantiateHostPatterns", function() { it("should initialize the limit object based on the provided host " + "pattern", function() { ctrl.privateFn.instantiateHostPatterns("foo:bar"); expect($scope.limit).to.equal("foo:bar"); }); it("should set the providedHostPatterns variable to the provided host " + "pattern so it is accesible on form reset", function() { ctrl.privateFn.instantiateHostPatterns("foo:bar"); expect($scope.providedHostPatterns).to.equal("foo:bar"); }); it("should remove the hostPattern from rootScope after it has been " + "utilized", function() { $rootScope.hostPatterns = "foo"; expect($rootScope.hostPatterns).to.exist; ctrl.privateFn.instantiateHostPatterns("foo"); expect($rootScope.hostPatterns).to.not.exist; }); }); */ });