#!/bin/bash # # functions used by dracut and other tools. # # Copyright 2005-2009 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # export LC_MESSAGES=C # is_func # Check whether $1 is a function. is_func() { [[ "$(type -t "$1")" == "function" ]] } # Generic substring function. If $2 is in $1, return 0. strstr() { [[ $1 == *"$2"* ]]; } # Generic glob matching function. If glob pattern $2 matches anywhere in $1, OK strglobin() { [[ $1 == *$2* ]]; } # Generic glob matching function. If glob pattern $2 matches all of $1, OK # shellcheck disable=SC2053 strglob() { [[ $1 == $2 ]]; } # returns OK if $1 contains literal string $2 at the beginning, and isn't empty str_starts() { [ "${1#"$2"*}" != "$1" ]; } # returns OK if $1 contains literal string $2 at the end, and isn't empty str_ends() { [ "${1%*"$2"}" != "$1" ]; } # find a binary. If we were not passed the full path directly, # search in the usual places to find the binary. find_binary() { local _delim local _path local l local p [[ -z ${1##/*} ]] || _delim="/" if [[ $1 == *.so* ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2154 for l in $libdirs; do _path="${l}${_delim}${1}" if { $DRACUT_LDD "${dracutsysrootdir}${_path}" &> /dev/null; }; then printf "%s\n" "${_path}" return 0 fi done _path="${_delim}${1}" if { $DRACUT_LDD "${dracutsysrootdir}${_path}" &> /dev/null; }; then printf "%s\n" "${_path}" return 0 fi fi if [[ $1 == */* ]]; then _path="${_delim}${1}" if [[ -L ${dracutsysrootdir}${_path} ]] || [[ -x ${dracutsysrootdir}${_path} ]]; then printf "%s\n" "${_path}" return 0 fi fi for p in $DRACUT_PATH; do _path="${p}${_delim}${1}" if [[ -L ${dracutsysrootdir}${_path} ]] || [[ -x ${dracutsysrootdir}${_path} ]]; then printf "%s\n" "${_path}" return 0 fi done [[ -n $dracutsysrootdir ]] && return 1 type -P "${1##*/}" } ldconfig_paths() { $DRACUT_LDCONFIG ${dracutsysrootdir:+-r ${dracutsysrootdir} -f /etc/ld.so.conf} -pN 2> /dev/null | grep -E -v '/(lib|lib64|usr/lib|usr/lib64)/[^/]*$' | sed -n 's,.* => \(.*\)/.*,\1,p' | sort | uniq } # Version comparision function. Assumes Linux style version scheme. # $1 = version a # $2 = comparision op (gt, ge, eq, le, lt, ne) # $3 = version b vercmp() { local _n1 read -r -a _n1 <<< "${1//./ }" local _op=$2 local _n2 read -r -a _n2 <<< "${3//./ }" local _i _res for ((_i = 0; ; _i++)); do if [[ ! ${_n1[_i]}${_n2[_i]} ]]; then _res=0 elif ((${_n1[_i]:-0} > ${_n2[_i]:-0})); then _res=1 elif ((${_n1[_i]:-0} < ${_n2[_i]:-0})); then _res=2 else continue fi break done case $_op in gt) ((_res == 1)) ;; ge) ((_res != 2)) ;; eq) ((_res == 0)) ;; le) ((_res != 1)) ;; lt) ((_res == 2)) ;; ne) ((_res != 0)) ;; esac } # Create all subdirectories for given path without creating the last element. # $1 = path mksubdirs() { # shellcheck disable=SC2174 [[ -e ${1%/*} ]] || mkdir -m 0755 -p -- "${1%/*}" } # Function prints global variables in format name=value line by line. # $@ = list of global variables' name print_vars() { local _var _value for _var in "$@"; do eval printf -v _value "%s" \""\$$_var"\" [[ ${_value} ]] && printf '%s="%s"\n' "$_var" "$_value" done } # normalize_path # Prints the normalized path, where it removes any duplicated # and trailing slashes. # Example: # $ normalize_path ///test/test// # /test/test normalize_path() { # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "$(shopt -p extglob)" RETURN shopt -q -s extglob local p=${1//+(\/)//} printf "%s\n" "${p%/}" } # convert_abs_rel # Prints the relative path, when creating a symlink to from . # Example: # $ convert_abs_rel /usr/bin/test /bin/test-2 # ../../bin/test-2 # $ ln -s $(convert_abs_rel /usr/bin/test /bin/test-2) /usr/bin/test convert_abs_rel() { local __current __absolute __abssize __cursize __newpath local -i __i __level set -- "$(normalize_path "$1")" "$(normalize_path "$2")" # corner case #1 - self looping link [[ $1 == "$2" ]] && { printf "%s\n" "${1##*/}" return } # corner case #2 - own dir link [[ ${1%/*} == "$2" ]] && { printf ".\n" return } IFS=/ read -r -a __current <<< "$1" IFS=/ read -r -a __absolute <<< "$2" __abssize=${#__absolute[@]} __cursize=${#__current[@]} while [[ ${__absolute[__level]} == "${__current[__level]}" ]]; do ((__level++)) if ((__level > __abssize || __level > __cursize)); then break fi done for ((__i = __level; __i < __cursize - 1; __i++)); do if ((__i > __level)); then __newpath=$__newpath"/" fi __newpath=$__newpath".." done for ((__i = __level; __i < __abssize; __i++)); do if [[ -n $__newpath ]]; then __newpath=$__newpath"/" fi __newpath=$__newpath${__absolute[__i]} done printf -- "%s\n" "$__newpath" } # get_fs_env # Get and the ID_FS_TYPE variable from udev for a device. # Example: # $ get_fs_env /dev/sda2 # ext4 get_fs_env() { [[ $1 ]] || return unset ID_FS_TYPE ID_FS_TYPE=$(blkid -u filesystem -o export -- "$1" \ | while read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do if [[ $line == "TYPE="* ]]; then printf "%s" "${line#TYPE=}" exit 0 fi done) if [[ $ID_FS_TYPE ]]; then printf "%s" "$ID_FS_TYPE" return 0 fi return 1 } # get_maj_min # Prints the major and minor of a device node. # Example: # $ get_maj_min /dev/sda2 # 8:2 get_maj_min() { local _majmin _majmin="$(stat -L -c '%t:%T' "$1" 2> /dev/null)" printf "%s" "$((0x${_majmin%:*})):$((0x${_majmin#*:}))" } # get_devpath_block # get the DEVPATH in /sys of a block device get_devpath_block() { local _majmin _i _majmin=$(get_maj_min "$1") for _i in /sys/block/*/dev /sys/block/*/*/dev; do [[ -e $_i ]] || continue if [[ $_majmin == "$(< "$_i")" ]]; then printf "%s" "${_i%/dev}" return 0 fi done return 1 } # get a persistent path from a device get_persistent_dev() { local i _tmp _dev _pol _dev=$(get_maj_min "$1") [ -z "$_dev" ] && return if [[ -n $persistent_policy ]]; then _pol="/dev/disk/${persistent_policy}/*" else _pol= fi for i in \ $_pol \ /dev/mapper/* \ /dev/disk/by-uuid/* \ /dev/disk/by-label/* \ /dev/disk/by-partuuid/* \ /dev/disk/by-partlabel/* \ /dev/disk/by-id/* \ /dev/disk/by-path/*; do [[ -e $i ]] || continue [[ $i == /dev/mapper/control ]] && continue [[ $i == /dev/mapper/mpath* ]] && continue _tmp=$(get_maj_min "$i") if [ "$_tmp" = "$_dev" ]; then printf -- "%s" "$i" return fi done printf -- "%s" "$1" } expand_persistent_dev() { local _dev=$1 case "$_dev" in LABEL=*) _dev="/dev/disk/by-label/${_dev#LABEL=}" ;; UUID=*) _dev="${_dev#UUID=}" _dev="${_dev,,}" _dev="/dev/disk/by-uuid/${_dev}" ;; PARTUUID=*) _dev="${_dev#PARTUUID=}" _dev="${_dev,,}" _dev="/dev/disk/by-partuuid/${_dev}" ;; PARTLABEL=*) _dev="/dev/disk/by-partlabel/${_dev#PARTLABEL=}" ;; esac printf "%s" "$_dev" } shorten_persistent_dev() { local _dev="$1" case "$_dev" in /dev/disk/by-uuid/*) printf "%s" "UUID=${_dev##*/}" ;; /dev/disk/by-label/*) printf "%s" "LABEL=${_dev##*/}" ;; /dev/disk/by-partuuid/*) printf "%s" "PARTUUID=${_dev##*/}" ;; /dev/disk/by-partlabel/*) printf "%s" "PARTLABEL=${_dev##*/}" ;; *) printf "%s" "$_dev" ;; esac } # find_block_device # Prints the major and minor number of the block device # for a given mountpoint. # Unless $use_fstab is set to "yes" the functions # uses /proc/self/mountinfo as the primary source of the # information and only falls back to /etc/fstab, if the mountpoint # is not found there. # Example: # $ find_block_device /usr # 8:4 find_block_device() { local _dev _majmin _find_mpt _find_mpt="$1" if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then [[ -d $_find_mpt/. ]] findmnt -e -v -n -o 'MAJ:MIN,SOURCE' --target "$_find_mpt" | { while read -r _majmin _dev || [ -n "$_dev" ]; do if [[ -b $_dev ]]; then if ! [[ $_majmin ]] || [[ $_majmin == 0:* ]]; then _majmin=$(get_maj_min "$_dev") fi if [[ $_majmin ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$_majmin" else printf "%s\n" "$_dev" fi return 0 fi if [[ $_dev == *:* ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$_dev" return 0 fi done return 1 } && return 0 fi # fall back to /etc/fstab findmnt -e --fstab -v -n -o 'MAJ:MIN,SOURCE' --target "$_find_mpt" | { while read -r _majmin _dev || [ -n "$_dev" ]; do if ! [[ $_dev ]]; then _dev="$_majmin" unset _majmin fi if [[ -b $_dev ]]; then [[ $_majmin ]] || _majmin=$(get_maj_min "$_dev") if [[ $_majmin ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$_majmin" else printf "%s\n" "$_dev" fi return 0 fi if [[ $_dev == *:* ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$_dev" return 0 fi done return 1 } && return 0 return 1 } # find_mp_fstype # Echo the filesystem type for a given mountpoint. # /proc/self/mountinfo is taken as the primary source of information # and /etc/fstab is used as a fallback. # No newline is appended! # Example: # $ find_mp_fstype /;echo # ext4 find_mp_fstype() { local _fs if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then findmnt -e -v -n -o 'FSTYPE' --target "$1" | { while read -r _fs || [ -n "$_fs" ]; do [[ $_fs ]] || continue [[ $_fs == "autofs" ]] && continue printf "%s" "$_fs" return 0 done return 1 } && return 0 fi findmnt --fstab -e -v -n -o 'FSTYPE' --target "$1" | { while read -r _fs || [ -n "$_fs" ]; do [[ $_fs ]] || continue [[ $_fs == "autofs" ]] && continue printf "%s" "$_fs" return 0 done return 1 } && return 0 return 1 } # find_dev_fstype # Echo the filesystem type for a given device. # /proc/self/mountinfo is taken as the primary source of information # and /etc/fstab is used as a fallback. # No newline is appended! # Example: # $ find_dev_fstype /dev/sda2;echo # ext4 find_dev_fstype() { local _find_dev _fs _find_dev="$1" if ! [[ $_find_dev == /dev* ]]; then [[ -b "/dev/block/$_find_dev" ]] && _find_dev="/dev/block/$_find_dev" fi if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then findmnt -e -v -n -o 'FSTYPE' --source "$_find_dev" | { while read -r _fs || [ -n "$_fs" ]; do [[ $_fs ]] || continue [[ $_fs == "autofs" ]] && continue printf "%s" "$_fs" return 0 done return 1 } && return 0 fi findmnt --fstab -e -v -n -o 'FSTYPE' --source "$_find_dev" | { while read -r _fs || [ -n "$_fs" ]; do [[ $_fs ]] || continue [[ $_fs == "autofs" ]] && continue printf "%s" "$_fs" return 0 done return 1 } && return 0 return 1 } # find_mp_fsopts # Echo the filesystem options for a given mountpoint. # /proc/self/mountinfo is taken as the primary source of information # and /etc/fstab is used as a fallback. # No newline is appended! # Example: # $ find_mp_fsopts /;echo # rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered find_mp_fsopts() { if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then findmnt -e -v -n -o 'OPTIONS' --target "$1" 2> /dev/null && return 0 fi findmnt --fstab -e -v -n -o 'OPTIONS' --target "$1" } # find_dev_fsopts # Echo the filesystem options for a given device. # /proc/self/mountinfo is taken as the primary source of information # and /etc/fstab is used as a fallback. # if `use_fstab == yes`, then only `/etc/fstab` is used. # # Example: # $ find_dev_fsopts /dev/sda2 # rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered find_dev_fsopts() { local _find_dev _find_dev="$1" if ! [[ $_find_dev == /dev* ]]; then [[ -b "/dev/block/$_find_dev" ]] && _find_dev="/dev/block/$_find_dev" fi if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then findmnt -e -v -n -o 'OPTIONS' --source "$_find_dev" 2> /dev/null && return 0 fi findmnt --fstab -e -v -n -o 'OPTIONS' --source "$_find_dev" } # finds the major:minor of the block device backing the root filesystem. find_root_block_device() { find_block_device /; } # for_each_host_dev_fs # Execute " " for every " " pair found # in ${host_fs_types[@]} for_each_host_dev_fs() { local _func="$1" local _dev local _ret=1 [[ "${#host_fs_types[@]}" ]] || return 2 for _dev in "${!host_fs_types[@]}"; do $_func "$_dev" "${host_fs_types[$_dev]}" && _ret=0 done return $_ret } host_fs_all() { printf "%s\n" "${host_fs_types[@]}" } # Walk all the slave relationships for a given block device. # Stop when our helper function returns success # $1 = function to call on every found block device # $2 = block device in major:minor format check_block_and_slaves() { local _x [[ -b /dev/block/$2 ]] || return 1 # Not a block device? So sorry. if ! lvm_internal_dev "$2"; then "$1" "$2" && return; fi check_vol_slaves "$@" && return 0 if [[ -f /sys/dev/block/$2/../dev ]] && [[ /sys/dev/block/$2/../subsystem -ef /sys/class/block ]]; then check_block_and_slaves "$1" "$(< "/sys/dev/block/$2/../dev")" && return 0 fi for _x in /sys/dev/block/"$2"/slaves/*; do [[ -f $_x/dev ]] || continue [[ $_x/subsystem -ef /sys/class/block ]] || continue check_block_and_slaves "$1" "$(< "$_x/dev")" && return 0 done return 1 } check_block_and_slaves_all() { local _x _ret=1 [[ -b /dev/block/$2 ]] || return 1 # Not a block device? So sorry. if ! lvm_internal_dev "$2" && "$1" "$2"; then _ret=0 fi check_vol_slaves_all "$@" && return 0 if [[ -f /sys/dev/block/$2/../dev ]] && [[ /sys/dev/block/$2/../subsystem -ef /sys/class/block ]]; then check_block_and_slaves_all "$1" "$(< "/sys/dev/block/$2/../dev")" && _ret=0 fi for _x in /sys/dev/block/"$2"/slaves/*; do [[ -f $_x/dev ]] || continue [[ $_x/subsystem -ef /sys/class/block ]] || continue check_block_and_slaves_all "$1" "$(< "$_x/dev")" && _ret=0 done return $_ret } # for_each_host_dev_and_slaves # Execute " " for every "" found # in ${host_devs[@]} and their slaves for_each_host_dev_and_slaves_all() { local _func="$1" local _dev local _ret=1 [[ "${host_devs[*]}" ]] || return 2 for _dev in "${host_devs[@]}"; do [[ -b $_dev ]] || continue if check_block_and_slaves_all "$_func" "$(get_maj_min "$_dev")"; then _ret=0 fi done return $_ret } for_each_host_dev_and_slaves() { local _func="$1" local _dev [[ "${host_devs[*]}" ]] || return 2 for _dev in "${host_devs[@]}"; do [[ -b $_dev ]] || continue check_block_and_slaves "$_func" "$(get_maj_min "$_dev")" && return 0 done return 1 } # ugly workaround for the lvm design # There is no volume group device, # so, there are no slave devices for volume groups. # Logical volumes only have the slave devices they really live on, # but you cannot create the logical volume without the volume group. # And the volume group might be bigger than the devices the LV needs. check_vol_slaves() { local _vg _pv _dm _majmin _majmin="$2" _dm=/sys/dev/block/$_majmin/dm [[ -f $_dm/uuid && $(< "$_dm"/uuid) =~ LVM-* ]] || return 1 _vg=$(dmsetup splitname --noheadings -o vg_name "$(< "$_dm/name")") # strip space _vg="${_vg//[[:space:]]/}" if [[ $_vg ]]; then for _pv in $(lvm vgs --noheadings -o pv_name "$_vg" 2> /dev/null); do check_block_and_slaves "$1" "$(get_maj_min "$_pv")" && return 0 done fi return 1 } check_vol_slaves_all() { local _vg _pv _majmin _majmin="$2" _dm="/sys/dev/block/$_majmin/dm" [[ -f $_dm/uuid && $(< "$_dm"/uuid) =~ LVM-* ]] || return 1 _vg=$(dmsetup splitname --noheadings -o vg_name "$(< "$_dm/name")") # strip space _vg="${_vg//[[:space:]]/}" if [[ $_vg ]]; then # when filter/global_filter is set, lvm may be failed if ! lvm lvs --noheadings -o vg_name "$_vg" 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null; then return 1 fi for _pv in $(lvm vgs --noheadings -o pv_name "$_vg" 2> /dev/null); do check_block_and_slaves_all "$1" "$(get_maj_min "$_pv")" done return 0 fi return 1 } # fs_get_option # search for a specific option in a bunch of filesystem options # and return the value fs_get_option() { local _fsopts=$1 local _option=$2 local OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS=, # shellcheck disable=SC2086 set -- $_fsopts IFS="$OLDIFS" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in $_option=*) echo "${1#${_option}=}" break ;; esac shift done } check_kernel_config() { local _config_opt="$1" local _config_file [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/boot/config-$kernel ]] \ && _config_file="/boot/config-$kernel" [[ -f $dracutsysrootdir/lib/modules/$kernel/config ]] \ && _config_file="/lib/modules/$kernel/config" # no kernel config file, so return true [[ $_config_file ]] || return 0 grep -q -F "${_config_opt}=" "$dracutsysrootdir$_config_file" && return 0 return 1 } # 0 if the kernel module is either built-in or available # 1 if the kernel module is not enabled check_kernel_module() { modprobe -S "$kernel" --dry-run "$1" &> /dev/null || return 1 } # get_cpu_vendor # Only two values are returned: AMD or Intel get_cpu_vendor() { if grep -qE AMD /proc/cpuinfo; then printf "AMD" fi if grep -qE Intel /proc/cpuinfo; then printf "Intel" fi } # get_host_ucode # Get the hosts' ucode file based on the /proc/cpuinfo get_ucode_file() { local family local model local stepping family=$(grep -E "cpu family" /proc/cpuinfo | head -1 | sed s/.*:\ //) model=$(grep -E "model" /proc/cpuinfo | grep -v name | head -1 | sed s/.*:\ //) stepping=$(grep -E "stepping" /proc/cpuinfo | head -1 | sed s/.*:\ //) if [[ "$(get_cpu_vendor)" == "AMD" ]]; then if [[ $family -ge 21 ]]; then printf "microcode_amd_fam%xh.bin" "$family" else printf "microcode_amd.bin" fi fi if [[ "$(get_cpu_vendor)" == "Intel" ]]; then # The /proc/cpuinfo are in decimal. printf "%02x-%02x-%02x" "${family}" "${model}" "${stepping}" fi } # Not every device in /dev/mapper should be examined. # If it is an LVM device, touch only devices which have /dev/VG/LV symlink. lvm_internal_dev() { local dev_dm_dir=/sys/dev/block/$1/dm [[ ! -f $dev_dm_dir/uuid || $(< "$dev_dm_dir"/uuid) != LVM-* ]] && return 1 # Not an LVM device local DM_VG_NAME DM_LV_NAME DM_LV_LAYER eval "$(dmsetup splitname --nameprefixes --noheadings --rows "$(< "$dev_dm_dir"/name)" 2> /dev/null)" [[ ${DM_VG_NAME} ]] && [[ ${DM_LV_NAME} ]] || return 0 # Better skip this! [[ ${DM_LV_LAYER} ]] || [[ ! -L /dev/${DM_VG_NAME}/${DM_LV_NAME} ]] } btrfs_devs() { local _mp="$1" btrfs device usage "$_mp" \ | while read -r _dev _; do str_starts "$_dev" "/" || continue _dev=${_dev%,} printf -- "%s\n" "$_dev" done } iface_for_remote_addr() { # shellcheck disable=SC2046 set -- $(ip -o route get to "$1") echo "$3" } local_addr_for_remote_addr() { # shellcheck disable=SC2046 set -- $(ip -o route get to "$1") echo "$5" } peer_for_addr() { local addr=$1 local qtd # quote periods in IPv4 address qtd=${addr//./\\.} ip -o addr show \ | sed -n 's%^.* '"$qtd"' peer \([0-9a-f.:]\{1,\}\(/[0-9]*\)\?\).*$%\1%p' } netmask_for_addr() { local addr=$1 local qtd # quote periods in IPv4 address qtd=${addr//./\\.} ip -o addr show | sed -n 's,^.* '"$qtd"'/\([0-9]*\) .*$,\1,p' } gateway_for_iface() { local ifname=$1 addr=$2 case $addr in *.*) proto=4 ;; *:*) proto=6 ;; *) return ;; esac ip -o -$proto route show \ | sed -n "s/^default via \([0-9a-z.:]\{1,\}\) dev $ifname .*\$/\1/p" } # This works only for ifcfg-style network configuration! bootproto_for_iface() { local ifname=$1 local dir # follow ifcfg settings for boot protocol for dir in network-scripts network; do [ -f "/etc/sysconfig/$dir/ifcfg-$ifname" ] && { sed -n "s/BOOTPROTO=[\"']\?\([[:alnum:]]\{1,\}\)[\"']\?.*\$/\1/p" \ "/etc/sysconfig/$dir/ifcfg-$ifname" return } done } is_unbracketed_ipv6_address() { strglob "$1" '*:*' && ! strglob "$1" '\[*:*\]' } # Create an ip= string to set up networking such that the given # remote address can be reached ip_params_for_remote_addr() { local remote_addr=$1 local ifname local_addr peer netmask gateway ifmac [[ $remote_addr ]] || return 1 ifname=$(iface_for_remote_addr "$remote_addr") [[ $ifname ]] || { berror "failed to determine interface to connect to $remote_addr" return 1 } # ifname clause to bind the interface name to a MAC address if [ -d "/sys/class/net/$ifname/bonding" ]; then dinfo "Found bonded interface '${ifname}'. Make sure to provide an appropriate 'bond=' cmdline." elif [ -e "/sys/class/net/$ifname/address" ]; then ifmac=$(cat "/sys/class/net/$ifname/address") [[ $ifmac ]] && printf 'ifname=%s:%s ' "${ifname}" "${ifmac}" fi bootproto=$(bootproto_for_iface "$ifname") case $bootproto in dhcp | dhcp6 | auto6) ;; dhcp4) bootproto=dhcp ;; static* | "") bootproto= ;; *) derror "bootproto \"$bootproto\" is unsupported by dracut, trying static configuration" bootproto= ;; esac if [[ $bootproto ]]; then printf 'ip=%s:%s ' "${ifname}" "${bootproto}" else local_addr=$(local_addr_for_remote_addr "$remote_addr") [[ $local_addr ]] || { berror "failed to determine local address to connect to $remote_addr" return 1 } peer=$(peer_for_addr "$local_addr") # Set peer or netmask, but not both [[ $peer ]] || netmask=$(netmask_for_addr "$local_addr") gateway=$(gateway_for_iface "$ifname" "$local_addr") # Quote IPv6 addresses with brackets is_unbracketed_ipv6_address "$local_addr" && local_addr="[$local_addr]" is_unbracketed_ipv6_address "$peer" && peer="[$peer]" is_unbracketed_ipv6_address "$gateway" && gateway="[$gateway]" printf 'ip=%s:%s:%s:%s::%s:none ' \ "${local_addr}" "${peer}" "${gateway}" "${netmask}" "${ifname}" fi } # block_is_nbd # Check whether $1 is an nbd device block_is_nbd() { [[ -b /dev/block/$1 && $1 == 43:* ]] } # block_is_iscsi # Check whether $1 is an nbd device block_is_iscsi() { local _dir local _dev=$1 [[ -L "/sys/dev/block/$_dev" ]] || return _dir="$(readlink -f "/sys/dev/block/$_dev")" || return until [[ -d "$_dir/sys" || -d "$_dir/iscsi_session" ]]; do _dir="$_dir/.." done [[ -d "$_dir/iscsi_session" ]] } # block_is_fcoe # Check whether $1 is an FCoE device # Will not work for HBAs that hide the ethernet aspect # completely and present a pure FC device block_is_fcoe() { local _dir local _dev=$1 [[ -L "/sys/dev/block/$_dev" ]] || return _dir="$(readlink -f "/sys/dev/block/$_dev")" until [[ -d "$_dir/sys" ]]; do _dir="$_dir/.." if [[ -d "$_dir/subsystem" ]]; then subsystem=$(basename "$(readlink "$_dir"/subsystem)") [[ $subsystem == "fcoe" ]] && return 0 fi done return 1 } # block_is_netdevice # Check whether $1 is a net device block_is_netdevice() { block_is_nbd "$1" || block_is_iscsi "$1" || block_is_fcoe "$1" } # get the corresponding kernel modules of a /sys/class/*/* or/dev/* device get_dev_module() { udevadm info -a "$1" | sed -n 's/\s*DRIVERS=="\(\S\+\)"/\1/p' }