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# FIXME: do not use ResourceTestCase
This file demonstrates two different styles of tests (one doctest and one
unittest). These will both pass when you run "manage.py test".
Replace these with more appropriate tests for your application.
import datetime
import json
from django.contrib.auth.models import User as DjangoUser
import django.test
from django.test.client import Client
from lib.main.models import User, Organization, Project
class BaseTest(django.test.TestCase):
def make_user(self, username, password, super_user=False):
django_user = None
if super_user:
django_user = DjangoUser.objects.create_superuser(username, "%s@example.com", password)
django_user = DjangoUser.objects.create_user(username, "%s@example.com", password)
acom_user = User.objects.create(name=username, auth_user=django_user)
return (django_user, acom_user)
def make_organizations(self, count=1):
results = []
for x in range(0, count):
results.append(Organization.objects.create(name="org%s" % x, description="org%s" % x))
return results
def check_pagination_and_size(self, data, desired_count, previous=None, next=None):
self.assertEquals(data['count'], desired_count)
self.assertEquals(data['previous'], previous)
self.assertEquals(data['next'], next)
def setup_users(self):
# Create a user.
self.super_username = 'admin'
self.super_password = 'admin'
self.normal_username = 'normal'
self.normal_password = 'normal'
self.other_username = 'other'
self.other_password = 'other'
(self.super_django_user, self.super_acom_user) = self.make_user(self.super_username, self.super_password, super_user=True)
(self.normal_django_user, self.normal_acom_user) = self.make_user(self.normal_username, self.normal_password, super_user=False)
(self.other_django_user, self.other_acom_user) = self.make_user(self.other_username, self.other_password, super_user=False)
def get_super_credentials(self):
return (self.super_username, self.super_password)
def get_normal_credentials(self):
return (self.normal_username, self.normal_password)
def get_other_credentials(self):
return (self.other_username, self.other_password)
def get_invalid_credentials(self):
return ('random', 'combination')
def _generic_rest(self, url, data=None, expect=204, auth=None, method=None):
assert method is not None
if method != 'get':
assert data is not None
client = Client()
if auth:
client.login(username=auth[0], password=auth[1])
method = getattr(client,method)
response = None
if data is not None:
response = method(url, json.dumps(data), 'application/json')
response = method(url)
if response.status_code == 500 and expect != 500:
assert False, "Failed: %s" % response.content
if expect is not None:
assert response.status_code == expect, "expected status %s, got %s for url=%s as auth=%s: %s" % (expect, response.status_code, url, auth, response.content)
data = json.loads(response.content)
return data
def get(self, url, expect=200, auth=None):
return self._generic_rest(url, data=None, expect=expect, auth=auth, method='get')
def post(self, url, data, expect=204, auth=None):
return self._generic_rest(url, data=data, expect=expect, auth=auth, method='post')
def put(self, url, data, expect=200, auth=None):
return self._generic_rest(url, data=data, expect=expect, auth=auth, method='put')
def delete(self, url, expect=201, auth=None):
return self._generic_rest(url, data=None, expect=expect, auth=auth, method='delete')
def get_urls(self, collection_url, auth=None):
# TODO: this test helper function doesn't support pagination
data = self.get(collection_url, expect=200, auth=auth)
return [item['url'] for item in data['results']]
class OrganizationsTest(BaseTest):
def collection(self):
return '/api/v1/organizations/'
def setUp(self):
self.organizations = self.make_organizations(10)
self.a_detail_url = "%s%s" % (self.collection(), self.organizations[0].pk)
self.b_detail_url = "%s%s" % (self.collection(), self.organizations[1].pk)
self.c_detail_url = "%s%s" % (self.collection(), self.organizations[2].pk)
# configuration:
# admin_user is an admin and regular user in all organizations
# other_user is all organizations
# normal_user is a user in organization 0, and an admin of organization 1
for x in self.organizations:
# NOTE: superuser does not have to be explicitly added to admin group
# x.admins.add(self.super_acom_user)
def test_get_list_unauthorzied(self):
# no credentials == 401
self.get(self.collection(), expect=401)
# wrong credentials == 401
self.get(self.collection(), expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# superuser credentials == 200, full list
data = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.check_pagination_and_size(data, 10, previous=None, next=None)
[self.assertTrue(key in data['results'][0]) for key in ['name', 'description', 'url' ]]
# normal credentials == 200, get only organizations that I am actually added to (there are 2)
data = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.check_pagination_and_size(data, 2, previous=None, next=None)
# no admin rights? get empty list
data = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
self.check_pagination_and_size(data, 0, previous=None, next=None)
def test_get_item(self):
# first get all the URLs
data = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
urls = [item['url'] for item in data['results']]
# make sure super user can fetch records
data = self.get(urls[0], expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
[self.assertTrue(key in data) for key in ['name', 'description', 'url' ]]
# make sure invalid user cannot
data = self.get(urls[0], expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# normal user should be able to get org 0 and org 1 but not org 9 (as he's not a user or admin of it)
data = self.get(urls[0], expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
data = self.get(urls[1], expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
data = self.get(urls[9], expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# other user isn't a user or admin of anything, and similarly can't get in
data = self.get(urls[0], expect=403, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
# FIXME: make sure related resource URLs are given here. (organizations/users, organizations/admins, organizations/projects)
# TODO: also implement those resources
def test_get_item_subobjects_projects(self):
def test_get_item_subobjects_users(self):
def test_get_item_subobjects_admins(self):
def test_post_item(self):
new_org = dict(name='magic test org', description='8675309')
# need to be a valid user
self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=401, auth=None)
self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# only super users can create organizations
self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=403, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
data1 = self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=201, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# duplicate post results in 400
data2 = self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=400, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# look at what we got back from the post, make sure we added an org
def test_post_item_subobjects_projects(self):
def test_post_item_subobjects_users(self):
def test_post_item_subobjects_admins(self):
def test_put_item(self):
# first get some urls and data to put back to them
urls = self.get_urls(self.collection(), auth=self.get_super_credentials())
data0 = self.get(urls[0], expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
data1 = self.get(urls[1], expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# test that an unauthenticated user cannot do a put
new_data1 = data1.copy()
new_data1['description'] = 'updated description'
self.put(urls[0], new_data1, expect=401, auth=None)
self.put(urls[0], new_data1, expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# user normal is an admin of org 0 and a member of org 1 so should be able to put only org 1
self.put(urls[0], new_data1, expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
put_result = self.put(urls[1], new_data1, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# FIXME: test the contents of the put returned object
# get back org 1 and see if it changed
get_result = self.get(urls[1], expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEquals(get_result['description'], 'updated description')
# super user can also put even though they aren't added to the org users or admins list
self.put(urls[1], new_data1, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# make sure posting to this URL is not supported
self.post(urls[1], new_data1, expect=405, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
def test_put_item_subobjects_projects(self):
def test_put_item_subobjects_users(self):
def test_put_item_subobjects_admins(self):
def test_delete_item(self):
def test_delete_item_subobjects_projects(self):
def test_delete_item_subobjects_users(self):
def test_delete_item_subobjects_admins(self):