# Migrating Data Between AWX Installations ## Introduction Upgrades using Django migrations are not expected to work in AWX. As a result, to upgrade to a new version, it is necessary to export resources from the old AWX node and import them into a freshly-installed node with the new version. The recommended way to do this is to use the tower-cli send/receive feature. This tool does __not__ support export/import of the following: * Logs/history * Credential passwords * LDAP/AWX config ### Install & Configure Tower-CLI In terminal, pip install tower-cli (if you do not have pip already, install [here](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/)): ``` $ pip install --upgrade ansible-tower-cli ``` The AWX host URL, user, and password must be set for the AWX instance to be exported: ``` $ tower-cli config host http:// $ tower-cli config username $ tower-cli config password ``` For more information on installing tower-cli look [here](http://tower-cli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html). ### Export Resources Export all objects ```$ tower-cli receive --all > assets.json``` ### Teardown Old AWX Clean up remnants of the old AWX install: ```docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)``` # remove all old awx containers ```make clean-ui``` # clean up ui artifacts ### Install New AWX version If you are installing AWX as a dev container, pull down the latest code or version you want from GitHub, build the image locally, then start the container ``` git pull # retrieve latest AWX changes from repository make docker-compose-build # build AWX image make docker-compose # run container ``` For other install methods, refer to the [Install.md](https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/INSTALL.md). ### Import Resources Configure tower-cli for your new AWX host as shown earlier. Import from a JSON file named assets.json ``` $ tower-cli config host http:// $ tower-cli config username $ tower-cli config password $ tower-cli send assets.json ``` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Additional Info If you have two running AWX hosts, it is possible to copy all assets from one instance to another ```$ tower-cli receive --tower-host old-awx-host.example.com --all | tower-cli send --tower-host new-awx-host.example.com``` #### More Granular Exports: Export all credentials ```$ tower-cli receive --credential all > credentials.json``` > Note: This exports the credentials with blank strings for passwords and secrets Export a credential named "My Credential" ```$ tower-cli receive --credential "My Credential"``` #### More Granular Imports: You could import anything except an organization defined in a JSON file named assets.json ```$ tower-cli send --prevent organization assets.json```