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# (c) 2013, AnsibleWorks
# This file is part of Ansible Commander
# Ansible Commander is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible Commander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible Commander. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import json
from django.contrib.auth.models import User as DjangoUser
import django.test
from django.test.client import Client
from lib.main.models import *
from lib.main.tests.base import BaseTest
class InventoryTest(BaseTest):
def setUp(self):
super(InventoryTest, self).setUp()
self.organizations = self.make_organizations(self.super_django_user, 3)
self.inventory_a = Inventory.objects.create(name='inventory-a', description='foo', organization=self.organizations[0])
self.inventory_b = Inventory.objects.create(name='inventory-b', description='bar', organization=self.organizations[1])
# the normal user is an org admin of org 0
# create a permission here on the 'other' user so they have edit access on the org
# we may add another permission type later.
self.perm_read = Permission.objects.create(
inventory = self.inventory_b,
user = self.other_django_user,
permission_type = 'read'
# and make one more user that won't be a part of any org, just for negative-access testing
self.nobody_django_user = User.objects.create(username='nobody')
def get_nobody_credentials(self):
# here is a user without any permissions...
return ('nobody', 'nobody')
def test_main_line(self):
# some basic URLs...
inventories = '/api/v1/inventories/'
inventories_1 = '/api/v1/inventories/1/'
inventories_2 = '/api/v1/inventories/2/'
hosts = '/api/v1/hosts/'
groups = '/api/v1/groups/'
variables = '/api/v1/variables/'
# a super user can list inventories
data = self.get(inventories, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(data['count'], 2)
# an org admin can list inventories but is filtered to what he adminsters
data = self.get(inventories, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEquals(data['count'], 1)
# a user who is on a team who has a read permissions on an inventory can see filtered inventories
data = self.get(inventories, expect=200, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
self.assertEquals(data['count'], 1)
# a regular user not part of anything cannot see any inventories
data = self.get(inventories, expect=200, auth=self.get_nobody_credentials())
self.assertEquals(data['count'], 0)
# a super user can get inventory records
data = self.get(inventories_1, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(data['name'], 'inventory-a')
# an org admin can get inventory records
data = self.get(inventories_1, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEquals(data['name'], 'inventory-a')
# a user who is on a team who has read permissions on an inventory can see inventory records
data = self.get(inventories_1, expect=403, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
data = self.get(inventories_2, expect=200, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
self.assertEquals(data['name'], 'inventory-b')
# a regular user cannot read any inventory records
data = self.get(inventories_1, expect=403, auth=self.get_nobody_credentials())
data = self.get(inventories_2, expect=403, auth=self.get_nobody_credentials())
# a super user can create inventory
new_inv_1 = dict(name='inventory-c', description='baz', organization=1)
data = self.post(inventories, data=new_inv_1, expect=201, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(data['id'], 3)
# an org admin of any org can create inventory, if it is one of his organizations
# the organization parameter is required!
new_inv_incomplete = dict(name='inventory-d', description='baz')
data = self.post(inventories, data=new_inv_incomplete, expect=400, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
new_inv_not_my_org = dict(name='inventory-d', description='baz', organization=3)
data = self.post(inventories, data=new_inv_not_my_org, expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
new_inv_my_org = dict(name='inventory-d', description='baz', organization=1)
data = self.post(inventories, data=new_inv_my_org, expect=201, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# a regular user cannot create inventory
new_inv_denied = dict(name='inventory-e', description='glorp', organization=1)
data = self.post(inventories, data=new_inv_denied, expect=403, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
# a super user can add hosts (but inventory ID is required)
inv = Inventory.objects.create(
name = 'test inventory',
organization = self.organizations[0]
invalid = dict(name='asdf0.example.com')
new_host_a = dict(name='asdf0.example.com', inventory=inv.pk)
new_host_b = dict(name='asdf1.example.com', inventory=inv.pk)
new_host_c = dict(name='asdf2.example.com', inventory=inv.pk)
new_host_d = dict(name='asdf3.example.com', inventory=inv.pk)
# FIXME: should raise 400 not 201, look into required fields in rest_framework
print hosts
data0 = self.post(hosts, data=invalid, expect=400, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
data0 = self.post(hosts, data=new_host_a, expect=201, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# an org admin can add hosts
data1 = self.post(hosts, data=new_host_a, expect=201, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# a normal user cannot add hosts
data2 = self.post(hosts, data=new_host_b, expect=403, auth=self.get_nobody_credentials())
# a normal user with inventory edit permissions (on any inventory) can create hosts
edit_perm = Permission.objects.create(
user = self.other_django_user,
inventory = Inventory.objects.get(pk=1),
permission_type = PERM_INVENTORY_EDIT
data3 = self.post(hosts, data=new_host_c, expect=201, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
# hostnames must be unique -- posting a duplicate just returns the previous
data4 = self.post(hosts, data=new_host_c, expect=200, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
self.assertEqual(data1['id'], data4['id'])
# a super user can add groups
# an org admin can create groups
# a normal user cannot create groups
# a normal user with inventory edit permissions can create groups
# group names must be unique for each inventory record
# a super user can associate hosts with inventories
# an org admin can associate hosts with inventories
# a normal user cannot associate hosts with inventories
# a normal user with edit permission on the inventory can associate hosts with inventories
# a super user can associate groups with inventories
# an org admin can associate groups with inventories
# a normal user cannot associate hosts with inventories
# a normal user with edit permissions on the inventory can associate hosts with inventories
# a super user can create variable objects
# an org admin can create variable objects
# a normal user cannot create variable objects
# a normal user with at least one inventory edit permission can create variable objects
# a super user can associate variable objects with groups
# an org admin can associate variable objects with groups
# a normal user cannot associate variable objects with groups
# a normal user with inventory edit permissions can associate variable objects with groups
# a super user can associate variable objects with hosts
# an org admin can associate variable objects with hosts
# a normal user cannot associate variable objects with hosts
# a normal user with inventory edit permissions can associate variable objects with hosts
# a super user can set subgroups
# an org admin can set subgroups
# a normal user cannot set subgroups
# a normal user with inventory edit permissions can associate subgroups
# a super user can get a group record
# an org admin can get a group record
# a user who is on a team who has read permissions on an inventory can get a group record
# a regular user cannot read any group records
# a super user can get a host record
# an org admin can get a host record
# a user who is on a team who has read permissions on an inventory can get a host record
# a regular user cannot get a host record
# a super user can see the variables attached to a group
# a org admin can see the variables attached to a group
# a user who is on a team who has read permissions on an inventory can see the variables attached to a group
# a regular user cannot get a host record
# a super user can see the variables attached to a host
# a org admin can see the variables attached to a host
# a user who is on a team who has read permissions on an inventory can see the variables attached to a host
# a regular user cannot see variables attached to a host
# a super user can see the children attached to a group
# a org admin can see the children attached to a group
# a user who is on a team who has read permissions on an inventory can see the children attached to a group
# a regular user cannot see children attached to a group
# a super user can see a variable record
# an org admin can see a variable record
# a user who is on a team who has read permissions on an inventory can see the variable record
# a regular user cannot see a variable record
# a super user can disassociate...
# hosts from inventory
# groups from inventory
# subgroups from groups
# the inventory task code returns valid inventory JSON.
# an org admin user can disassociate...
# hosts from inventory
# groups from inventory
# subgroups from groups
# a user with inventory edit permission disassociate...
# hosts from inventory
# groups from inventory
# subgroups from groups
# a regular user cannot disassociate....
# hosts from inventory
# groups from inventory
# subgroups from inventory
# the following objects can be tagged
# inventory
# host records
# group records
# variable records
# the following objects can have their tags listed
# inventory
# host records
# group records
# variable records
# the following tags can be removed
# inventory
# host records
# group records
# variable records
# on an inventory resource, I can see related resources for hosts and groups and permissions
# and these work
# on a host resource, I can see related resources variables and inventories
# and these work
# on a group resource, I can see related resources for variables, inventories, and children
# and these work