#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2015 Ansible, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. import os import datetime import glob import sys from setuptools import setup from distutils.command.sdist import sdist from awx import __version__ if os.getenv('OFFICIAL', 'no') == 'yes': build_timestamp = '' else: build_timestamp = '-' + os.getenv("BUILD", datetime.datetime.now().strftime('0.git%Y%m%d%H%M')) # Paths we'll use later etcpath = "/etc/tower" homedir = "/var/lib/awx" bindir = "/usr/bin" sharedir = "/usr/share/awx" docdir = "/usr/share/doc/ansible-tower" if os.path.exists("/etc/debian_version"): sysinit = "/etc/init.d" webconfig = "/etc/nginx" siteconfig = "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled" # sosreport-3.1 (and newer) look in '/usr/share/sosreport/sos/plugins' # sosreport-3.0 looks in '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sos/plugins' # debian/.links will create symlinks to support both versions sosconfig = "/usr/share/sosreport/sos/plugins" else: sysinit = "/etc/rc.d/init.d" webconfig = "/etc/nginx" siteconfig = "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled" # The .spec will create symlinks to support multiple versions of sosreport sosconfig = "/usr/share/sosreport/sos/plugins" ##################################################################### # Isolated packaging ##################################################################### class sdist_isolated(sdist): includes = [ 'include Makefile', 'include awx/__init__.py', 'include awx/main/isolated/run.py', 'include tools/scripts/tower-expect', 'include requirements/requirements_isolated.txt', 'recursive-include awx/lib *.py', ] def __init__(self, dist): sdist.__init__(self, dist) dist.metadata.version += build_timestamp def get_file_list(self): self.filelist.process_template_line('include setup.py') for line in self.includes: self.filelist.process_template_line(line) self.write_manifest() def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files): sdist.make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files) with open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'MANIFEST.in'), 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(self.includes)) ##################################################################### # Helper Functions def explode_glob_path(path): """Take a glob and hand back the full recursive expansion, ignoring links. """ result = [] includes = glob.glob(path) for item in includes: if os.path.isdir(item) and not os.path.islink(item): result.extend(explode_glob_path(os.path.join(item, "*"))) else: result.append(item) return result def proc_data_files(data_files): """Because data_files doesn't natively support globs... let's add them. """ result = [] # If running in a virtualenv, don't return data files that would install to # system paths (mainly useful for running tests via tox). if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): return result for dir,files in data_files: includes = [] for item in files: includes.extend(explode_glob_path(item)) result.append((dir, includes)) return result ##################################################################### setup( name=os.getenv('NAME', 'ansible-tower'), version=__version__.split("-")[0], # FIXME: Should keep full version here? author='Ansible, Inc.', author_email='info@ansible.com', description='ansible-tower: API, UI and Task Engine for Ansible', long_description='Ansible Tower provides a web-based user interface, REST API and ' 'task engine built on top of Ansible', license='Proprietary', keywords='ansible', url='http://github.com/ansible/ansible-tower', packages=['awx'], include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, setup_requires=[], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Framework :: Django', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators' 'License :: Other/Proprietary License', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: System :: Installation/Setup', 'Topic :: System :: Systems Administration', ], entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'awx-manage = awx:manage', 'tower-manage = awx:manage' ], }, data_files = proc_data_files([ ("%s" % homedir, ["config/wsgi.py", "awx/static/favicon.ico", "awx/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.po", "awx/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo"]), ("%s" % siteconfig, ["config/awx-nginx.conf"]), # ("%s" % webconfig, ["config/uwsgi_params"]), ("%s" % sharedir, ["tools/scripts/request_tower_configuration.sh","tools/scripts/request_tower_configuration.ps1"]), ("%s" % docdir, ["docs/licenses/*",]), ("%s" % bindir, ["tools/scripts/ansible-tower-service", "tools/scripts/failure-event-handler", "tools/scripts/tower-python", "tools/scripts/ansible-tower-setup"]), ("%s" % sosconfig, ["tools/sosreport/tower.py"])]), cmdclass = {'sdist_isolated': sdist_isolated}, options = { 'egg_info': { 'tag_build': build_timestamp, }, 'aliases': { 'dev_build': 'clean --all egg_info sdist', 'release_build': 'clean --all egg_info -b "" sdist', 'isolated_build': 'clean --all egg_info -b "" sdist_isolated', }, 'build_scripts': { 'executable': '/usr/bin/tower-python', }, }, )