FROM centos:7 # Do we need this? #RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 #ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 #ENV LANGUAGE en_US:en #ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 USER root # Init System ADD /tini RUN chmod +x /tini # Tower Dependencies Install ADD Makefile /tmp/Makefile RUN mkdir /tmp/requirements ADD requirements/requirements_ansible.txt \ requirements/requirements_ansible_uninstall.txt \ requirements/requirements_ansible_git.txt \ requirements/requirements.txt \ requirements/requirements_tower_uninstall.txt \ requirements/requirements_git.txt \ /tmp/requirements/ # OS Dependencies RUN yum -y install epel-release && yum -y localinstall && yum -y update && yum -y install ansible git curl python-psycopg2 python-pip python-setuptools libselinux-python setools-libs yum-utils sudo acl make postgresql-devel python-psutil libxml2-devel libxslt-devel gcc cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl openldap-devel libffi-devel python-pip xmlsec1-devel swig krb5-devel xmlsec1-openssl xmlsec1 xmlsec1-openssl-devel libtool-ltdl-devel bubblewrap gcc-c++ python-devel RUN pip install virtualenv supervisor WORKDIR /tmp RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/awx # TODO: Handlers could be stripped of this RUN mkdir -p /var/log/tower RUN mkdir -p /etc/tower RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/awx/public/static RUN echo "ansibletower" > /etc/tower/SECRET_KEY RUN VENV_BASE=/var/lib/awx/venv make requirements_ansible && VENV_BASE=/var/lib/awx/venv make requirements_tower COPY dist/ansible-tower-3.2.0.tar.gz /tmp/ansible-tower-3.2.0.tar.gz RUN pip install /tmp/ansible-tower-3.2.0.tar.gz # TODO: Replace this with the actual version RUN echo "3.2.0" > /var/lib/awx/.tower_version ADD installer/openshift/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ADD installer/openshift/supervisor_task.conf /supervisor_task.conf ADD installer/openshift/ /usr/bin/ ADD installer/openshift/ /etc/tower/ RUN yum -y remove gcc postgresql-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel cyrus-sasl-devel openldap-devel xmlsec1-devel krb5-devel xmlsec1-openssl-devel libtool-ltdl-devel gcc-c++ python-devel && yum -y clean all RUN rm -rf /root/.cache RUN chmod g+w /etc/passwd RUN chgrp -Rf root /var/lib/awx && chmod -Rf g+w /var/lib/awx USER 1000 EXPOSE 80 443 WORKDIR /var/lib/awx ENTRYPOINT ["/tini", "--"] CMD /usr/bin/