PYTHON = python SITELIB=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()") OFFICIAL ?= no PACKER ?= packer GRUNT ?= $(shell [ -t 0 ] && echo "grunt" || echo "grunt --no-color") TESTEM ?= ./node_modules/.bin/testem TESTEM_DEBUG_BROWSER ?= Chrome BROCCOLI_BIN ?= ./node_modules/.bin/broccoli MOCHA_BIN ?= ./node_modules/.bin/mocha NODE ?= node NPM_BIN ?= npm DEPS_SCRIPT ?= packaging/bundle/ AW_REPO_URL ?= "" CLIENT_TEST_DIR ?= build_test # Determine appropriate shasum command UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) SHASUM_BIN ?= sha256sum endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) SHASUM_BIN ?= shasum -a 256 endif # Get the branch information from git GIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%ai") DATE := $(shell date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M) NAME = ansible-tower VERSION = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from awx import __version__; print(__version__.split('-')[0])") GIT_REMOTE_URL = $(shell git config --get remote.origin.url) BUILD = 0.git$(DATE) ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes) RELEASE ?= 1 else RELEASE ?= $(BUILD) endif # Allow AMI license customization AWS_INSTANCE_COUNT ?= 0 # GPG signature parameters (BETA key not yet used) GPG_BIN ?= gpg GPG_RELEASE = 442667A9 GPG_RELEASE_FILE = GPG-KEY-ansible-release GPG_BETA = D7B00447 GPG_BETA_FILE = GPG-KEY-ansible-beta # Determine GPG key for package signing ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes) GPG_KEY = $(GPG_RELEASE) GPG_FILE = $(GPG_RELEASE_FILE) endif # TAR build parameters ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes) SETUP_TAR_NAME=$(NAME)-setup-$(VERSION) SDIST_TAR_NAME=$(NAME)-$(VERSION) PACKER_BUILD_OPTS ?= -var-file=vars-release.json else SETUP_TAR_NAME=$(NAME)-setup-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) SDIST_TAR_NAME=$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) PACKER_BUILD_OPTS ?= -var-file=vars-nightly.json endif SDIST_TAR_FILE=$(SDIST_TAR_NAME).tar.gz SETUP_TAR_FILE=$(SETUP_TAR_NAME).tar.gz SETUP_TAR_LINK=$(NAME)-setup-latest.tar.gz SETUP_TAR_CHECKSUM=$(NAME)-setup-CHECKSUM # DEB build parameters DEBUILD_BIN ?= debuild DEBUILD_OPTS = --source-option="-I" DPUT_BIN ?= dput DPUT_OPTS ?= -c -u REPREPRO_BIN ?= reprepro REPREPRO_OPTS ?= -b reprepro --export=force DEB_DIST ?= ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes) # Sign official builds DEBUILD_OPTS += -k$(GPG_KEY) REPREPRO_OPTS += --ask-passphrase else # Do not sign development builds DEBUILD_OPTS += -uc -us endif DEBUILD = $(DEBUILD_BIN) $(DEBUILD_OPTS) DEB_PPA ?= mini_dinstall DEB_ARCH ?= amd64 DEB_NVR = $(NAME)_$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)~$(DEB_DIST) DEB_NVRA = $(DEB_NVR)_$(DEB_ARCH) DEB_NVRS = $(DEB_NVR)_source DEB_TAR_NAME=$(NAME)-$(VERSION) DEB_TAR_FILE=$(NAME)_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz # pbuilder parameters PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR = /var/cache/pbuilder PBUILDER_BIN ?= pbuilder PBUILDER_OPTS ?= --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd --distribution $(DEB_DIST) --architecture $(DEB_ARCH) --basetgz $(PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR)/$(DEB_DIST)-$(DEB_ARCH)-base.tgz --buildresult $(PWD)/deb-build # RPM build parameters MOCK_BIN ?= mock MOCK_CFG ?= RPM_SPECDIR= packaging/rpm RPM_SPEC = $(RPM_SPECDIR)/$(NAME).spec RPM_DIST ?= $(shell rpm --eval '%{?dist}' 2>/dev/null) # Provide a fallback value for RPM_DIST ifeq ($(RPM_DIST),) RPM_DIST = .el6 endif RPM_ARCH ?= $(shell rpm --eval '%{_arch}' 2>/dev/null) # Provide a fallback value for RPM_ARCH ifeq ($(RPM_ARCH),) RPM_ARCH = $(shell uname -m) endif RPM_NVR = $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)$(RPM_DIST) # TAR Bundle build parameters DIST = $(shell echo $(RPM_DIST) | sed -e 's|^\.\(el\)\([0-9]\).*|\1|') DIST_MAJOR = $(shell echo $(RPM_DIST) | sed -e 's|^\.\(el\)\([0-9]\).*|\2|') DIST_FULL = $(DIST)$(DIST_MAJOR) OFFLINE_TAR_NAME = $(NAME)-setup-bundle-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).$(DIST_FULL) OFFLINE_TAR_FILE = $(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME).tar.gz OFFLINE_TAR_LINK = $(NAME)-setup-bundle-latest.$(DIST_FULL).tar.gz OFFLINE_TAR_CHECKSUM=$(NAME)-setup-bundle-CHECKSUM # Detect underlying OS distribution DISTRO ?= ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/lsb-release)) DISTRO = $(shell . /etc/lsb-release && echo $${DISTRIB_ID} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') endif ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/os-release)) DISTRO = $(shell . /etc/os-release && echo $${ID}) endif ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/fedora-release)) DISTRO = fedora endif ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/centos-release)) DISTRO = centos endif ifneq (,$(wildcard /etc/redhat-release)) DISTRO = redhat endif # Adjust ` install` parameters based on OS distribution SETUP_INSTALL_ARGS = --skip-build --no-compile --root=$(DESTDIR) -v ifeq ($(DISTRO),ubuntu) SETUP_INSTALL_ARGS += --install-layout=deb endif .DEFAULT_GOAL := build .PHONY: clean rebase push requirements requirements_dev requirements_jenkins \ real-requirements real-requirements_dev real-requirements_jenkins \ develop refresh adduser syncdb migrate dbchange dbshell runserver celeryd \ receiver test test_coverage coverage_html ui_analysis_report test_jenkins dev_build \ release_build release_clean sdist rpmtar mock-rpm mock-srpm rpm-sign \ devjs minjs testjs testjs_ci node-tests browser-tests jshint ngdocs sync_ui \ deb deb-src debian debsign pbuilder reprepro setup_tarball \ virtualbox-ovf virtualbox-centos-7 virtualbox-centos-6 \ clean-bundle setup_bundle_tarball # Remove setup build files clean-tar: rm -rf tar-build # Remove rpm build files clean-rpm: rm -rf rpm-build # Remove debian build files clean-deb: rm -rf deb-build reprepro # Remove grunt build files clean-grunt: rm -f package.json Gruntfile.js Brocfile.js bower.json rm -rf node_modules # Remove UI build files clean-ui: rm -rf DEBUG rm -rf awx/ui/build_test rm -rf awx/ui/static/ rm -rf awx/ui/dist # Remove packer artifacts clean-packer: rm -rf packer_cache rm -rf packaging/packer/packer_cache rm -rf packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/ rm -rf packaging/packer/output-vmware-iso rm -f packaging/packer/ansible-tower-*.box rm -rf packaging/packer/ansible-tower*-ova rm -rf packaging/packer/ansible-tower*-vmx rm -f Vagrantfile clean-bundle: rm -rf setup-bundle-build # Remove temporary build files, compiled Python files. clean: clean-rpm clean-deb clean-grunt clean-ui clean-tar clean-packer clean-bundle rm -rf awx/lib/site-packages rm -rf awx/lib/.deps_built rm -rf dist/* rm -rf tmp mkdir tmp rm -rf build $(NAME)-$(VERSION) *.egg-info find . -type f -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete # convenience target to assert environment variables are defined guard-%: @if [ "${${*}}" == "" ]; then \ echo "The required environment variable '$*' is not set"; \ exit 1; \ fi # Fetch from origin, rebase local commits on top of origin commits. rebase: git pull --rebase origin master # Push changes to origin. push: git push origin master # Install runtime, development and jenkins requirements requirements requirements_dev requirements_jenkins: %: real-% # Install third-party requirements needed for development environment. # NOTE: # * --target is only supported on newer versions of pip # * - the workaround is to override the `install-platlib` # * --user (in conjunction with PYTHONUSERBASE="awx" may be a better option # * --target implies --ignore-installed real-requirements: pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt --target awx/lib/site-packages/ --install-option="--install-platlib=\$$base/lib/python" real-requirements_dev: pip install -r requirements/requirements_dev.txt --target awx/lib/site-packages/ --install-option="--install-platlib=\$$base/lib/python" # Install third-party requirements needed for running unittests in jenkins real-requirements_jenkins: pip install -r requirements/requirements_jenkins.txt $(NPM_BIN) install csslint jshint # "Install" ansible-tower package in development mode. develop: @if [ "$(VIRTUAL_ENV)" ]; then \ pip uninstall -y awx; \ $(PYTHON) develop; \ else \ sudo pip uninstall -y awx; \ sudo $(PYTHON) develop; \ fi version_file: mkdir -p /var/lib/awx/ python -c "import awx as awx; print awx.__version__" > /var/lib/awx/.tower_version # Do any one-time init tasks. init: @if [ "$(VIRTUAL_ENV)" ]; then \ awx-manage register_instance --primary --hostname=; \ else \ sudo awx-manage register_instance --primary --hostname=; \ fi # Refresh development environment after pulling new code. refresh: clean requirements_dev version_file develop migrate # Create Django superuser. adduser: $(PYTHON) createsuperuser # Create initial database tables (excluding migrations). syncdb: $(PYTHON) syncdb --noinput # Create database tables and apply any new migrations. migrate: syncdb $(PYTHON) migrate --noinput # Run after making changes to the models to create a new migration. dbchange: $(PYTHON) schemamigration main v14_changes --auto # access database shell, asks for password dbshell: sudo -u postgres psql -d awx-dev server_noattach: tmux new-session -d -s tower 'exec make runserver' tmux rename-window 'Tower' tmux select-window -t tower:0 tmux split-window -v 'exec make celeryd' tmux split-window -h 'exec make taskmanager' tmux new-window 'exec make receiver' tmux select-window -t tower:1 tmux rename-window 'Extra Services' tmux split-window -v 'exec make socketservice' tmux split-window -h 'exec make factcacher' server: server_noattach tmux -2 attach-session -t tower # Use with iterm2's native tmux protocol support servercc: server_noattach tmux -2 -CC attach-session -t tower # Alternate approach to tmux to run all development tasks specified in # Procfile. honcho: honcho start # Run the built-in development webserver (by default on http://localhost:8013). runserver: $(PYTHON) runserver # Run to start the background celery worker for development. celeryd: $(PYTHON) celeryd -l DEBUG -B --autoscale=20,2 -Ofair # Run to start the zeromq callback receiver receiver: $(PYTHON) run_callback_receiver taskmanager: $(PYTHON) run_task_system socketservice: $(PYTHON) run_socketio_service factcacher: $(PYTHON) run_fact_cache_receiver reports: mkdir -p $@ pep8: reports @(set -o pipefail && $@ | tee reports/$ flake8: reports @$@ --output-file=reports/$ pyflakes: reports @(set -o pipefail && $@ | tee reports/$ pylint: reports @(set -o pipefail && $@ | reports/$ check: flake8 pep8 # pyflakes pylint # Run all API unit tests. test: $(PYTHON) test -v2 awx.main.tests # Run all API unit tests with coverage enabled. test_coverage: coverage run test -v2 awx.main.tests # Output test coverage as HTML (into htmlcov directory). coverage_html: coverage html # Run API unit tests across multiple Python/Django versions with Tox. test_tox: tox -v # Run unit tests to produce output for Jenkins. test_jenkins: $(PYTHON) jenkins -v2 --enable-coverage --project-apps-tests # UI TASKS # -------------------------------------- Gruntfile.js: packaging/node/Gruntfile.js cp $< $@ Brocfile.js: packaging/node/Brocfile.js cp $< $@ bower.json: packaging/node/bower.json cp $< $@ package.json: packaging/node/package.template sed -e 's#%NAME%#$(NAME)#;s#%VERSION%#$(VERSION)#;s#%GIT_REMOTE_URL%#$(GIT_REMOTE_URL)#;' $< > $@ testem.yml: packaging/node/testem.yml cp $< $@ # Update local npm install node_modules: package.json $(NPM_BIN) install touch $@ awx/ui/%: node_modules clean-ui Brocfile.js bower.json $(BROCCOLI_BIN) build $@ -- $(UI_FLAGS) # Concatenated, non-minified build; contains debug code and sourcemaps; does not include any tests devjs: awx/ui/static # Concatenated, minified, compressed (production) build with no sourcemaps or tests minjs: UI_FLAGS=--silent --compress --no-docs --no-debug --no-sourcemaps $(EXTRA_UI_FLAGS) minjs: awx/ui/static # Performs build to awx/ui/build_test and runs node tests via mocha testjs: UI_FLAGS=--node-tests --no-concat --no-styles $(EXTRA_UI_FLAGS) testjs: awx/ui/build_test node-tests # Performs nonminified, noncompressed build to awx/ui/static and runs browsers tests with testem ci testjs_ci: UI_FLAGS=--no-styles --no-compress --browser-tests --no-node-tests --no-sourcemaps $(EXTRA_UI_FLAGS) testjs_ci: awx/ui/static testem.yml browser-tests-ci # Performs nonminified, noncompressed build to awx/ui/static and runs browsers tests with testem ci in Chrome testjs_debug: UI_FLAGS=--no-styles --no-compress --browser-tests --no-node-tests --no-sourcemaps $(EXTRA_UI_FLAGS) testjs_debug: awx/ui/static testem.yml browser-tests-debug # Runs node tests via mocha without building node-tests: NODE_PATH=awx/ui/build_test $(MOCHA_BIN) --full-trace $(shell find awx/ui/build_test -name '*-test.js') $(MOCHA_FLAGS) # Runs browser tests on PhantomJS. Outputs the results in a consumable manner for Jenkins. browser-tests-ci: PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$(PATH) $(TESTEM) ci --file testem.yml -p 7359 -R xunit # Runs browser tests using settings from `testem.yml` you can pass in the browser you'd # like to run the tests on (Defaults to Chrome, other options Safari, Firefox, and PhantomJS). # If you want to run the tests in Node (which is the quickest, but also more difficult to debug), # make sure to run the testjs/node-tests targets browser-tests-debug: PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$(PATH) $(TESTEM) --file testem.yml -l $(TESTEM_DEBUG_BROWSER) # Check .js files for errors and lint jshint: node_modules Gruntfile.js $(GRUNT) $@ # Generate UI code documentation ngdocs: devjs Gruntfile.js $(GRUNT) $@ # Launch watcher for build process sync_ui: node_modules Brocfile.js testem.yml $(NODE) tools/ui/timepiece.js awx/ui/static $(WATCHER_FLAGS) -- $(UI_FLAGS) # Build code complexity report for UI code ui_analysis_report: reports/ui_code node_modules Gruntfile.js $(GRUNT) plato:report # Non-concatenated, non-minified build with no tests, no debug code, no sourcemaps for plato reports reports/ui_code: node_modules clean-ui Brocfile.js bower.json Gruntfile.js rm -rf reports/ui_code $(BROCCOLI_BIN) build reports/ui_code -- --no-concat --no-debug --no-styles --no-sourcemaps # END UI TASKS # -------------------------------------- # Build a pip-installable package into dist/ with a timestamped version number. dev_build: $(PYTHON) dev_build # Build a pip-installable package into dist/ with the release version number. release_build: $(PYTHON) release_build # Build setup tarball tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE): @mkdir -p tar-build @cp -a setup tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_NAME) @rsync -az docs/licenses tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_NAME)/ @cd tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_NAME) && sed -e 's#%NAME%#$(NAME)#;s#%VERSION%#$(VERSION)#;s#%RELEASE%#$(RELEASE)#;' group_vars/ > group_vars/all @cd tar-build && tar -czf $(SETUP_TAR_FILE) --exclude "*/" $(SETUP_TAR_NAME)/ @ln -sf $(SETUP_TAR_FILE) tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_LINK) tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_CHECKSUM): @if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" != "yes" ] ; then \ cd tar-build && $(SHASUM_BIN) $(NAME)*.tar.gz > $(notdir $@) ; \ else \ cd tar-build && $(SHASUM_BIN) $(NAME)*.tar.gz | $(GPG_BIN) --clearsign --batch --passphrase "$(GPG_PASSPHRASE)" -u "$(GPG_KEY)" -o $(notdir $@) - ; \ fi setup_tarball: tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE) tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_CHECKSUM) @echo "#############################################" @echo "Artifacts:" @echo tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_FILE) @echo tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_LINK) @echo tar-build/$(SETUP_TAR_CHECKSUM) @echo "#############################################" release_clean: -(rm *.tar) -(rm -rf ($RELEASE)) dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE): minjs BUILD="$(BUILD)" $(PYTHON) sdist sdist: dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) @echo "#############################################" @echo "Artifacts:" @echo dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) @echo "#############################################" # Build setup bundle tarball setup-bundle-build: mkdir -p $@ # TODO - Somehow share implementation with setup_tarball setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE): cp -a setup setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME) rsync -az docs/licenses setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME)/ cd setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME) && sed -e 's#%NAME%#$(NAME)#;s#%VERSION%#$(VERSION)#;s#%RELEASE%#$(RELEASE)#;' group_vars/ > group_vars/all $(PYTHON) $(DEPS_SCRIPT) -d $(DIST) -r $(DIST_MAJOR) -u $(AW_REPO_URL) -s setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME) -v -v -v cd setup-bundle-build && tar -czf $(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE) --exclude "*/" $(OFFLINE_TAR_NAME)/ ln -sf $(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE) setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_LINK) setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_CHECKSUM): @if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" != "yes" ] ; then \ cd setup-bundle-build && $(SHASUM_BIN) $(NAME)*.tar.gz > $(notdir $@) ; \ else \ cd setup-bundle-build && $(SHASUM_BIN) $(NAME)*.tar.gz | $(GPG_BIN) --clearsign --batch --passphrase "$(GPG_PASSPHRASE)" -u "$(GPG_KEY)" -o $(notdir $@) - ; \ fi setup_bundle_tarball: setup-bundle-build setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE) setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_CHECKSUM) @echo "#############################################" @echo "Offline artifacts:" @echo setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_FILE) @echo setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_LINK) @echo setup-bundle-build/$(OFFLINE_TAR_CHECKSUM) @echo "#############################################" rpm-build: mkdir -p $@ rpm-build/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE): rpm-build dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) cp packaging/rpm/$(NAME).spec rpm-build/ cp packaging/rpm/$(NAME).te rpm-build/ cp packaging/rpm/$(NAME).sysconfig rpm-build/ cp packaging/ rpm-build/ if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" != "yes" ] ; then \ (cd dist/ && tar zxf $(SDIST_TAR_FILE)) ; \ (cd dist/ && mv $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(BUILD) $(NAME)-$(VERSION)) ; \ (cd dist/ && tar czf ../rpm-build/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) $(NAME)-$(VERSION)) ; \ ln -sf $(SDIST_TAR_FILE) rpm-build/$(NAME)-$(VERSION).tar.gz ; \ else \ cp -a dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) rpm-build/ ; \ fi rpmtar: sdist rpm-build/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm: /etc/mock/$(MOCK_CFG).cfg $(MOCK_BIN) -r $(MOCK_CFG) --resultdir rpm-build --buildsrpm --spec rpm-build/$(NAME).spec --sources rpm-build \ --define "tower_version $(VERSION)" --define "tower_release $(RELEASE)" mock-srpm: rpmtar rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm @echo "#############################################" @echo "Artifacts:" @echo rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm @echo "#############################################" rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm: rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm $(MOCK_BIN) -r $(MOCK_CFG) --resultdir rpm-build --rebuild rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).src.rpm \ --define "tower_version $(VERSION)" --define "tower_release $(RELEASE)" mock-rpm: rpmtar rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm @echo "#############################################" @echo "Artifacts:" @echo rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm @echo "#############################################" ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes) rpm-build/$(GPG_FILE): rpm-build $(GPG_BIN) --export -a "${GPG_KEY}" > "$@" rpm-sign: rpm-build/$(GPG_FILE) rpmtar rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm rpm --define "_signature gpg" --define "_gpg_name $(GPG_KEY)" --addsign rpm-build/$(RPM_NVR).$(RPM_ARCH).rpm endif deb-build: mkdir -p $@ deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME): dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) mkdir -p $(dir $@) @if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" != "yes" ] ; then \ tar -C deb-build/ -xvf dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) ; \ mv deb-build/$(SDIST_TAR_NAME) deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) ; \ cd deb-build && tar czf $(DEB_TAR_FILE) $(DEB_TAR_NAME) ; \ else \ cp -a dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_FILE) ; \ fi cd deb-build && tar -xf $(DEB_TAR_FILE) cp -a packaging/debian deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME)/ cp packaging/ deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME)/debian/ sed -ie "s#^$(NAME) (\([^)]*\)) \([^;]*\);#$(NAME) ($(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)~$(DEB_DIST)) $(DEB_DIST);#" deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME)/debian/changelog ifeq ($(OFFICIAL),yes) debian: deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) deb-build/$(GPG_FILE) deb-build/$(GPG_FILE): deb-build $(GPG_BIN) --export -a "${GPG_KEY}" > "$@" else debian: deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) endif deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc: deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) cd deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) && $(DEBUILD) -S deb-src: deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc @echo "#############################################" @echo "Artifacts:" @echo deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc @echo deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes @echo "#############################################" $(PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR)/$(DEB_DIST)-$(DEB_ARCH)-base.tgz: $(PBUILDER_BIN) create $(PBUILDER_OPTS) pbuilder: $(PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR)/$(DEB_DIST)-$(DEB_ARCH)-base.tgz deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb: deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc $(PBUILDER_CACHE_DIR)/$(DEB_DIST)-$(DEB_ARCH)-base.tgz # cd deb-build/$(DEB_TAR_NAME) && $(DEBUILD) -b $(PBUILDER_BIN) update $(PBUILDER_OPTS) $(PBUILDER_BIN) execute $(PBUILDER_OPTS) --save-after-exec packaging/pbuilder/ $(DEB_DIST) $(PBUILDER_BIN) build $(PBUILDER_OPTS) deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc deb: guard-DEB_DIST deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb @echo "#############################################" @echo "Artifacts:" @echo deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb @echo "#############################################" deb-upload: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).changes $(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).changes dput: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).changes $(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).changes deb-src-upload: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes $(DPUT_BIN) $(DPUT_OPTS) $(DEB_PPA) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes debsign: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes debian deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc debsign -k$(GPG_KEY) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRS).changes deb-build/$(DEB_NVR).dsc reprepro/conf: mkdir -p $@ cp -a packaging/reprepro/* $@/ if [ "$(OFFICIAL)" = "yes" ] ; then \ sed -i -e 's|^\(Codename:\)|SignWith: $(GPG_KEY)\n\1|' $@/distributions ; \ fi reprepro: deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb reprepro/conf $(REPREPRO_BIN) $(REPREPRO_OPTS) clearvanished for COMPONENT in non-free $(VERSION); do \ $(REPREPRO_BIN) $(REPREPRO_OPTS) -C $$COMPONENT remove $(DEB_DIST) $(NAME) ; \ $(REPREPRO_BIN) $(REPREPRO_OPTS) -C $$COMPONENT --keepunreferencedfiles --ignore=brokenold includedeb $(DEB_DIST) deb-build/$(DEB_NVRA).deb ; \ done # # Packer build targets # amazon-ebs: cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only $@ $(PACKER_BUILD_OPTS) -var "aws_instance_count=$(AWS_INSTANCE_COUNT)" -var "product_version=$(VERSION)" packer-$(NAME).json # virtualbox virtualbox-ovf: packaging/packer/ansible-tower-$(VERSION) packaging/packer/ansible-tower-$(VERSION) packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/centos-7.ovf cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only virtualbox-ovf $(PACKER_BUILD_OPTS) -var "aws_instance_count=$(AWS_INSTANCE_COUNT)" -var "product_version=$(VERSION)" packer-$(NAME).json packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/centos-6.ovf: cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build packer-centos-6.json packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/centos-7.ovf: cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only virtualbox-iso packer-centos-7.json # virtualbox-iso: packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/centos-6.ovf virtualbox-iso: packaging/packer/output-virtualbox-iso/centos-7.ovf # vmware packaging/packer/output-vmware-iso/centos-7.vmx: cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only vmware-iso packer-centos-7.json vmware-iso: packaging/packer/output-vmware-iso/centos-7.vmx vmware-vmx: packaging/packer/ansible-tower-$(VERSION)-vmx/ansible-tower-$(VERSION).vmx packaging/packer/ansible-tower-$(VERSION)-vmx/ansible-tower-$(VERSION).vmx: packaging/packer/output-vmware-iso/centos-7.vmx cd packaging/packer && $(PACKER) build -only vmware-vmx $(PACKER_BUILD_OPTS) -var "aws_instance_count=$(AWS_INSTANCE_COUNT)" -var "product_version=$(VERSION)" packer-$(NAME).json # TODO - figure out how to build the front-end and python requirements with # 'build' build: $(PYTHON) build install: $(PYTHON) install $(SETUP_INSTALL_ARGS) # Docker Compose Development environment docker-compose: docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml up --no-recreate docker-compose-test: cd tools && docker-compose run --rm --service-ports tower /bin/bash mongo-debug-ui: docker run -it --rm --name mongo-express --link tools_mongo_1:mongo -e ME_CONFIG_OPTIONS_EDITORTHEME=ambiance -e ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_USERNAME=admin -e ME_CONFIG_BASICAUTH_PASSWORD=password -p 8081:8081 knickers/mongo-express mongo-container: docker run -it --link tools_mongo_1:mongo --rm mongo sh -c 'exec mongo "$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR:$MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT/system_tracking_dev"' psql-container: docker run -it --link tools_postgres_1:postgres --rm postgres:9.4.1 sh -c 'exec psql -h "$$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U postgres'