# PIP requirements for AnsibleWorks development/build environment (downloaded # from PyPI). Install using "pip -r dev.txt". -U distribute # Packages used for development and production: Django>=1.5 django-celery django-extensions django-jsonfield django-taggit djangorestframework>=2.3.0,<2.4.0 Markdown pexpect python-dateutil requests South>=0.8,<2.0 # Development-only packages: django-debug-toolbar django-devserver ipython # You may also need to install the following extra packages using the OS # package manager, or pip if you're running inside a virtualenv. # - ansible (via yum, pip or source checkout) # - psycopg2 (via "yum install python-psycopg2") # - coverage (if you want to check test coverage, via "pip install coverage"; # the default python-coverage package is old.) # - readline (for using the ipython interactive shell)