ansible-runner ansiconv==1.0.0 # UPGRADE BLOCKER: from 2013, consider replacing instead of upgrading asgi-amqp>=1.1.4 # see library notes, related to channels 2 azure-keyvault==1.1.0 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs boto # replacement candidate channels==1.1.8 # UPGRADE BLOCKER: Last before backwards-incompatible channels 2 upgrade daphne==1.4.2 # UPGRADE BLOCKER: last before channels 2 but not pinned by other deps django==2.2.10 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs django-auth-ldap django-cors-headers django-crum django-extensions django-jsonfield==1.2.0 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs django-oauth-toolkit==1.1.3 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs django-polymorphic django-pglocks django-qsstats-magic django-radius==1.3.3 # FIX auth does not work with later versions django-solo django-split-settings django-taggit djangorestframework djangorestframework-yaml GitPython irc jinja2 jsonschema Markdown # used for formatting API help openshift prometheus_client psycopg2 pygerduty pyparsing python-memcached python-radius python3-saml schedule==0.6.0 social-auth-core==3.2.0 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs social-auth-app-django==3.1.0 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs requests requests-futures # see library notes slackclient==1.1.2 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs tacacs_plus==1.0 # UPGRADE BLOCKER: auth does not work with later versions twilio uWSGI uwsgitop pip==19.3.1 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs setuptools==41.6.0 # see UPGRADE BLOCKERs