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Test code for ansible commander.
(C) 2013 AnsibleWorks <michael@ansibleworks.com>
import datetime
import json
from django.contrib.auth.models import User as DjangoUser
import django.test
from django.test.client import Client
from lib.main.models import *
class BaseTest(django.test.TestCase):
def make_user(self, username, password, super_user=False):
django_user = None
if super_user:
django_user = DjangoUser.objects.create_superuser(username, "%s@example.com", password)
django_user = DjangoUser.objects.create_user(username, "%s@example.com", password)
return django_user
def make_organizations(self, created_by, count=1):
results = []
for x in range(0, count):
self.object_ctr = self.object_ctr + 1
name="org%s-%s" % (x, self.object_ctr), description="org%s" % x, created_by=created_by
return results
def make_projects(self, created_by, count=1):
results = []
for x in range(0, count):
self.object_ctr = self.object_ctr + 1
name="proj%s-%s" % (x, self.object_ctr), description="proj%s" % x, scm_type='git',
default_playbook='foo.yml', local_repository='/checkout', created_by=created_by
return results
def check_pagination_and_size(self, data, desired_count, previous=None, next=None):
self.assertEquals(data['previous'], previous)
self.assertEquals(data['next'], next)
def setup_users(self):
# Create a user.
self.super_username = 'admin'
self.super_password = 'admin'
self.normal_username = 'normal'
self.normal_password = 'normal'
self.other_username = 'other'
self.other_password = 'other'
self.super_django_user = self.make_user(self.super_username, self.super_password, super_user=True)
self.normal_django_user = self.make_user(self.normal_username, self.normal_password, super_user=False)
self.other_django_user = self.make_user(self.other_username, self.other_password, super_user=False)
def get_super_credentials(self):
return (self.super_username, self.super_password)
def get_normal_credentials(self):
return (self.normal_username, self.normal_password)
def get_other_credentials(self):
return (self.other_username, self.other_password)
def get_invalid_credentials(self):
return ('random', 'combination')
def _generic_rest(self, url, data=None, expect=204, auth=None, method=None):
assert method is not None
method = method.lower()
if method not in [ 'get', 'delete' ]:
assert data is not None
client = Client()
if auth:
client.login(username=auth[0], password=auth[1])
method = getattr(client,method)
response = None
if data is not None:
response = method(url, json.dumps(data), 'application/json')
response = method(url)
if response.status_code == 500 and expect != 500:
assert False, "Failed: %s" % response.content
if expect is not None:
assert response.status_code == expect, "expected status %s, got %s for url=%s as auth=%s: %s" % (expect, response.status_code, url, auth, response.content)
if response.status_code not in [ 202, 204, 400, 409 ]:
# no JSON responses in these at least for now, 400/409 should probably return some (FIXME)
return json.loads(response.content)
return None
def get(self, url, expect=200, auth=None):
return self._generic_rest(url, data=None, expect=expect, auth=auth, method='get')
def post(self, url, data, expect=204, auth=None):
return self._generic_rest(url, data=data, expect=expect, auth=auth, method='post')
def put(self, url, data, expect=200, auth=None):
return self._generic_rest(url, data=data, expect=expect, auth=auth, method='put')
def delete(self, url, expect=201, auth=None):
return self._generic_rest(url, data=None, expect=expect, auth=auth, method='delete')
def get_urls(self, collection_url, auth=None):
# TODO: this test helper function doesn't support pagination
data = self.get(collection_url, expect=200, auth=auth)
return [item['url'] for item in data['results']]
class OrganizationsTest(BaseTest):
def collection(self):
return '/api/v1/organizations/'
def setUp(self):
self.object_ctr = 0
self.organizations = self.make_organizations(self.super_django_user, 10)
self.projects = self.make_projects(self.normal_django_user, 10)
# add projects to organizations in a more or less arbitrary way
for project in self.projects[0:2]:
for project in self.projects[3:8]:
for project in self.projects[9:10]:
# get the URL for various organization records
self.a_detail_url = "%s%s" % (self.collection(), self.organizations[0].pk)
self.b_detail_url = "%s%s" % (self.collection(), self.organizations[1].pk)
self.c_detail_url = "%s%s" % (self.collection(), self.organizations[2].pk)
# configuration:
# admin_user is an admin and regular user in all organizations
# other_user is all organizations
# normal_user is a user in organization 0, and an admin of organization 1
for x in self.organizations:
# NOTE: superuser does not have to be explicitly added to admin group
# x.admins.add(self.super_django_user)
def test_get_list(self):
# no credentials == 401
self.get(self.collection(), expect=401)
# wrong credentials == 401
self.get(self.collection(), expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# superuser credentials == 200, full list
data = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.check_pagination_and_size(data, 10, previous=None, next=None)
[self.assertTrue(key in data['results'][0]) for key in ['name', 'description', 'url', 'creation_date', 'id' ]]
# check that the related URL functionality works
related = data['results'][0]['related']
for x in [ 'audit_trail', 'projects', 'users', 'admins', 'tags' ]:
self.assertTrue(x in related and related[x].endswith("/%s/" % x), "looking for %s in related" % x)
# normal credentials == 200, get only organizations that I am actually added to (there are 2)
data = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.check_pagination_and_size(data, 2, previous=None, next=None)
# no admin rights? get empty list
data = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
self.check_pagination_and_size(data, 0, previous=None, next=None)
def test_get_item(self):
# first get all the URLs
data = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
urls = [item['url'] for item in data['results']]
# make sure super user can fetch records
data = self.get(urls[0], expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
[self.assertTrue(key in data) for key in ['name', 'description', 'url' ]]
# make sure invalid user cannot
data = self.get(urls[0], expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# normal user should be able to get org 0 and org 1 but not org 9 (as he's not a user or admin of it)
data = self.get(urls[0], expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
data = self.get(urls[1], expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
data = self.get(urls[9], expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# other user isn't a user or admin of anything, and similarly can't get in
data = self.get(urls[0], expect=403, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
def test_get_item_subobjects_projects(self):
# first get all the orgs
orgs = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# find projects attached to the first org
projects0_url = orgs['results'][0]['related']['projects']
projects1_url = orgs['results'][1]['related']['projects']
projects9_url = orgs['results'][9]['related']['projects']
self.get(projects0_url, expect=401, auth=None)
self.get(projects0_url, expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# normal user is just a member of the first org, but can't see any projects under the org
projects0a = self.get(projects0_url, expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# however in the second org, he's an admin and should see all of them
projects1a = self.get(projects1_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEquals(projects1a['count'], 5)
# but the non-admin cannot access the list of projects in the org. He should use /projects/ instead!
projects1b = self.get(projects1_url, expect=403, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
# superuser should be able to read anything
projects9a = self.get(projects9_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(projects9a['count'], 1)
def test_get_item_subobjects_users(self):
# see if we can list the users added to the organization
orgs = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
org1_users_url = orgs['results'][1]['related']['users']
org1_users = self.get(org1_users_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEquals(org1_users['count'], 1)
org1_users = self.get(org1_users_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(org1_users['count'], 1)
def test_get_item_subobjects_admins(self):
# see if we can list the users added to the organization
orgs = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
org1_users_url = orgs['results'][1]['related']['admins']
org1_users = self.get(org1_users_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEquals(org1_users['count'], 1)
org1_users = self.get(org1_users_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(org1_users['count'], 1)
def test_get_item_subobjects_tags(self):
# put some tags on the org
org1 = Organization.objects.get(pk=2)
tag1 = Tag.objects.create(name='atag')
tag2 = Tag.objects.create(name='btag')
# see if we can list the users added to the organization
orgs = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
org1_tags_url = orgs['results'][1]['related']['tags']
org1_tags = self.get(org1_tags_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEquals(org1_tags['count'], 2)
org1_tags = self.get(org1_tags_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(org1_tags['count'], 2)
org1_tags = self.get(org1_tags_url, expect=403, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
def test_get_item_subobjects_audit_trail(self):
def test_post_item(self):
new_org = dict(name='magic test org', description='8675309')
# need to be a valid user
self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=401, auth=None)
self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# only super users can create organizations
self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=403, auth=self.get_other_credentials())
data1 = self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=201, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# duplicate post results in 400
data2 = self.post(self.collection(), new_org, expect=400, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# look at what we got back from the post, make sure we added an org
def test_post_item_subobjects_projects(self):
# first get all the orgs
orgs = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# find projects attached to the first org
projects0_url = orgs['results'][0]['related']['projects']
projects1_url = orgs['results'][1]['related']['projects']
projects2_url = orgs['results'][2]['related']['projects']
# get all the projects on the first org
projects0 = self.get(projects0_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
a_project = projects0['results'][-1]
# attempt to add the project to the 7th org and see what happens
self.post(projects1_url, a_project, expect=204, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
projects1 = self.get(projects0_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(projects1['count'], 3)
# make sure we can't add the project again (should generate a conflict error)
self.post(projects1_url, a_project, expect=409, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
projects1 = self.get(projects1_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(projects1['count'], 6)
# make sure adding a project that does not exist, or a missing pk field, results in a 400
self.post(projects1_url, dict(id=99999), expect=400, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.post(projects1_url, dict(asdf=1234), expect=400, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# test that by posting a pk + disassociate: True we can remove a relationship
a_project['disassociate'] = True
self.post(projects1_url, a_project, expect=204, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
projects1 = self.get(projects1_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(projects1['count'], 5)
a_project = projects1['results'][-1]
a_project['disassociate'] = 1
projects1 = self.get(projects1_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.post(projects1_url, a_project, expect=204, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
projects1 = self.get(projects1_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(projects1['count'], 4)
new_project_a = self.make_projects(self.normal_django_user, 1)[0]
new_project_b = self.make_projects(self.other_django_user, 1)[0]
# admin of org can add projects that he can read
self.post(projects1_url, dict(id=new_project_a.pk), expect=204, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# but not those he cannot
self.post(projects1_url, dict(id=new_project_b.pk), expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# and can't post a project he can read to an org he cannot
# self.post(projects2_url, dict(id=new_project_a.pk), expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# and can't do post a project he can read to an organization he cannot
self.post(projects2_url, dict(id=new_project_a.pk), expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
def test_post_item_subobjects_users(self):
url = '/api/v1/organizations/2/users/'
users = self.get(url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEqual(users['count'], 1)
self.post(url, dict(id=2), expect=204, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
users = self.get(url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEqual(users['count'], 2)
def test_post_item_subobjects_admins(self):
url = '/api/v1/organizations/2/admins/'
admins = self.get(url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEqual(admins['count'], 1)
self.post(url, dict(id=1), expect=204, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
admins = self.get(url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEqual(admins['count'], 2)
def test_post_item_subobjects_tags(self):
tag = Tag.objects.create(name='blippy')
url = '/api/v1/organizations/2/tags/'
tags = self.get(url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEqual(tags['count'], 0)
self.post(url, dict(id=tag.pk), expect=204, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
tags = self.get(url, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEqual(tags['count'], 1)
self.assertEqual(tags['results'][0]['id'], tag.pk)
def test_post_item_subobjects_audit_trail(self):
def test_put_item(self):
# first get some urls and data to put back to them
urls = self.get_urls(self.collection(), auth=self.get_super_credentials())
data0 = self.get(urls[0], expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
data1 = self.get(urls[1], expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# test that an unauthenticated user cannot do a put
new_data1 = data1.copy()
new_data1['description'] = 'updated description'
self.put(urls[0], new_data1, expect=401, auth=None)
self.put(urls[0], new_data1, expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
# user normal is an admin of org 0 and a member of org 1 so should be able to put only org 1
self.put(urls[0], new_data1, expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
put_result = self.put(urls[1], new_data1, expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
# get back org 1 and see if it changed
get_result = self.get(urls[1], expect=200, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.assertEquals(get_result['description'], 'updated description')
# super user can also put even though they aren't added to the org users or admins list
self.put(urls[1], new_data1, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# make sure posting to this URL is not supported
self.post(urls[1], new_data1, expect=405, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
def test_put_item_subobjects_projects(self):
# any attempt to put a subobject should be a 405, edit the actual resource or POST with 'disassociate' to delete
# this is against a collection URL anyway, so we really need not repeat this test for other object types
# as a PUT against a collection doesn't make much sense.
orgs = self.get(self.collection(), expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
projects0_url = orgs['results'][0]['related']['projects']
sub_projects = self.get(projects0_url, expect=200, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
self.assertEquals(sub_projects['count'], 3)
first_sub_project = sub_projects['results'][0]
self.put(projects0_url, first_sub_project, expect=405, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
def test_delete_item(self):
# first get some urls
urls = self.get_urls(self.collection(), auth=self.get_super_credentials())
urldata1 = self.get(urls[1], auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# check authentication -- admins of the org and superusers can delete objects only
self.delete(urls[0], expect=401, auth=None)
self.delete(urls[0], expect=401, auth=self.get_invalid_credentials())
self.delete(urls[8], expect=403, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.delete(urls[1], expect=204, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
self.delete(urls[0], expect=204, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
# check that when we have deleted an object it comes back 404 via GET
# but that it's still in the database as inactive
self.get(urls[1], expect=404, auth=self.get_normal_credentials())
org1 = Organization.objects.get(pk=urldata1['id'])
self.assertEquals(org1.active, False)
# also check that DELETE on the collection doesn't work
self.delete(self.collection(), expect=405, auth=self.get_super_credentials())
def test_delete_item_subobjects_projects(self):
# TODO: make sure this is covered in the POST test with a disassociate example
def test_delete_item_subobjects_users(self):
# TODO: make sure this is covered in the POST test with a disassociate example
def test_delete_item_subobjects_admins(self):
# TODO: make sure this is covered in the POST test with a disassociate example