mirror of https://github.com/ansible/awx.git synced 2024-10-27 09:25:10 +03:00
Ben Thomasson 48d801271c
Imports prototype from ansible-network-ui
The ansible-network-ui prototype project builds a standalone Network UI
outside of Tower as its own Django application. The original prototype
code is located here:

The prototype provides a virtual canvas that supports placing
networking devices onto 2D plane and connecting those devices together
with connections called links.  The point where the link connects
to the network device is called an interface.  The devices, interfaces,
and links may all have their respective names.  This models physical
networking devices is a simple fashion.

The prototype implements a pannable and zoomable 2D canvas in using SVG
elements and AngularJS directives.   This is done by adding event
listeners for mouse and keyboard events to an SVG element that fills the
entire browser window.

Mouse and keyboard events are handled in a processing pipeline where
the processing units are implemented as finite state machines that
provide deterministic behavior to the UI.

The finite state machines are built in a visual way that makes
the states and transitions clearly evident.  The visual tool for
building FSM is located here:
https://github.com/benthomasson/fsm-designer-svg.   This tool
is a fork of this project where the canvas is the same.  The elements
on the page are FSM states and the directional connections are called
transitions.   The bootstrapping of the FSM designer tool and
network-ui happen in parallel.  It was useful to try experiemental
code in FSM designer and then import it into network-ui.

The FSM designer tool provides a YAML description of the design
which can be used to generate skeleton code and check the implementation
against the design for discrepancies.

Events supported:

* Mouse click
* Mouse scroll-wheel
* Keyboard events
* Touch events

Interactions supported:

* Pan canvas by clicking-and-dragging on the background
* Zooming canvas by scrolling mousewheel
* Adding devices and links by using hotkeys
* Selecting devices, interaces, and links by clicking on their icon
* Editing labels on devices, interfaces, and links by double-clicking on
  their icon
* Moving devices around the canvas by clicking-and-dragging on their

Device types supported:

* router
* switch
* host
* racks

The database schema for the prototype is also developed with a visual
tool that makes the relationships in the snowflake schema for the models
quickly evident.  This tool makes it very easy to build queries across
multiple tables using Django's query builder.

See: https://github.com/benthomasson/db-designer-svg

The client and the server communicate asynchronously over a websocket.
This allows the UI to be very responsive to user interaction since
the full request/response cycle is not needed for every user

The server provides persistence of the UI state in the database
using event handlers for events generated in the UI.  The UI
processes mouse and keyboard events, updates the UI, and
generates new types of events that are then sent to the server
to be persisted in the database.

UI elements are tracked by unique ids generated on the client
when an element is first created.  This allows the elements to
be correctly tracked before they are stored in the database.

The history of the UI is stored in the TopologyHistory model
which is useful for tracking which client made which change
and is useful for implementing undo/redo.

Each message is given a unique id per client and has
a known message type.  Message types are pre-populated
in the MessageType model using a database migration.

A History message containing all the change messages for a topology is
sent when the websocket is connected.  This allows for undo/redo work
across sessions.

This prototype provides a server-side test runner for driving
tests in the user interface.  Events are emitted on the server
to drive the UI.  Test code coverage is measured using the
istanbul library which produces instrumented client code.
Code coverage for the server is is measured by the coverage library.

The test code coverage for the Python code is 100%.
2018-03-23 17:00:14 -04:00
README.md Dependency Updates 2018-03-06 16:04:01 -05:00
requirements_ansible_git.txt Add boto3 dependency and remove requests freezing 2017-06-29 16:03:07 -04:00
requirements_ansible_uninstall.txt don't install pycurl from pypi; use a system package instead 2017-10-10 14:38:44 -04:00
requirements_ansible.in Dependency Updates 2018-03-06 16:04:01 -05:00
requirements_ansible.txt Dependency Updates 2018-03-06 16:04:01 -05:00
requirements_dev.txt replace our rdb tooling w/ the sdb PyPI package 2018-02-26 19:05:50 -05:00
requirements_git.txt Add boto3 dependency and remove requests freezing 2017-06-29 16:03:07 -04:00
requirements_isolated.txt Dependency Updates 2018-03-06 16:04:01 -05:00
requirements_setup_requires.txt Add m2r to setup requirements file 2017-12-05 15:26:56 -05:00
requirements_tower_uninstall.txt uninstall certifi if installed in venv's 2016-12-14 09:53:24 -05:00
requirements.in Imports prototype from ansible-network-ui 2018-03-23 17:00:14 -04:00
requirements.txt add uwsgitop as a dependency 2018-03-19 08:53:30 -04:00

The requirements.txt and requirements_ansible.txt files are generated from requirements.in and requirements_ansible.in, respectively, using pip-tools pip-compile. The following commands should do this if ran inside the tower_tools container.

NOTE: before running pip-compile, please copy-paste contents in requirements/requirements_git.txt to the top of requirements/requirements.in and prepend each copied line with -e . Later after requirements.txt is generated, don't forget to remove all git+https://github.com...-like lines from both requirements.txt and requirements.in (repeat for requirements_ansible_git.txt and requirements_ansible.in)

At the end of requirements/requirements.in, pip and setuptools need to have their versions pinned.

virtualenv /buildit
source /buildit/bin/activate
pip install pip-tools
pip install pip --upgrade

pip-compile requirements/requirements.in > requirements/requirements.txt
pip-compile requirements/requirements_ansible.in > requirements/requirements_ansible.txt

Known Issues

  • Remove the -e from packages of the form -e git+https://github.com... in the generated .txt. Failure to do so will result in a "bad" RPM and DEB due to the pip install laying down a symbolic link with an absolute path from the virtualenv to the git repository that will differ from when the RPM and DEB are build to when the RPM and DEB are installed on a machine. By removing the -e the symbolic egg link will not be created and all is well.

  • As of pip-tools 1.8.1 pip-compile does not resolve packages specified using a git url. Thus, dependencies for things like dm.xmlsec.binding do not get resolved and output to requirements.txt. This means that:

    • can't use pip install --no-deps because other deps WILL be sucked in
    • all dependencies are NOT captured in our .txt files. This means you can't rely on the .txt when gathering licenses.
  • Package docutils, as an upstream of boto3, is commented out in both requirements.txt and requirements_ansible.txt because the official package has a bug that causes RPM build failure. Here is the bug report. Please do not uncomment it before the bug fix lands. For now we are using a monkey-patch version of docutils that comes with the bug fix. It's included in requirements_git.txt and requirements_ansible_git.txt.