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2020-03-19 09:02:39 -04:00

410 lines
15 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime
import sys
from unittest import mock
import pytest
from awxkit import utils
from awxkit import exceptions as exc
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, out',
[[True, True],
[False, False],
[1, True],
[0, False],
[1.0, True],
[0.0, False],
['TrUe', True],
['FalSe', False],
['yEs', True],
['No', False],
['oN', True],
['oFf', False],
['asdf', True],
['0', False],
['', False],
[{1: 1}, True],
[{}, False],
[(0,), True],
[(), False],
[[1], True],
[[], False]])
def test_to_bool(inp, out):
assert utils.to_bool(inp) == out
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, out',
[["{}", {}],
["{'null': null}", {"null": None}],
["{'bool': true}", {"bool": True}],
["{'bool': false}", {"bool": False}],
["{'int': 0}", {"int": 0}],
["{'float': 1.0}", {"float": 1.0}],
["{'str': 'abc'}", {"str": "abc"}],
["{'obj': {}}", {"obj": {}}],
["{'list': []}", {"list": []}],
["---", None],
["---\n'null': null", {'null': None}],
["---\n'bool': true", {'bool': True}],
["---\n'bool': false", {'bool': False}],
["---\n'int': 0", {'int': 0}],
["---\n'float': 1.0", {'float': 1.0}],
["---\n'string': 'abc'", {'string': 'abc'}],
["---\n'obj': {}", {'obj': {}}],
["---\n'list': []", {'list': []}],
["", None],
["'null': null", {'null': None}],
["'bool': true", {'bool': True}],
["'bool': false", {'bool': False}],
["'int': 0", {'int': 0}],
["'float': 1.0", {'float': 1.0}],
["'string': 'abc'", {'string': 'abc'}],
["'obj': {}", {'obj': {}}],
["'list': []", {'list': []}]])
def test_load_valid_json_or_yaml(inp, out):
assert utils.load_json_or_yaml(inp) == out
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp', [True, False, 0, 1.0, {}, [], None])
def test_load_invalid_json_or_yaml(inp):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('non_ascii', [True, False])
sys.version_info < (3, 6),
reason='this is only intended to be used in py3, not the CLI'
def test_random_titles_are_unicode(non_ascii):
assert isinstance(utils.random_title(non_ascii=non_ascii), str)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('non_ascii', [True, False])
sys.version_info < (3, 6),
reason='this is only intended to be used in py3, not the CLI'
def test_random_titles_generates_correct_characters(non_ascii):
title = utils.random_title(non_ascii=non_ascii)
if non_ascii:
with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, out',
[['ClassNameShouldChange', 'class_name_should_change'],
['classnameshouldntchange', 'classnameshouldntchange'],
['Classspacingshouldntchange', 'classspacingshouldntchange'],
['Class1Name2Should3Change', 'class_1_name_2_should_3_change'],
['Class123name234should345change456', 'class_123_name_234_should_345_change_456']])
def test_class_name_to_kw_arg(inp, out):
assert utils.class_name_to_kw_arg(inp) == out
@pytest.mark.parametrize('first, second, expected',
[['/api/v2/resources/', '/api/v2/resources/', True],
['/api/v2/resources/', '/api/v2/resources/?test=ignored', True],
['/api/v2/resources/?one=ignored', '/api/v2/resources/?two=ignored', True],
['http://one.com', 'http://one.com', True],
['http://one.com', 'http://www.one.com', True],
['http://one.com', 'http://one.com?test=ignored', True],
['http://one.com', 'http://www.one.com?test=ignored', True],
['http://one.com', 'https://one.com', False],
['http://one.com', 'https://one.com?test=ignored', False]])
def test_are_same_endpoint(first, second, expected):
assert utils.are_same_endpoint(first, second) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('endpoint, expected',
[['/api/v2/resources/', 'v2'],
['/api/v2000/resources/', 'v2000'],
['/api/', 'common']])
def test_version_from_endpoint(endpoint, expected):
assert utils.version_from_endpoint(endpoint) == expected
class OneClass:
class TwoClass:
class ThreeClass:
class FourClass(ThreeClass):
def test_filter_by_class_with_subclass_class():
filtered = utils.filter_by_class((OneClass, OneClass), (FourClass, ThreeClass))
assert filtered == [OneClass, FourClass]
def test_filter_by_class_with_subclass_instance():
one = OneClass()
four = FourClass()
filtered = utils.filter_by_class((one, OneClass), (four, ThreeClass))
assert filtered == [one, four]
def test_filter_by_class_no_arg_tuples():
three = ThreeClass()
filtered = utils.filter_by_class((True, OneClass), (False, TwoClass), (three, ThreeClass))
assert filtered == [OneClass, None, three]
def test_filter_by_class_with_arg_tuples_containing_class():
one = OneClass()
three = (ThreeClass, dict(one=1, two=2))
filtered = utils.filter_by_class((one, OneClass), (False, TwoClass), (three, ThreeClass))
assert filtered == [one, None, three]
def test_filter_by_class_with_arg_tuples_containing_subclass():
one = OneClass()
three = (FourClass, dict(one=1, two=2))
filtered = utils.filter_by_class((one, OneClass), (False, TwoClass), (three, ThreeClass))
assert filtered == [one, None, three]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('truthy', (True, 123, 'yes'))
def test_filter_by_class_with_arg_tuples_containing_truthy(truthy):
one = OneClass()
three = (truthy, dict(one=1, two=2))
filtered = utils.filter_by_class((one, OneClass), (False, TwoClass), (three, ThreeClass))
assert filtered == [one, None, (ThreeClass, dict(one=1, two=2))]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('date_string,now,expected', [
('2017-12-20T00:00:01.5Z', datetime(2017, 12, 20, 0, 0, 2, 750000), 1.25),
('2017-12-20T00:00:01.5Z', datetime(2017, 12, 20, 0, 0, 1, 500000), 0.00),
('2017-12-20T00:00:01.5Z', datetime(2017, 12, 20, 0, 0, 0, 500000), -1.00),
def test_seconds_since_date_string(date_string, now, expected):
with mock.patch('awxkit.utils.utcnow', return_value=now):
assert utils.seconds_since_date_string(date_string) == expected
class RecordingCallback(object):
def __init__(self, value=True):
self.call_count = 0
self.value = value
def __call__(self):
self.call_count += 1
return self.value
def test_suppress():
callback = RecordingCallback()
with utils.suppress(ZeroDivisionError, IndexError):
raise ZeroDivisionError
raise IndexError
raise KeyError
assert callback.call_count == 0
with utils.suppress(ZeroDivisionError, IndexError):
raise IndexError
raise ZeroDivisionError
raise KeyError
assert callback.call_count == 0
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
with utils.suppress(ZeroDivisionError, IndexError):
raise KeyError
raise ZeroDivisionError
raise IndexError
assert callback.call_count == 0
class TestPollUntil(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('timeout', [0, 0.0, -0.5, -1, -9999999])
def test_callback_called_once_for_non_positive_timeout(self, timeout):
with mock.patch('awxkit.utils.logged_sleep') as sleep:
callback = RecordingCallback()
utils.poll_until(callback, timeout=timeout)
assert not sleep.called
assert callback.call_count == 1
def test_exc_raised_on_timeout(self):
with mock.patch('awxkit.utils.logged_sleep'):
with pytest.raises(exc.WaitUntilTimeout):
utils.poll_until(lambda: False, timeout=0)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('callback_value', [{'hello': 1}, 'foo', True])
def test_non_falsey_callback_value_is_returned(self, callback_value):
with mock.patch('awxkit.utils.logged_sleep'):
assert utils.poll_until(lambda: callback_value) == callback_value
class TestPseudoNamespace(object):
def test_set_item_check_item(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
pn['key'] = 'value'
assert pn['key'] == 'value'
def test_set_item_check_attr(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
pn['key'] = 'value'
assert pn.key == 'value'
def test_set_attr_check_item(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
pn.key = 'value'
assert pn['key'] == 'value'
def test_set_attr_check_attr(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
pn.key = 'value'
assert pn.key == 'value'
def test_auto_dicts_cast(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
pn.one = dict()
pn.one.two = dict(three=3)
assert pn.one.two.three == 3
assert pn == dict(one=dict(two=dict(three=3)))
def test_auto_list_of_dicts_cast(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
pn.one = [dict(two=2), dict(three=3)]
assert pn.one[0].two == 2
assert pn == dict(one=[dict(two=2), dict(three=3)])
def test_auto_tuple_of_dicts_cast(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
pn.one = (dict(two=2), dict(three=3))
assert pn.one[0].two == 2
assert pn == dict(one=(dict(two=2), dict(three=3)))
def test_instantiation_via_dict(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace(dict(one=1, two=2, three=3))
assert pn.one == 1
assert pn == dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)
assert len(pn.keys()) == 3
def test_instantiation_via_kwargs(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace(one=1, two=2, three=3)
assert pn.one == 1
assert pn == dict(one=1, two=2, three=3)
assert len(pn.keys()) == 3
def test_instantiation_via_dict_and_kwargs(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace(dict(one=1, two=2, three=3), four=4, five=5)
assert pn.one == 1
assert pn.four == 4
assert pn == dict(one=1, two=2, three=3, four=4, five=5)
assert len(pn.keys()) == 5
def test_instantiation_via_nested_dict(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace(dict(one=1, two=2), three=dict(four=4, five=dict(six=6)))
assert pn.one == 1
assert pn.three.four == 4
assert pn.three.five.six == 6
assert pn == dict(one=1, two=2, three=dict(four=4, five=dict(six=6)))
def test_instantiation_via_nested_dict_with_list(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace(dict(one=[dict(two=2), dict(three=3)]))
assert pn.one[0].two == 2
assert pn.one[1].three == 3
assert pn == dict(one=[dict(two=2), dict(three=3)])
def test_instantiation_via_nested_dict_with_lists(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace(dict(one=[dict(two=2),
assert pn.one[1].three.five[1].seven == 7
def test_instantiation_via_nested_dict_with_tuple(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace(dict(one=(dict(two=2), dict(three=3))))
assert pn.one[0].two == 2
assert pn.one[1].three == 3
assert pn == dict(one=(dict(two=2), dict(three=3)))
def test_instantiation_via_nested_dict_with_tuples(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace(dict(one=(dict(two=2),
assert pn.one[1].three.five[1].seven == 7
def test_update_with_nested_dict(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
pn.update(dict(one=1, two=2, three=3), four=4, five=5)
assert pn.one == 1
assert pn.four == 4
assert pn == dict(one=1, two=2, three=3, four=4, five=5)
assert len(pn.keys()) == 5
def test_update_with_nested_dict_with_lists(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
assert pn.one[1].three.five[1].seven == 7
def test_update_with_nested_dict_with_tuples(self):
pn = utils.PseudoNamespace()
assert pn.one[1].three.five[1].seven == 7
class TestUpdatePayload(object):
def test_empty_payload(self):
fields = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four')
kwargs = dict(two=2, four=4)
payload = {}
utils.update_payload(payload, fields, kwargs)
assert payload == kwargs
def test_untouched_payload(self):
fields = ('not', 'in', 'kwargs')
kwargs = dict(one=1, two=2)
payload = dict(three=3, four=4)
utils.update_payload(payload, fields, kwargs)
assert payload == dict(three=3, four=4)
def test_overwritten_payload(self):
fields = ('one', 'two')
kwargs = dict(one=1, two=2)
payload = dict(one='one', two='two')
utils.update_payload(payload, fields, kwargs)
assert payload == kwargs
def test_falsy_kwargs(self):
fields = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight')
kwargs = dict(one=False, two=(), three='', four=None, five=0, six={}, seven=set(), eight=[])
payload = {}
utils.update_payload(payload, fields, kwargs)
assert payload == kwargs
def test_not_provided_strips_payload(self):
fields = ('one', 'two')
kwargs = dict(one=utils.not_provided)
payload = dict(one=1, two=2)
utils.update_payload(payload, fields, kwargs)
assert payload == dict(two=2)
def test_to_ical():
now = datetime.utcnow()
ical_datetime = utils.to_ical(now)
date = str(now.date()).replace('-', '')
time = str(now.time()).split('.')[0].replace(':', '')
assert ical_datetime == '{}T{}Z'.format(date, time)